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Posts posted by Jamie21

  1. I’d recommend doing an in call if you want to relax properly. When I do outcalls to clients homes it always seems that there are distractions for them. I did a call to a client who’s phone would ring during the massage. Another time a client had his daughter was upstairs (that was a very strange massage...).


    I think if it’s out call to their hotel room this is ok, I take my table and they have a good massage and can relax properly (we can also use the bed for more intimate sessions) but at their home it’s different and too many distractions exist.


    Best to do in call at my studio where I can manage the environment so that you get the best and most relaxing time. Sometimes though if you’re not able to travel an out call is the only possibility of getting a massage so if that is the situation make sure your home environment is free from distractions.

  2. I use lingam massage techniques in my massage. The whole idea of sensual massage is to prolong the arousal and try to induce orgasm that doesn’t involve ejaculation because this retains the energy in the body. If you are skilled at the techniques you can keep a guy close to orgasm without him reaching ejaculation. The sensation feels like a continuous orgasm.


    If a guy thinks he may not be able to hold back for the whole massage time then sometimes I start the massage with an ejaculation (in the first 5 minutes) and then he can relax and build up again more slowly through the massage to a non ejaculation orgasm, or another ejaculation orgasm


    Most guys do want to orgasm and ejaculate as part of the massage however because they’re not practised at non ejaculatory orgasms. It takes a lot of practice and self control.


    I’ve got some lingam demo videos on my Twitter timeline @sensualtouchco

  3. Good info, thanks for sharing. If that is the case (not directed at you) then why not document in your bio??

    Good point!! I like to put as much info about the massage and service as I can in the Rentmasseur bio. I’ve got a website for my sensual massage service so I have the link to that on my bio. Clients who are interested can then look on my website where there’s all the rates and a lot more info for them.

  4. I prefer cash but many clients now prefer to pay by credit card or PayPal so I now accept those.

    My only issue is I wish society was more approving of sex work in general. Where I live it’s legal but society likes to keep it out of sight (until of course they want to use it or tax it).


    I think it should be more mainstream and not considered negatively if someone visits a sex worker for a service.


    Just like going to the dentist for dental requirements or a psychiatrist for treatment then going to a sex worker for sexual requirements should be seen as a necessity especially if someone can’t or doesn’t want to satisfy their sexual needs in casual dating or with their regular partner.


    Sex work is a social service and is good for society if the providers are professional. Bringing us more into mainstream will professionalise the industry.

  5. The settings on Rentmasseur aren’t very flexible. You can only post one in call rate and one outcall rate. I have different rates depending on how long someone wants (an hour, 90 minutes, 2 hours etc) and you can’t show those. Some masseurs may have different rates also for the style of massage. This may mean it’s easier to put “ask me” in the box.

    But in general I agree that often it’s because they’re pricing on the ability to pay or they’re using the ‘low cost airline’ pricing model where everything is an extra incurring an extra charge. If you start taking to a provider and he wants extra to massage naked, extra to touch x or y and extra for some ‘activities’ then it’s probably not going to be a relaxing massage.


    I’m on Rentmasseur and I just publish my rate for an hour on there. It’s all inclusive for sensual massage which in my service includes sexual activity including penetration if they want that. The only time I’d make an extra charge is if they want me to travel a long way (time is money) or they want unusual or very bespoke services like a couples massage or 4 hands etc.

  6. I’m tested every 3 months. I’m on prep so they do a health check for that too. I have a VIP card for the clinic (yes, there is such a thing!!) so I don’t need to book, I can just turn up which is convenient.


    During the pandemic I’ve had periods during lockdowns of seeing very few clients (only some regulars who are alone) but I still test every 3 months whether I’ve seen 3 clients in that period or 60, it’s still important to test regularly and know your status. The clinic I use are excellent and still easy to use during the pandemic. You just see fewer people in the waiting room and wear a mask.

  7. As an escort you don’t decide whether or not you see “high class clients”, the clients decide that. You can set yourself up as expensive or top end but if no clients take up the offer you’re not an escort atall, let alone a high class one. All you can do is price your service what you think it’s worth and then see if the market likes you. If it does, then it has decided you’re worth it. If it doesn’t then you have to decide to lower your price or get out of the business.

    I set my price when I started 4 years ago and I’m getting the volume of clients I want so it’s good for me. My clients vary from extremely wealthy to students on low income. They all pay the same rate, they all get my full attention and focus. You can decide to be professional and reliable of course but you can’t decide to be “high end”; that is decided for you.

