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  1. Applause
    NJF reacted to CuriousByNature in Addressing the Epidemic of impatience and passive aggression when book   
    It seems from the shots of texts and conversations you have had with disappointing clients and potential clients, that you spend a lot of energy trying to explain your point of view/rationale to them.  That is an added investment of your time and concentration to those people who are not bringing any benefit to you.  I appreciate that you attempt to reason with prospective clients, but in all honesty, some people are simply unreasonable and will drain you emotionally.  When contacted by people who try to bargain, for example, maybe it is best to simply say "it looks like we would not be a good match, and I wish you well" in order to draw things to a quick close? 
    I think it's beneficial to be the driver of your own bus, so to speak, and not let a potential passenger take the wheel from you.  By spending all that time trying to reason with the unreasonable, it might give a bad potential client the idea that you are willing to compromise, and in effect, you are letting them have unnecessary control over what should be your own domain.
  2. Applause
    NJF reacted to Monarchy79 in Addressing the Epidemic of impatience and passive aggression when book   
    Stop being mean and nasty. 
    if the man is frustrated and need a sounding board, give him the grace to do it here. 

  3. Haha
    NJF reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Age shaving? How much is too much and what's acceptable?   
    Between 25 to 27.
    If all of his pictures are in black & white, we could bump that down to 18 to 23.
  4. Like
    NJF reacted to rvwnsd in CASH APP FRAUD?   
    A few things:
    Cash App is not a Google product. It is a product of Block, Inc which was formerly known as Square (now one of Block's divisions). The best place to learn about safeguarding yourself and your funds when using Cash App is their Support page. There you will find a plethora of information.
  5. Like
    NJF reacted to dbar123 in Hosting In-Calls may no longer be included in price…   
    Sounds like you should just shift to an “outcall only” policy and shift onus on the client
  6. Applause
    NJF reacted to + nycman in The Role of "Sub"   
    There’s a big straight muscle sub who loves coming over and getting pounded out by me on a pretty regular basis. It took me a while to feel comfortable dominating him, because he could honestly break me in half. Anyways it’s been super fun for both of us. The other day while we were rolling around in bed, he ended up on top of me with me in a very sub position. Now, I normally have a very hard time assuming a sub role. It’s just not me, and I have a tremendous respect for men who can. But in that moment, it felt natural and organic. I felt myself freeze up for less than a second, then relax into him. It was a very powerful and emotional moment and he handled it beautifully and respectfully. 
    What I’m trying to say is….sometimes, with the right person, it’s fun to explore outside your comfort zone!
  7. Like
    NJF got a reaction from marylander1940 in EgyptianMusk in DC   
    BDSM and humanATM. He got some delightful hobbies 😂 
  8. Haha
    NJF reacted to DWnyc in Time use when with clients…”on the clock”   
    On the subject of moonlighting while on the job …
    One memorable proactive marketing message I received from a provider I’d seen a few times and hadn’t reengaged- went something like:
    “I’m with a guy for a week - a whole week! That’s how much I’m in demand! But he falls asleep after we play for a good few hours … so if you want a phone or video session I’d be up for that …”
  9. Haha
    NJF got a reaction from marylander1940 in Age shaving? How much is too much and what's acceptable?   
    If he still looks like this, I would go with 40 😂 
  10. Haha
    NJF reacted to rvwnsd in Why some clients can't figure it out and escort's location?   
    @marylander1940, several years ago I looked into doing independent consulting. The former HR director at my former employer (we were laid off after the company was acquired by a competitor) had been a contractor and we had lunch to discuss pros and cons, dos and don'ts, etc. She was a very nice lady and in her very nice lady voice she said to me "Remember, rvwnsd, many people are a**h**es."
  11. Like
    NJF got a reaction from soloyo215 in Mr Number   
    It started around 2013.
  12. Applause
    NJF reacted to tbuzzsaw in Roxas Caelum   
    The names Roxas and Caelum are names of two different protagonists in a video game series, he just combined them.
  13. Haha
    NJF reacted to DWnyc in Age shaving? How much is too much and what's acceptable?   
    Q.How are you doing?
    A. I’m great!
    Q. How’s the work you owe me coming along?
    A. Totally fine, no problems …
    Q. Do I look fat in these jeans …?
  14. Like
    NJF got a reaction from FunGuyUS in Roxas Caelum   
    No first hand knowledge but have been following his social media for a couple years. He seems to be a nice guy. No need to worry about his size and it definitely is not for the inexperienced 😂 
  15. Agree
    NJF got a reaction from Cliff in Roxas Caelum   
    No first hand knowledge but have been following his social media for a couple years. He seems to be a nice guy. No need to worry about his size and it definitely is not for the inexperienced 😂 
  16. Haha
    NJF reacted to + DrownedBoy in I wish some would not say: “your prices went up” Well should it never?   
    Real Length = (Listed Length) * .8 - 1/2 inches
  17. Like
    NJF reacted to solacesoul in Running into a provider …   
    Physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals nowadays, due to HIPAA and other privacy concerns, are trained not to approach patients in public, and only acknowledge them once they approach the healthcare worker.
