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Everything posted by maninsoma

  1. While it never felt great to show up at a provider's place and find someone else there (roommate/boyfriend or, in a couple of cases, the client before me on the way out!), that was never a big concern of mine as long as the room we were in was private. I think if someone has to stop the session at mid-point due to some physical issue he should discount the session. I wouldn't be inclined to give the guy a second chance if he didn't realize that his inability to complete the booking as scheduled warranted some reduction of fee.
  2. The question is whether you can get what/who you want for free.
  3. I know a lot of escorts visit San Francisco around the time of Folsom Street Fair, but that makes sense because it is a sexually oriented event and presumably there are both locals and many out of town visitors who are looking to hire as part of their fun that weekend. I agree that it wouldn't make sense to try to chase some other type of event for the reasons you list.
  4. I am seldom even logged in when I view Rentmasseur, and I don't have a Rentmen account, so providers won't know that I've looked at their ad once or 1,000 times. When I did used to log into Rentmasseur before browsing (or when I used Adam4Adam and kept my visits traceable), I didn't mind when a provider sent a simple message after I viewed their ad. Sometimes it would remind me that I looked at him and it would result in me making an appointment, but most of the time I had already decided I wasn't motivated to meet them for whatever reason. So I guess I would say that it doesn't bother me to get one such message but only one, and in my case at least the return on the time investment isn't likely to be worth the effort.
  5. Only a couple of people in my life know that I hire. One of them also hires but has different tastes in men than I do. The other one usually recommends guys he knows personally whom he wants to help, and even after I tell him they aren't my type he'll still bring them up to me when we get together. I find that annoying; it's the equivalent of junk mail or spam email except it's in person. How many times do I have to say that I don't find someone appealing before I'm heard?
  6. It really does depend on where you live. One would think that being in the middle of San Francisco would give good results with an inside antenna, but a lot of channels do not come in well (picture and audio cuts in and out) due to multipath interference. This was true when TV signals were analog. Center of the city -- horrible interference. Up on Nob Hill, even though it was only a mile or two away, yielded much better reception.
  7. There is one big problem with your question: You are assuming facts not in evidence. Just because someone doesn't have an obvious online presence as an escort doesn't mean he hasn't at least occasionally done sex work. I've posted about my college age escort from two decades ago a number of times here, but to repeat: He only ever occasionally posted on Craigslist. He took his ads down as soon as he found clients. He only used one face photo, and it was small and low enough resolution that there is no way anyone could have used it to definitively identify him. After he got as many regulars as he wanted, he never advertised again. He was never on any site like Rentboy, Rentmen or Rentmasseur. He was never reviewed on Hooboy's site or Daddy's site; I asked if he wanted me to write a review for him to help with his business and he said he didn't want any permanent record of his sex work. So he did sex work for at least a couple of years (the time I hired him) and had at least one regular client, but for all intents and purposes almost no one knew he was doing sex work. I'm writing all of this to say that I believe such men surely exist today -- the problem for prospective clients is where/how to find them. Now, broadly speaking, I get the point that there are many, many handsome young men who could be successful in sex work because they are so attractive, but as others have written there are a variety of reasons why someone would choose not to do this line of work and also many reasons why someone who's attractive might try it and then realize that it isn't for them.
  8. That's one of the big problems with providers misrepresenting themselves. I will likely not cancel a session in the moment unless the misrepresentation is huge (I have had to walk away upon guys opening their doors when I was expecting a 30ish jock and instead an overweight 50ish guy presents himself), but won't repeat with a guy when my initial reaction is one of disappointment that he doesn't match his description/photos. Kudos to Simon and other escorts who understand that meeting clients' expectations and then providing a good experience is a far better way to run a business than to try to manipulate the market with false advertising. I don't think I ever had a second appointment with someone who wasn't what I expected when we first met.
  9. Maybe I just have different vision. While I find him (and have always found him) very handsome, in no way do I think his face looks like a man in his forties. If he were going to shave his age, I'd say early to mid 50s would be reasonable.
  10. I'd rather have silence during a session that a streaming service that interjects ad. Seriously, the guy cannot afford to pay for a streaming service so he can eliminate ads (or he doesn't have another way to play his own music -- mp3 player, cd player, etc)?
