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Posts posted by keroscenefire

  1. There are a couple new guys with ads in Denver that I am interested. But I think they perhaps do escorting as a very, very side hustle. Both guys have told me they like to "plan ahead" for meetings but then they don't get back to me in a timely manner.

    Like one guy I tried contacting on Thursday to meet up last weekend only for him to get back to me on Sunday evening saying he had been skiing all weekend and just getting back into town but I should reach out to schedule something over the week. Texted Monday to do so and he just got back to me saying he got busy with "work stuff" but would be down to meet up this weekend. Should I even bother?

    Meanwhile, I've had pretty good luck with guys who have the "Available Now" on their profile. Like being able to schedule something with just couple hours notice. 

    I don't know, it just doesn't seem to pay to plan ahead anymore. What do you all think?

  2. 2 hours ago, arnemgreeves said:

    How they look, their services and prices. I don’t put stock in reviews that much mainly since they’re subjective and everything in life is subjective. 



    Yeah and unfortunately RM reviews in particularly are not very reliable. There's been multiple recorded instances of providers being able to manipulate their star rankings in various ways. It also is kinda like Uber. Pretty much everyone has clos eto 5 stars inless they do something really bad. 

    Looking up an escort on here is much better. It defintely holds a lot more weight to me if COM guys have positive experiences.

  3. 7 hours ago, Just Chuck said:

    I was browsing ads in a city that has a low percentage of latin people and spotted a relatively high number of latin men one evening this fall.  So, I looked across RentMen and captured some numbers and compared that to US Census Data for those same cities.  


    Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 5.50.26 PM.png


    Very interesting data. Thanks for providing it. I was curious so I ran it again and now Denver has 21/89 Latin guys. So a little higher now at 23%. Another data point would be to look at guys who speak Spanish. That's actually a bit higher than "Latin" in Denver at 24/89 or 27%. A few "Latin" guys drop off and a couple more guys come up. Latin is somewhat nebulous term. One guy who comes up as a Spanish speaker but not Latin is KevinCol who puts his ethnicity as black but also says he is Colombian. Probably would be described as afro-Latino to me and probably most people. Just might be missing a few "Latin" guys based excluslively on the Latin tag on RM.

    Also generally interesting that the two highest Latin population cities have the lowest number of Latin escorts. Maybe people are more interested in what isn't common?

    Thanks for this data though. I find it quite interesting. 

  4. I just did a whole thread on this here. But basically it's because the recent surge of migrants into the US has mostly been Venezulans (about 40% from one estimate) with Colombians, Haitians, and Central Americans being another significant percentage. About 7 million Venezuelans have emigrated from their country over the last few years with many of them first going to Colombia (where they often meet up and travel with Colombians to the US). 

     Because Biden granted Temporary Protected Status to about 400,000 Venezuelans who arrived here before July 31, 2023, many of these migrants can live and even work in the US legally. But many have to wait months for the bureacratic process of getting a work permit and/or they arrived after July 31st and are not able to work legally. Sex work has long been one of the few options available when there are few legal ways to work so that's why we're seeing so many Venezuelans in sex work now.

    I've also noticed that there's long been quite a few Colombians and Venezuelans on OnlyFans and Chaturbate and places like that. I think they are pretty active online and so it was easy for them to figure out Rent.Men compared to maybe other migrant populations.

  5. Denver definitely has several guys that charge $250 and those are often the guys I meet more regularly. Interestingly, they are not migrants and I am not sure why they charge less except maybe that they have been doing it for longer and are in the mindset of what they charged before the pandemic?

    I am not actually sure if the migrants have any effect on the prices of Denver. The ones I met all wanted $300. That's starting to be more common in Denver but yeah we have kind of a lot of guys for how small the city. Definitely if I say, oh sorry that's a bit more than I can afford right now, I very often get offered a lower price.

  6. 3 hours ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

    this thread is borderline distasteful at best.  “Migrant men” seems to imply there is some financial advantage in dealing with new arrivals.  I don’t think the OP meant it that way, but some of the subsequent comments go there.

     When navigating this hobby, there’s a way to do it that offers dignity & grace to all participants.  All are human beings and worthy of your respect & kindness.  Somehow thinking there’s a financial advantage to be had is very poor form.

    I appreciate this perspective and actually went back and forth with doing the thread at all for the reason you say. 

    I don't personally think "migrant men" implies any kind of discount. To me it's more of an acknowledgement that there are some things to consider when you are wanting to spend time with a migrant escort. 

    My hope more than anything is that this thread might encourage people to try spending time with a migrant escort and that they shouldn't worry as much about any potential issues. And certainly that they should pay them for what they ask. I for one never negotiate down. I always either accept or not accept the suggested donation. 

