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Posts posted by Jamie21

  1. I have a justforfans page. When I couldn’t do much massage work during lockdown the justforfans was helpful. 

    It does take effort and focus to produce decent content and to promote it. I use proper lighting, 4 or 5 cameras, and a professional editor. I also post a full length (20 to 25 minutes) film every 2 weeks. 
    I make a reasonable return but it’s not as good as doing client meets. I think it’s just another way of promoting my work and making some money from performing. 

    If you like watching massage porn then I hope you’ll like my work. It’s accessible via Twitter @massageforhim 


  2. I had a client who wanted to be tickled. For the whole session. I just tickled him all over.

    It was ok at first, I thought he’d tire of it and want sex but no…he asked for more tickling each time I tried to get more erotic or do some traditional massage. “Tickle me more” he’d ask. I’d tied him to the table just by his wrists and ankles so he couldn’t resist, which was his request. 

    If I’m doing a firm massage or I’m fucking for ages I’ve usually got the stamina but tickling a guy is something else! I got really tired in my hands and forearms. The tickling became less and less vigorous. 

    I was kind of hoping he’d cum from the tickling, which would have been intriguing to see. However, although he got hard (and I kept stroking his cock every so often) it was basically the only part of his body that wasn’t ticklish and he didn’t seem to want touched. 
    Our time ended and he’d not cum (nor had I but that’s not unusual) so I asked him if he was happy and he said it was fantastic. My hands were so tired I could barely undo the knots to release his binding. 

    It’s definitely a request I wish I’d declined because it’s not really my thing. Either that or I’ll double my rate. 

  3. I get some from clients googling for sensual/erotic massage and finding my website; sensualtouchco.com.

    I get around 20k visitors a year to it and it’s growing. I’ve got videos on there, frequently asked questions, my location etc so that they can see what’s on offer and I don’t have to answer too many questions.

    I think it gives clients confidence I’m professional about things and it’s a great way to promote yourself. I’d definitely recommend setting up a website if you are currently just relying on advertising platforms. 

  4. 2 hours ago, westernsyd said:

    As someone who has been large most of his life, I had a period where I walked a lot and swam a lot and was very trim, but that did not last.


    I feel good about myself , self love is important, but I also am smart enough to know its not attractive to some, and of course there are the health issues.


    The heaviest I got to was 320 pounds and currently i am slowly loosing and at 275 today.


    When i see a new provider I always send a description, in a email or text message,  “I am a 60 year blonde bear 275 pounds looking for …..”  and take it from there.


    If someone says does not work for me  - I thank them for the honesty and move on.


    I have a couple of great providers who make me feel great, and we have a fun time exploring pleasure.


    I could go to a bathhouse, pay my $25 and wander around all night, maybe get lucky, maybe get rejected, maybe end up in a cubicle giving myself a hand job.


    Or I could spend $300-$600 with a provider and have a wonder couple of hours .


    A lesson there for providers who are looking to improve their business.


    I reflect back on an evening i spent in a gay B&B which was closing optional.  I spent a couple of nights there, the middle night I was the only guest, the owners were out of town and they had a guy in who was looking after the place and me.

    We had chatted briefly when he arrived, i did not take much notice, i was swimming and sunbathing naked, had a walk on the property and a swim in the river that passed thru their property, i had a long relaxing outdoor shower, and thought nothing of it.

    I went into town in the late afternoon, had a walk on the beach and some dinner.

    When I returned the host offered me a glass of wine, and wanted to see a pic of my husband, so i grabbed my iPad and found one, he came and sat very close to me while looking at the pics.  He then suggested a moonlight swim.

    I dived in first, he joined me and of course he was very handsy.

    We had a fun night, drank some wine, soaked in the hot tub, played, I particularly remember bending over the balcony as he ate my ass out.

    he told me that what attracted him to me, was the way I just showered that afternoon without any self consciousness.


    The really professional providers will see past your excess weight and will discover your inner sexiness and enjoy you as a sexual being and an interesting person






    Exactly this. “Discover your inner sexiness” Although I’d say it’s not inner because it is on display in how you behave and interact. A good provider will notice these things like that guy noticed you taking a shower. Someone who only looks superficially won’t notice. 

    It’s the reason if clients ask to send me their picture I decline. It’s not necessary to see a picture. A picture isn’t the person, it’s just what they look like not who they are. 

  5. Who knows? I’ve tried to understand the patterns of business but it always defeats me. Sometimes it seems to be the phase of the moon that decides whether or not I’m busy…

    The only pattern I can see is that the start of the month is slightly busier, because I think people have been paid (monthly pay cheques in UK). That’s all, otherwise it’s random. 

