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Posts posted by tenderloin

  1. 15 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:


    I am uninterested in anything that only prevents ONE sexually transmitted disease. So you shouldn't be "stunned".


    So you lead the Daddy's Den Chapter of the Know Nothing party? I'd tell you to look up DoxyPep, but it would evidently be a waste of time.

  2. 20 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    ... but I'm gonna do it anyway...🙄

    I've been fucking my brains out since the late 80s. Condoms have done the trick thus far. No unwanted pregnancies and no HIV. So not much interest in all these options that give me a false sense of security to bareback everyone.

    I didn't say that people should or should not use condoms or prep or whatever. I won't judge others' decisions there. But, referring to the question "what is ART?", is seems to me that to be a sexually active gay man seeing escorts and to not be familiar with the basics of HIV treatment/prevention is pretty stunning. 

  3. 1 hour ago, BaronArtz said:

    What is ART?  

    I don't mean to get all judgmental here, but us denizens of this space really should be up to speed on the latest medical issues: ART, Truvada/prep, Doxy Prep etc.  As Sy and Marcy Sims used to say in the adverts, "an educated consumer is our best customer." 

  4. I met Edward last night. Wonderful experience; strongly recommended. He's well endowed, fully verse, affectionate, and delivers what's promised.  I know it's a bit of a cliche, but he really is better looking than his pics. Beautifully slender and muscular latin man who is also a sweet and affectionate guy.  He's also a go-go dancer at a few well-known establishments in NYC.  If he's your type, go for it   ; ) 


  5. I saw these two guys separately on consecutive nights, and the experience could not have been more different.  Truly "A Tale of Two 'Scorts"  

    I had had extensive correspondence with Dakota Steele during which we agreed to everything we would get up to. He had some great vids available and has a sexy body. A verse hung kisser is my ideal.   After a few duds, I was eager for some fun. Well...
    1. Showed up 90 mins late 

    2. Announced upon stripping that he had some rectal problems that precluded even a peak at his tusch, never mind a tongue or other equipment. A complete no-go zone.

    3. Was incapable of getting hard. When he was incapable of topping me, I asked him to at least jerk off. He couldn't cum, either. 

    4. Asked to use the bathroom; was in for an extended time, and I eventually discovered that he was getting high (T) in there. 

    Stay away from Dakota Steele. If you are even considering it, reach out to me and I will talk you out of it. You're welcome. 

    Juan Escobar, on the other hand, is amazing. What a sweetheart. Better looking than his pictures, a genuine 8 inches (at least) with a great butt to match. Most importantly, he is a friendly, personable, uninhibited, passionate guy. He really got into it and delivered as I hoped. He is a keeper - 15 on a scale of 1-10. One of my top five ever sexual experiences.  

  6. 1 hour ago, Asterisk said:

    Two reviews, both one-star:

    "Scam & lies. From the time of meeting to the end. Please Dont trust this account nor waste your time. Message me for further details."
    "Asleep after being here for 20 minutes.. Just a horrible experience.. I just wanted him GONE.. don't book this guy !!!"

    Yes, I am embarrassed that I went for it. I was tempted to keep my idiocy private, but then the value of this site is that we have the opportunity to educate each other. So I hang my head in shame but hopefully will help someone else. 

  7. https://rentmen.eu/tighternnrighter

    I seem to have a knack for picking the train wrecks..... Once again, I ignored the warning signs (two bad reviews on the RM site) and let my little head do the thinking.  I did a facetime call with him in advance and things seemed ok.  Oy.  Avoid this one at all costs. 

    The lowlights:
    *showed up an hour late to our already late night appointment
    *refused to do all that was agreed
    *tried to hide from me that he was adding a clear liquid (probably ghb) to the glass of juice I brought him
    *this is a first: set a one-hour alarm on his phone, which he left in the living room; when he got out of bed to turn off the alarm he declared session ended and began dressing
    *threatened to make a commotion in my building (at 3 AM) unless I wrote him a good review on RM (I refused). 

    Don't even think of hiring this one. 

  8. Hi Guys - I have been gradually working my way up the endowment scale, and am now ready to engage some plus-sized providers. Rentmen NYC features plenty of guys with big dicks, but of course some of them are real dicks, too.  Below is my wishlist (yes, my tastes are eclectic). Any experience with any of them? I am looking for: 1. Hung  2. Able to perform  3. A decent personality.  Anyone have any experience with the list below, or suggestions for an addition? 


    Hung Schmuck








  9. I've been on a hiring spree lately, and thought I should share some insights regarding talent I haven't seen discussed here yet:

    1.   Mintboys Brooklyn This guy claims to be in Park Slope, and his photos got me excited.  He agreed enthusiastically to a three-way with another provider (see below), and we texted back and forth quite a bit regarding specifics for the evening.  He confirmed the morning of, but then stopped communicating about 2 hours before showtime. He reached out a few hours later and insisted he would only show if I paid him in advance. Umm...no. Pic belowscam1.jpg.18ff20d3c33448bea3177560f18b34de.jpg



    2.  Alexx  He was supposed to be the third in my three-way, but thanks to the scammer above, we had a one-on-one. Lovely guy with a sweet personality, and an eager bottom. However, he is not really a top (why he advertises as versetop I have no idea) and is definitely not as large as advertised. Still, he rescued my evening (I was pretty pissed off at the scammer above) and as a bottom he is a great choice. 

    3. Rodrigo   This guy is brand new to escorting, and he is absolutely lovely. Beautiful body, nicely endowed (but not huge), and a charming personality. Fully versatile, though still finding his way as a top.  Recommended.



