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What are you old enough to remember?


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Similar to a post above about learning the death of JFK at a young age, I was 5 when King George VI died. As he was also the King of Canada, just as Elizabeth is our Queen, it was a big deal. No television then but my dad had heard about it on the morning news on the radio. When I got up, dad was shaving in the bathroom and he looked down on me and intoned, “the King is dead”. I just looked up at him and wondered what that meant.


As I got older I realized the first big change in our lives as Canadians was that we got a new face on our dollar bill, that of his daughter, Elizabeth. And on our coins as well, and postage stamps, pictures hung up in classrooms.


King’s highways became Queen’s highways, King’s Counsel (KC), Queen’s Counsel (QC)., etc.

It was huge!


and you might live long enough to see Charles (or William) as king. I wouldn't be surprised if the Queen goes on for 10 more years!

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and you might live long enough to see Charles (or William) as king. I wouldn't be surprised if the Queen goes on for 10 more years!

I have lived during the administrations of fifteen different US Presidents, but reigns of only two British monarchs, and I am not sure I will see a third.

Edited by Charlie
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X-ray machine in Sears shoe department


try on shoes


then look at how the fit

You must be around my age as I have already commented on them being in Montreal shoe stores in the 1950’s.


They disappeared sometime in the early 60’s around the time people became conscious of the dangers of radiation and banning above ground atomic tests.


Now when you go for any x-ray test they drape you in lead shields.


Lol, we were so innocent then.

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February 22, 10,000 B.C when Pebbles Flintstone was born. It was actually before that. My parents used Wilma’s pregnancy as a way to tell me that I was going to have a brother or sister and also to give me my first birds and bees talk. After telling me that Daddy gets real close to mommy and plants the seed, I asked “how did they know to do that in cavemen times?” In hindsight I realized that my father left the room because he couldn’t hold it together laughing.

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