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Everything posted by Luv2play

  1. Pain is nature’s way of telling you that an injury is occurring in these circumstances when a foreign object is being inserted in your anus. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. The tissue around your rectum and inside is tender and needs to be treated with respect and prudence. Treat it well and it will treat you to some wonderful sensations.
  2. I believe from my recollection of the testimony he gave, that person from the 90s said “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” This was interpreted at the time as meaning sex but a quick referral to the dictionary would have shown sexual relations meant genital to genital contact.
  3. I’ve always had great times in 3 ways with 2 providers I have selected. I always make sure the two agree in advance and give them the RM profiles of each other. so they can decide. If one has a higher rate I pay the two the higher rate but place the money in separate envelopes so one thinks he is getting a tip. lol I otherwise never tip but then usually hire for multiple hours so they are making good coin for an evenings work.
  4. I would ditch the chocolates. I never eat other than at my 3 mealtimes per day. Eating anything just before bedtime would turn me off. Bottled water though would be fine, or a glass to drink tap water from.
  5. I seem to remember Lou on CNN during the First Gulf War in the 90s when I was working in Switzerland and CNN was new in Europe. He had a good program and talked about business matters. It sort of brought business into the realm of entertainment in Europe, which was something new.
  6. You’re the one that brought up his previous life before he started escorting. I just stated the obvious, namely that he was very young when he got involved.
  7. Will they be able to keep the lights on in Houston by the summer of 2028?
  8. I have a set but unfortunately they are in a box like the ones you showed.
  9. He states his age on RM as 22 and became a member in 2020. So barely 18 when he started advertising as an escort. Did you know him when he was just a teenager?
  10. No dignity in that.
  11. This has happened to famous straight couples that I can think of; for instance Paul Newman was married to a woman for several years and then divorced her for Joanne Woodward. The former was largely expunged from Paul’s later successful career and life. Nobody talked about or wrote about her. She never tried to hog the limelight as I recall. Your friend shouldn’t either. Just move on with his life. It’s much more dignified.
  12. Throuples are inherently unstable imo and tend to fall apart because of jealousy or feeling neglected at some point. When the music stops he will probably have to come back as someone has to pay the bills. You will then have to decide whether to pick up with him again. At least it makes life interesting.
  13. The first gay sauna I ever went to was in Munich in the 1970’s but much smaller than this one. It had the same types of amenities but on a much smaller scale. And of course no condoms and no safe sex as it was a decade before AIDs.
  14. I was surprised he made that mistake. Europeans usually know several languages and French terms are generally understood by the more educated.
  15. Pretty shallow analysis of the question.
  16. I think this is a fairly accurate portrayal of the demographics of forum members who are clients, the vast majority of the active participants. While we are mostly anonymous in our identities here(apart from those who participate in the annual events of get togethers) we give enough of our personas in the way we react to various topics to indicate our level of education, disposable income, and other indices of socio economic status. This is especially true of those who participate in the fora such as the Lounge and the others devoted to specific interests like travel, culture, health etc. A cross section of American(and Canadian) society would be quite different from that included here.
  17. Did you mean to say 11pm or 12am? Otherwise your statement makes no sense.
  18. It’s rich pubic advocating for public.
  19. He went out in a classy way. Heard of him but never saw him on TV.
  20. Sounds great. Don’t know why I have never looked him up before. Do report back even if it’s after you’ve had reconstructive surgery on your rear end. 😂
  21. You haven’t slept with the right providers who make an overnight 12 to 14 hours.
  22. I’ve done those but not called them overnights. They were entire evening sessions. Lots of fun but then everyone gets to sleep in their own bed.
  23. Actually only in Quebec, Nfld and BC. In Ontario, the largest province by population, most electricity is produced by nuclear plants.
  24. I don’t know what universe you live in but in mine not everybody wants to be a Uber driver. In my limited experience of using Uber in the last two years, the drivers are mostly recent immigrants to Canada. Some may have qualifications that would normally enable them to work in more skilled and demanding positions but there are obstacles to getting such jobs.
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