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Everything posted by Jamie21

  1. I understand that the Racoon now asks for deposits.
  2. I had a client like that. Told me “I’m not gay or anything but you suck my cock better than my girlfriend”. Then he liked a finger inside because she wouldn’t do that for him. But he definitely wasn’t gay…. Then he asked if he could try sucking me, which he enjoyed (I didn’t - too much teeth). But he said he definitely wasn’t gay. Lots going on 🙂.
  3. The usual answer….ask, communicate, explain, be respectful. If he’s good he’ll have a website that will give you as much information as you need to understand what is included. I always check with my client before the massage starts what their boundaries are: no one welcomes prostate massage if they really don’t like anything penetrating them. So for things like that I check it’s ok. Otherwise I read their reactions whilst they are on the table. I also say that they are welcome to interact with me as much or as little as they like. Then they can decide what they are comfortable with. Beware of choreographing the massage too much though, the best sensual massages are a mix of the unexpected and the familiar. They take you on a journey with the destination almost always a climax but it doesn’t necessarily have to be so. If you definitely want full escort service then book an escort because if you’re paying a sensual massage rate it’s not reasonable to expect him to f*ck you (although of course it does sometimes happen).
  4. There’s a similar feature on Rentmasseur, it tells me when people have viewed my profile and suggests “a premium Rentmasseur client has viewed your profile…he may be interested in you so consider contacting him etc”. I never do initiate contact because I think it’s up to them. Some of these premium Rentmasseur clients view my profile dozens of times. Maybe they’re rubbing one out to the pics, and that’s fine (if that’s you …I have a justforfans 😉) but I think it’s more likely they’re just thinking about it. I reckon it takes a lot of intention to hire a sex worker because of the nature of the work and all the issues that surround it. If my clients have put a lot of thought into hiring me then that’s great. I want that. Clients who hire on a whim tend to be more flaky, treat you like you’re a commodity and don’t value the service. I don’t need that. Give me someone who’s thought long and hard about it, is invested in the decision and who has seen what I’m about and said “yes I’d like to meet him”.
  5. I once did a triple toe loop, double salchow and triple lutz during a particularly energetic session with a client…but it was unintentional because it happened as I fell off the massage table. I got a good score for artistic expression but the client scored me lower on rimming technical merit.
  6. I love these kind of places. So few exist. I’ve not been to it but I have been to similar venues. The attraction seems to me to be a mix of the opportunity for exhibitionism: to do outrageous acts in public that wouldn’t be possible in polite society, the sheer randomness of encounters that @Coolwave35so evocatively describes and the democratisation that a dark room provides where what you look like isn’t such an issue. For me the greater variety of people there the better; straight, gay, old, young, male, female and everything in between. It’s society but with the rules changed, where it seems that almost endless possibilities exist.
  7. Ok this will get it going. Pineapple on pizza? Yes or No?
  8. So many milestones 🙂 You’ve commented on a ‘Deposits’ thread (usually one regrets that decision…but I’ll let you decide that) and you have an ‘Explorer’ badge! Congratulations.
  9. Or his initial request to the provider always appears to be so sketchy that even the most relaxed provider who never asks for a deposit changes his policy and asks for one having received his request….
  10. Do it! Please 🙏 When I retire I’m writing a book on my experiences. Some unwritten rules will be written then.
  11. Yes, I agree with these unwritten rules. No deposits (but I don’t travel for longer than an hour), no payment up front, no counting the money unless asked to. I’d add no last minute late night bookings, no client gets to book a session if they’ve previously no showed (I give one chance, if there was a reasonable excuse). These are rules I apply and my business model works fine 99% of the time for me. It’s my choice to work like this, I could travel but I choose not to. Other business models might require different policies but I like mine because they work for me and have done for 6 years. Over 70% of my clients are repeat business. I don’t need or want to chase work, therefore I don’t need to make any compromises in how I do business.
  12. That’s one of the best descriptions of the dynamic I’ve seen. I totally agree with the comments. Hire who you like, that’s the point, it’s your choice. It doesn’t matter if you have less experience than him, if as I understand it, that is how you are describing ‘out of my league’. I’m sure it won’t matter to him. I love seeing clients who are inexperienced. There’s a lot of satisfaction that comes from helping a guy explore and discover new sexual experiences.
