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Toupée, or not toupée?


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I think Ben Affleck's toupees look pretty good. But I would think that in general hairpieces have to be uncomfortable.

I've been thinking about giving Propecia a try because I have JUST enough hair loss that I decided to buzz it down, I wouldn't need that much more hair to be satisfied with the results. But I'm too lazy to get the prescription.

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Pornstar Drew Dixon sports one and it does look better (arguably) than when he was going bald, however,once I noticed it I couldnt stop looking at it.......

Which do you like better?





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No! No hairpiece unless you’re an actor, and only on a shoot or a stage! Covering your current real hairline with a piece or “system” is kinda like lying about your dick size: You can only get away with it for so long before the Truth Will Out. Now, being better at sex can forgive a number of exaggerations made online including hair color, D size and age. Isn’t it harder to be a great partner when you’re more focused on keeping your profile pic from coming off in his hand as he screams your name?


Poor Sagat- that scalp motif is one of many tatts he has, which, along with his coloring, that...body, and other style choices, made it work...at first. The shape of the hairline was ill-advised from the get-go and can only do less to enhance his appearance going forward. I bet it did follow his own youthful (but probably very thin) hairline, the elimination of softness at the edge is not designed for the longevity he enjoys, and he’ll eventually have to relent to the imprint of his real hairline as it whitens, reducing his impressive Catalog down to the image of the one LEGO on the shelf that the maid missed when dusting.).


Ditch the piece! Cut your hair as short as possible!! Buzzed, faded, shaved, whatever. it can be managed on your own (for life even...) for WAY less $$ than any artificial illusions.

Instead: Think about using distraction to move the viewers eyes somewhere else. Like, try new facial hair options with your newly nude dome, especially if you are concerned about your head scale/shape in relation to your features or overall body. You’re not the bald guy, you’re the guy with the beard...

Got shitty looking facial hair? Eyewear, corrective or not, can be anyone’s friend as you get used to the new balance of light and shadow looking back at you. You know where to go... take a brutally honest friend.


Odds are you’ve already been some sort of “hat guy.” Be more of one. According to Randy Newman, You Can Leave Your Hat On.

Or be less of one. According to Stephen Sondheim, it’s unclear whether Anyone...still wears...a hat.


Bald is sexy and beautiful!! When will we disavow, once and for all, the obsessive human mythologies of Virility and Eternal Youth that make people volunteer to have surgery?? Whatever you’re genetically dealt, regardless of age, wear it as proud as you can. Keep it simple to manage. Cover/protect it with headgear and sunscreen, and for God’s sake, try not to make rash youth-grasping decisions that could deplete your savings and demand a full face of makeup and/or a turban to go out of doors when you’re 70...


“Imperfections”... how sad that we’ve let them become such a threat to our value.

Yes if I could get that large sum of money back I would go back and warn my pre Bosley self. I could have put that money into apple stock and been an uber rich bald guy. Money seems to make many blind to flaws. JK

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Poor Sagat- that scalp motif is one of many tatts he has, which, along with his coloring, that...body, and other style choices, made it work...at first. The shape of the hairline was ill-advised from the get-go and can only do less to enhance his appearance going forward. I bet it did follow his own youthful (but probably very thin) hairline, the elimination of softness at the edge is not designed for the longevity he enjoys, and he’ll eventually have to relent to the imprint of his real hairline as it whitens, reducing his impressive Catalog down to the image of the one LEGO on the shelf that the maid missed when dusting.).




Some Schadenfreude?

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I started loosing my hair in my late teens. I eventually chose to go the comb over route rather than the toupee route. My part on the one side kept getting lower and lower. Then around 1995 I'd had it. I asked my students where I should go to get my hair clipped as short as possible. They sent me to Super Cuts. When I told the stylist to chip it as short as possible she was horrified and asked what my wife would say. Not being married and not wanting to get in a discussion I simply said that I didn't tell her how to do her hair and she didn't tell me how to do mine. After she had clipped off half of my hair she asked me what I though. I looked at her and smiled and asked what she would do if I didn't like it -- glue back what she had already cut off -- she didn't get it but went on and finished the rest. I then went home and shaved off the stubble. Now that I'm retired I don't shave my head every day -- more like two or three times a week. As far as I'm concerned shaving my head was the smartest thing I ever did. However, I must say that when I have both my head and face slavered all over with shaving cream I do look a little ridiculous.

Edited by Epigonos
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A few years ago when I was still performing laser hair removal, a good looking younger guy (30's) came to me after having had a hair transplant a few months earlier. It was a COMPLETE disaster, much was falling out (normal occurence) but nothing growing back in except a totally unnatural front hairline. He had spent an absolute fortune.

