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Posts posted by Jamie21

  1. 10 hours ago, Simon Suraci said:

    @Jamie1 I know you offer outcall floor and bed massages, but this is one of the few differences you and I have in how we are willing to work. How does it affect your body? Can you give an equally good massage this way vs a table?

    Yes I offer bed massage on out call. I’ll recommend the table though because in my opinion it’s a better massage but if the client’s hotel room doesn’t have space or they specifically want a bed massage then that’s fine, I’ll do it on the bed. It’s their massage so their call. 

    I’ve techniques I use for the bed such as I’ll usually lay the client across the bed rather than the usual up /down sleeping position so I can stand to massage their head and feet. I put the pillows in a v position under his chest so he can have his head in a natural straight position while I massage his shoulders for example. I’ll also use my feet to do some of the massage which is more possible to do on the bed than it is the table. 

    I do yoga so I’m quite flexible and climbing over the client and kneeling / bending is ok for me. In my studio I offer massage on a futon which is very similar to bed massage. Some clients prefer the futon because of the increased level of intimacy and body contact. Also overweight clients tend to prefer the Futon than the table because they have more space. On the futon there’s space for me to move around and over the client and I tend to use a lot more body contact earlier on in the massage. 

    I do have a few outcall clients who like to start on the table and then move to the bed during the session which works well because they get both experiences. 

    I don’t have a hard line on the difference between the services (masseur / escort). I won’t explain why here because it’s off topic but I agree with you @Simon Suraci , clients who specifically ask for bed massage tend to expect it to be more like an escort session. 


  2. It’s very easy to get into a habit of working every day in this business. Normally I’m available every day (not that I actually get booked every day but in theory I’m available every day). In practice it works out that I’ll have clients on 4 out of 7 days on average.

    But being always available means you don’t make firm plans to do other things, which can be disruptive to your non work life. I’m lucky, most of my other commitments are flexible so I can often see clients and it’s why I advertise as being available 7 days a week. But, this time of year forces me to block out time when I’m definitely not available. It’s quite nice to be able to focus time on other things like family and friends or just on renewal. 

  3. I don’t look at client profiles. I just don’t find it necessary because the client usually tells me what I need to know when they book. I’m not bothered by what they look like either so I don’t need a picture. 

    I think that sometimes clients don’t fully understand what they like so they’re unlikely to put it in their profile (or they’ll be shy about stating it in their profile) so this is why I’m not taking much notice of profiles. 

    In my experience what happens is they find out what they like through a series of sessions with you. You introduce them to things they weren’t previously aware of. Thats why they’re coming to a professional: to be taken on a journey they’d probably not take on their own. So whilst I like to know a little about my client I don’t want to know a lot. 

    However, I do keep notes of what clients like so that if they come back I know what works for them and it makes a better session. That’s the best thing to do: explore with them and pay attention to what they like so you can recreate it next session, but keeping things fresh with small tweaks and surprises. I think a good mix is 80% familiar tried and tested content and 20% new or different things. 

  4. I’ve had guys enquire about booking me to massage their wife, as a surprise. Sometimes they ask about giving her a gift card so she can book a massage. It almost never works out because a) often it’s his fantasy not hers or b) I don’t go surprises so I need to speak to her to book the session which rather makes the surprise gift part of it pointless. 

    I don’t do gift cards because of this. It’s such a personal service that the buyer really needs to make the decision themselves not have someone else decide for them. Best to give your beneficiary the money direct and recommend the provider that they spend it on. Then they genuinely have a choice. 

  5. I really don’t care what the Pope thinks, says or does. He’s only the Pope because people make him so. I don’t accept that he has any say whether a man can marry another man. The Church (any Church) only exists because some people want to exert control over others using things like threats, coercion, stories, social control and guilt. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Simon Suraci said:

    This must be a polite British thing! Maybe also in Canada? Some clients here in the US are pushy. Not the majority, but a few here and there have no respect for “no” or “I’m unavailable on x day or y time”. I offer alternatives like “I’m sorry, I am unavailable on 12/25, but I have availability from 12pm-7pm the day after”. Then they ask the same thing again, “Nothing available on Christmas Day?” 🤦‍♂️ 

    My clients are international. Being based in London I get a lot of US visitors, and the Middle East as well as Brits. I’d say the most pushy as to availability are the Middle Eastern clients who seem to like to pick times that aren’t available. As in: 

    Client: “when are you available tomorrow?”

    Me: “I’m available between 11am and 2pm, or 4pm to 8pm”.

    Client: “I book an hour at 6pm”

    Me: “I cant do 6pm”

    …..and so it goes on with me suggesting available times and him asking for days or times I can’t do. Eventually if we do set a time then he’ll move it by 15 minutes.

    I think these clients just enjoy the haggle. They could reach agreement quickly but that feels like they haven’t achieved anything so they turn the booking into a haggle. At the session they’re usually very deferential indeed (and super inhibited), but that’s a different topic! 

  7. 2 hours ago, arnemgreeves said:

    True. But there are always pushy clients who would do this. We just need to leabe escorts alone and not expect them to be at a beck and call. a day or two without a bj or fucking will suffice, it won't kill a person!