  6. I look to my clients for 3 things. Be clean and fresh (that’s the top requirement and an absolute red line), be punctual (I have a schedule, if you’re unavoidably delayed please communicate, we can always reschedule), be respectful and polite (I’m a human being not a piece of meat). That’s all. If they’re those things then I’m able to give my best for them. They’ll get my total attention and focus because there’s no issues with cleanliness, rushing or dealing with attitude to distract me. 
    Their body size, shape or colour isn’t any issue atall. A good provider knows that sexiness goes way beyond physical appearance. There’s something sexy and attractive about everyone and a great provider will know how to find it in their client and bring it out. The fact that you’ve come for a session in the first place makes you attractive in my opinion. It means you chose me to share it with…and that’s definitely a positive for me! It starts things off well and I’m eager to show you that you made the right choice. 
    Long post, sorry but I think this is important because lots of my clients say they worried about being sexy enough to have a massage and fun. It’s a shame because everyone can be sexy and they shouldn’t worry about their body shape. Just be clean punctual and nice. 

  7. I wouldn’t welcome being approached in public. Just a nod and eye contact is ok but if a client started a discussion with me I’d feel quite awkward and monosyllabic. I’d be anxious about where the conversation was going. Fortunately it’s never happened. 
    I’m not embarrassed by what I do, I discuss my work with friends who are understanding but unfortunately not everyone is open minded and tolerant so I’m careful about who knows what I do. I think it’s important to keep client confidentiality so I’d never even acknowledge a client if I saw them in a non work context. I’ve even seen clients at sex parties I’ve attended and not given any indication to anyone that they were a client so I’d expect the same courtesy back. 
    Discretion is the most important quality of a good escort and one that escorts appreciate from clients too.


  8. I did see a table partially collapse at a massage training session I was at one time. An interesting event…12 naked guys on massage tables with 24 semi naked women learning how to give a sensual massage to a guy. I was one of the 12 demo models. The females would rotate around every so often so that they got to practice on different guys. At the start of the evening the guy doing the training was demonstrating a move which meant he had to lean on the table. As he leant over it one of the table legs collapsed, rendering it unusable. I was asked to give up my table so the now table-less volunteer could use mine. As I was a pro masseur and knew the guy running the event I stopped being a practice model (unfortunately) and helped him to train the women in how to massage their man. They did well, 10 of the 11 guys reached climax. 
    We discovered later that the collapsed table had a screw missing. Generally I think most tables are sturdy. It’s just that if the person on the table is big then it’s difficult for the masseur to mount the table. 
    Sometimes if my client wants to be fucked it’s better if they bend over the table and I can fuck them from behind rather than having to mount the table myself. It’s quite a good position. 

  9. 8 hours ago, JoeMendoza said:

    Lol, at my early hiring days (which is kinda funny since I really just started 1.5 years ago), I had one experience where I did look at 'available now' coz the guy I had planned to have a session with just decided not to see me (it's all good, we're friends now), so then I was checking my plans B, C, and D in that order to see if one was available - couldn't waste a properly cleaned hole for the night...haha.

    I guess now I am lucky enough to have some of them reach out a few weeks in advance to let me know when they're going to be in town so I can get those sessions scheduled in advance. And good thing for the existence of thrusting and vibrating dildos and the Pulse for the instances where I turn into those "I'm horny now" thirsty dudes. And yea, not into 'available now' either nowadays coz God knows how long it takes to friggin' prepare down there.

    And that’s an issue too! I’m almost always top and it seems almost all of my clients are bottom which isn’t surprising given I’m hung. However occasionally a client will want to top me, which is fine (I’m versatile) but I wish they’d say in advance so I can prepare. I just assume they’re bottom so I never prepare myself (not thoroughly anyway). Nothing’s happening that way if I’m not prepared. 

  10. I’m never ‘available now’. For one thing I have other work to do so I’m not just hanging around on the off chance someone will call. Plus those kind of “I’m horny now” clients aren’t the sort I want. Ok spontaneous liaisons can be great but not in a provider / client context, not for me anyway.

    I prefer clients who have thought carefully about visiting me and made a decision with more than their dick. A last minute decision to use my services to unload isn’t likely to be an uplifting and meaningful experience so that’s not the type of booking I take. 

  11. Oh yes Twitter I forgot that. I think I do get a lot of hits to my website via Twitter (well I know I do; the analytics tells me I do) and I agree Twitter is like a gallery for my service and I can post ‘thirst trap’ style pics and videos which brings eyes to my page. The more hits I get to the website and the better I make the SEO then the higher I get on google when someone searches for sensual massage in London. 
    The longer I’ve been established the less I need to advertise so now I keep it to a couple of prime advertisements on high traffic sites like Rentmasseur and rely on repeat clients and referrals for my business. I’ve a lot of contacts in the business so I get referrals from them too and I send clients their way too. 

