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    Njguy2 reacted to Jamie21 in Giving Christmas gift to providers   
    He’s a pro 😉. I’ve used that line once or twice….
  2. Like
    Njguy2 reacted to BuffaloKyle in Hiring last minute because you were cancelled on - & not telling why.   
    All I would say when you reach out to a provider last minute is "Sorry for the short notice but do you have availability this evening." Nothing more really needed.
  3. Like
    Njguy2 reacted to + JamesB in Hiring last minute because you were cancelled on - & not telling why.   
    I don’t understand why you feel the need to explain what happened with another provider. Best case scenario you are telling the new provider that they are a second choice which IMHO is never a good way to start a hire.
    Like anyone else I have several choices listed when I hire. If for some reason my first choice ends up canceling, I start contacting the next one on the list to see if they are available. No need for explanations. 
  4. Like
    Njguy2 reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Hiring last minute because you were cancelled on - & not telling why.   
    The 'why' in this case doesn't matter and will start things off badly.  
    Positive clients get repeat visits.  Negative clients are one and done.
  5. Like
    Njguy2 reacted to Simon Suraci in Hiring last minute because you were cancelled on - & not telling why.   
    I’d rather not know, tbh. I wouldn’t mention it.
    At best, it’s neutral (for me it would be). At worst, you start off giving a negative impression to the provider.
    A hire is a hire. Your money is as good as anyone else’s. Whether I’m someone’s first choice or their 8th, I want their business and I’m going to do my best to make their time with me worthwhile regardless.
  6. Like
    Njguy2 reacted to + azdr0710 in Mayim Bialik says she's been fired from 'Jeopardy'   
    I don't watch Jeopardy!, but have heard of all the fussing since Alex died......seeing this thread, I youtubed a clip of her in action as host to see what she is/was like.......gotta say I liked her style and presentation.....a friendly, down-to-Earth speaking tone (not gameshow-style) and very careful pronunciation and articulation
  7. Applause
    Njguy2 reacted to BuffaloKyle in Bookings on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day   
    I hope though you don't tell your family you can't come to a family xmas function to take a client instead. I have worked places where I was able to get pretty much unlimited overtime at this time of year but I realized money is not the be all end all and it was important to have some downtime and make time for family.
  8. Like
    Njguy2 reacted to ketut in New Listing - New Jersey   
    New old listing.  Used to go by Carlos / Yobany.  There used to be a thread about him but I couldn't find it.  Great guy, great massage.  Clearly trained and provides nice sensual elements throughout.  Looks like his pictures, short, muscular with great hair distribution and a very talented tongue.  Was a regular of his when I lived in NJ.  He spends time between NJ and Colombia so his ad used to come and go.  First I'm seeing his ad since before covid.  I highly recommend based on my experiences with him from years ago but I haven't seen him in a few years.  I assume his pictures are current in his ad.  
  9. Applause
    Njguy2 reacted to + Vegas_Millennial in Sad assignation   
    Not charging sounds like an ethical decision and good customer service from the provider, given the situation.  Kudos to him.
    I had a similar situation once with a provider who could not perform.  He also offered to not charge me.  I gave him some money right then and there for cab fare.  While I wouldn't hire that man again for me, I admire his business practice of not charging for a less than stellar experience.
    A good lesson to learn from this is that with some forms of communication, less is best.  Especially don't send text messages when there is any negative or serious issues to discuss, as they can be blown out of proportion.
    If I had wanted to see him again, I would have waited a day to let the negative feelings from the encounter cool off, and then text him to schedule the next appointment.  If I had no intent of scheduling with him again, I would just let it go and stop communication.
  10. Applause
    Njguy2 reacted to ICTJOCK in After Appointment Texts/Calls   
    Let me say,  I do contact a client (especially a new one),  with a text after,  thanking them for booking me,  that I enjoyed the time and to please let me know if I can be of service again.    I text one time (only)  after the service.    I think it works,  I've never had complaints,  however I only have one text like that.
  11. Like
    Njguy2 reacted to Thomhasnt in And the 2023 award for best masseur goes to...   
    I saw Chris based on prior year Best Of nominations. Best massage I had all year. 
    SportsMassageNYC on RentMasseur
    RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com  
  12. Applause
    Njguy2 reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Epigonos ...   
