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Posts posted by Charlie

  1. "Marriage" is a relationship that can be either legal or figurative. Many people rush to make it legal too quickly, and end up in what is really a so-called "trial marriage," from which it can be difficult to disentangle oneself. Unfortunately, social and religious custom, or one of the partners, often push a couple to make a legal commitment too soon. I am actually glad that same sex marriages didn't become legally possible until my partner and I had been together for forty-five years and were certain that marriage was right for us.

  2. I belonged to McBurney and worked out there regularly for a couple of years, but never saw any sign of action. Of course, that was quite some time ago (1960s).

  3. 1 hour ago, José Soplanucas said:

    You all can stay in California and the South Hemisphere, weather sensitive bitches. We are not so cold in DC.

    By the way, I found this picture from the last DC gathering. You can see a few forum members leaving their hotel in DC to run to Secrets.


    The temperature in Palm Springs when I woke up this morning was 38F.

  4. An open relationship, which I think is not uncommon among older gay males who have been together for a long time, can occasionally morph into a polyamorous relationship, in which one or both partners become emotionally involved with another man (this is not the same as having a favorite escort or fuck buddy). It is a very tricky situation, because few people are adept at managing two romantic attachments, or at accepting that one is sharing a romantic partner with another person. To begin with, all three--or four--of you need to be honest with one another, and come to an agreement that everyone understands and accepts the situation, or it can't last. That is no different than the original agreement that the partnership was open to other sexual relationships, but the justifications for it have to be different.  I mentioned in the old thread that my relationship with my partner came close to foundering on emotional attachments that each of us made to someone else, but they always occurred when we were not living together--in fact, in each situation we were living temporarily in separate countries. Neither of us was able to accept the multiple relationships continuing permanently, so they ended when we returned to living together. I was acquainted with only one couple who were able to successfully deal with one of them being in an emotional partnership with two men, and I really don't know how they managed it; the original couple actually worked together, and I think they were forced to come to an agreement in order to continue working together effectively.

  5. I have no credit card debt. When I met my future spouse at the age of 25, he was disturbed that I had credit card debt for vacation trips I had taken; from then on, I never charged anything on a card that I couldn't pay off in full when the monthly bill arrived. The only long term debt I have had in the last 50 years was for houses or cars, and I haven't even had much of that.

  6. 1 hour ago, marylander1940 said:

    OP note: we (Americans) went from having the highest personal savings in record in 2021 to having some of the lowest savings. I guess the 2020 shutdown, staying home, not driving, etc. had a lot to do with us cutting on expenses.



    Californians and Texans hold the most credit card debt, according to WalletHub. U.S. consumers nationwide hold more than $1 trillion in credit card debt.

    Here are the top ten states with the highest total credit card debt during the second quarter: 

    1. California: $152,707,028,131
    2. Texas: $111,299,095,554
    3. Florida: $87,100,047,481
    4. New York: $79,608,721,593
    5. Illinois: $46,785,492,452
    6. Pennsylvania: $45,638,259,152
    7. Georgia: $41,132,589,305
    8. Ohio: $38,478,365,000
    9. New Jersey: $37,935,342,142

    The rankings of the states by amount of debt almost exactly match the rankings by population, so there is nothing really noteworthy there.

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