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Everything posted by maninsoma

  1. I find most of the men you included attractive, but there is a certain sameness to them -- white or maybe mixed race with lighter skin, buff, probably late 20s to 40 age range, mostly with some facial hair. I think a whole lot of people share your lust for men like that. If I were to post a collage, it would include men like that but definitely also men of other ethnic origins as well as some younger and some older men.
  2. Same in San Francisco. I think most providers simply indicate they live in the central part of the city, so almost everyone is between .3 and .6 miles away from me. Ironically, I hired one guy who lives in my building and he's supposedly .7 miles away from me even though he's probably .02 miles away. I've also noticed that some guys are supposedly off the coast. I doubt there are many guys living in houseboats or on rafts in the Pacific Ocean.
  3. And if you re-read my post, you will see that the part you quoted is from the paragraph where I was stating what my definition is. I clearly stated in the previous paragraph that there really isn't an agreed upon definition so it's pointless to make assumptions about what a provider's service will entail unless you communicate directly with him.
  4. Here it is, nearly five years after this thread was started, and people are still getting excited thinking it's about the former Bel Ami model. Well, at least that was my initial reaction when I saw this thread this morning. I see that this masseur is actually going by the name Kris Evan, not Kris Evans. Maybe a moderator can change the thread title so that it matches the name in the ad?
  5. If I was motivated to see someone and he reached out to me after viewing his ad, that wouldn't impact my decision to hire him in a negative way. It might make me book an appointment sooner, but it wouldn't turn me off. If the contact is sketchy, however, that would be a turn off. I remember years ago some guy basically begging me to hire him because he was about to be homeless, had some legal problems due to drugs, etc. Like that would motivate me to spend private time with someone! If it's a regular who just visits my area, of course I want them to contact me when they are planning a trip. If it's someone I hired once and they keep pestering me with texts, that's very annoying. If I haven't responded by hiring you again after your first or second marketing attempt, it isn't going to happen. One way to avoid someone messaging you after you simply viewed his ad is to browse while logged out of Rentmen.
  6. If you still worked for the company where you once worked together, I would definitely side with those saying "don't hire him." Since neither you nor he works there, though, what's holding you back? I would definitely be upfront with him from the get-go so that he knows you know each other, and then the ball is in his court as to whether he thinks it would be too awkward to be hired by you. I just don't see why you having worked together years ago should make this uncomfortable for either of you, though. I have a few former co-workers that I would gladly hire if I found an ad for them and it wouldn't bother me in the least to morph from "hey, I used to talk with you at work" to "wow, this is really fun to be naked with you because I always thought you were hot."
  7. I'm not suggesting I've never looked at free porn, but I think your first statement isn't accurate. I know how to find free porn, but I also know that porn is free either because (a) the content owner decided to share it for promotion or (b) it was downloaded by someone who then shared it, even though they don't have the legal right to do so. I think a lot of the free porn available falls into the latter category. If I'm a fan of someone and want to watch a lot of his videos, I'd rather pay him a nominal sum to watch all of his content instead of hoping to find all of the clips I want on free porn sites. Besides, the free clips usually have a lower resolution and I enjoy watching a clearer picture. I was even more serious when it came to music. While Napster and the like were encouraging people to download music without paying, I always wanted to buy music on a physical carrier because the quality was better and I wanted to support the people who made the music. Just different values, I guess.
  8. I've been suckered into this only because Only Fans makes it impossible to know how frequently someone posts and exactly what their content is like. I've subscribed for a month only to find out that someone only posts teaser clips and wants more money for full scenes. I recently subscribed to a very well known guy's OF only to discover that he no longer posts anything new there (or at least not during the month I subscribed, despite him stating after I subscribed that he posts two videos per month to OF but that he posts a lot more on another platform where he makes more money). It's still generally not bad since most guys at least have a library of older clips that can be downloaded for later viewing, so $10 for a bunch of videos isn't bad. I'm definitely not going to be an auto-renew subscriber for someone who doesn't post at least a couple of videos per month.
