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Everything posted by Monarchy79

  1. Men use all of the same things as status symbols too.
  2. This is true. but it’s best (in my opinion), to be the best version of yourself that you can be, spanning the longest period of time. The old tale of “the tortoise and the hare”, has a lot of wisdom, as the fast route for most things fizzles quickly.
  3. Those two are definitely exceptions. Rare exceptions.
  4. I’m glad you made it out of being drugged, unscathed. Wow!!!
  5. Most (not all), tattoo aesthetics, never age well. Our personal style changes over time and those tattoos rarely follow along well with those changes. its “cute”, when you’re 22 years old with a mullet and tats, beat up sneakers and a cropped tee. Try that crap at 35, and it’s beyond tragic. When people ask me what I think about tattoos, I always immediately suggest temporary tattoos. Following that, I recommend considering one’s path in life, and where they plan on placing them. No one can be a porn star, rocker, or a rapper forever. And although the era of youth is fun, it’s also SHORT. The “Grown Man”, phase of life is much longer and far more challenging, if you don’t play your cards right…. That “boring” man in his 20s with no tats can develop into a nice crispy, sexy man in his 30s, 40s and 50s.
  6. The crime in SF will not be addressed until the money leaves SF. When tourism drops, the class of high tax payers move out, and major retailers leave in mass exodus, that’s when leaders of the city will “sound the alarm”, and make changes. Money always talks.
  7. Watches, specifically Rolexes have grown in value significantly, and can be good investment pieces to have. Many people have them and never wear them. Just lock them away like you would lock away and keep gold bars.
  8. This comment turned out to be more insightful than you could have ever imagined. 😎
  9. There are substance-based addictions (alcohol, drugs, etc.) Then there are non-substance based addictions (video games, gambling, etc) Sex and porn addictions fall under the non-substance based addictions. There are withdrawals from both types. With sex-based addictions, the withdrawals are stimulated from the lack of overproduction of dopamine created from excessive acts of sex. From that significant drop, cortisol and other stress hormones work in overdrive, causing withdrawal symptoms. Sex addicts in withdrawal can suffer from headaches, lack of mental clarity, and other physical ailments.
  10. Does anyone remember when international travel required specific vaccinations? When I was a kid, I was part of an exchange program, and spent about a month in Kenya. I could have sworn I had to get a series of vaccinations, but I can’t remember. This was around 1992. Then I remember working for a company around 2002, and my boss had to take a business was trip to India, and she discussed all the shots she had to get. It seems like in current times, people can travel the globe, without any precautionary vaccinations, which seems to easily spread multiple diseases? Why did this requirement change?
  11. The disheveled room more than likely ads to the “straight guy” aesthetic….
  12. He’s fantastic. I’d highly recommend.
  13. Always welcome 🤗 We have more in common than you may think. I have that same product, and use it weekly. The Ordinary is a great line with fantastic prices.
  14. I’m not disagreeing with you. I’m saying that your Dermatologist is incorrect. I’ve had two Dermatologists in my life. About three years ago, I had this discussion with my current one. They acknowledged that some Other Derms have made claims that washcloths are bad. They stated this: 1.) Think about when you wash your dishes or your car manually? Do you use your bare hands to get those items clean? No. You use a rag, or cleaning material with a cleanser or soap. And it doesn’t compromise the materials of the items you’re cleansing. The same concept goes with this skin. 2.) Sponges, cloths etc. can hold bacteria, when used in the long term and not cleaned or replaced. But using them and then cleaning them, and letting them dry allows the bacteria to die. Plus, most of the bacteria washes away with the soap and warm water. 3.) Using bare hands for bathing rubs soap on the skin, but doesn’t clean thoroughly enough for layers of skin throughout the body. This can result in build up of oil, sebum, resulting in blackheads, accumulation of dead skin (due to the lack of exfoliation), etc. plus, washing the underarms, pubic area, butt and areas that grow body hair that can attract lice, mites, and odor are more effectively cleansed with a cleaning tool of some sort. No judgment either way, but I’ll also recommend trying a nice washcloth one day with a nice soap, following up with some good moisturizers … you’re skin will feeel great and so will you.
  15. This is not true. Bacteria is usually killed by the combination of warm water and soap, which is usually paired with wash clothes when showering. I’m a lifelong washcloth user, with no acne, no rashes, and smooth, clear skin.
  16. I can confirm he’s good. I saw him years ago, when he visited DC regularly. I hope he travels to my area soon.
  17. Hey gents, Has anyone had any experience with MrGoodGuy? feel free to post or send me a PM. Thanks!! MrGoodguy on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com
  18. I’ll also add that my personal addiction to showering, an intense hygiene routine is not only that it feels good, but because of the positive responses I get from people i interact with…. Complete strangers. at work, abd in piboic, it’s always a confidence booster getting compliments from others. Also, in the other forum threads regarding experiences with masseurs, I know for a fact that my luck with “mileage”, is highly contributed to being squeaky clean and smelling fantastic. However, I do recognize and respect that the “musk” developed from the OP’s hygiene routine gets him lots of mileage, depending on the environment, and social circumstances. 😈👃🏾
  19. I’m glad you made this point, as I’m all for women-only gyms. women can be quite problematic in co-ed gyms, especially when falsely accusing men of looking at them inappropriately. I can’t count the number of times some random woman is in her came-toe enhancing, super tight and revealing gym ensemble, and literally sets up directly in front of me, all to do nothing but deadlifts, squats and hip thrusts. Ironically, there used to be a women’s only gym chain, called “Spa Lady”. It eventually went out of business.
  20. Since the OP isn’t around others, I personally see nothing wrong with his hygiene options. For me, I love showers and baths. At least twice a day, I’m showering. 1.) Shower in the morning 2.) Shower after the gym-or right before bed. 3.) and an extra shower if there’s an extra event in my life (if I’m going out to dinner or on a date or something socially. I’m scrubbing up before that too) I have no skin conditions, dryness, or allergic reactions either. I rarely get sick, and never catch infections or rashes that stem from being around others. The modern narrative that cleanliness is bad for your skin, is “unhealthy”, and “bad” for you, needs to cease. There’s nothing wrong with being clean and fresh, and no one should be shamed for that either.
  21. He was my favorite. I saw his profile was deactivated and was hoping that someone has seen him recently just to confirm he’s still working.
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