    My urologist completely avoided me at the supermarket even though we crossed paths in the aisle. I circled back to say hello, and he explained that he does not approach or acknowledge his patients in settings outside the medical office due to patient privacy concerns. But if the patient acknowledges and approaches him, he will have a friendly exchange.
    This is also probably the best approach for providers. 
  18. Like
    NJF reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Age shaving? How much is too much and what's acceptable?   
    This.  100%.
    If you take solid care of yourself, no one will know what your actual age is.  A lot of escorts live hard and it shows, which has always amazed me considering this is (initially) a looks-based business.  Smoking, sunshine and steroids always catch up with people in the end and it's usually not pretty.
    However, shaving 10+ years off is no bueno.  
  19. Like
    NJF reacted to Archangel in Age shaving? How much is too much and what's acceptable?   
    Age shaving and penis augmentation 😂 
  20. Haha
    NJF reacted to Archangel in Age shaving? How much is too much and what's acceptable?   
    People think I’m 3 years old if I shave my facial hair. If I have a beard, they guess I’m 43. Still wrong, but huge difference 😂 
    Let’s not forget that age is the big boogeyman for 90% of the gays. 
    18-30, prime meat, “sugar baby desire”
    30-45, invisible to most men, “dead”
    45+, assumed to be stable and well establishedly employed, “sugar daddy candidate”
  21. Like
    NJF got a reaction from Danny-Darko in LGBTQ people feeling compelled to move to a different state   
    “Hotlanta” is the black gay Mecca or hoe central depending on how you want to look at it 😂 
  22. Applause
    NJF reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Mr Number   
    If you know you've done nothing wrong, then it's easy to laugh off a 'review' on Mr Number.
    However, there's always those who make me think back to reading Hamlet:
    The lady doth protest too much, methinks
  23. Like
    NJF reacted to DWnyc in Stalking   
    Another thing to remember - we can leave trace of identity without realizing it - using the providers wifi, having Bluetooth devices that include our name that can be picked up on a pairing device if our settings allow etc - it’s often a matter of who is technically more savvy and actually wants to capture the info.
  24. Like
    NJF reacted to Jason Dutch in Mr Number   
    The call to "expose" escorts sharing information is totally irresponsible and honestly pretty hypocritical given the forum that we're on. Please take a moment to consider what you're suggesting.
    Mr Number is just one of several safety methods used by workers to protect themselves in the course of offering unique talents, experiences, pleasures and expertise. It's part of a centuries-old (at least) tradition of informal knowledge networks and bad date lists and meant to protect escorts. Things have changed in some places, and naturally, I acknowledge that clients take their share of risks as well when arranging to meet and meeting providers. But in most contexts, sex workers of any stripe take on much greater physical social, legal, personal and financial risks.
    As someone above said, many (mannnyyyyyyyy) people messaging escorts never intend to meet or pay.  Every day, people text me out of the blue with expectations of rapid, extensive, unpaid sexting or phone sex, or worse. While most of the clients out there are genuinely good people trying to to do business, there are unfortunately a significant number of "clients" who are not... People who seek or choose to stalk, harass, rape, assault, doxx, scam, harm, and, in extreme cases, even kill sex workers. Not to mention, SW remains illegal in most places and police around the world still expend heinous quantities of cash in their efforts to entrap and charge sex workers.
    Perhaps an example would help. I am based in Toronto. I was approached, by online message and text message, by Bruce MacArthur, whom most people will know was a sadistic serial killer preying on gay men in Toronto for at least a decade and who killed at least one sex worker and brutalized another with a metal pipe. If I had not cross checked his info with my peers at the time, I would not have known about the various red flags that had gone up in the community and would likely have met him. Similarly, somebody I once declined to meet after a cross-check later restrained and raped another provider who was not plugged into these info networks.
    If someone can't see why tools like this are important, then I suggest they do some deep, deep thinking about their priorities and their capacity for empathy.
    Of course, I'm not calling anyone on here a killer or a rapist. I love my clients and by and large I've found I can develop mutual trust with a guy independent of any lists or comment boards.  The information on sites CoM and MN is ultimately that — information. Escorts (and anyone with the app) can take that info and use it to make safer and better informed decisions — it's not as though you're cancelled forever because one person said you never booked, we all recognize that not every client is going to book. Tbh, I don't think I've ever seen a number that has negative comments from just one provider, and if I did, I would never write someone off based on one or two comments. What's most useful is seeing if there's a pattern of behaviour or red flags that we can take into consideration to protect ourselves.
    Sorry for the novel, just was feeling aghast that anyone would think this is controversial or worth disparaging
  25. Haha
    NJF reacted to Archangel in I wish some would not say: “your prices went up” Well should it never?   
    I’m sorry. I don’t like paying more for anything. Everything has gotten more expensive and I bitch about it. The product/service is no better…and my paycheck hasn’t gone up. In fact, my employer has told me that my health benefit will be reduced this year. So excuse me for not being happy that the cost of anything, including escorting, has gone up.
    I wish I could set my pay rate and just expect people to accept it and happily so! 
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