    Spend time in CDMX, Monterrey, San Miguel or Guadalajara and then come back to me.
    Mexican food can be incredibly high-end.
  13. Like
    Njguy2 reacted to Simon Suraci in Masseurs who stand you up   
    Yes they can. Email, text, leave a voicemail, RentMen Messenger, RentMasseur’s email/message system, Social Media, take your pick! You don’t even have to use the 21st century options among those if you don’t want to. Leave a voicemail.
    Clients who expect me to be available all the time to take calls and won’t send some form of message to schedule a call are clients I don’t want anyway. It indicates to me that the client is impatient, entitled and unreasonable. That’s exactly the kind of client I want to screen out.
  14. Like
    Njguy2 reacted to Simon Suraci in Overnight travel to me but posted ad   
    I wouldn’t read anything into it. Part of posting travel is alerting everyone in your market that you will be AWAY from your home city as much as you will be in the travel city. He probably wants to see if there are other good prospects in your area. If anything, it goes well and he may want to travel more frequently to your city (lucky you!)
    If he fulfills his obligations and agreements to you, I see no harm or cause for concern. If he delivers for you, that’s all you should care about.
  15. Like
    Njguy2 reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Cancellation or seeing a sick client?   
    A massage is actually not a good thing when you're sick or getting sick.  It usually makes you feel worse.
    I'd have preferred you cancel.  If you told me you were sick, I'd cancel on your behalf.
    That he talked you into it says more about his need for money than his concern with his own health (and yours).
  16. Like
    Njguy2 reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in This 22 year old Chicago Rentboy shares his monthly expenses with us   
    I mean, he's young and working the social media angle.  It's all for the views/likes.
    If he's lucky, he'll eventually save and invest.  
    Also, if he's lucky, he'll develop an actual level of good taste and not just go for expensive shiny shit.
    As a rentboy in my 20s, I did some of this.  Spent $15k a month on random garbage, travel, cars, food, etc.  Hindsight being 20/20, I'd have dumped most of it into my portfolio and doubled my money, but what's done is done. 
    It was, however, a very fun few years of complete irresponsibility  
  17. Haha
    Njguy2 reacted to Jamie21 in Clients and escorts getting lost? Myth or sad reality?   
    I’m told to get lost sometimes but I think that’s different? 
  18. Like
    Njguy2 reacted to Simon Suraci in Re: False Advertising?   
    Best way to go about it is ask for exactly what you want and see what he says. Clients are usually too chicken to ask but that saves everyone time. That cuts through any ambiguity in the ad.
    Also have realistic expectations about pricing; don’t clutch your pearls when someone offers you a higher level of service for a higher rate.
    Be kind when he tells you what you want is not on offer. Accept that politely and move on. 
  19. Applause
    Njguy2 reacted to tenderloin in Grindr Rant   
    Yes, Grindr probably works for the young and the pretty.  Even when one factors in the aesthetics (I do find there are a small few who are into dads & dadbods), there is still significant filtering for us mature folks to do. In NYC, my guess is that less than 30% of the profiles are actually genuine and viable. As for the rest, we have:
    The voyeurs who are only looking to get off virtually, and never intend to actually meet anyone in person. The liars who use inaccurate photos/stats to disguise age, weight, and other characteristics  The scammers who are after your personal info (about five times a day I hear from a pretty Asian guy who asks me "what are you looking for here?" ...sometimes I reply "my glasses") The grifters who are looking for cash, but don't tell you until you've spend 30 minutes chatting with them. The trolls (homophobes) who seem to get off on pranking people ("on my way...in the subway now....") The dudes currently living in Rwanda or Bolivia or Kabluchistan who know that I am the man for them and they want to spend the rest of their lives with me. The brain dead who ask those great questions:
     Q "what are you into?"  A: "read my profile and you will see." 
     Q "how old are you?" A: "read my profile and you will see" 
     Q: "where are you?" A "read my profile....".  Those with "unusual" tastes/preferences: Among the requests I have received are to agree to fuck someone on the subway, force odd objects into someone's rectum, parTy, etc. etc. 

    Aside from those folks, the apps are great...  
  20. Applause
    Njguy2 reacted to Jamie21 in UNWRITTEN RULES....   
