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RealAvalon's Achievements

  1. In my experience, a typical rider of the policy has been that the home is visited/inspected at least every 30 days. Document when the home has been visited. If there is any problem with vacant insurance issues, it's been around the issue of "monitoring" the house, and having been around to see what's up with it while it's vacant.
  2. If I ever need to have a well dug I know which dowser I'll call
  3. Almost all the dancers are straight. One of my buddies that danced at Stock, his girlfriend didn't want him working on their Ladies Night, which I think was Wednesday night. I could be wrong on the day of the week though.
  4. Edmund White writing about himself, how new is that ... (I've read a lot of his stuff, and he can definitely turn a phrase.)
  5. Best Minds, very smart writing.
  6. Gives you a whole new appreciation of sports
  7. does he have a green eye and a blue eye?
  8. I hope he didn't lose anything important
  9. He probably has trouble finding jeans that fit
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