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What would you do?

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Yesterday, I met an escort. He is very handsome and hot. He welcomed me naked at the door, led me to the bedroom and lied down quickly. Soon I got to know he wasn't interested in me at all. He was lying there like a corpse. He didn't touch me with his hands, and when I tried to kiss him, he said he didn't like it but in fact kissing is on his into list.

I was hesitant. I didn't know if I should leave, but I was shy and didn't dare to say anything. So I continued and fucked a "dead body" for the first time in my life. He didn't resist when I touched or moved his body, but never enjoyed it. I came, paid, and left far before the end time of our session. He kept lying on the bed when I paid and left, but said "Thank you!"

What would you do if you were in a similar situation?

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31 minutes ago, Mydavid said:

Yesterday, I met an escort. He is very handsome and hot. He welcomed me naked at the door, led me to the bedroom and lied down quickly. Soon I got to know he wasn't interested in me at all. He was lying there like a corpse. He didn't touch me with his hands, and when I tried to kiss him, he said he didn't like it but in fact kissing is on his into list.

I was hesitant. I didn't know if I should leave, but I was shy and didn't dare to say anything. So I continued and fucked a "dead body" for the first time in my life. He didn't resist when I touched or moved his body, but never enjoyed it. I came, paid, and left far before the end time of our session. He kept lying on the bed when I paid and left, but said "Thank you!"

What would you do if you were in a similar situation?

In my position I would have come straight to the point as soon as it became clear he wasn't interested by asking "Be honest, I'm boring you aren't I?".

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If it's clear he's checked out part way into the session, I think I'd simply say things don't appear to be working out between us and say we can cut it short and offer half the fee.  There is a possiblity that could get confrontational, unfortunately, so it depends how he appears to be reacting how I'd proceed if he demanded the full amount.  Your ability to extract yourself from the situation safely is most important.

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Yea, sorry that happened to you. But I can't imagine I'd act any differently than did you. I'd be hoping that surely the experience would turn around, become more positive at any moment. That it never did is no way your fault. You know that, right? In this little hobby of ours sometimes lousy experiences, like shit, just happens. You came, paid, and left. Probably couldn't not pay without getting into some sort of a fight, and nobody knows where that might go. And you did have some sort of consensual contact, lousy as it was.

It was just a lousy experience. It sucks. 

But there are a lot of good guys around, many on this site. Hope your next experience is wondrous, mind blowing, and ends way too soon. 

Edited by Becket
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That's so annoying, frustrating, unprofessional and unfortunate. I'd personally want to stop what I was doing, get dressed, let him know that I was leaving because he was showing little to no interest and that I was only going to pay him $X for his time. But then you risk a possible confrontation which no one wants. It's a tough situation to be in. Sucks having to pay full price when I'm sure you weren't even into it at that point. You probably just wanted to get off and go and have it all over with. 

I probably would have done exactly what you did.

Edited by Boaxxx
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Providers like this need to be “outed” - with the ability for them to defend themselves of course which is why forums like this are good. At some point if what you say is accurate this becomes akin to extortion, preying on client fears for safety, discretion etc - would help to know who he is if you’re comfortable sharing. 

The few times I’ve tried to leave without fully paying a donation for reasons I consider fully justified, it’s turned ugly; the most disengaged / high / drunk / entitled / narcissistic (etc etc) provider still wants his cash at the end of the day.  








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I'm truly sorry to hear about what happened to you. I'm not certain I would have handled the situation any differently than you did. I would probably try to make the best of it, pay him and leave. Regarding payment, withholding part of the fee, especially when at his place, doesn't seem wise. For me, prioritizing personal safety is paramount, outweighing any monetary concerns. Leaving a review to caution others about your experience is definitely something I would consider doing.

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2 hours ago, DWnyc said:

akin to extortion, preying on client fears for safety, discretion etc

Extortion? Preying on fears? Did I miss something? I have re-read and see only depictions of silence and non-responsiveness. The only preying I see is a client paying a fee for an extremely subpar encounter. Anything else would be self imposed paranoia, and there's no need to plant a seed causing that grow in other members.

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On 3/28/2024 at 12:41 AM, Thelatin said:

So you would also bang a corpse who is not interested.  Congrats. 

This is fucked up. You should delete it. I’m an SA survivor and you equating a lazy escort to me being held down and face fucked under threat of violence is disgusting. It’s offensive to SA survivors and @Mydavid who had an unpleasant but CONSENSUAL experience. 

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On 3/27/2024 at 6:56 PM, Simon Suraci said:

What a weird experience. That guy doesn’t know what he’s doing. I’m sorry you had to navigate such an uncomfortable predicament with an unprofessional provider.

That guy knew exactly what he was doing….. 😎

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On 3/27/2024 at 9:38 PM, Thelatin said:

 Not participating quite honestly sounds like rape…

Did you not see where the OP said the guy greeted him at the door  naked, guided him into his bedroom and thanked him once he was done?

This isn’t an issue of “consent”. This is an issue where someone has found an easy way to make some cash, without providing the expected methods/levels of performance. 


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On 3/27/2024 at 11:38 AM, Mydavid said:

Yesterday, I met an escort. He is very handsome and hot. He welcomed me naked at the door, led me to the bedroom and lied down quickly. Soon I got to know he wasn't interested in me at all. He was lying there like a corpse. He didn't touch me with his hands, and when I tried to kiss him, he said he didn't like it but in fact kissing is on his into list.

I was hesitant. I didn't know if I should leave, but I was shy and didn't dare to say anything. So I continued and fucked a "dead body" for the first time in my life. He didn't resist when I touched or moved his body, but never enjoyed it. I came, paid, and left far before the end time of our session. He kept lying on the bed when I paid and left, but said "Thank you!"

What would you do if you were in a similar situation?

Leave and negotiate paying less than agreed. If I want to fuck a dead body, I'd break into the morgue. You are paying to receive an experience that you enjoy, and that's not it. Part of the fantasy (and the reason many of us hire) is for feeling desired and wanted, even if it's not real. That's poor customer service. THAT SAID, I know of some clients who can't care less about it, as they care more for having a way with a beautiful, hot man. That's why I'm keeping this in "I" statements, as I know that some men care more about the hot body than attitude or mental presence.

Without attacking the provider, I'd give a review based on your experience, but there's a way to express your dissatisfaction without making it a personal attack,

Edited by soloyo215
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Will people stop with this "corpse" thing?

This happens to a lot of people. Just Google and look for people who get frustrating because their partners just "lay there" and let you do all the work.

This happens to all couples, gay or straight, married or single, etc.

All it means is that you get a bad f--k.

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