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Did your dad ever talk to you about the “ birds and the bees”🐝 ?


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I was getting ready to go to college one summer when my dad sticks his head into my room and says, "Hey, you don't need to know anything, do you? OK. Great."

He was so embarrassed about having to bring up the topic, but seemingly duty bound to "check off that box." At the time I just rolled my eyes. But looking back it was incredibly funny in its awkwardness. 

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My dad grew up in a fatherless home so didn’t have the experience of that talk with a father which I think should occur. So when it came to that time for his three sons, me being the youngest, to have that talk it just didn’t happen. 

He solved the issue by leaving a book on sexual reproduction lying around the house where I would find it. But around the same time we had a class on the subject at the boys school I attended so that answered my questions. 
In a sense dad outsourced the work. 

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We talked after dinner on the day I saw “the films” in grade 6 (‘68) It was a lot to absorb, and Dad answered my questions - none of which I remember. 
One of the 2 films was “Boys Beware” about the evil homosexuals… the other was all the biology of reproduction. The biology of gay sex was ignored. 

I was 20 for 1st intercourse w/girlfriend. 24 (and relocated across the country) for my first gay experience.
Now, age 12 is too late to learn, and kids hear everything from friends by 8 and are fucking by 13, education all based on porn. I’d hate to have been a parent fighting that uphill battle. 

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I grew up on a small farm and my dad taught me about the cows.  I knew about the bulls coming in for a month or so and later the AI (artificial insemination) technician.  From a fairly young age I helped my dad when it was time to castrate the male calves and make them steers.  I had a pretty good understanding of the mechanics.  There were also books in the house about human development which I "found" (in retrospect I was probably supposed to find them).   But never had the "talk". 

There was a movie at school in about 6th grade for the boys only, but I can't remember what was in it.  I do remember we were told we weren't allowed to laugh or giggle.  In about 7th grade there was a slide show and the teacher talking about an erect penis going into a vagina (again boys only). 

Edited by Act25
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Years ago, if an adolescent wanted information about sex, the only place to go was a library, and then it would depend on what they had in their collection and what he was allowed to access. Nowadays all he really needs to know is how to google.

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8 hours ago, Charlie said:

Years ago, if an adolescent wanted information about sex, the only place to go was a library, and then it would depend on what they had in their collection and what he was allowed to access. Nowadays all he really needs to know is how to google.

... But now it depends on what the AI on his Google account thinks he wants to learn about sex.  So it's still not perfect.

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Wow - brings back memories.

When I was about 9-10 and my brother a year older, my dad had about 6-7 of us guys together one day and the others' fathers at the same time and we all had "the talk."  My dad was a doctor, the other dads were also professionals of all sorts and it was hysterical for all involved - think of it: 4-5 adult dads trying to get it right for 6 or 7   10-11 year olds.  That meeting is still remembered over 60 years later with all involved.  My brother's best friends (still) were in that group and are all present and accounted for.  Mine not much, for various reasons, sad to say.

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Not a word from my parents. 

Although I do remember them letting a PBS special on the topic run on the TV when I was around 8-10 years old. The whole time I was laying on the couch thinking "I can’t believe they’re letting me watch this. They must not be paying attention". LOL. The whole thing freaked me out. I was honestly clueless. I remember reporting my new found "knowledge" to an equally disbelieving pack of male friends on the playground the next day. 

“You put your penis inside their vagina? NO FREAKIN’ WAY! Ewwwwww!"

Something’s never change. Grin. 

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My Pop (RIP) opened my bedroom door and threw a book onto my bed. What book you ask? I wish I could remember, but it was never read. It must have been very hard for him, but I will give him this: He pretty much pulled me out of the closet at 18 when he point blank asked me if I was "like my brother" (his gay 39 yr. old brother)

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Learned it from a friend 'Anthony', and Italian kid who lived across the street from me who was two years older. It was then (around 12-13 years old) I realized I was attracted to him - when he pulled out his hard dick to show me his pubic hair. He asked me if I wanted to touch it and I did - quickly. I loved it. Nothing ever happened between the two of us, though. As we went through our teens he became cuter and cuter (with long hair) and his body developed into something sexy and muscled by the age of 18, and grew into his sexy 'bad boy' image. All the girls were in love with him, and he asked me if I was gay (I said no - I was scared). I always secretly thought he was.  We parted ways when he went to a different high school.