  9. The link might not even be personal, by which I mean it isn't based on anyone knowing you contacted him. It could simply be that you are known to be visiting the area (you have booked flights & accommodations for the area and have maybe done some other searches related to the area) and that guy's profile gets recommended to people in that area. Or maybe, unknown to you, a friend of yours has hired this guy and he is being suggested to you as someone of interest because you do have a common connection. You could ask the guy if he sought you out on Instagram after you booked him, and if that's why he showed up on your account you can decide to cancel your appointment if that bothers you.
  10. I have no feedback on him, but just thought I'd suggest to include the guy's name in your thread title to make it easier for people to find information about the person in the future (and also to let people browsing the forum to know who the thread is about). I assume his name is simply a deliberate misspelling of Black Magic.
  11. As you can see from the replies above, this question gets asked a lot. The best answer that is that there is no actual definition, so always keep that in mind when looking at someone's ad. One man's sensual may be another's erotic and vice-versa. And some guys might list under both categories but not really provide much beyond a therapeutic massage. So if you are looking for a specific kind of experience, it's best to discuss that in advance with the person running the ad. Since you are soliciting individual opinions, however, here's how I would differentiate sensual versus erotic: Erotic definitely includes a release at the end. It probably includes mutual touch, but not necessarily -- particularly not the level that some people want from an erotic massage. Then again I have had a few masseurs initiate sex with me without me asking, so it really is the truth that it's impossible to know in advance what any particular provider will offer. I would not expect any sort of penetrative sex but that's certainly happened a number of times for me and, in fact, some of those guys became regulars in part because of the extras they offered me. In my view, a sensual massage just means light touching or a basic body rub by someone who might not be trained to provide a truly therapeutic massage. I know that some guys list therapeutic and sensual and, in fact, offer "erotic" massages and more to some clients so, again, this is where the "there is no definition" comes into play.
  12. I largely have. I'm not sure why I checked out this thread. I normally just ignore stories about them I see online.
  13. It's odd that I don't think I've ever previously recognized "influencers" at a restaurant until the past week, and now I've had two different dining experiences where I'm pretty sure that's what was going on at nearby tables. In the first occurrence, I was at a fairly new casual restaurant that wasn't very busy. Three women came in and the server pushed together two tables such that they would have room for several people. What transpired next let me know they must be so-called influencers: The food kept flowing to their table, far more food than three average sized women would eat and, in fact, probably more food than any three people could eat unless they were especially gluttonous. They took photos of everything, and most things were just being sampled, not eaten in their entirety. I'm guessing that most of the food got thrown out after they left, which just seems like a shame. Why not just serve "influencers" what they would normally order if they were paying, and let them post their review based on that? The second occurrence was two nights ago at a more established restaurant/bar. I don't know why this place would need a boost to their business as it already seems quite busy to me, but this time there was a table with two average sized women who got so much food delivered to their table that I was dumbfounded. I didn't see them taking photos, but given they were a few tables away and off to my side I wasn't exactly watching what was happening at their table. I'm not exaggerating when I state that they received enough food for four to six people. Unless they specifically ordered all of that in order to take it home, I assume this was another occurrence of a restaurant providing a lot of food to a couple of people with the hope that those people would convince others to patronize their business. Now that I've personally experienced dining where a table of "influencers" is nearby, I can understand a restaurant explicitly banning that. The first table of women just cheapened the dining experience, with them holding up plates to photograph them, holding up bites of food in front of their mouths while one of them took photos, and basically just picking away at the bounty in front of them. It actually made me less likely to return to the restaurant since it just disturbed me that they would choose to waste food in this manner.
  14. If looks weren't a part of the hiring process when choosing a masseur from a site like Rentmasseur, then clients wouldn't pay as much for the massage and would probably just look for someone on another site or at a business where massage training is emphasized. A masseur looking significantly different than his photos surely knows he is deliberately falsely marketing himself.