    Migrants are in a complex and challanging position in the US and I actually hope that those of us who are in this hobby can feel comfortable hiring these guys (if they are interested) and giving them the money they may not have many other opportunities to earn in other ways.

  7. 2 hours ago, marylander1940 said:

    Back to subject:

    @keroscenefire Where do those guys advertise? Asking for friend... only 15 Latin guys on RM out of 90 providers. 

    In RM in Denver. There's like 5 guys that are definitely recent migrants with ads currently up. Another guy's just recently expired...not sure why. We have 23 "latin guys" currently though most are guys who've been around a bit and are not recent migrants. Also 19 came up when you put "Espanol" as the language and interestingly they are not all the same guys.

  8. 1 hour ago, José Soplanucas said:

    You point to the most significant difference and challenge, the language barriere. You are already working through that challenge quite successfully, it seems to me. I would only suggest you to see this difficulty as an opportunity. These guys are probably enthusiastic about learning English, and that opens the gate for you to develop rapport. Consider offering trades like weekly meetings where you chat one hour in Spanish and one hour in English. Not only would you foster rapport from delivering to their need, but also from the natural empathy we feel when a foreigner wants to learn our language. Of course, this is in addition to any non educative deals you may want to make. 

    I thought about trying to teach them a little English but I don't want to be exploitive about it. One guy was a bit interested in that but the other guy (Morbid penetration) like didn't even change the ad language when I told him that was a weird thing to have in your ad. Haha. 

  9. 15 hours ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

    I meet with a few and offer $250/hr.  I figure that's fair since they aren't required to pay social security tax on their income the way citizen self-employed escorts are required to.

     I am fine negotating whatever with any escort and if they go for $250 instead of $300 that is great. I just don't think there is any reason to do that to a migrant escort over a citizen escort. A legal resident/citizen escort can do other jobs that a migrant cannot. Most guys I know have other full or part-time jobs in addition to escorting and my guess is that a lot of their escort money is not taxed like their regular job.

  10. 2 hours ago, soloyo215 said:

    What makes you think that being new to a place makes them naive?

    When I first arrived top USA, there were a few Americans who learned a few lessons from me the hard way, thinking that having an accent or being a migrant makes you stupid or naive. The way some times people have to hustle to survive and make a living in their native countries actually gives them a lot so ftreet smarts. Of course, some might be in fact naive, but not because they are new to the country.

    I meant more the perception that they are "new and naive." I agree. I don't think they are very naive. They very much know what they are worth and they have travelled thousands of miles and are pretty in tune with sex work. The guys I am talking about lived in Colombia first (one if Venezuelan and the other is Colombian) and did cam shows and OnlyFans stuff there before making the trek to the US. So they really have been doing this for a while and my point is really that we shouldn't assume they are naive just because they are new to the country. 

  11. 30 minutes ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:


    I’m just curious: how would you surmise that they all stay with each other, by chance? I just ask because I’ve had clients ask me if I know so and so or if I’m friends with other guys. Even had one client (in Denver) couple years back ask if I knew the escort guy staying next door to me at a hotel with like 10 floors🤦🏾‍♂️ I’m like no, and have no idea how I got placed right next door to another guy with an ad. 

    I would find it hard not being able to host though. I’ve found most clients in Denver and it’s “brother” city without mountains aka Kansas City, can rarely ever host. I have to keep a booking bag packed and a list of hotels on speed dial because: it never fails someone will contact me in the morning or early afternoon wanting me to host within a couple hours.

    I have only met two guys. With the second guy, he said something about how the first guy said I was cool, like a good client I guess. He appeciated that I knew some Spanish I think more than anything. Haha.  Then I asked him if they knew each other and he said that they were friends and that they lived together. 

    I'm probably a bit more inquisitive than I should be but yeah I basically just got to talking them a bit and they told me a bit about their situation. I also found their social media and OnlyFans and they definitely mess with each other on there. I met with the first guy again and he also said he's living with a few guys in north Denver.

    Interstingly, that hotel you stayed at when you were in Denver they now use to house migrants. Mostly families though. They are the only ones that are allowed to stay there more than like a week. But many were staying on the sidewalks right next to it. They did a sweep though right before we had a cold snap (got down to -10) so I am not sure where they ended up. I guess in shelters somewhere.

    I never mind hosting so if you pop through again to Denver, you're welcome to come by. Just a warning that my place is kind of small though. Haha. 


  12. 1 hour ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    I don’t necessarily have similar direct experience with migrant providers, however I know there’s some other “literature” out there that references similar topic:


    So, with that said: we don’t always know the full background for each individual person’s situation. I know the language barrier could be easier for someone fluent in Spanish, but I have heard from a (White) client personally who mentioned to me about someone he met communicating in how you describe, and that he didn’t expect it. So for some that might be an issue. 