He asked me to laser it ALL off so he would be bald - in my opinion he would be HOT as a baldie. 8 sessions later (divided the area into sections for comfort) and 2 more 6-7 months later to catch the few missed hairs, he was happy as a clam, never has to shave it or take any care except to make sure he wears sunblock and moisturizes. He was aware it's permanent as was fine with that.


He spent a lot less with me than with the transplant and he was thrilled. So thrilled he opted for full body (and I mean, FULL) laser removal - took a year visiting me monthly (can't do too much at one time - the body can't handle it).


For those considering transplant, techniques have improved but it is still expensive for first rate job. Much less expensive, tho no less well done in Colombia, I have heard tell ? but travel isn't what it used to be.


For toupees, I think Sean Connery has had the best, in all styles - go all the way back to The Hunt For Red October and everything since.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Getting a toupee or transplant doesn't fool anyone, so you might as well just wear a hat? As others have said, going bald is something you gotta own - you'll be much happier in the long run. Just shave or buzz your head, and if anyone mentions it, tell them you like it that way. Worrying about the wind or coming out of a pool or buying the right shampoo or hassling with styling it just right so it doesn't show - not worth it!

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Getting a toupee or transplant doesn't fool anyone, so you might as well just wear a hat? ...

I wonder if bald men or those who wear hairpieces are more sensitized to look for those things? Obviously, I can tell a bad hairpiece or transplant result, but I don't really look carefully for that. As I have confessed previously, baldness is a serious turn-off for me. I once went out with a guy, who took off his hairpiece before having sex, saying "I'm sure you already knew I had a hair piece..." to which I responded truthfully "No, I couldn't tell." I'm not sure if I was able to reach climax, but I must confess I never called him again. I wish I didn't feel that way, but I can't help it.

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I started going bald in my 20s and first opted for one of the "systems." It was a disaster... not only did it look like a wig (and people said so to my face!), it was uncomfortable as hell. The hair was magnificently thick, but that further added to the ridiculousness since my natural hair is fine texture. Plus once installed, they did the inevitable upsell saying I needed to get a second "system" for when the first was being deep cleaned.


Given that my natural hair was never great to begin with, I've been much happier since clipping it, and ultimately shaving it. Now I use something called Headblade that looks like a little car, basically a razorblade on wheels. It works really well for a close shave, with minimal cuts.


As some may know, my husband was also an escort, though unlike me he specialized in domination. He had a regular client who had a combover, and in one session he tied the guy to a chair, took out a razor, and shaved the combover off. Though the guy was initially shocked and probably not very happy, the next time they saw each other he said it was the best thing ever and could not thank my guy enough.

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Most of us who began losing our hair young, I was still in high school, initially hated the idea of being bald or partially bald. Many of us tried comb overs, transplants, or hair pieces. Eventually we reconciled ourselves to the fact that we were going to lose our hair and there really wasn’t a damn thing we could do about. I finally gave up comb overs when my part nearly reached my neck. I came to the realization that the only person I was fooling was myself and that was stupid. I took a good look at myself in the mirror and laughed. I went to a barber shop and had the sides and the back of my head buzzed and then when home and shaved my entire head. One of the smartest thing I have ever done. Now if others have difficult with my being bald that’s their problem NOT mine.

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As some may know, my husband was also an escort, though unlike me he specialized in domination. He had a regular client who had a combover, and in one session he tied the guy to a chair, took out a razor, and shaved the combover off. Though the guy was initially shocked and probably not very happy, the next time they saw each other he said it was the best thing ever and could not thank my guy enough.

Wow. That took some chutzpah. I take it that there must have been some "safe word" that the client chose not to utter?

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I started going bald on the top back of my head around 25, much like my father, and like him it ended there. The front and sides remained thick and to this day almost 50 years later remain so, maybe a bit thinner on top but not noticeable. When I look in the mirror, I see a full head of hair. From the back, when I look in two mirrors, I see baldness. But I rarely look and couldn’t give a fig. I enjoy escorts who are either hirsute or bald or partially bald. It’s what is below the belt that counts for me. I had a few encounters with an escort a couple of years ago who was around 27. His hair was starting to thin and he was very self conscious about it. The first time he came to my house he kept his woolen tuque on until we got into bed. I thought he was very sexy. But he later went to Turkey with some of my money lol to get a hair transplant (this was in 2018). Haven’t seen him since as his ad was removed from RM although I have his e-mail. We’ve corresponded since but it seems his girlfriend didn’t approve of his sideline business and I think it was just to get the money for the transplant.

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