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Everything posted by Jamie21

  1. I’m not American! 😉… I can empathise to an extent with @Jarrod_Uncut. I get time waster clients, guys who regularly ask about availability, rates, what’s included etc yet never get around to booking. Others ask about availability and I go back with dates etc and then hear nothing…so weird. People can be strange, especially when it comes to dealing with sex workers. I think they believe different rules apply. I also think it’s futile to try and change other people. In any situation that causes you grief the answer always lies in how you think about it and how you respond. If you think other people will change you’re going to be constantly disappointed.
  2. There isn’t a checklist. If there was, it wouldn’t work, it’s not possible to work like that. Each nervous client is nervous in a different way and for different reasons. You could ask them but that tends to bring attention to the anxiety. I handle each situation differently but I guess common themes are being reassuring (holding hands, cuddles) and taking things slowly. I think to myself: Here is a person who has chosen me to be with during an intensely intimate and personal time when he will be vulnerable, anxious and excited. That’s something to be treated with the utmost care and sensitivity and I’m going to make him thankful for choosing me. Get in that frame of mind and your actions to reduce his anxiety are natural.
  3. I use Dayuse rooms for filming porn… others do too because I’ve recognised a few rooms when watching their films 😂
  4. I think it’s very unusual. Most guys I know handle all their client interactions. It’s just not practical to have someone ‘in the middle’. All my interactions with clients are done by me but where I do employ a manager is for social media. I have someone handle my filming schedule, edit the films, post my content on fans sites and deal with all the admin associated with that. He also schedules some collaborations. However I do all the communications with those who follow me. There’s just too much work associated with doing filming for social media to handle it all alone.
  5. When you see a good sex worker they are always controlling you mentally. Despite what some guys say about the size of their cock the brain is the biggest sex organ. The more you understand what’s going on in a client’s mind the better your service. Your requirements are similar to anyone else’s requirements, they just differ in context, and you are being more explicit about articulating them. Now, get back to the ironing. I want creases down the sleeve of my shirt. I’ll tell you when I’m satisfied with it…
  6. A client insisting that the guy cums is like the team manager insisting that the striker in a football (soccer game) scores every game. Sure, he’s there to score goals but you can’t force him to. In fact I find that the more insistent the client is that I cum the more difficult it becomes. Especially when they say they want you to cum inside there’s something about the pressure to perform which makes it more difficult to perform. My advice to clients is, by all means ask, but the best way to get what you want is to avoid being prescriptive and demanding. Most providers will very quickly work out what you like and will deliver it.
  7. Sounds like a red flag to me. Also it’s not necessarily the size of the guy that can be a problem when bottoming, it’s more about his skill as a top. I’ve bottomed for some very big guys and it’s been fine, and some smaller guys (ok average size) and they’ve been difficult to take because of their technique. How one could guarantee to bottom for him is difficult to imagine. I’d decline to accept his booking.
  8. I don’t count myself as a porn star (well…if I’m trying to flatter my ego when I look in the mirror I do, but that’s not really the point is it!) and I’ve over a hundred porn films, for a studio, for other models and for my own fans platforms. I’d say I’m a porn actor. When does one move from being a performer to a porn star? I think it’s when you’re browsing the net for material to get yourself off and you accidentally come across one of your own videos….
  9. Most of my referrals come from other masseurs or escorts (and I return the favour). If I can’t see a client and he asks if I know anyone else then I always suggest guys I know who I think would be suitable for the client. They do same for me. It’s more frequent than referrals from clients because I think most clients are discreet about hiring.
  10. Most of my pics are body pics, there’s one or two that show my face although not directly. If a client contacts me and asks for a face pic then I’m fine to send one. I prefer to be a little discreet plus the talk of authorities using facial recognition software to identify those doing sex work is a concern. I don’t want to be stopped at the border of a place I’m visiting because some country doesn’t like my job.
  11. I think as a provider it’s important for me to feel that my clients are enjoying themselves. I bring my 100% focus on giving them a great experience but it helps me to do that if I get visible feedback. Aside from me needing my client to be hygienic and respectful (almost all are!) then the only thing that really helps me is that I can see they’re into it. I find it difficult if he’s totally passive. It happens very occasionally…as in he just lays there and whatever you do there’s no response. I manage to get him off but it’s kind of sterile. I asked afterwards “did you enjoy it?” and one of the guys said “yes it was great”. I believed him but just wish he showed it more because that spurs me on. That particular guy was very anxious and inexperienced so that’s why I believed him; he was too scared to ‘let go’ but I think most providers would say that what encourages them in the session is to really feel that their client is having fun. That’s why I do it, I love helping clients be themselves sexually and emotionally.
  12. This is it. Sometimes I get clients asking if they can book and pay for half hour but then extend it to an hour or longer if they want to during the session. So what that means is I have to book out the full hour in my calendar (giving up doing anything else during that time) just in case the client decides he wants longer! Sorry no that doesn’t happen. Minimum time is an hour. My style doesn’t suit anything less than that and really I find an hour is rushed. Best time is 90m or 2 hours.
  13. I had a client who just liked worshipping (if that’s what you’d call it) my dick. I’d just sit there or lay there while he knelt and played with it, sucking and using his hands on me (when he wasn’t edging himself). It could go on for hours if I let it but of course there was a time limit. He didn’t want me to do anything back to him, so I didn’t. I really can’t do that kind of work, it got so boring. I prefer to be more active. I had to decline his requests to hire me in the end. I really couldn’t understand how he could get so much from basically doing the same thing for hours.
