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  1. Do you mean him? Or the other one?
  2. And/or federal subsidies. 😉
  3. I think he may have been but I am not positive. Can anyone else confirm?
  4. Walt

    New DC provider

    . I agree, punctuation does matter. It's the invisible words in some comments that I'm ambivalent about. 😉
  5. "Take a chance. Get hurt even. But play as well as you can. Go team, go! Give me an L. Give me an I. Give me a V. Give me an E. L-I-V-E. LIVE! Otherwise, you got nothing to talk about in the locker room." -- Maude (Ruth Gordon), Harold and Maude 😉
  6. Wow, how progressive and amazing for three separate governments to save money and reduce bureaucracy by having one unified Department of Motor Vehicles. Bravo!
  7. The Department of Motor Vehicles? I know they have been trying to improve the experience so people don't feel they have to stand in line forever -- but having available providers is above and beyond.
  8. Hmmm...I found a bunch. When you search pick "Everywhere" on the pull-down menu just to the right of where you type "FrenchThick" within the search box.
  9. Walt

    411 on Cuca

    It's just like with those "air ferns" that don't need dirt or water and just sit there looking pretty--at least until they get old and dusty.
  10. Now that's a provocative new AI prompt.
  11. And to help think outside the box, given there isn't a listing with the headline: "BEST BOSTON ACCENT IN L.A."! Do you think Edison just waited around for an advertisement on a web site that said, "LIGHT-BULB IN SEARCH OF AN INVENTOR"?
  12. NOT random actors, Siily! Rather, actors in local community theater productions where they have a role using a Boston accent so you can easily judge if they are any good or not. If you went up to random actors, it could take a really, really long time.
  13. With all the aspiring actors in LA there's got to be someone (who even if they don't come by it naturally) can scratch your itch. 😉
  14. I hope someone from the RM parent company is reading this...and realize it needs to be fixed. When I search for ALL locations, I want ALL.
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