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Posts posted by Charlie

  1. To my surprise, I didn't hear any of the usual illegal fireworks in the desert behind my house last night. I went to bed at 9pm. expecting to be awakened by the explosions at midnight, but instead slept soundly through the night. My dog was pleased, too, because he was able to sleep on the bed instead of under it, where he usually goes when the booms start.

  2. The photos could be real, but the claim that he has seven years experience as a masseur (since he was 16?) and that he is "a former owner of a health management center and fitness studio" (at 23?) is less credible. Age shaving is more likely, especially since he could pass as older even if the photos are really his. One reviewer mentioned that he used a phone translation device and is "working on his English skills," yet his text sounds professionally written. Something is not right here.

  3. 9 hours ago, muscmtl said:

    Acually poz (dream come true), killer bod, and will do everything the client wants...  Hum... "Willdoeverythingyouwant" escorts don't exist, so catfishing?


    He advertises as an eager sub and probably means that he is open to anything the client wants to do to him, though of course one has to take any statement like that with a grain of salt. (If he will let the client do something that would kill him, what's the point of getting paid?)

  4. On 12/29/2023 at 6:02 AM, newatthis said:

    One has to wonder why someone would ask such a question (in general; obviously there are specific circumstances or conversations where it might be appropriate).  

    When I was 17, back in the Dark Ages, I was cruised by a young man in the men's room of the  Port Authority bus terminal in mid-town Manhattan.  Curious, I followed him outside, where he introduced himself with a slight accent as "Michel." He smiled and asked, "Are you gay?" I was familiar with that adjective, meaning "light-spirited and enthusiastic," and since his name suggested he might not normally be an English-speaker, I figured it must be his awkward way of asking if I were interested in accompanying him. When I said, "Yes," he smiled and invited me back to his rented room nearby. When we arrived, he took off his clothes, so I did the same. To my surprise, he then kissed me passionately, threw me on his bed, and started preparing to fuck me. Shocked, I said, "Wait! What are you doing?" Giving me a puzzled look, he said, "But you said you were gay?!" I replied, "I thought you were asking if I were happy to meet you!" That's when he realized that he had picked up a complete neophyte, and he had to stop and calmly explain what "gay" meant to someone cruising in New York. He then proceeded to teach me everything that gay males did together. I was a willing pupil.

  5. It is always more comfortable to simply be out than to be outed involuntarily, or to have to find an appropriate opportunity to explain one's sexual orientation to someone. One of the advantages of legal same sex marriage is that I don't have to declare to anyone, "Hey! I'm gay!" In casual conversation with someone, I am likely to mention my spouse, and when I use the pronoun "he" to refer to him, the job is done.

  6. Sometimes younger Americans forget how dangerous it often was in the past to be "out" in America, and how dangerous it still is in many parts of the world. Gay men anywhere have many reasons other than legal or physical danger to want to stay "in the closet." Being openly gay may affect their livelihood, their acceptance in a religion that is important to them, their personal relationships with family or other important persons in their lives. One's sexual orientation or sexual behavior is something that one can manage to hide more easily than one's race, physical disabilities, lack of education or financial means, and other issues that affect one's social interactions.

    That being said, staying in the closet can have psychological repercussions, given how important one's sexuality is to a healthy, integrated personality. In my late teens, I had what was loosely called a "nervous breakdown," and my parents sent me to see a counseling psychologist. He gave me the best advice--and surprising advice in those days--which was to always tell the truth to myself about who I was, and to be honest with my loved ones, even if it was hard to do. In other situations, be as honest as you could be pragmatically (this was in the early 1960s, when being homosexually active  was illegal and could get one expelled from school, fired from a job, banned from the military, and even sent to prison). I went home from his office, and told my parents I was "homosexual" (they had no idea what "gay" meant), and to my relief they did not seem openly upset (my mother asked, "How do you know?" which caused me to start laughing and relax). I was already out to a couple of my closest friends, and from then on I was ready to admit my orientation to anyone else who asked. Within a couple more years I had met new friends who were very active in the burgeoning gay rights movement and had joined them in their activities; when a photo appeared in a major newspaper of me taking part in a protest, I gave up any pretense of not being gay.

    I do not condemn anyone who stays in the closet for a good reason, though I still would encourage them to be as honest with themselves and as open with others as is possible for them. I agree that those who are stridently homophobic are usually fighting against fear of being perceived as gay by others.


  7. To answer your question: no, I have never been introduced to something new by a provider and found that I liked it. The first time I had sex with another man, we tried almost everything I could think of (though fisting wasn't one of them), and I decided then which things I liked and which ones I really didn't want to repeat.

    Two of my closest friends were members of FFA (that is not Future Farmers of America!), and they sometimes tried to explain to me why they found fisting so satisfying, both as tops and as bottoms, but since I don't even care very much for getting fucked by most men, I can't imagine having a fist in my ass would be at all pleasurable. I did fist  men a couple of times when they asked for it, but I was always rather nervous about it, worrying about whether my fingernails were manicured enough.

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