  8. If I do an outcall I’m not strict on time. Say they book an hour, I start the time from the time the massage starts. It usually takes me 15 minutes to get the table set up and get undressed, then some chat etc. I’ll find a clock in the room or I set the time by my music which I play on a Bluetooth speaker from my phone. If we’re in a hotel there’s usually a clock beside the bed.

    After the massage I’ll chat and spend some time cuddling or whatever he likes if we’ve moved from the massage table to the bed for example. I include sex as part of the massage so it starts on the table but guys find it more comfortable if we use different positions to move to the bed or shower sometimes. By the time things have cooled down it’s usually another 15 minutes then I start to pack up the table etc. So for an hours booked massage my whole time there is more like 2 hours.

    Sometimes after we’ve finished and cuddled etc for a while guys get horny again and want some more sex. I always ask if they’d like to extend the time and this is an introduction to discussing extra payment. It’s not good form to discuss details like that at that point so I just say I’m very pleased they want some more and I’m happy to an extra half hour as I’m sure they’ll be generous. Most guys get the hint and pay a big tip. Overall if it’s an outcall therefore I always leave at least 2 hours free after the booking time has ended before I book anything else in.

    For in calls I use a shared studio so I have to be much stricter on timings and can only go 5 minutes or so over unfortunately. My clients know this however when they book.

  9. I answer the door in shorts and t shirt because there could be someone else at the door or I meet someone on the stairs. Then, once inside my studio I remove my top.


    I give my client the choice of me starting naked or removing my shorts (or whatever I’m wearing...some guys ask me to wear a jock or backless pants or cycling shorts) during the massage. I always end up naked by the end of the massage so that they can touch me or suck me (or more) if they want to.


    A lot of my clients like to feel my cock through the shorts and enjoy not knowing when or if they’ll come off. I’m extremely hung so it sometimes sticks out of the side or bottom of the shorts and they like to feel it as I massage them.


    There are a lot of dynamics going on with massage that can be used to heighten the sexual tension for the client. Being part undressed is just one of them.

  10. Mine does ok. It’s very content hungry, you have to keep putting on regular new content, of good quality (not shot on an I phone with bad lighting and wobbly camera work) and engage your audience.


    I do massage porn so it has a theme. I think it’s best to have a clear theme and style and to tweak it over time. I agree with what the previous poster says about investing time. Stand out from the crowd and you’ll do ok.

    Oh and promote it....like this



  11. Choose your business model and be consistent with it. Set the rate, never discount, never negotiate. Decide whether to charge a flat rate all inclusive or operate a low cost airline style service that means extras are charged for. But be consistent and provide value. There’s lots of amateurs in this business thinking they can make easy money. They don’t last long. Don’t be one of them.

  12. I’m regularly asked by guys to be a surprise gift for their wife or husband. It’s usually a situation where the partner hiring me wants to surprise their partner with a massage and fuck. I’m totally fine to see couples for this but only if it’s clear to both partners what is planned. I’m never going to agree to a surprise booking and in these situations I always ask to speak to both partners to make sure they’re both in agreement.

  13. I dont mind becoming friends down the line with escorts but dating no ?‍♂️ . I prefer escort that are not acting and allow them to be themselves and open . I am human and they are human . The service is just like getting haircut or massage . Sex is natural , stop making it something else or extra .

    Yes sex is natural. Guys hire escorts for many things but also for sex. The client chooses the escort, but the escort doesn’t choose the client. You may hope and think as a client that the escort is not acting and being themselves but it will not always be the case. The escort may not be attracted, but they have been hired, and so cannot say to their client “sorry I don’t feel attracted or I’m not horny”. So do you think they are being themselves if they show a performance of attraction to their client? This is after all their job, they have to perform whether they feel sexy or not. Of course if the client is attractive to the escort it is easy, but if not, then you act. The client knows no difference if you are a good escort.

  14. I’ve a guy like that. He started as a client and booked me about 7 or 8 sessions over a year and then he invited me out for a meal (not a paid session, just as a friend) because we got on well and had similar interests. The meal went well (no sex afterwards...we went home separately!) and things developed into cinema visits etc. Now I’d seen him separately anyway at other times when we happened to meet at sex parties or the gym so I already knew him (and had fucked him at sex parties) so it was more complicated than just a client becoming a friend. But it works fine, he’s a friend and we meet for fun and do stuff together (holiday, meals etc) but no more paid client meetings which is fine by me. So it can work but not as a boyfriend type thing though.

  15. Good points. And that’s part of what I had discussed with him, towards the latter parts of our seeing each other.


    And like I say, I don’t normally go looking to turn these things into relationships. However, I’ve tried to be more open to allowing things to work...if the situation is right. Kinda similar to how porn stars may date one another, or escorts date one another, or even clients dating one another (usually not common unless said clients are a couple). Obviously those are different circumstances, but we’ve seen them work.