    My experience is that pushy clients are extremely rare. If I say I’m not available then they take it as that and either ask for a different day or just say ‘thanks’. Maybe my experience is unusual but I doubt it. The ‘pushy’ client is not really a thing. In fact most clients are more on the deferential, non assuming kind. 

  8. Doing this kind of work it is easy to get drawn into saying “yes” to all requests for bookings because you don’t want to turn down the business (you never know when the clients might stop coming). But I’ve found it’s important to draw some boundaries and keep some time sacrosanct for yourself. So whilst I’m happy to see clients on Christmas Eve, I’ll not take any bookings for 25th or 26th. 

  9. 14 hours ago, DrownedBoy said:

    I'm not into anal, but some providers told me it often means that they're not willing to bottom unless you pay them extra.

    I believe this is because they're Versatile/Top, and need to take extra measures to clean out beforehand. Fair enough.

    Yes exactly. There’s practical considerations. Occasionally I get a client who, during the session, indicates a desire to top me. It’s possibly something they hadn’t considered beforehand or they had considered it but were too embarrassed to ask in the ‘cold light of day’, but now here in the moment they desperately want to top me. I have to say ‘no sorry not possible this time because I’m not ready’, which takes a bit of heat out of the moment unfortunately.

    I don’t mention extra charge for it at that point although I recall one client who in the middle of the session, when I’d said he couldn’t top, say to me he’d pay whatever I asked. I said ‘no, it hasn’t been agreed beforehand’ but he kept asking and offering more money. I told him he’d need to book another session for that but he never did. I’m sure that it was more to do with the power dynamic in the moment of him buying something he couldn’t have than him really wanting to top me. 

    I’m totally fine to bottom for clients but only if it has been discussed beforehand so that I can be prepared and so that I can charge the correct rate. 

    On 9/11/2023 at 10:09 PM, dbar123 said:

    If the bottom provider is doing outcall, they may not want to be dripping cum afterwards. I think the courteous thing to do is ask.

    If I’ve been bred by a client I sometimes douche afterwards to clean out. No risk of leakage then. 


  10. Best to cancel. If you don’t feel well you won’t enjoy the massage, especially if you have a temperature. I don’t mind clients cancelling if they’re unwell. 

    may have mentioned this before but I had a client turn up one time with broken ribs. How he expected me to massage him I don’t know…(he did say “can you just do my bottom half…so actually perhaps I do know what he wanted 😂). I had to send him away to come back when he’s better. Apart from anything else I don’t want to injure him or make things worse.


  11. 6 hours ago, mike carey said:

    I'm glad you said English rather than British, although it would arguably be both. RP may be a British accent but it is quintisentially English, even if not how most English people speak. I'm sure, however, that you speak frifully well.

    Yes you’d never find someone from Scotland or Wales speaking with an RP accent unless it was taught to them. RP is not something you hear much these days. When Her Majesty was alive you’d hear it in her Christmas speech but that’s about it. The BBC used to require presenters use it but that’s long gawn 😂.

    My accent is a London accent. There’s lots of different London accents. Indeed you can go a few miles down the road in some places in the UK and the accent will be different. British people can tell where you’re from quite accurately by the local accent ….but more importantly it’s also a sign of class: very important to know what class the person you’re speaking to is so you can offer tea in the correct way. 

  12. Most of the time I don’t bottom but if I am going to then I use a shower attachment if it’s a filming session or I if know the top is big or I’m at a party. I then use a bulb about half hour before just to be confident really. Otherwise if he’s smaller or it’s a quick one then I just use the bulb.

    I agree with @Funguy it’s a problem if water goes too deep when using the shower. I insert and count to 5 to avoid using too much water. That usually works ok. Diet also helps.

    But even with a tried and tested routine sometimes things still go wrong! 


  13. 6 minutes ago, Vin_Marco said:

    If I ever have a good fortune to meet @Jamie21 I'm going to ask him to leave the outgoing voice message on my phone :) pre Covid I was visiting and seeing people in London 1-2 times a year.... it was like NYC.... Busy busy busy 🙌🏽 

    *siri on my phone speaks to me in a British accent 👌🏽

    I hope I have the pleasure of meeting you @Vin_Marco… (spoken in a cut glass English accent 😉). 

  14. I have no jewellery whatsoever. No rings, no chains, no watches, no ear rings, nose studs or PA. Since I carried a phone I’ve never seen the point of having a watch, unless it’s some kind of health device to measure physical performance. 

    I used to have a gold chain with a gold cross. I’m not religious so I don’t know why I had the cross but it looked nice so I wore it on the chain.

    Many years ago I was at a sauna (yes, that kind of sauna). At that time I was very inexperienced (honest!) but on this occasion I hooked up with a very attractive older guy who shall we say introduced me to bottoming. Up to then I was always 100% top.

    Anyhow, this session with the guy happened in a fairly dark cabin. Normally I prefer to see (and be seen ha ha) but he was insistent we shut the door. I won’t describe the sex because that’s not the point but suffice to say I got introduced to taking it.

    After he had left I spent some minutes alone in the cabin. At this point I realised I no longer had the chain with the cross on. I felt around in the gloom in case it had fallen off but I didn’t find it. So I opened the door to let more light in: still couldn’t see any chain or cross. 

    Outside I couldn’t find my suitor either. I assume that either I’d lost the chain before going in the cabin with him or he took more from me in that session than I had bargained for.



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