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Posts posted by Monarchy79

  1. 2 hours ago, KensingtonHomo said:

    I don’t know much about you, but the providers we see are open about their STI history. 

    I have friends that speak openly about STI scares. We’ve had a couple of scares but haven’t had one yet. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

    I think that it’s too difficult to track test results,  as once you take the test, the moment you touch someone else, your current status expires…. For example…. You’re feeling great, and you get a full panel of blood work on Monday . Tuesday afternoon you hook up with someone who has the clap and they give it to you. On Friday, you get your results that come back all negative, so you believe you have your license to ditch the condoms and hav a nice hot time over the weekend. You have naively exposed your weekend partners to the clap, but not intentionally. 

    Test results are only impactful if the tested individual abstains from sex from the date they’ve been tested until The date they have sex with you. Otherwise, test results are pointless. 

    This is also why testing has holes in it, in the porn industry. Once the circle of actors (who may have negative test results), have sex outside of their circle of tested peers, they all can get exposed. 

  2. 12 hours ago, MaybeMaybeNot said:

    I feel bad that so many actors have to reveal so much of themselves in their shows these days.  But I guess making lots of money showing your private parts is much better than the stress and frustration many of us deal with at our jobs on a day-to-day basis.  

    Women have had to show their tits and twats for decades for unnecessary sex scenes (which I have always found to be cringey), to allow the directors and producers to get their rocks off…. It’s about time the guys have finally got to drop trou. And show us some goods. 



  3. 4 hours ago, nycman said:

    Holy crap, that was you in town yesterday?

    God, I wanted to run you over. 



    I have pissed a few people off. 
    For those who live in DC, there are quite a few roadways that go through park area with lots of wildlife. That includes ducks, geese, possum, groundhogs, deer, foxes, and other animals. It’s common to stop to let them through. 

    But human pedestrians and cyclists in my town are actually the worst, and I’d prefer to run over them. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    I enjoy being myself. Always have.

    Maybe the "limpwristed" crowd don't enjoy my frankness, but enough of gentlemen here do...So I refute this accusation that any opinion about physical appearance on a site that frequently discusses physical appearance is "mean" if it's not pretending to be kind.

    No victim/ no crime.

    Just because people agree with your antics doesn’t make it “just”. 

    It just means that they are just like you. 

    And any grown man who thinks it’s cute to crack fat jokes on someone, calling them such juvenile names as “whale of a man” leave a lot to be desired when it comes to class, maturity and overall decency. 

    You may not proclaim yourself to be limp wristed, but if your comments could be personified;  a pink, patent-leathered Chanel purse would fall right out of your mouth… 

    Now I am going to gift you the rare gift of having the last word, as I don’t want this forum to be closed by the moderator…. 

    You’re Welcome. 


  5. 1 minute ago, pubic_assistance said:

    I enjoy being myself. Always have.

    Maybe the "limpwristed" crowd don't enjoy my frankness, but enough of gentlemen here do...So I refute this accusation that any opinion about physical appearance on a site that frequently discusses physical appearance is "mean" if it's not pretending to be kind.

    No victim/ no crime.

    I’m not “limp wristed” either. I’m more like “iron fisted”.

    I’m the guy who:

    1.) Shuts smart mouth “limp wrists” up, 

    2.) Neutralizes cattiness

    3.) Beats up bullies, and 

    4.) Stops traffic to let a family of ducks walk by. 


  6. 2 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    I’m pretty sure that obese whale of a human isnt here on the site. 

    That may be a fact. 
    But the truth is that out of the thousands of members on this site, there’s going to be someone who looks like that guy, is his weight, and has been insulted with such comments, and your posting is going to trigger their past trauma. 

    I know how you roll, but I have a preference for forum posts that are honest, but also are less vitriolic. We endure enough of that outside of this forum in real life, so let’s try to be civil here and create a safe space for opinions and even debate. 

  7. 2 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Well...I'm not "gay" (maybe half)..so I don't speak for that community.

    As far as "being mean". I'm pretty sure that obese whale of a human isnt here on the site.  So there is no one to be mean to. I am sharing an honest opinion on a forum designed to share opinions.  We aren't at a lady's tea party where I am restricted to complimenting your dress and talk about the weather. So my opinion stands.

    I respect what you call yourself, but from your posts, you are at least the “B” or “Q” in LGBTQ…. So you’re a member… lol…

    And your quips, commentary, sharp responses may not be done with a “limp wrist”, but they are in -par with most gay men I’ve encountered. 

