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Everything posted by maninsoma

  1. Just remember that a butter face is, to a great extent, in the eye of the beholder. I've seen some guys gushed over here whose faces I don't find attractive. Conversely, there are some guys in porn whom I find hot whom others have described as unattractive facially. Being attracted to someone's face is important to me, but I find a wide range of guys attractive. Sometimes it's the little quirks about someone's looks that turns me on the most.
  2. I'm disappointed with you, Jamie. I was sure you'd have a funnier response than that, something along the lines of a fake advertisement for your face sitting school. 😉
  3. Nothing listed under "I am into..." always gives me pause.
  4. That's horrible that this hasn't received much media attention. I agree that one shouldn't accept pills or drinks from a stranger. Also one shouldn't leave one's drink unattended. And also, maybe difficult for some people, don't drink so much that your judgment is seriously impaired.
  5. I haven't hired much over the past few years, so most of the guys I used to like are no longer advertising. As for men who are still available, I can recommend: Billy Rhodes. He's definitely flexible with respect to massage types, but he definitely has good technique and knowledge of the human body. Karl Kang. Maybe he's too much of "the pretty muscle-y IG type" for you since he's definitely muscled and cute (not that Billy isn't cute, but he's more lean than muscle-y), but Karl definitely gave me a very good therapeutic massage the few times I saw him in 2019.
  6. I just read an article which should give us all some pause -- and might cause some to reconsider using something like a fingerprint or facial recognition to unlock their phones. Reportedly three men who visited the Eagle in New York on separate occasions were somehow incapacitated by the people who robbed them. The thieves used facial recognition on the men's phones to gain access to their devices and their funds. Scant details in any of the articles I've seen online, but I thought this story was nonetheless worth bringing to everyone's attention.
  7. I've only ever had extended appointments with one escort. We also developed a friendship. The boundaries were always clear: I typically hired him for overnight appointments, and a couple of times for a few days. During those occasions, most of the time we spent was obviously just "hanging out" time but I was paying him our agreed-upon rate for the appointment (not just an hourly rate with a bunch of no-cost time on either end of the session). When we hung out "off the clock," it was not connected with an appointment. We might go to dinner or a movie together, and then part ways. In other words, we didn't mix the business appointments with the purely friendly get togethers. I paid him for the former, not the latter. And it was clear that we weren't dating; we were just friends hanging out.
  8. You don't really have much information on which to base a conclusion at this point, so if you want to see him again I suggest you simply have an open conversation with him. You should state your perceptions (e.g., our last meeting wasn't as passionate) rather than attempting to draw conclusions (e.g., it's because you're straight, isn't it?). Who knows whether it's sexual orientation, covid, you said something that bothered him, or something else. But if you like the guy, just politely communicate your feelings and see what he has to say.
  9. I agree that the ad seems creepy. I guess the "dad" (who is not shown in any of the photos) is the "handler" and the two of them only work together. Apart from the fact that the guy looks extremely young, there's just too strong of a predator vibe in that ad to intrigue me.
  10. I haven't met him, but didn't DavidSF move to Palm Springs many years ago?
  11. I hired him several times about a decade ago, but all I can tell you is that I wouldn't have hired him more than once had I not been satisfied. I suspect the age listed in his ad is lower than reality because I don't think he was only mid 30s when I hired him, but I could be mistaken.
  12. I doubt Only Fans is actively cutting back on said accounts, but I have no trouble believing that a lot of guys would rather just sell content online than meet with clients in person.
  13. If you want to become a masseur or escort, then do it instead of making the same general inquiries repeatedly.
  14. I assume you are at least 60 years old if you recall a time when only women were being objectified in advertising? Using partially naked men to sell products has been going on for decades now.
  15. I've discussed it frequently with a few other friends who also hire on occasion. I don't even recall how the conversation first came up. I think I've also discussed it in passing with a couple of other friends, but it wasn't a topic of ongoing conversation. I haven't discussed it at all with most people I know.
  16. In terms of physical appearance, if the photos are basically accurate I'm okay. I assume anyone seriously interested in hiring an escort is going to look at all of his photos, and if some are him at a younger age and some are more recent it's really on the client to pay attention and not just latch onto the older photos. As far as age shaving, I understand a lot of still-youngish guys do it so searches that use an age filter don't exclude them from consideration. So, for example, a guy who is 44 might say he's 39 so his ad will still be seen by people looking for someone under 40. I say that if the guy looks like he could still be in his thirties, that's a "white lie" that can be overlooked. What's fraudulent is someone who is clearly well beyond his thirties still using 39 as an age. I don't care how well preserved someone is, a man who is in his late fifties is never going to be confused for a man in his thirties. In terms of providing what was advertised, while I understand the YMMV situation when it comes to erotic masseurs (i.e., some guys whom the masseur is more turned on by will get more than other clients) with an escort I think it's reasonable to expect someone to perform in a manner consistent with his ad. So if he says he's a top and that's what you indicated you wanted when you hire him, he should come prepared to top. The only caveat I have is that I'm sure there are occasional circumstances where the escort simply cannot perform as advertised, like if the client is so obese that he cannot be penetrated or if the guy is so dirty that the escort simply cannot follow through on what was planned.
  17. You sound like a real sweetheart. Your post would definitely put you at the top of my list of "must hires" if I lived in the same area as you.
  18. No, one doesn't need to provide the names of people who are paying for your services. For example, there's no way a psychotherapist could do that and not run afoul of confidentiality laws.
  19. I'd be surprised if any escort attempted to hide all of their income by neglecting to file tax returns and pay taxes, so wouldn't the answer about how they demonstrate income be the same as any other self-employed person?
  20. Agreed. The only redeeming factor in this clip for me is looking at Marc Rose, and that's simply because I don't think I've seen him before. Is he another one of those guys who only does j/o videos?
  21. It will be interesting to read providers' responses (assuming you get some), but as a client I will say this: 1. Maybe some men in Western countries aren't attracted to Asian men, but there are many who are. 2. I think the issue is less about you writing a script (of sorts) for the encounter in advance and more about choosing a provider wisely. Did the guy you hire have reviews here or anywhere else where you can read reviews with comments? Sadly a lot of providers are simply going through the motions in order to make money, and they aren't good enough actors to make you believe they are interested in being with you when what they really want is to get paid and leave. There are other guys who at least take some pleasure in giving other men pleasure and being with a variety of men. Look for that type of provider. Since the connection is more important to you than the actual sex, I think you should start your screening process with that and then look for someone who likes to be a bottom.
  22. There's a guy advertising in my area who has claimed to be in his late thirties for over two decades.
  23. I enjoy his porn and have subscribed to his Only Fans channel a few times. I never tried to hire him, but in videos I've seen where he is just having a conversation he seems like an enjoyable chap. I don't know anything about his currently availability as an escort, but if he's like some other "star" providers he probably escorts very little now that it's easier to make good money having sex with other sexy men, recording it and monetizing it.
  24. I also don't think this is a major concern. Let's assume the Airbnb host does have hidden cameras in the apartment. The footage is likely only going to be viewed if they encounter a problem with that renter. In other words, something gets stolen or damaged, or there are complaints from neighbors about excessive noise during that renter's stay. I seriously doubt most hosts who would choose to hide a camera are doing so hoping just to get some j/o material. I live in a large condo building and there are cameras in various locations in the common areas; the footage only gets reviewed when there is a problem (theft or vandalism).
  25. Still working for me using Chrome. I have to click the acknowledgement button three times before I can use the site, but after that it works normally. I never was able to get it to work using Firefox -- it would keep asking me to acknowledge that I really wanted to access the site.
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