  13. Hi [Marylander1940] thank you for your enquiry. I am available Monday to Saturday daytimes and weekday evenings in London. Cheers Jamie <Auto reply no. 54 - potential timewaster>
  14. This is why I’m always careful to open text or WhatsApp messages when I’m in church.
  15. This is great advice. In fact all of your post is sound advice for any hirer. Professional guys will respond appropriately to a request. Those playing at this work will likely either not reply or appear disinterested. Take it as a sign of how he will be when you meet him. It works the other way too. When I get clients open their communication with me with “Hey” or worse a cock pic, I am almost certain nothing will come of the enquiry.
  16. This is a good tactic. With some massage clients who book a 2 hour session I offer them the chance to blow their load right at the start. If he’s really excited and is prone to cunning before he wants to then we just call it and I suck him off before he gets in the table. That way he can relax into the massage and really enjoy that without the tension ‘down there’. Then I build him up again over the 2 hours to a second climax. It’s a nice structure to a 2 hour massage.
  17. And it was a pleasure to meet you! Thank you 😊
  18. I’m aware a few guys on here have hired me, but I’m not revealing who because I’m nice and discreet.
  19. Oh I’ve set some expectation level now haven’t I 😂😂. Happy to do an outcall to NYC (I fly business class, stay at 4 star hotels. Very reasonable 😉).
  20. That’s right, but what does make a difference is how the client behaves. He could be the perfect physical specimen for me (as in 100% my type) but if he’s an asshole (as in disrespectful, demanding, ignorant) then nothing much will happen and what does might feel stilted. It will still be a great massage etc but that bit ‘extra’ is missing. I think if someone is like that then they probably wouldn’t notice the difference anyway! Looks are superficial, it might be an initial spur to attraction but behaviour is the key. If the client is respectful etc then I’m into them because they’ve chosen me to be their masseur. I don’t mind what they look like; an attractive personality is by far the greatest turn on. Add the setting of a sensual massage and you have all the ingredients for a great session. I agree with @pubic_assistance that some clients want 100% of the focus to be on them. If that’s their thing then that’s what they get. Most guys that do sex work get off on giving. If giving means 100% focus on the client that’s fine. Within the bounds of what you’re prepared to do for the rate etc then ‘giving’ can also include having the client watch or help you to climax. That’s giving too because the client wants it. If the client doesn’t want it or if it’s not in my repertoire then it’s not happening.
  21. Sounds like you do! I’m avoiding 5 or 6 per day because well, I don’t get that many clients asking in the first place! …but even if I did I wouldn’t book that many. The physical stamina aspect is part of the reason although I swim and run distances so I probably have that kind of stamina for it but it’s the mental and emotional energy that I need to be aware of. I try to get into a state of flow when massaging, so that I’m doing it without consciously thinking. It’s difficult to do that and I don’t always succeed. However when fully in that state I’m acutely aware of the person I’m massaging: I can hear their breathing, feel their heartbeat, feel their temperature changes, see the slightest change in how they react to touch on different parts of their body. I think it makes for a much more intense experience for the client. On the surface of it I’m just working their muscles in a normal massage way but that’s only a small part of it. At the deeper level I’m working their whole body including their mind. If I’m in a proper state of flow then it’s as if we are not two bodies any more, we are one body and I feel what they feel, and I can sense what their state of mind is. The energy that takes is massive. I think this kind of massage is more of an eastern philosophy of massage than the western one. If I tried to do more than 3 a day I’d not be able to do my style of massage.
  22. It could be both. I’m not bothered about being called a sex worker, I use the term to describe myself. I like to also give a great proper massage. Clients get a great massage, and a ‘happy ending’ (in fact the massage builds to the happy ending), and if they want me to ejaculate as part of that then I’m happy to do that too. If that’s sex work then that’s great! No problem with it.
  23. I’d never do 6 massages in a day. That’s too tough for me! Regardless of ejaculating… The most I do is 3 a day and I’d spread out the third one. It’s mentally and physically draining to me to do more than 3 in a day. Despite what sounds like an escort type session (yes I am happy to cum, I include oral and rim for example) I do make sure I give a proper massage, not an ‘escort style’ rub using baby oil! Doing a full massage with attention to the energy of the client, not just working their muscles but working their whole self, mind and body, is draining. By the third massage I’m done. I don’t want to risk giving clients a bad experience or getting injured so I stop at 3.
  24. And to others, when they’re paying they want to see the masseur ejaculating (before they ejaculate). If that’s what they want then I’m happy to oblige. Every client is unique.
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