    That said, the risks may be different in Denver versus a place like say Oklahoma, Texas, or Las Vegas. 

    I know for me personally escort or not an escort: I’d be concerned about safety and privacy when visiting someone where there’s multiple guys doing sex work in one place. I don’t even like to do that outside of sex work just because the potential drugs and/or drama that could invite. One might have a client coming, another have a client going. And all the activity might set off 🤨 depending upon the layout of wherever you going. Maybe hosting would be advantageous.

    That said, I did have a great time with a guy in Chicago who was mixed with Guatemalan American and had the same (real) first name as me.

    Everyone can see who they wish to see, however with so much going on at the border and uncertainty with it all: It’s important to be a bit discerning versus looking thru the horny goggles 🥽 so to speak lol.

    Thanks. Yeah I do think some of these guys could be vulnerable to human trafficking and I do think it is good to be careful of that. I don't think the main group in Denver is that as far as I can tell. I have always hosted though and have met them outside my place and walked them in. Interestingly, they have no problem taking Ubers from wherever they are staying and did not ask for me to pay for the Uber at all. They also do not want to host so my thought is maybe they are staying with someone who they don't want to know about their side hustle. It does sound like they possibly live together though so who knows. 

  13. Denver, like many cities, has seen the arrival of many migrant men in the last year or so. Primarily from South America, some of the sexiest men are turning to escorting while many other opportunities remain closed to them.

    I've had a bit of experience with the guys in Denver, but am definitely curious if other on here have had encounters as well. A few things I've gathered:

    1) Most have come within the last year and know little to no English. Unless you communicate to them in Spanish, they likely will be using Google translate to communicate with you. Some things are often lost in translation and you see it in the ads as well. One guy in Denver says he enjoys "morbid penetration"in his ad. Not trying to make fun of these guys, but you have to realize that they may not be able to communicate in English well. 


    2) That said, they are fun, sexy guys that have a genuine aim to please. I've found these guys have been among my best recent hires. They have limits of course but they are willing to do quite a lot and have nice dicks and sexy bodies. I've always found they look exactly like their pictures. They are willing to send pics of themselves for verification. And if you know Spanish, they are interesting conversationalists. Some have definitely had quite a journey in life.


    3) They often live together in groups. There's defnitely a group of about 3-4 guys who are living together in Denver. It sounds like they're more friends then boyfriends but they apparently would be down to work together and I know they also do OnlyFans and other things together. I don't get the vibe that they are being taken advantage of anything. I certainly hope that is not the case.


    4) Overall, if there's a new Latin guy that catches your eye, I say go for it! They do know the business though and they charge the standard $300 as most guys in Denver do. We shouldn't try to go cheap on them just because they are new or naive. I think they are absolutely worth donating what they ask.

    Anyone else have recent experiences with recent arrivals to our country? Any tips or experiences to share? I'd be curious if and how a non-Spanish speaking person hired one.

    Also we no longer have a politics thread for good reason, so please don't view this thread as an invitation to any kind of political discussion or anti-immigration talk. I am just honestly curious how other members have interacted with these guys or even if they are in many other cities. Denver has a solid half-dozen guys but perhaps we are an outlier.

  14. I don't know about investing but it's aparently an absolute bargain to travel there. You can get 364 Argentinan pesos to the dollar and the value actually holds up. I had friends visit  a few months ago and they said they could eat at a very nice restaurant: Literally servers in tuxedos, multi-course meals, wine, really good steak, dessert, etc. They said they got the bill, did the exchange rate math and it was less than $20 per person for a meal they said would easily be $100+ in the US. 

  15. 3 hours ago, augustus said:

    Whistling by the graveyard.  Gas is still at least a dollar more a gallon than it was in 2020.  The cost of everyday living is still way up. People are starting to pull back. Its already showing in the hospitality industry. Sharing orders. Only ordering appetizers. The seasonal resort workers aren't making any money.   And taxes? House taxes are skyrocketing everywhere. 

    Yes gas is more expensive now than it was in then in 2020 at the height of lockdowns when nobody drove anywhere. But actually gas is lower now than it was for much of the period from 2011-2014 (Arab Spring related oil disruptions) as well. 


  16. 1 hour ago, BenjaminNicholas said:


    Porn stars maybe? Casey Everett is a porn star anyway. I've had a few similar-ish experiences of porn starts cancelling last minute. I think the risk is if they are called onto a shoot where they'll make $1000, they're not going to worry about your hundreds. I had a guy basically say exactly that to me. I don't take it personal. 

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