We reconnected at a funeral 10 years ago, and try to meet for dinner a couple of times a year (he has  aged well for someone in his early 60s who's a jogger and a vegan). When we first went out to dinner 10 years ago, we were reminiscing about how we became friends. I reminded him he taught me about sex - he was very embarrassed, and apologized for being a 'tough guy jerk' back then. He doesn't ask about my 'love life' - he knows I'm not married, and he must know I'm gay.  He's married with two adult kids, but keeps his own 'private apartment' close to where I live in the city, to be close to his work (he's very successful - has a beautiful home about an hour away). What's funny is that every time we end our 'dinner date' (it's always just the two of us) he asks if I want to 'go back' to his apartment with him, as he's staying the night. His invitation is offered in a way where it can innocently  mean 'we can go back and finish our conversation over a glass of wine' or a more seductively  'we can go back and do what we didn't do when we were growing up'.  I prefer the latter (I can kick it off by sitting next to him on the couch, and saying 'So teach me again about sex' )!  However, I always deny his offer - tell him I have to get home for one reason or another. I always end with 'maybe next time we're together'...

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7 hours ago, Ali Gator said:



Learned it from a friend 'Anthony', and Italian kid who lived across the street from me who was two years older. It was then (around 12-13 years old) I realized I was attracted to him - when he pulled out his hard dick to show me his pubic hair. He asked me if I wanted to touch it and I did - quickly. I loved it. Nothing ever happened between the two of us, though. As we went through our teens he became cuter and cuter (with long hair) and his body developed into something sexy and muscled by the age of 18, and grew into his sexy 'bad boy' image. All the girls were in love with him, and he asked me if I was gay (I said no - I was scared). I always secretly thought he was.  We parted ways when he went to a different high school.


We reconnected at a funeral 10 years ago, and try to meet for dinner a couple of times a year (he has  aged well for someone in his early 60s who's a jogger and a vegan). When we first went out to dinner 10 years ago, we were reminiscing about how we became friends. I reminded him he taught me about sex - he was very embarrassed, and apologized for being a 'tough guy jerk' back then. He doesn't ask about my 'love life' - he knows I'm not married, and he must know I'm gay.  He's married with two adult kids, but keeps his own 'private apartment' close to where I live in the city, to be close to his work (he's very successful - has a beautiful home about an hour away). What's funny is that every time we end our 'dinner date' (it's always just the two of us) he asks if I want to 'go back' to his apartment with him, as he's staying the night. His invitation is offered in a way where it can innocently  mean 'we can go back and finish our conversation over a glass of wine' or a more seductively  'we can go back and do what we didn't do when we were growing up'.  I prefer the latter (I can kick it off by sitting next to him on the couch, and saying 'So teach me again about sex' )!  However, I always deny his offer - tell him I have to get home for one reason or another. I always end with 'maybe next time we're together'...

It's time to act on the invitation now.  Don't wait another 50 years for him to ask you to touch his penis again.

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5 hours ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

It's time to act on the invitation now.  Don't wait another 50 years for him to ask you to touch his penis again.

I don't know - I think what keeps the attraction going this far is the 'mystery' between the two of us. 

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2 hours ago, Ali Gator said:

I don't know - I think what keeps the attraction going this far is the 'mystery' between the two of us. 

Your story reminded me of one I've told here before. My best friend in high school was a paperboy, and when he was 12, he went to collect his payment from a customer; she wasn't home, but her 18 year old son was, and he asked my friend if he wanted to try sucking cock. He then pulled out one of the biggest cocks I have ever seen (that's another later story), and my friend took on the challenge. They ended up playing whenever Mom wasn't home for the next several years. Even after the guy married in his mid-20s, he and my friend continued to play whenever the wife was away, and I joined them a couple of times, by then, the guy had become more sexually versatile. I have often wondered what eventually happened to him after my friend and I were grown up and left town.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently, Charlotte's never did...

Who’s your daddy?

Researchers in North Carolina say something’s fishy about the pregnancy of a stingray at the Aquarium and Shark Lab by Team ECCO in Hendersonville.

The stingray, named Charlotte, is preggers, but the aquarium and outreach center doesn’t have any male stingrays, WRAL in Raleigh reported.

Despondent staffers thought the swelling they started to see in September might be cancer before exams revealed the surprising cause, the dispatch said.

There are two ways Charlotte might have gotten knocked up, but puzzled researchers won’t know which way until the pups are born.

One is a very rare process called parthenogenesis, in which the eggs develop on their own without fertilization and create a clone of the mother.

The other possibility?

Charlotte could have been makin’ whoopee with one of the young studly sharks that was added to the tank in mid-July. SLUT!!!

“In mid-July 2023, we moved two 1-year-old white spot bamboo males [sharks] into that tank. There was nothing we could find definitively about their maturation rate, so we did not think there would be an issue,” Brenda Ramer, the aquarium’s founder and executive director said, adding, “We started to notice bite marks on Charlotte, but saw other fish nipping at her, so we moved fish, but the biting continued.”

Ramer said bite marks are an indicator of mating for sharks — and the frisky stingray had several bites on her fin edges. SLUT!!!

The expectant mom is carrying up to four pups and could deliver at any time.

DNA testing will likely be conducted on the pups after birth to solve the miraculous mystery.

Until then, it’s Hush… Hush, Sweet Charlotte.