  14. I have a client who I see at his hotel when he visits. Lovely guy, always stays at nice hotels. The only challenge for me is he likes to leave the room TV on whilst I massage him. It’s usually on one of those 24hr news channels. I prefer to massage to music (my playlist or his) but he likes the news on. I find myself listening to it which makes it difficult to focus on the massage. One time I was working his cock almost to climax and the football (soccer) scores came on, so I had to ease off a bit so I could hear my team’s score without being distracted by my client’s climax. He didn’t notice… I hope it just seemed like a bit more edging.
  15. Now there’s an idea! I am part of the gig economy. Working anytime with zero job security and having my pants pulled down all the time.
  16. Yes! I’d love McKinsey to come in and tell me how to run my business. I’m looking forward to having a smooth talking snake oil salesman…sorry ‘partner’ present me with a 40 slide PowerPoint deck that has been produced by their overworked graduates using slides adapted from their last client (hey they might even leave their name on one of the slides). I’d love to see them take things that I intrinsically know and re-tell them to me as if they’re new concepts for me by using fancy graphics, models and buzz words like ‘pivot’, ‘key stakeholders’, ‘agile’ and ‘channel’ so they can charge me an exorbitant fee. Then if I try to implement their recommendations I’ll have to watch my business fail because as everyone knows consultants consult because they can’t do real work.
  17. Here in Europe (although I’m in the UK and we like to think we’re not in Europe of course…😉) that kind of data policy would mean you need to be compliant with data protection regulations. There’s all sorts of rules about what you can collect, why, how you store it and use it and what safeguards you have over it. In Germany basically it’s impossible to collect any kind of data!
  18. Similar feature on RentMasseur. I get messages on there from the system telling me that a ‘Premium RentMasseur client’ checked out my private gallery and would I like to contact them?’. I never do because I figure if they liked me they’d be in touch. I agree with the ‘build it and they will come’ philosophy. Maybe some clients need that little push to get them over the line but I’m not going to risk annoying people by being too pushy. I seem to get enough business anyway.
  19. I met a regular client of mine recently in the foyer of a hotel. My client had asked me to arrange another masseur to join for our session. I know the other masseur very well (we have made a few films together and regularly come across each other). As I walked into the hotel with my client the other masseur was waiting for us to arrive. He noticed me enter and as he came up to me we embraced and kissed each other on the lips quite passionately …and a little too long for it to be passed off as eccentricity! He then greeted our client and we headed off to the room for the session. Afterwards, once my masseur friend had left (the arrangement was that I would spend the final hour with the client) my client told me that he’d watched the reaction of people in the hotel when we kissed. He said he was quite surprised by the PDA and that some of those hanging about in the lobby seemed to be disapproving. I hadn’t even thought of it because it seemed so natural to kiss my friend. My client said he was glad that he hadn’t received a similar PDA because it would have been embarrassing for him. I really don’t mind what people think so it hadn’t occurred to me that the client might be feeling awkward. Once we were inside the hotel room he was keen to watch me and the other masseur do all sorts of things with each other, but in the public area he felt awkward at just watching us kiss!! All because he was worried about what people were thinking which is a real shame.
  20. I fell for that one one time. He told me he’d do some naked sketches of me for free, all I had to do was turn up and strip off. He sent some examples of his work which looked great. Naively I agreed. I turn up, strip off. He tells me he likes to chat first to get to know me because it makes the drawing better. So we chat. He tells me he needs to touch me to get me in the right positions. Ok…so he ‘adjusts’ me in various positions. Then he starts drawing but it doesn’t seem like he’s doing much except looking and coming over to check things. Then after about an hour of this, he suggests I might need a break from the poses so he makes us both a drink and sits next to me on the couch. I ask to look at what he’s done so far so I get up (to get away from him because he’s far too close) and look at the easel. Honestly it’s like a kid has drawn a stick man. He notices my surprise and says it’s just for proportions and planning and he will fill in the full details afterwards. Then he suggests he should get naked too while we rest and drink. As he strips off he asks if I want any explicit pictures and that I should get hard for those. I called time at that point and told him I had to go. I never saw any pictures….
  21. Weekday daytime is ideal. The wife / partner thinks they’re at work, work thinks they’re at a meeting. WFH doesn’t help me because I’m based in central London. Most London workers commute in from the suburbs.
  22. It’s counter intuitive. Friday night and Saturday people are out socialising, there’s other stuff to do. Plus those kind of clients (the I’m horny now types) aren’t good clients. I think people book early on the week because they want a treat to start the week. Also if you’re hiring on the ‘down low’ then it’s easier to do that on a weekday daytime at start of week.
  23. Certainly don’t spend an hour talking with a client about the session. That’s 100% sign of a time waster. If they ask for pics that’s also a big red flag, especially if you have pics on your advert. If you don’t have a professional set up, by which I mean a website with decent pics, maybe a video, lots of information, a good advert on the relevant sites (Rentmen, RentMasseur) then you’re more likely to attract clients who see you as someone who can be messed around. Have some rules: never discount, no last minute bookings, no extended chat, no sexting, no session less than an hour (it sends the wrong signal to do < 1hour), and remember that even with that approach at least 25% of contacts about sessions never actually result in a booking. People get anxious, change their mind, need ages to decide to go ahead, have other priorities, get busy etc. Some have no intention of ever booking but most I think are just mulling things over. That’s ok with me as long as they do the mulling without taking up too much of my time.
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