    4  & 5.    Dhamyan also advertises on Mintboys.  Used to be part of a duo with Victor - they are scam artists who don't perform as agreed; when I hired the pair, one of the tried to distract while the other started looking through drawers and cabinets.  Avoid them both. Pictures of the scammers here




  10. https://rentmen.eu/JonesMineiro

    There's not a lot to choose from in Dublin; the few who are actually willing and available tend to price themselves high reflecting the market scarcity.

    This guy is a lovely exception: fully verse, enthusiastic, friendly, wonderfully-hung, and definitely providing the desired bang for the euro. I know it is a bit of a cliche, but he really is better looking than his pics. He will be there through the end of the year, so if life puts you in Dublin, he's your guy. 

  11. https://rentmen.eu/IMvicTorNow/#platinum


    These two gentlemen were advertising as a duo and flagged by me and others as liars and thieves. Now they are advertising solo, but I don't imagine the game has changed. In brief: they demanded more money than agreed in advance, wouldn't do all that was agreed in advance, ended the session early, and while one of them was trying to get me to shower with him, the other was at the other end of the apartment looking in drawers.  Beware.    


  12. Yes, Grindr probably works for the young and the pretty.  Even when one factors in the aesthetics (I do find there are a small few who are into dads & dadbods), there is still significant filtering for us mature folks to do. In NYC, my guess is that less than 30% of the profiles are actually genuine and viable. As for the rest, we have:

    1. The voyeurs who are only looking to get off virtually, and never intend to actually meet anyone in person.
    2. The liars who use inaccurate photos/stats to disguise age, weight, and other characteristics 
    3. The scammers who are after your personal info (about five times a day I hear from a pretty Asian guy who asks me "what are you looking for here?" ...sometimes I reply "my glasses")
    4. The grifters who are looking for cash, but don't tell you until you've spend 30 minutes chatting with them.
    5. The trolls (homophobes) who seem to get off on pranking people ("on my way...in the subway now....")
    6. The dudes currently living in Rwanda or Bolivia or Kabluchistan who know that I am the man for them and they want to spend the rest of their lives with me.
    7. The brain dead who ask those great questions:
       Q "what are you into?"  A: "read my profile and you will see." 
       Q "how old are you?" A: "read my profile and you will see" 
       Q: "where are you?" A "read my profile....". 
    8. Those with "unusual" tastes/preferences: Among the requests I have received are to agree to fuck someone on the subway, force odd objects into someone's rectum, parTy, etc. etc. 

      Aside from those folks, the apps are great...  
  13. https://rentmen.eu/HairyXLatino

    So I met up with this guy on Saturday.  Meh. 

    On the plus side, he is friendly, looks like his pictures, and is a great kisser. 
    On the other hand, he promised we would do some flipping, but once in bed he was very resistant to bottoming. When he got into the top bunk, he performed well but after about 4 minutes announced he was cumming.  You know the drill.  three minutes later he was dressing, and with ten mins was heading out the door.  And it feels a little petty to cite this, but add him to the long list of guys who need to learn how to read a tape measure. A nice dick, but not the dimensions advertised.  Par for the course....


    And to be clear, while I am not Brad Pitt, I'm not bad looking and I'm careful about hygeine, brushed teeth, being friendly and welcoming etc.  On balance I wouldn't recommend this guy unless insta-fuck is your thing. 

  14. It's one thing to text a few minutes before an appointment to tell your partner that you will be late (or are ready early), but to cancel at the last minute without any explanation (and boy it would have to be a good one) is just shitty. I don't care how hot he is, that earns him a place on my blocked list. Thank you for calling this out, as he was on my "to do" list (but no longer). 

  15. 3 hours ago, wsc said:

    Your life, not mine, but why in the world would you invite an unknown provider (let alone two of them together) into your apartment? It just strikes me as inherently risky, and it seems you got off easy from the encounter, even if being an uncomfortable one. It could have ended much worse. (My thought has always been, they don't need to dump the body if I'm killed in my place.) Please be careful!

    Fair point, but I think that risk exists in almost any rental situation unless you are seeing someone you already know. My building records all visitors, and the cameras are quite evident to folks as they walk into the foyer and enter the elevator. In NYC at least, many providers live in less desirable parts of town, so I think the risk is greater when one is entering one of these dwellings while likely carrying a large amount of cash. 

    True story - I had a regular I would see in East Harlem. One time I got into the elevator with a woman who, without asking, immediately pushed the button for the floor to which I was headed. I smiled and asked her "how did you know?"  In an unfriendly tone, she replied "there's only one reason men like you come into my building, and he's on the 16th floor." 

  16. 1 minute ago, marylander1940 said:

    It might be easier if you share your interactions with them on here?

    Did they harm you? 

    They did not physically harm me, but: in addition to not doing during the session what was explicitly agreed beforehand, and demanding a rate increase mid-session, and ending the session after only 20 minutes (after I agreed to the increase), one of them tried to distract me while the other started exploring the apartment looking on shelves and in drawers. I then ushered them both out of my apartment. They were not even out of my building before they blocked me on RM as they knew I would post a bad review. 

  17. 19 hours ago, Unicorn said:

    Well, I have to preface by saying that I don't understand your requirement, nor does it seem to me quite reasonable to require cumming...You should bear in mind that his cumming will affect his ability to take on more clients later that day, so he may insist on a premium even larger than $100 extra.

    Well, the way I see it, HE should bear it in mind.  As I said in my original post, I make it clear that cum is important for me. If he doesn't want to, or wants to try to schtuupp 20 other guys that night, he shouldn't take me on as a client because he is not willing to meet my stated expectations.  My problem is with the guys who agree, and then try to fake it. 

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