    Futher, I never said anything bad about your comments. I clearly stated that your comments aren’t shocking or unexpected, and it’s the “normal” sentiment, in this community. 

    And yes, you are “mean”, and we’ve debated about this before 😂

    And you can’t help yourself, and you enjoy it. 


  8. 11 minutes ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:


    the abused/marginalized frequently recreate the abusive dynamic as the aggressor when they feel someone is below them, or less than, for whatever reason.  
    and many are too damaged and lacking any self-awareness to know 

    You make an excellent point, and this further delves into the social aspect of human beings overall and how groups who are marginalized will marginalize the next group they believe is beneath them on the social “hierarchy”. 
    Although gay men have endured a lot of marginalization, this community created its  own microcosm of internal discrimination to further continue this pathetic cycle. 


  9. It’s also important to understand gay porn’s foundational beginnings….

    One of the first gay porn studios (it was either Colt or Falcon), had strict requirements in their films….the actors were required to be:

    1.) Young

    2.) Fit

    3.) White (preferably blonde). And in this particular studio, if black actors performed, they either played secondary roles (as like the hotel doorman or something), of if in a sex scene, could only Top and never Bottom.

    4.) Masculine presenting 

    5.) and the soles of their feet had to be clean (there are a lot of films (of all genres), that neglected to address this issue and would accidentally capture male performers with dirty feet. 

    This same studio was also made aware (in advance) of the pending AIDS epidemic, didn’t inform their actors and still pressured them into condomless sex, which killed an entire generation of young porn actors. 

    Once  I find the documentary, I’ll post it here. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Boaxxx said:

    Dude, you don't have to be so degrading in your comments. You can simply say that he is not your type or this coupling doesn't pique your interest or don't  say anything at all. But to be cruel, it's so not necessary.

    What he  @pubic_assistancesaid reflects the actual reality of what gay men say to themselves and to each other when they see images like this. 

    Hard Truth: Gay men (for the most part) are mean to each other. In fact, so mean, that there are tons of social media posts, Reddit threads and discussion points on the topic. 

  11. Gay porno will never embrace body positivity for the same reason why body positivity has never been embraced in the gay community overall:

    ALL Men are shallow.  This includes “victims” of body positivity. 

    Men of all body types want the same range of physical aesthetics (lean, righted, muscled, athletic)  in a man and are very discerning about it too. 

    Men in general (of all sexual orientations), have a sense of hipocrisy when it comes to the requirements they have for others’ appearance…. A straight man will judge women’s faces and bodies with hard  critiques as he hasn’t seen a gym since middle school and can’t find his penis because his apron beer belly has been obstructing it’s view for the past 20 years. 

    And with gay men, it’s just about the same. I remember being in a social setting when this guy was whining about his inability to find a man….. when he told me what he was looking for, I figured out why he’s having problems…. He’s searching for 10s and he’s a universal 3 at best. 


  12. On 4/23/2024 at 9:39 AM, Moox said:

    Hello friends. Last week I had a tiny lesion on the penile skin frozen off. The nurse says it was a wart (though I am wondering if it was a skin tag, I have a tendency for those and they appear in warm areas). I asked her when I can be sexually active again and she said as soon as the wart is gone. But I go to lots of parties and condoms are not that effective against it, I don't think. I am aware that a fair few men at the parties are in other relationships, with all genders. The odd one or two are married to females and not out at all in daily life. I hate the thought of passing it on and wrecking a relationship. How long do I have to wait? Or is that it, game over? The thought of that depresses me greatly. Life is a bit rough and the occasional, once a month or so, partying is the only thing I look forward to.


    Any advice would gratefully received.

    Are you vaccinated for HPV? If not, you should. 

    and add to that:

    1.) Meningitis, 

    2.) Pneumonia

    3.) Monkeypox (if you haven’t already, just in case) 

    3.) PrEP

    and have some doxycycline available too.


    since you’re very social, might as well be protected…. And condoms don’t hurt either .



  13. Hello All, 

    Checking out this guy to see if anyone has had any experience with him.


    View my profile on RentMasseur.com

    Please DO NOT POST any editorial comments     or any other comments, unless you’ve actually had an appointment with this guy. 

    Also feel free to PM me too. 


  14. 2 hours ago, viewing ownly said:In hind sight (words separated for pun use), I should've kept my personal desire to myself, 

    I’m glad you shared your personal desire/preferences , and I also think that some of the most intense discussions are the ones where people actually learn from the most. What makes these forums valuable is the authenticity in what forum members post. 

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