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Posts posted by DrownedBoy

  1. 8 hours ago, SirBillybob said:

    My sense is that an earring was at first incongruous with stereotypical masculinity

    Man, when I was a kid, they made such a big deal about that in my neighborhood.  There was only one socially acceptable way to wear an earring. I remember hearing this often enough:

    "You got got the wrong ear pierced! It looks like you got mugged by a bunch of f@ggots!"

  2. 4 hours ago, DWnyc said:

    As an aside - when I’ve seen pics of spouses of providers … they’ve often been surprisingly “normal” . Including obese.

    Many providers chose partners/spouses based on financial reasons, so that doesn't surprise me much.


    Then there's providers who end up with other providers. I don't have data on how long those relationships last after their escorting careers are over, but they definitely look good together.

  3. There's no substitute for taking escorts out for a test spin, and if you make this your hobby, expect to waste some money and time doing that. Unfortunate reality of the marketplace.


    Like @APPLE1 said, I've seen escorts that I couldn't wait to try out, only to find out their personalities didn't match their looks.

    On the other hand, when I started hiring, there was this really hot, muscular guy I waited a year or 2 before hiring, because I was intimidated by him. I first hired him 7 years ago; he's my longest-term regular.

  4. 11 hours ago, BaronArtz said:

    I had an escort tell me he dislikes working with younger, attractive clients.  They expect more and therefore are more work for him.  In his opinion, older clients are easier, expect less and tip better.

    There are two (or more) sides to everything,

    Benjamin Franklin, Advice to a Young Man on the Choice of a Mistress (1745)

  5. It takes practice, to figure out the right words, timing, and tone to take when contacting people.  Keep working at it and you'll get there.

    Several times, I had new providers tell me that the moment they read my initial text, they knew I was both serious and a good client.

    To write those texts: Always politely ask if they're taking customers, make sure you read their ad in full, give them a name to call you by, use full sentences (with correct grammar and spelling), and call them by their assumed name.

  6. 5 hours ago, Monarchy79 said:

    Just for fun, 

    look up the details of the following murderers who have been escorts:

    1.) Joshua Hunter

    2.) Jason Marshall

    There are many more. 
    guess what none of them were? Latino.

    Statistically , the likelihood of you getting chopped up and tortured to death is highest with a nice “wholesome” looking white boy who satisfies all of those Cody Fisher twink fantasies so many people seem to have. And further, let’s not get into general hookups. it’s not the Latin “migrant” or the black “hood” guy that’s going to kill ya… it’s that white, bearded leather daddy that’s going to dismember you and eat your parts for Thanksgiving dinner…. 

    The false image of the white male “nice guy” has lead to many naive people ending up dead…. Jeffrey Dahmer, Mark Latunski and Ed Buck can confirm that. 


    Don't forget Andrew Cunanan, that really well-educated prep school boy.

    Whenever I hear people talk about the power of Chicago street gangs like Kings and Disciples, I realize they haven't paid attention to Chicago since 2000. Those days are over.

  7. 6 hours ago, myophile said:

    Frankly, the odometer mileage is, for me, one of his more attractive features. His life experience and range of interests contribute to his appeal — I feel like I’m with a man, not a boy.

    Yeah, and some of us literally went from boy to man during his 15 year career 😜

  8. On 3/2/2024 at 10:12 AM, nycman said:

    Hotel security doesn’t care about legal/illegal. They care about keeping the peace in their hotel and protecting their paying guests. He won’t be the first or last whore they’ve had to escort off the premises.

    That said, I’d never meet an escort at my home. It just seems like you’re asking for trouble. 

    The only time an escort got violent with me was at a hotel restaurant, and the manager's response was exactly how you described. Guards escorted him away while keeping him from yelling out threats and screaming to the room that he was a male prostitute. Drug use doesn't always make for good sessionss.

    And, yes. I find it useful to have the number of the local police switchboard (not the direct 911 line) on my phone. The moment you start saying, "There's a man here who's yelling and refuses to leave....," watch the fake escort run. Then you apologize to the cop and go to bed.

  9. On 2/29/2024 at 8:58 AM, keroscenefire said:

    At a certain point, you can't be too paranoid to do this hobby.

    This. It's unlikely the police or law will ever get involved, especially if you're in a liberal city. But if someone has it in for you, you can be traced and followed.

    I doubt that many of us have enemies that obsessed or resourceful. I for one am not important enough for that.

  10. Just now, carp86 said:

    The casual xenophobia of people in the US will never cease to amaze me. 

    Sure, being new to the area and having no reviews is an issue. But the comments about gang membership, jeez. 

    You haven't viewed America through Fox news...

  11. 23 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    They're not allowed to turn tricks at the homeless shelter.

    Better than Chicago, where some are still staying at police stations....

    One thing - Venezuelans speak a different dialect of Spanish. They don't even use "bano" for bathroom.  No wonder my hs Spanish isn't adequate. 

  12. It depends on how far in advance it is.

    However, usually, if a provider doesn't answer within 24 hours, they're never going to answer. And I'm not going to keep begging anyone with additional texts.

    If I'm doing right-now hiring, I only give them 30 minutes. I've had to tell more than one potential provider that they took too long to get back, so I already hired a replacement. Plenty of fish in the RM sea.

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