  11. Are you assuming that based on the mapping function on rentmasseur? That's not accurate at all. Sometimes it even shows a provider off shore in the Pacific Ocean! I wish it was accurate because that would mean that almost everyone advertising on rentmasseur was walking distance from me.
  12. We posted basically the same thing at the same time, except you listed his actions that made me come to the conclusion that this guy was a first class idiot.
  13. Reading that story made me wonder just how dumb that guy is. It's almost as if he was waving a flag saying "I did it" from the first moment he called the police to report his "concern" about the man he killed.
  14. As a client, what I look for beyond the obvious (that the provider looks like his photos and provides the services agreed upon) is that he allows himself to be human enough that I can enjoy the experience. If someone is too detached, I cannot lose myself in pleasure. I need to feel some sort of connection.
  15. For some that might be true, but I think there are a lot of guys who would include guys in their thirties and forties (at least early to mid forties) as being in their prime. I like both twinks and hunks.
  16. At the risk of repeating myself: I don't mind age shaving withing reason. It seems like the norm that guys pretend to be a bit younger than they are (shaving off between 5 and 10 years, depending on what age they are). It's guys who claim to be 39 forever that really annoy me. Even if a guy is still in great physical condition, there's no way a 60 year old is going to convince anyone he's still in his thirties.
  17. Do you have any friends who are escorts, or can you maybe ask someone experienced and successful if he will share his screening process with you? It sounds like you could learn how to set better limits to minimize time wasters while not creating a situation where you turn away actual prospective clients.
  18. Not sure why there's so much derogatory posting about this guy's size. He claims 8 inches and has one shot that shows what's probably a semi-woody that hints he may be about 8" when fully hard. Yes, he has a lot of nudes in his ad where his dick is small and flaccid, but I assume he included those shots to show off his other attributes. I don't know the guy and maybe he isn't a very good escort (based on someone's comment that there was a previous thread here with negative comments on his escort services), but I don't understand the need to laugh at him due to his size.
  19. Consent is always the key. I would not equate a willingness to bareback with a desire to be bred.
  20. It's really no different than a restaurant that was supposed to open in San Francisco atop the Salesforce tower. I don't remember all of the details, but when the plans were first announced a couple of years ago it was proclaimed to be a "first class dining experience" where people had to buy non-fungible tokens to become a member (at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars if I recall correctly) that merely gave them the right to eat at said restaurant (i.e., paying tens of thousands of dollars didn't even get you a meal). Now, I'm not of the socioeconomic status where I could have become a member even if I wanted to, but the entire thing sounded ridiculous to me and I assumed it would never come to fruition. They just announced that the plans had been canceled due to a variety of reasons, but the bottom line is that the market spoke and told the people trying to collect all of this money for the privilege of dining somewhere that what they were proposing was not worth the money.
  21. Not a hook-up (well, we first met in a bar and went home together), but nearly four decades ago before I moved to San Francisco I met a guy about two months before I was scheduled to leave. I told him the second weekend we spent together that I was moving across the U.S. soon and he cut off all contact with me. Prior to that, things were very hot and heavy. I've occasionally wondered what would have happened had I changed my plans and stayed there. Would it have worked out between us, or would it have fizzled soon anyway? All I know is that he remains one of the hottest guys I ever had sex with who wasn't an escort (I was a fairly skinny mid-20s guy at the time and he was a very slightly older, well built jock type). He seemed really into me and I reciprocated those feelings. That hasn't happened for me many times in my life.
  22. I like that song (which is actually titled "Escape (The Piña Colada Song)" and also Rupert Holmes' follow up, lower charting hit "Him." Fun story songs. I ran personal ads in the San Francisco Bay Times a couple of times. I think the most responses I ever got was around 20. I honestly don't remember how many men I met, but I know none of them ever yielded a boyfriend. Even though personal ads are mostly a thing of the past, I don't think that having a profile on an online dating site is much different apart from the ability to include photos and the immediacy of sending and receiving communications.
  23. I'm just curious what kind of approaches you've tried thus far.
  24. I share your concerns. I'd gladly share more information with someone who has a history of posting here but probably wouldn't even respond to a message from someone whose account was just created. Even so, I find the practice of reaching out for specifics a bit of a waste of time. What I had to write about a session was either previously posted or submitted as a review. There's no way I can give meaningful information about an encounter that occurred years ago other than to say whether I enjoyed the encounter or not which I obviously already did or the person would have no reason to send me a PM about that provider.
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