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Posts posted by DrownedBoy

  1. 6 hours ago, Km411 said:

    I guess so, but for what? Aftercare? Conversation? Just not sure I see the point of holding someone to the minute if I’ve been satisfied. And if I’ve not been satisfied, I want him gone. But that’s just me; I’m not buying minutes, I’m buying an experience.

    All I'm going to say here is, if you take time to have a conversation with your provider, do it. You'll learn alot, and everyone wants to be listened to.

    I almost always book 2-hour sessions, so after I come the first time, I can relax and have a decent conversation. Then, after my refractory period is over, we go at it again.

  2. 13 hours ago, APPLE1 said:

    I read the reviews on JAELLPZ. None of the words agressive, demanding, or menacing are FACTS. They are CONCLUSIONS. It's a very  important and useful distinction. When people write their recollection of anothers words or actions, readers can draw their own conclusions.

    Let me illustrate: prvoder X says at the end, "I need you to hurry up, I have 9pm client coming."

    Client A may write "the provider rudely pushed me out the door as soon as we were done."

    Client B may write "the provider was straightforward with me and put a premium on protecting my anonymity."

    Neither client is wrong in how they feel, but I can't really assign my "grade" unless both reviewers tell me their recollections of what the provide said and did.

    Unfortunately, it's usually not as subtle a difference like that.

    Usually it goes like this:

    CLIENT: The provider rudely left early because he had another appointment bookended onto mine.

    PROVIDER: I've had clients who are high or on drugs and some leave bad messages. That must be one.

  3. I'm no doctor, so I'll just post this, which has a link to the official studies:



    PrEP is a way for people who do not have HIV but who are at substantial risk of getting it to prevent HIV infection by taking a pill every day.


    My understanding was that under controlled studies (not field-based research where doctors couldn't accurately monitor the patients), PrEP worked unless someone forgot their pills.

    However, the same research shows that while PrEP supposedly protects against HIV in 99% of sexual cases, it only protects in 74% of cases involving infected needles. This tells me that PrEP doesn't work as well if the virus is spread directly into the bloodstream.

  4. 1 hour ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

    this thread is borderline distasteful at best.  “Migrant men” seems to imply there is some financial advantage in dealing with new arrivals.  I don’t think the OP meant it that way, but some of the subsequent comments go there.

     When navigating this hobby, there’s a way to do it that offers dignity & grace to all participants.  All are human beings and worthy of your respect & kindness.  Somehow thinking there’s a financial advantage to be had is very poor form.

    There's nothing dehumanizing about seeking out deals. It's called a capitalist economy.

    Is someone a monster for waiting for a store owner to overstock, then buy things on sale? Is it inhuman to buy a stock when it's low in price? Are companies evil for lowering their wage offers during times of high unemployment?

    As long as there's real cash (and not basic necessities) being exchanged, it's a fair deal, and both parties are adults who can walk away from it.

  5. 22 hours ago, marylander1940 said:

    Undocumented guys who escort are not only more grateful for the chance of making so much money but they're also less likely to take risks doing PNP, or engaging in any kind of dispute with a client that might get them reported or even raise any kind of attention from their neighbors, landlord, etc. about their real job. 

    Not all of them - I've met my share of young, undocumented Latino guys who think they're God's gift to gay men. Of course, they're not working a second job; they're touring in expensive hotels.  They need to be reminded they're only here on our sufferance.


    That being said, there are people taking advantage of undocumented migrants. I've met enough gay men here who keep talking about how they want to "sponsor" some hot young Venezuelan guy....and then put them to work as their houseboy. When you only offer housing and food, that's not escorting - that's survival sex. And I already read a profile from a Venezuelan guy who wants a "roommate" in exchange for walking around the place naked all the time.

  6. @keroscenefire and @FrankR, how did you make initial contact with these immigrants?


    In Chicago, there's quite a few pockets of Venezuelans scattered around the area (I'm not saying which one I'm closest to).


    On Grindr, I did see two non-English speakers who specifically said they were "buscando trabajo," but when I asked (in English) what kind of work, there was no response. I've been meaning to try again in Spanish. I've also seen a lot looking to "rent a room."


    They even have a FB group in Chicago. It would be too risky to contact them via this app, but they're all desperate for any work whatsoever, and men have already started making "offers" to Venezuelan women to move in.


    I'd imagine you could make a good deal, once you establish what you except (if they kiss, I'm happy).


    Moreover it's happening all over the place: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/illegal-sex-work-southwest-side-chicago/). The sex work market works like any other market, and in Columbia, local sex workers already complained that Venezuelan refugees were pushing rates down in that area. This influx should be interesting from an economic perspective.


    Just make sure they're independent and not under anyone's control (https://cwbchicago.com/2024/01/sex-trafficking-ring-forced-migrant-women-chicago-suburbs.html). Since they're men, you should be safe.

  7. 16 hours ago, rvwnsd said:

    I was able to reach his page as of 54 minutes after you reported that you couldn't.

    Apparently Sleepyboy went down for an hour or so. Now I can see it.

    I wouldn't mind this....if the escort was in his early twenties and muscular. I'll bring my (from college) copy of the Key of Solomon and try to summon some fun.


    7 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    He just sounds like he's catering to Wiccan fetishists.

    No, he says in the profile he's a Satanist. Much different religion.

  8. 20 hours ago, Your Man in Arlington said:

    Agree with the above. As a busy guy with a husband (who approves), I need an appointment, not an arrangement. If my circumstances were different, an arrangement might be more entertaining?

    Yup. When you work full-time in an important job, you can't deal with kids who like to be fashionably late.


    When I was in college, when your sugar daddy told you to be at the restaurant at a certain time, you showed up. Irresponsible and lazy brats don't deserve sugar.

  9. 19 hours ago, robberbaron4u said:

    In my honesty, he is attractive in his physical presentation. . .IMO, of course.  Somebody told him he was beautiful; he believed him; and, that is that. . .he is convinced that, given that he is beautiful, there is no need to exert any effort to appear or be "fetching". 

    There's a word for that.



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