    But it seems the whole thing was more about him wanting me to play a role, versus having a partner.

    Yes it seems like that, he still viewed you as a client would, except he was getting it free. Nothing wrong with you expecting he’d see it differently but I’d guess you’re up against it given the way it started.

    With porn stars dating each other, or escorts dating each other at least you’re both coming from the same perspective. I could date an escort because I’d understand what he thinks given we both do the same job. Work sex is totally different from relationship sex and we’d both understand that.

  16. I’ve seen clients out with their wives (or girlfriends I guess but they definitely looked like wives if you know what I mean). On a few occasions they’ve seen me and it’s very clear they don’t want to say hello. I’d never initiate the conversation, I’d probably use the name they booked with me which is most likely not their real name..


    One time I was on a train back from meeting a client and a regular client got on with his wife and two kids. He didn’t see me at first because they sat opposite me. I was wearing tight shorts and hadn’t put any underwear on (long story, the client I’d just seen wanted to keep them so...). Anyway, they all sit down, he looks up and sees me smiling. Instant look of terror on his face but he quickly realised I’m not going to say anything and we settle down to making inadvertent eye contact as we try to ignore each other. His wife seems to be on her phone so hasn’t paid any attention to me atall. Most awkward journey I’ve had because I’m thinking of all the times I’ve cum in his arse (which is extremely pert and tight) and I’m getting hard and it’s starting to show in my shorts. I try to cover with my hands but that sort of makes it worse. My rucksack is in the rack overhead so I can’t even get up to reach it. He keeps on glancing at my shorts which only makes me get harder. His wife and kids are oblivious. We’re two stops from my station and there’s no way I can stand now as I’m almost fully hard in the shorts. I’m hung and it’s almost popping out. The vibration of the train makes it worse.

    Anyway we’re nearly at my station and now I’m solid and I can’t get up. I realise I’ve a gay magazine I could use to sort of cover it up but the mag is one of those free gay weeklies that has semi naked guys on the front but I think the back is ok so I pull it out from beside me and hold it over the offending area as I stand up on reaching my station. Unfortunately the back of the mag is just as naughty as the front (it has a naked guy advertising Squirt hookup app) and I sort of wave the mag covering my tent in my shorts in his wife’s face as I reach up for my rucksack. Of course it’s open and as I drag it down a plastic bottle of lube falls out and rolls along the floor under my client’s feet. Now I have to bend down in front of him to pick it up. I stuff the lube in the bag and make for the door trying to keep the Squirt advert in front of my shorts...the irony of it not lost. On the platform I can see my client talking to his wife through the window as the train departs. I so wish I knew what he said....never saw him again unfortunately. He had a very fuckable arse.

  17. Easy to say it but I wouldn’t date a guy I’d first met as a client. When that attraction happens it might not be possible to resist of course, I understand that, but I’m sure I wouldn’t initiate any ‘non professional’ contact after they’d booked me. I occasionally get clients who become infatuated with me and it’s difficult to let them down that a relationship isn’t going to happen whilst at the same time trying to keep them as a regular client. But I’d not initiate any sort of boyfriend relationship because they’ve not met the real me (and I’ve probably not met the real them either). That’s why I keep it separate.


    When guys meet me professionally they’re not seeing the normal me. I’m performing / acting and it’s not necessarily how I’d be outside of the meeting. For most of my clients I’m attracted to them so the performance is easy and because I like sex and meeting people I can give them a great time. However it’s the nature of the work that some clients I meet are great to know and be with but I don’t feel sexually attracted to them. However I act as if I am and I make sure the sex is hot and they get what they’re looking for. I have no problem performing that way (or I wouldn’t escort) but it can be misleading for them if we seem to hit it off in every way when in reality I’ve performed a role in the sex. It’s work...it’s what they pay for, it’s why they booked me so it’s so difficult to tell them later on if a relationship has developed that the sex we had wasn’t real. That’s the problem with developing boyfriend relationships with clients, the professional nature of the initial meeting(s) has to be erased and it’s impossible to do that. Keep it separate!

  18. I think it safest to keep things separate if possible. One of my clients has become a friend and I’ve been away on holiday with him as friends (I paid my accommodation but he paid flights and most of the holiday spending though) and it’s great. We get on well as friends and I’ve almost forgotten I first met him as a client (he hired me for about 8 sessions before it became a friends situation).


    A couple of clients have wanted it to develop further but I’m definitely not looking for a relationship. If I felt differently about them it could be difficult I guess....

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