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Posts posted by dbar123

  1. Now that I’m retired I’m grateful to have worked in a profession that paid me decently. I have the financial cushion to live on both coasts and enjoy life without dealing with the pressure of making ends meet.

    Life should be full of contrasts. If you spend all of your time doing what you “love” you may eventually get tired of it. It’s good to do some things that are tough so you can better appreciate the things that truly give you pleasure 

  2. I’m amused over the degree of indignation that some escorts have over customers who ask for a discount. I wonder how many of these same guys are quick to leave early and cheat clients out of the last 20-30 minutes.

    In general I would only ask for a discount if I’m bundling it with additional hours. Guys who leave    a few microseconds after I’ve come is a bit of a pet peeve. Extra brownie points for those who stay for a joint shower which should be a given

  3. 2 hours ago, Wolfer said:

    Because every subsequent session he kept on shorting the time more and more and being distracted during the session. The previous session (that he shorted) I had said I wanted to stay the full hour. He promised me next time. 

    The next session he shorted me a full 30 minutes. I spoke up and he started giving the excuse that "the session ends when the client cums". I could also see in his demeanor he didn't care one bit whether I would return or not after this. I did pay the full amount. I'm sad (and also frustrated because our first couple of sessions were really good).

    It's jarring when an escort drops the act... When they really show how little they care about you as a person. Even to the point of not respecting my time nor my money. 

    It's the second time this has happened... Another regular started doing the exact same thing. First sessions he didn't watch the clock, amazing sex. Then he started trying to get me out the door in under 30 minutes and collect payment for the hour. It felt like they started to treat me as an ATM. 

    I think I'm going to stop hiring for a while. 


    Your “ex-provider” sees you as just an ATM machine. Definitely time to move on. Sorry that this happened to you. As a regular you should be getting better treatment as time goes on, not the junior varsity bullshit.

  4. 1 hour ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    Yeah, it’s important every provider be able to show our rates. That’s why I went ahead and got a website because, I like to know how much something is going to cost…Before I even walk thru the door. I went to the LV store in San Francisco last year (was moreso chaperoning a friend versus buying myself lol) and even though there’s not a big NOTHING UNDER $500 SOLD HERE sign, every item has a price, thus avoiding embarrassment when walking up to the register. Why RentMen is still afraid the show the price of the pornstars, idk. 

    I just don’t think Denver can “afford” $250-$300. Back when I used to do well there (2010-until rentboy, CL and M4rent fell off) I used to only be able to get $150-200/hr or $300/350 two hours from the locals, the slightest price hike, guys would try to talk me down. Which was annoying because sometimes I would need more than $150-$200 to run my ever increasing incall studio because: clients need us to host.  And even when I wasn’t asking for deposits and could readily host, people were still being flakes or unreliable.

    But occasionally had visitors who would give me 500-1,000.

    Hmm, I find that hard to believe. 75 different RentMen and non you found unique? Maybe it’s not them, but you? And not in a bad way: but maybe you’re subconsciously going after a certain type that doesn’t tweak your desire for uniqueness? I mean hell: I been on tour for over a month now, and have met at least 2-3 clients who I was like: wow…that was different.

    It may be a service commodity to those who view it that way, but for others it’s an essential luxury. Like baseball tickets and spa treatments. 

    If you’re looking at it from a perspective of wanting to find it cheaper, perhaps this is different than what you’re needing. But once someone starts saying they can find guys to hookup with for free and don’t have/want to pay…that becomes less about the escorts, and moreso about someone else’s prerogatives.

    You’re right. It is me. My tastes are evolving and I’m just looking for something less formulaic and more unusual. It’s out there. 

  5. 51 minutes ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    Price hikes in providers or cost of goods?

    My willingness to pay for services just isn’t boundless. I figured that prices would ultimately go higher so I decided to find a cheaper alternative. I’ve just gotten better at meeting guys locally with similar interests who want the same thing and are willing to reciprocate with massage and bfe.

    Unless you are a provider with something truly unique to offer then you are just a service commodity and I’m just not interested in paying premium prices for commodities. Over the past 5 years I’ve probably seen over 75 different Rentmen. The vast majority were fun but not compellingly unique enough to pay extra for.

  6. I also had a bad reaction to my 14k wedding band. I would get cracks in my skin that were very painful. I eventually had to stop wearing it. It took a good six months to fully heal. 

    I left the ring on my dresser and one day it accidentally fell behind it. When we finally moved and pulled the dresser away from the wall it was nowhere to be found. I never bothered to replace it. My partner is an artist and had stopped wearing a ring because of stray paint so we just decided to not bother any further with the convention of rings

  7. To be charged $9.95 and be unable to view videos and semiprivate images….well it dors make me wonder what I was going to get for the money.

    When I went to revert to a basic free membership I noticed that it is no longer an option so I wound up deleting my entire account. 

  8. The good news- I noticed that my current Rentmen membership fee is still $9.95 for the month.

    The bad news- I noticed just now that I am no longer able to view videos. To see the videos I’ve saved I now need to upgrade to a $19.95 plan. 

    This is as good of a reason as any to cancel the membership and just stay free

  9. IMHO the anticipation of much better sex trumps paying for a mediocre experience. It’s also cheaper.

    I have a similar situation with a local provider who is becoming less and less adventurous and the sessions have become pretty bland. I’m letting him “time out “ and saving the money for a future, more interesting adventure 

  10. 11 hours ago, Luvmassage said:

    How do you overcome a sex addiction?  I cannot seem to get enough sex and massage.

    When I am not having sex, I find myself going online and looking for gay sex porn.

    It is really creating issues for my life since it is such a distraction.

    If others have experienced the same issue, how did you overcome it?




    I started limiting myself to one encounter every week, then one every 2 weeks etc. I’m up to one a month. I’ve shifted my joy to the anticipation of the event rather than the event itself. That works for me but YMMV.

  11. It really helps to practice with an incremental selection of increasing size dildos. Something that is 1.5-1.75 in diameter is a good average. Realistically that covers the vast majority of guys. I’ve personally stopped taking guys over 2in as the view isn’t worth the climb

  12. 10 hours ago, TectonicThrust said:

    Has anyone else been blackmailed on Grindr or Scruff? I was in the closet and joined scruff without uploading a face pic. The first person to message me ended up blackmailing me once he found out I had a wife. He said he was married too and that his wife and kids were away. He got me to move our conversation to text once we were arranging our hook up. Once he had my cell number he must have done a search to get my identity, family members, workplace and of course all my wife’s details. He threatened to text my wife and my coworkers if I didn’t give him $2,000. I was so traumatized but I had been thinking of coming out for a long time and he just pushed me over the edge. I went right in and told my wife everything. Only later did I go onto google and find that these scammers never follow through. Indeed he never did contact anyone. But I don’t know if I’d have had the guts to come out if this never happened to me. Others have a similar experience? I am alone here?

    I had a similar experience on A4A. He wanted $3000 in bitcoin. I kept stalling him out despite his continual deadlines and threats. Eventually one of his rapid action deadlines came and went and nothing happened 

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