The typical gestation period in a stingray is three-to-four months, the aquarium said.

Edited by samhexum
because he's bored as hell
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Learned it from a friend 'Anthony', and Italian kid who lived across the street from me who was two years older. It was then (around 12-13 years old) I realized I was attracted to him - when he pulled out his hard dick to show me his pubic hair

I wished I had a friend like Anthony back in those days when I was a virgin.

I didn’t get the talk from either my father or my mother they were divorced by the time I hit puberty, which was around 11. I still saw my dad for his visitations but we never had “the talk.” There’s only 2 incidents that I can remember where he even came close to mentioning sex or sex related. The first time, I must’ve been 12 or 13 (this was in the 80s and shorts and swimming trunks were really short for men and boys — I miss those days) and I was swimming at his apartments pool. And because of the constant boners I would pop all day long, randomly, I got used to pointed my dick upward because in jeans and underwear you can hide that boner pretty good since it’s being held flat down and not tenting. I didn’t know you couldn’t do the same in wet, flimsy short-short Ocean Pacific or Lightening Bolts trunks. So he pulled me aside and told me to rearrange myself so that I’m pointing downward and that way my crotch wouldn’t bulge out obscenely. I’m not even well hung! 

The second time was when I was trying to convince my mom to order me this illustrated book on Sex or Sexual positions, and she went off and called my dad and told him he needs to come over right now and talk to me because I’m asking all kinds of questions about “erections” and that I went her to buy me this dirty book. So he came down immediately.

I’m thinking finally, I can get some answers or he’ll be too embarrassed to talk about sex and he’ll buy me the book to shut me up. English is a second language to both of my parents, he being born and raised in Vienna Austria and she came from Fukushima, Japan. My dad practically lost his accent except when saying  words with a “W” he would slip and make a “Vee” sound, which is how “W” is pronounced in a German. My mom still had an accent though it wasn’t bad, but for Japanese speakers who learn English they cannot pronounce the “L” or “R” correctly because no Japanese word has that sound. So what comes out of their mouths is a hybrid “L” and “R” and when my mom called and told my dad I was asking about “erections,” he thought she was saying “elections,” so he came down thinking he was going to educate me about civics and how democracy works.

And when he saw the book I wanted, he hit the roof and said he wasn’t going to buy me that filth and I shouldn’t be looking at it in the first place — at least not until I became an adult! Needless to say, I got 0 from my parents about Sex Ed. Our high school wasn’t much better even though we had to have our parents sign this paper saying they give permission for their kid to take part in the sex Ed curriculum that was supposed to start. That was bullshit, too. We got two sheets of paper with medical and scientific words and definitions about sexual organs, clinical explanation of intercourse, and that took all of one class period to go over and we never came back to it.

So I had to learn the hard way like most gay guys who came in generations before me: and that involved public toilets at the Hollywood  Park racetrack and glory holes.

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My father became a born again Christian weirdo when I was 9. Every single thing that he'd say or do was around his interpretation of the bible. So, in his mind, he was a loving, responsible father providing the best advice one can give to a son. In reality he was talking to me about the threat of getting killed by "God" over adultery, fornication, prostitution, sodomy, incest, rape, homosexuality and sex before marrying a woman (highly preferred to be a virgin). He also despised second marriages and never accepted anyone's second wife as a legitimate one.

As a religiously addicted/brainwashed weirdo, he was unable to talk without having his bible in his hand, as some kind of security blanket for everything, well, almost everything. Seems like he never thought of us, his children, as people with cognition and minds on our own, enough to discern the hypocrisy. In social settings, when he was angry, or in the midst of how work, you could see his real self, cursing, being violent, making dirty jokes, and expressing thrill when talking about certain sex topics.

I was years ahead in school, and back in the day they had some kind of sex education, and I remember someone coming to my classroom when I was in fourth grade (although age-wise I was supposed to be in second grade, and that makes a world of difference at that stage of development) to give us a speech about sex. They showed a 8 mm film with information about sex, which I couldn't grasp or understand at all (interestingly, the only thing that I remember today about that film was seeing an erected penis). I had no clue what the whole thing was about. Later in middle school, there was another visitor who came to talk about sex, but that one was focused on STDs, showing slides with graphic pictures of infected penises and vaginas with gonorrhea. I remember that I fainted when they showed eyes infected with it, had to leave the room. I also remember being all by myself, not a single soul asked me if I was ok.

Then, in the rather fucked up public education system where I grew up, I had quite a few inappropriate teachers integrating things that are not exactly appropriate for children into class. One of them was a literature teacher who had us read a prison rape scene. Another was a biology teacher making comments about how great is to fuck a pregnant woman because "she's already open". Another history teacher was telling stories about the sexual practices of the elite in ancient Rome that involved using slaves in any way they wanted, and buying children for sexual pleasure.

That's the "birds and bees" I got as a child.

Pretty, right?

Edited by soloyo215
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