  12. My standard times are 60,90 and 120 minutes and mostly I recommend 90 to my clients because 60 is a taster (for first time clients) and 90 is an ideal time to relax. If they want a fully immersive experience and more sex included then 120 is best. I’ve done longer sessions but those tend to be where we take breaks to chat etc and it’s a day booking, more of a boyfriend type experience for him so includes massages, bathing, workouts etc. 

    The longest I received a massage was for 3 hours at a training event but it was 3 different masseurs practising on me so there were 3 different styles which made it interesting. 

  13. 5 hours ago, Becket said:

    Early on in my career a mentor said the best thing I can do for my own mental state and general well being is to get used to being evaluated. "People are gonna judge you every time you get out there.  Get used to it.  Get comfortable with it.  Though it seems very personal, it's really not.  They'll won't know your inner strength and drive just by that first interaction and experience. You still get to choose to whom you show your true self; the best parts, the most important parts of yourself."

    This was good advice for me thirty years ago.  It still sounds good today.  

    Yes, in essence you are the goods in this business and that means some buyers won’t like the look of you. I used to worry about that, now I don’t so much because I know that there are plenty who do go for me and what I do. I also make porn and that’s even more brutal in terms of putting yourself out there to be knocked down. Everyone has feelings and insecurities but doing this work has helped me realise that there’s a market for everyone. I don’t take the rejections I get personally. Not often anyway!! 

  14. 2 hours ago, DanteV said:

    As others have said, it's totally your call. There's no doubt profiles with face pictures get more attention. 

    Just to offer one more perspective: my policy these days is that if a client takes the time to introduce themself and gives me an indication that they are genuinely interested in getting together, but wants to see a face picture first, I'll share it. I'm willing to take that risk because my experience is that time wasters in this industry are pretty transparent- for whatever reason they can't often be bothered to tell a few lies or write in full sentences for a hot second in order to get access to face pictures. 

    Generic rentmen private gallery requests, on the other hand, get ignored, as does "face pic?" without any introduction. 

    I'm sure I miss out on a few clients....but were they really clients I wanted that bad anyway?

    Definitely this. Polite requests from genuine clients get a face pic. If the first question is “face pic” then the answer is “no”.

    It’s part of my filtering process to deter and remove the time wasters, picture collectors, fantasists and bottom end clients who will ask for a discount.

    Genuinely interested clients will have seen my website, asked a few relevant questions and then if they want a face pic they’ll get one. I don’t want anyone coming to see me to have any misconceptions about who they’re meeting as that’s a poor way to start off. I want them to feel happy and comfortable when they walk through my door, and even more happy when they leave. 

  15. Loads of towels. Client usually uses at least one in the shower, sometimes two, one large one on the table, another to initially cover the client, one to clean up the cum etc lol, plus table cover and head cushion. Then I use a towel in the shower.

    Never buy white towels or table covers. They look good but the oil stains them. Dark towels are best. I also use lots of paper roll to soak up the oil. But towels are the biggest problem. 

    My washing is never finished. If I see three clients in a day then it’s at least 15 towels...and getting them dry is a challenge. 

  16. I get some no shows too but I’ve learned to see the patterns that indicate they’re likely to flake.....the endless questions, sending dick pics, the “definitely up for it” assurances. Most times I can tell and in those instances I don’t make any commitments to spend to facilitate the session. It’s worse when I arrange a 4 hands and we both turn up but the client doesn’t show. So now I only take a 4 hands booking from regular clients or I take a deposit. 
    Recently I’d arranged a 4 hands for me and a masseuse with a new client and I asked him for a deposit because the masseuse was travelling some distance to the session. Sure enough on the day he messaged to say he couldn’t make it. Unfortunately the masseuse had already travelled. At least I was able to give her some compensation to cover the cost of her travel but it’s annoying because we’d both put a lot of planning and time into the session for the client. Sometimes I think clients don’t appreciate the effort that goes into setting up a session; the venue booking and preparation, preparing yourself and all that goes into that, travel time if it’s outcall, getting any supplies needed. I reckon some think I’m just sitting around all day waiting for them to call. 
    I generally don’t take deposits because most clients don’t want to bother with them (usually because they want to remain discreet) but if I get a no show then they’re blocked for ever and I tell other masseurs (yes, we share info like that) so that others can be aware. 

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