  15. I am generally very skeptical about people proclaiming love after a short period of time. I understand feeling strong emotions, but two people don't really know each other after only a few evenings together or even a few weeks. It's great to feel that excitement, but keep your intellect open as well as your emotions and proceed accordingly.
  16. There's definitely wiggle room -- more for a masseur than an escort. People can put on weight or lose muscle definition in a fairly short period of time, so I can understand some variance from what is shown in photos. When the photos are significantly different, though, I definitely don't go through with the appointment. It's one of the reasons I prefer incalls -- if the guy answering the door isn't the person in the photos or if the photos look like they were taken 20 years ago, I simply state I was expecting someone else and leave.
  17. He has ads on both Rentmen and Rentmasseur, but the Robforward name is what he uses on Rentmen so I assume this belongs in the Deli. ROBFORWARD on Rent.Men RENT.MEN View my profile on Rent.Men
  18. There are still some great things about San Francisco, but I can honestly say that if it was in its current state when I first visited here I definitely would not have fallen in love with the place and wanted to move here. In fact, I feel trapped here for a variety of reasons I don't want to go into. I hope things turn around, but I don't know what it's going to take for that to happen.
  19. And, finally, there's Marty Smith.
  20. One of my newer fascinations is Diego Platano (aka SoyUnPlatano). What a cutie.
  21. I like seeing well built men in skin tight clothing, but I'm not going to disparage anyone of any size who feels confident enough to wear something that clings to their body. I can always look away.
  22. I think any serious discussion of the "whys" is political, and I assume the political message board got eliminated for a reason so I will avoid venturing into that territory. As someone who has lived in San Francisco since the mid 1980s, I can say that this decay has been going on for quite a long time but really escalated due to the pandemic. San Francisco has not really recovered from the lock-downs the way other U.S. cities have. Downtown is still a shell of its former self. A lot of businesses throughout the city shuttered and nothing has opened to replace them. A lot of productive people left (census says 7% population loss between 2020 and 2022), but from appearances the homeless population did not decrease during that time but rather increased. So the percentage of mentally ill and drug addled individuals roaming the streets versus people who are able to take care of themselves properly has changed, making the challenges associated with homelessness even more visible. There is also seemingly no longer any effort to abate graffiti, so just moving around the city you get the sense that it's falling apart and no one cares. I honestly don't think it's a problem of money spent on services or that services aren't available. San Francisco spends a lot of money to serve people with mental illness and/or drug addiction, or simply to help house people who are homeless without those issues. I won't blame this all on the pandemic, though, since I started feeling alarmed about the downturn here before 2020. For a number of years I walked to a gym in the middle of the night to work out. I cannot recall exactly which year it was, but several years ago I just stopped feeling safe walking by myself at 4:00 a.m. Before that, I would typically encounter no one on my walk or maybe I'd see a trash collector. But I started encountering a lot more people on my walks, and some of them were obviously potentially dangerous (screaming at the top of their lungs, using some object to take their rage out on various objects in their vicinity) and others who simply gave me an uneasy feeling (like someone sizing me up to see if I was a good candidate for a mugging). I decided to start using the much less well equipped gym in my condo complex than continue to risk walking alone in the middle of the night.
  23. I don't know if I am just misinterpreting your post, but that sounds like sexual assault to me.
  24. When I first realized I loved Dolly: I am sure I had heard Jolene before, but I don't know that I had heard anything else by Dolly other than her then-current hit single, Here You Come Again. At the time, I belonged to Columbia House Music Club (remember the music clubs?) and decided to buy Dolly's " New Harvest...First Gathering" album so I could get that hit and see what else she had to offer. Imagine my initial dismay when the album arrived and I realized that Here You Come Again was nowhere to be found. My disappointment turned to love before the first track ended. For anyone who doesn't know this album, it opens with the track "Light Of A Clear Blue Morning," which is basically a response to her split with former music partner Porter Wagoner. I knew nothing of any of that at the time, though; I just knew that the song and her voice blew my mind.
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