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Posts posted by dbar123

  1. On 2/21/2023 at 3:55 AM, Demmorick said:

    Wow does he really Top with that thing😍 or is it all muscle worship with him?

    I had seen Jay a few times when I was living in Boston just before the pandemic. Nice enough guy but definitely an acquired taste. He is very "weedy" for sure. He had been recovering from being hit by a car while biking and hadn't been working out as much so I do wonder what he looks like now.  I think of him as more of an "experience" rather than a typical masseur or escort.  If you are looking for a conventional masseur experience with him you are bound to be dissapointed since he does not have a table and uses a bed in his spare room and as massages go, it's underwhelming. If you are looking to be topped, yes his dick is quite large be he is not the most imaginative top so the experience is a bit mechanical. Still there is something rather quirky, awkward and fun about seeing him that is hard to quantify and when I leave, I feel happy. I find him very complimentary and he just makes me feel good emotionally.

  2. 22 hours ago, Quartz said:

    Thanks everyone for taking the time to respond! Four hands doesn’t seem as appealing to me, based on your responses, so I’ll stick with two hands for now.


    Realize that a 4 handed massage is as much "performance art" as it is "massage" and if you are in the mood for that, it may be worth the added cost. I once had a pair of massage guys screw each other during the massage so it was just as much interactive porn as it was massage. Another time, I had a pair of guys do something I'd never experienced- one was jerking me off while the other was beating a small hand drum- the beats got faster and faster in time as I came closer to climax.  It was highly erotic and VERY pleasurable. If your "team" is able to add some new twist to things, it can be great. Unfortunately most of the time, the 4 handed ones as not as imaginative.

  3. I've had a few of these in the past. In general there are two different styles. Style one is where the two providers work on either side in unison. As long as the providers are equally proficient, this can feel really good but if one is weaker than the other, it is a bit of a bummer.

    The other style which I prefer is where one partner takes care of the lower half and the other takes care of the upper half. They may even switch from time to time. This gives you the opportunity to blow the provider while still getting massaged. If one person is less capable in massage, you won't notice it.

    In general, unless they will be having a "3-way" with you at the end, a single masseur is a better use of your fuck dollar if you just want to have a decent massage.

  4. 4 hours ago, WilliamM said:

    Well, I guess you visited Philadelphia as well as the Wartorn School of Business. Did you like the campus, which is located in the safest part of Philadelphia. Very little crime.

    I often walked home after evening classes (I audited a Renaissance Italian Art class as well an English Literature class also an audit class)

    The only time I ever got mugged was walking home one night to Harnwell House…some guy told me he had a bomb and was gonna blow me up. I just kept walking. To this day I always wonder if that was Ted Africa. 

    Other than that I have occasional fond memories of my undergrad years at Penn

  5. 22 hours ago, Unicorn said:

    You're a good example of how crucial diet and exercise are in the treatment of DM2. In fact, you and your physician should give serious consideration to stopping the metformin. No professional guidelines suggest any Hgb A1c goal of less than 6.5%, and there is nothing to suggest better outcomes for those keeping it under 6%. At the very least, you might as well switch to once-a-day metformin ER (extended release), which is now generic and very inexpensive. But I would suggest stopping it all together, and see where your Hgb A1c lands. If it goes above 6.5%, you could start it again. 

    metformin ER (Glucophage XR) 500mg
    90 tablets at CVS Pharmacy
    Logo of CVS Pharmacy

    When I was in practice, I was able to take a significant number of patients who followed diet and exercise off of meds completely. On the other hand, there were those who wouldn't adjust their diets or activity patterns, and every year or two, it'd be one more medication (including insulin). 


    6.5a An A1C goal for many nonpregnant adults of <7% (53 mmol/mol) without significant hypoglycemia is appropriate.

    6.5b If using ambulatory glucose profile/glucose management indicator to assess glycemia, a parallel goal for many nonpregnant adults is time in range of >70% with time below range <4% and time <54 mg/dL <1% (Fig. 6.1 and Table 6.2). B

    6.6 On the basis of provider judgment and patient preference, achievement of lower A1C levels than the goal of 7% may be acceptable and even beneficial if it can be achieved safely without significant hypoglycemia or other adverse effects of treatment. B

    6.7 Less stringent A1C goals (such as <8% [64 mmol/mol]) may be appropriate for patients with limited life expectancy or where the harms of treatment are greater than the benefits. B"

    (A recommendations have the best evidence)

    Thanks for the advice. I will broach this when I have my next physical and bloodwork in a few months.

    I've not been averse to taking Metformin since it acts as an mTOR inhibitor which presumably interferes with protein synthesis, and most likely tumor development as well. As my dad died of pancreatic cancer I am more than happy to take something that might help forestall tumor growth.

    I actually used to take the extended release metformin but my insurance carrier (Tufts and Caremark) switched me to save a buck. I have a new prescription vendor (OptumRX) and I am curious to see what they will send.

  6. I got diagnosed with Type 2 about 13 years ago when I turned 55 (blood sugar at 160). At my doctors advice I first started off with aggressive weight loss which brought my blood sugar to about 120. In time it started creeping up slowly so he put me on Metformin. I’ve been on it for over 10 years (500mg twice daily ) and my A1C is about 5.9. Ive not really had any issues with it but I’ve had to supplement it with aggressive exercise (weightlifting and biking) as well as a 2000 calorie diet. The diet part really sucks.

  7. Maybe this goes without saying but as a client, you also have some responsibility for helping create the mood. That included dressing on point (interesting underwear never hurts), making sure your body odor and breath are up to code, taming your hair etc etc. If you have a beard, make sure it was well trimmed a few days earlier so it’s not overly sctatchy ( or use a beard balm). If you are visiting a provider in call it never hurts to offer to bring coffee or something similar to show that you’re considerate.  I once brought a piece of chocolate cake to a provider who let it slip that it was his birthday. We had the best time “eating.”

  8. You can do this on your own if you’re really motivated to make it happen.  It just means that you need to track your calories accurately. I use MyFitnessPal to do that but there are probably other programs that do the same thing. You can use an online calculator to figure out your maintenance calorie rate and manage a diet with about 400 less calories on average per day. 

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