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Posts posted by Charlie

  1. I became sexually active fairly young (17), so most of the gay men with whom I had sex in the early years were older than I was, and most wanted to, or expected to, fuck me. They seemed to stereotype me as a "twink," since I was average height (5'10") and very slender, and I was attracted to taller men who were well built and hairy, so they often were taken aback when I resisted the classic script. As a result, when they did fuck me, I was usually less than enthusiastic about it, and rarely maintained an erection while being fucked.

    The first time that I discovered that getting fucked could actually be pleasurable occurred in my early 20s. I was a regular at a local gay bar in Philadelphia, and one of the bartenders was a favorite with many customers. I found him physically and personally very attractive, and I was told by other regulars that he had a big cock and loved to fuck, and he was good at it. One night he suggested at closing that he would like to accompany me to my apartment, and I said yes. Because I liked him and already knew what to expect, I was relaxed and prepared to make the best of the experience. When we tumbled into bed we were still partly dressed, and he quickly took me from behind. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear as he slowly fucked me while jerking me off, and to my own surprise I came explosively at the same time he did! It wasn't until he withdrew that I saw his cock, and was shocked at the size of it--how could I possibly have taken that?! The answer, of course, was that I was strongly attracted to him, was psychologically prepared, and he was an expert at what he did to make me enjoy the whole physical and emotional experience. Unfortunately, it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but he did make me realize that it was possible.

  2. I was surprised when an allergy test indicated that I was allergic to cinnamon--I have always liked cinnamon bread and have never been aware of any unpleasant reaction to it. I like onions, but I strongly dislike kissing someone with onion breath; I suspect it has something to do with an incident in my distant past rather than an allergic reaction to onions.

  3. This thread made me try to think about how I reacted when I got fucked, but it's been so many years that I can hardly remember. However, I'm sure there was no regular pattern--it probably all depended on the entirety of the situation: who I was doing it with, why I was doing it, how he was doing it, etc. Sexual pleasure is more than just a mechanical process, even when one is only masturbating.

  4. I have another memory from the same period as the one I mentioned before, but I don't know which one is the earlier. I went with my parents to my grandparents' house after Thanksgiving dinner. My grandmother warned me not to disturb my mother's step-father, who was resting in the library/den. Nevertheless, I quietly sneaked into the room, which was lit only by a fire in the fireplace. I saw a heavy old man sitting in a big wooden rocking chair. He was apparently dozing, because he didn't seem aware of my presence. I stood there quietly watching him for a couple of minutes, then slipped out of the room again. I told my mother that I had seen Grandpa John, but I didn't wake him. I know the exact date, because he died a week later. I was 2 yrs. 8 mos. old.

  5. Recent articles in the LA Times about the difficulties finding public charging stations in CA with working plugs--a high percentage in some places are defective. Also articles about insufficient electricity from wind and solar power sources in many parts of the state and country, especially in the winter. The assumption that a mandated switch from gas-powered to electric vehicles is a no-brainer solution to global warming is being exposed as not so obvious after all.

  6. When I was very young, the back door of our house led onto a small open deck with two short flights of steps, one going down to the back yard and the other to the walkway next to the house. My father tore down the deck when I was still very young and built an enclosed back porch in its place. My first memory is of standing on that deck in bright winter sunshine, dressed in a a light blue woolen onesie, trying to make up my mind which steps to take (I don't remember whether I walked down either one.). When I told my mother about that memory, she was very surprised, because she said I couldn't have been more than 2 years old in that outfit at that time of year, and by the next winter the deck had been torn down.

  7. 2 hours ago, Ali Gator said:

    I don't know - I think what keeps the attraction going this far is the 'mystery' between the two of us. 

    Your story reminded me of one I've told here before. My best friend in high school was a paperboy, and when he was 12, he went to collect his payment from a customer; she wasn't home, but her 18 year old son was, and he asked my friend if he wanted to try sucking cock. He then pulled out one of the biggest cocks I have ever seen (that's another later story), and my friend took on the challenge. They ended up playing whenever Mom wasn't home for the next several years. Even after the guy married in his mid-20s, he and my friend continued to play whenever the wife was away, and I joined them a couple of times, by then, the guy had become more sexually versatile. I have often wondered what eventually happened to him after my friend and I were grown up and left town.

  8. I shop at Total Wine because it happens to be the only local store that carries the lesser-known brand of Scotch that my spouse prefers. But I also wonder who buys their enormous selection of wines and other alcoholic beverages, although I have never found the store empty of customers.

    I know it is a sign of my age, but I almost never shop for anything online, although I may search for info about it that way. I like to see and touch the things I purchase before I pay for them--I don't want to buy something, wait for it to be shipped, open the package and discover it is not really what I wanted, and have to ship it back if they have a return policy.



  9. 4 hours ago, newatthis said:

    Thanks to @mike carey and @Luv2play for their responses.  I did google it myself later in the day and found the explanation.  But both @mike carey and wikipedia seemed to think that "Operation Market Garden" was something I would know about.  Am I really so out of things?  Is this something well-known to the most people?

    It is something that is known to most people who are interested in World War Two history. E.g., my uncle was killed in battle in Germany in 1945, so of course I know a lot about that period.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Bokomaru said:

    My hometown, a tiny little speck on the map, tried to promote itself for the 2017 event. But the path of totality was miles wide and stretched across the nation.  There was no discernible influx of people in the region.  I suspect this one will be similar. 

    I was thinking of going to Pittsburgh. That way I could drive to Ohio or northern NY depending on which had better weather. And I’ve always wanted to see Falling Water. 

    Still… TX is probably a safer bet, although it’s not a place I particularly enjoy visiting. 

    It's hard to tell from that map, but Pittsburgh may be outside the path, and Falling Water definitely is--it's practically at the Maryland border. If you do go to see the house, be aware that it is only open for a few hours in midday, and there are preservation activities going on this winter which affect the views of the exterior.

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