    I’ll chip in with mine. Treat each client as an individual, make it an intensely personal experience. 
  21. Like
    Njguy2 got a reaction from soloyo215 in Nuovo Olimpo on Netflix   
    The director of "Nuovo Olimpo" is Ferzan Ozpetek, Turkish Italian, who has directed many other good films:  Hamam (Steam: The Turkish Bath); Saturn in Opposition; Le Fate Ignoranti; le dea fortuna; he also directed  Le Fate ignoranti (The ignorant angels) as a TV series (Hulu) (not a full filmography). Most have a gay or bisexual theme in them; either in Italian or Turkish - but assuming most of them have been dubbed into English by now, for the subtitle-challenged viewers.  Will be viewing "Nuovo Olimpo" this weekend and look forward to his newest work.   If you do get a chance to view some of his earlier works, you'll notice he uses certain actors/actresses in multiple movies.  
  22. Like
    Njguy2 reacted to + EVdude in Legit therapeutic massage in NYC (non sexual) with minimal draping?   
    Yep, Chris is what the legit undraped Doctor ordered. Total masseur package.
  23. Like
    Njguy2 reacted to DamizzonNYC in Providers and precum   
    I guess it's crazy to me that there's guys who find this to be an issue!  Though I guess it's also crazy to me that there are providers who don't perform oral. 
    I'm also a huge precummer.  In fact, it's my body's first reaction to arousal.  I'll get wet before I get hard.  As a provider, I've only ever had clients love it.  Though I guess it's a telltale sign of sincere interest.  (i.e. A pill can get you hard, but it can't make you leak.)  So it would lever occur to me to react negatively!
  24. Like
    Njguy2 reacted to Jamie21 in Providers and precum   
    I’ve no problem with it. It’s quite an attractive thing to see, especially if you have been sucking and when you stop and lift your head there’s a string of pre cum connecting you to the cock. I understand the anxiety about a client cumming in your mouth when you didn’t expect it but that’s something that one can usually anticipate! 
  25. Like
    Njguy2 reacted to Simon Suraci in Music   
    Haha I have this song on a new playlist, but it’s a remix by a Nina Simone and Joel Corey. The Michael Bublé version I’ve heard too many times before but enjoy the song in general. When you’re on a massage table, you are indeed feeling good! Sets the mood.
    Clients frequently offer positive comments about my playlists. Songs have quite a wide range from chill house to bluegrass, to blues, to 90s alt covers, to contemporary folk, to divas, to rock, to classic stuff and much more. I carefully craft each playlist to flow well, have some internal logic and have complimentary songs, but have enough variety and unexpected but pleasant pairings and be conducive to massage, relaxation, and good feelings.
    I even add some Easter eggs in my lists, like the theme to Firefly. Fans of the show immediately get it and laugh with surprise and delight. Most don’t get it, but it can be a fun way to connect with a client when they do. I only do the Easter eggs when it makes sense with the surrounding songs and overall vibe, and sparingly.
    Had to laugh at myself when I put “Relax” by Frankie Goes to Hollywood at the end of a playlist a while back and then immediately decided against it.
    I avoid the typical go-to music choices like wind instruments, water sounds, Enya, all instrumental covers, and the like. I like my clients to not feel like they are necessarily going to fall asleep, or like they are in any old generic forgettable massage space, but not be at a dance party either. Just relaxing, if not unconventional massage music. Most of it you would not automatically consider “massage” music, but it works really well. I even put some Depeche Mode on a list and it works great. You would never think to do that but I think outside the box. 
    The whole experience is important. I engage all five senses to be something memorable, enjoyable, and identifiable as part of my brand. 
    Sound: carefully crafted custom playlists. Private massage space, no shared walls or outside noise disruptions.
    Sight: relaxing eclectic interior design, art, mood lighting, nudity.
    Touch: well, obviously. Plus the comfort of the table and real 100% cotton coverings. I use an extra wide memory foam table with a solid armrest.
    Smell: my own handmade essential oil beeswax candles and my own custom made essential oil aromatherapy pillow spray. Me being clean, and my breath fresh.
    Taste: use your imagination! Oh, and I always have a bowl of Starburst candy for a treat on the way out. Strawberry flavor (pink). Other flavors available.
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