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The Heat Challenge: How are you faring?


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So I’ a summer person by nature and Kansas can be quite toasty in the summer with 100 or above not unusual.                                                                 But what makes this week a little rough is, the weather is closer to 110.  I’ll take it over frigid weather anytime, just give me a pool!


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5 hours ago, BuffaloKyle said:

I'm ready for cool fall weather. I love to sleep with my window open and get the nice breeze at night. This heat, humidity, and especially wildfire smoke has been sickening this summer.

Fortunately,  we in Kansas have been spared the smoke of the last two summers.    The wildfires in Colorado were such a problem in 2021 and 22.   I like hot weather,    but a big difference between 95 and 110.

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The heat has not really been an issue this summer in the part of Michigan where I live (about 80 minutes north of Detroit).  Pretty normal summer days here with daily highs between 75-85.  A few days almost reaching 90 but never over 90.  What has been a problem here this summer is the smoke from Canadian forest fires.  We've had lots of hazy/smoky days although it has been clearer the last 8-10 days. 

I visited Ft Lauderdale for two days back in late July and frankly the temps/humidity were nightmarish...even for Florida.  I lived in Miami basically for all the 1990's and never experienced heat like that.  I could not fathom living in Florida during the summer anymore.   It felt like the blood in my body was going to boil.   

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3 hours ago, EZEtoGRU said:

The heat has not really been an issue this summer in the part of Michigan where I live (about 80 minutes north of Detroit).  Pretty normal summer days here with daily highs between 75-85.  A few days almost reaching 90 but never over 90.  What has been a problem here this summer is the smoke from Canadian forest fires.  We've had lots of hazy/smoky days although it has been clearer the last 8-10 days. 

I visited Ft Lauderdale for two days back in late July and frankly the temps/humidity were nightmarish...even for Florida.  I lived in Miami basically for all the 1990's and never experienced heat like that.  I could not fathom living in Florida during the summer anymore.   It felt like the blood in my body was going to boil.   

Sadly, Canada is really on fire this year.  Every province and territory has been affected, and I read that the total area burned so far is close to the size of Illinois (150,000 square kilometers).

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This has been a very pleasant summer weatherwise in Eastern Canada , namely Ontario and Quebec, which account for over half of the Canadian population. Other than a couple of days when the smoke was bad from fires up in the remote parts of the two provinces, the temperatures have been mostly in the 70s and low 80sF.

There have been isolated rain events and the odd tornado in some of the larger cities or nearby but no deaths or serious injuries. These extreme events are becoming more frequent in the last decade.

British Columbia is the exception when it comes to wildfires, in the sense of more people being affected directly. I take it Vancouver and Victoria have had more smokey days and larger population centres in the interior are being burned out. Okanagan is BC's wine and fruit growing countryside and larger numbers of people live closer to nature. They are being displaced by the thousands. Reminds me of California except BC was never like that years ago  except in the remote north.

Unlike for Charlie, our electricity bills are higher in the winter. Also heating on top of that since most of us heat with gas. Except Quebec which uses electricity. But then their electricity is cheap with all the hydro they have. For seven months or more my utilities expenses are relatively low, including water and sewage.

Edited by Luv2play
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17 hours ago, CuriousByNature said:

Sadly, Canada is really on fire this year.  Every province and territory has been affected, and I read that the total area burned so far is close to the size of Illinois (150,000 square kilometers).

Very sad indeed.    We in Kansas haven't had smoke this year.   That happens when the Rockies have a lot of fires.   I hope it can come to an end with the start of fall.


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On 8/22/2023 at 12:09 PM, Charlie said:

My biggest challenge with this summer's heat is probably the electric bill. Even with the thermostat set at 82 for the a/c, the bill for the past month was almost $500. A typical bill for a month without a/c is under $100.

I wish I could have an electric bill under $100…

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/22/2023 at 12:09 PM, Charlie said:

My biggest challenge with this summer's heat is probably the electric bill. Even with the thermostat set at 82 for the a/c, the bill for the past month was almost $500. A typical bill for a month without a/c is under $100.

I read in today's Globe &Mail that experiencing temperatures above 26c or 80f in indoor living is bad for elderly or those with serious health issues such as heart failure. Having such indoor temperatures even with ac is not something they discussed. I think they assumed if you had ac you would keep the temperature in your home at a comfortable and safe level.

Many of the examples they cited lived in British Columbia where ac is not that common in homes.


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On 8/22/2023 at 1:38 PM, BenjaminNicholas said:

Step one, remove shirt.

Step two, remove shoes.

Step three, stay that way for upwards of 4 months.

It definitely is a way of life,  Throwing on a pair of shorts and heading out the door every morning with the beagles.    Now with cooler weather,  I had to wear a pair of jeans.   I like less clothing.


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In the San Francisco Bay area, the weather is easy to tolerate most of the time - mild winters, cool summers.  This summer, probably because of climate change, the weather was even more perfect - not much fog or wind - blue skies and perfect shirtsleeves weather all the time - Mark Twain would have loved it. 

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