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Everything posted by maninsoma

  1. It's funny how I have changed my opinion about streaming over the past year. Because I kept reading about new Atmos mixes being released on streaming services that weren't available to buy on any physical medium, I decided to explore streaming more fully. I first tried Amazon's "unlimited" streaming service because the cost was low (free 3-month trial, inexpensive streaming stick). I was so frustrated. Even listening in stereo was frustrating because their service kept reverting back to lossy compressed files even though I had it set up to listen to the highest quality available. I'd hear two songs in full fidelity, and then the quality would drop back. If I skipped back to the beginning of the track, it would revert to full fidelity. I never could figure out why it did this since I certainly had more than ample bandwidth to stream high quality music. Worse, however, was Amazon's implementation of Atmos music. Basically they won't let you actually listen to Atmos on any system that's capable of actually playing discrete surround sound. You can stream it on your phone to stereo earbuds, or you can listen on a "smart" speaker where all of the drivers are built into one cabinet. You cannot listen to Atmos on an AVR that's capable of decoding it. I struggled to get this to work for a month, getting no helpful information from anyone at Amazon, until I finally got the answer from another customer on Amazon's forum: I couldn't get it to work because it simply would not work. To do what I wanted to do required buying an Apple device and subscribing to Apple Music. I've never owned an Apple product before. I cannot say that I love their 4K streaming device, but it does at least do what it says it will do. And I have been able to listen to Atmos mixes, some with great pleasure and others wondering who thought their mixing choices made any sense. Given my age I'll probably always prefer listening to physical media, but I cannot argue that streaming can be very convenient. But perhaps the best part of subscribing to a streaming service is the ability to listen to stuff in full to decide if I actually want to own it on a physical disc. I've definitely decided not to buy some things after listening to them that I previously would have just purchased, hoping that I would like them. In that way, the subscription sort of pays for itself.
  2. My first erotic massage occurred when I was in my early thirties with a hunky Asian dude who was maybe slightly younger than me. I don't really remember many details since it was nearly thirty years ago, but I think I actually started out draped. At some point, we were both naked and jerking each other off. I remember hiring him a few times after that, and that started my long-running interest in erotic massage. Back in the Craigslist days, I used to hire a lot of different guys for erotic massages. I'd say a lot of them quickly turned into escort experiences since a lot of these guys were really not interested in doing the work required to give a proper massage. I typically didn't mind as I was looking for the eroticism more than the massage, but my perspective has changed such that now I want a massage when hiring a masseur and will just hire an escort if I want play.
  3. I'm not a provider, but I've hired lots of providers visiting my area. I always assumed it was as easy as choosing a location, renting a hotel room, and then listing your plans on Rentmen and the like. I know that some providers travel with clients (i.e., take trips with them), but if you're just asking about working in a different area just advertise.
  4. A few thoughts: Don't give in to blackmailers. If you pay someone to not share what they've learned about you, you have no guarantee they won't do it anyway or won't make another similar demand/threat down the road. As others have posted, it's most likely that this person just wants money. They aren't really motivated to do what they are threatening to do. Facebook doesn't need your phone number, so don't give it to them. Also, unless you feel compelled to check Facebook at various points throughout the day, just use it when you are on a computer and not on your phone. If you are leading a double life, maintain a strong separation. Don't use the same phone number for contacting escorts that you use in your daily life. Don't use any photos of yourself in online profiles that are used elsewhere. I might have posted this before on this site, but I once was trying to arrange a get together with a guy from Adam4Adam and it was easy for me to link him to a Catholic church at which he was a pastor via both a photo and his phone number. It's a good thing I had no ill intentions.
  5. This is (so far) a confusing conversation. If you have experience with someone and don't recommend him, isn't it better just to say that (and provide a little information as to why you feel that way) rather than suggest that the provider should be avoided because of what the ad says? I read the ad and wouldn't hire him based on the PNP references. I assume some other potential clients might be looking for that, but I'm not. I don't know why the offer of a boyfriend experience would be a cause of concern. Isn't that what a lot of clients are looking for, particularly for appointments longer than an hour?
  6. I hired a guy over a decade ago with whom I had a nice-enough but not especially great appointment until he was getting dressed. He started insulting me as he was getting ready to leave, and I was honestly left speechless because I had no idea where his vitriol was coming from. I hadn't done anything to trigger it as far as I could tell, so I suspect that maybe he just had a lot of inner conflict about doing erotic massage work and was taking that out on me on his way out the door. He has continuously advertised since then but there's no way I would hire him for a repeat, even if the appointment had been more to my liking, after having him disparage me just a few minutes after we both came.
  7. Walking On Thin Ice is a great record. I also quite like the entirety of her Season of Glass album, her album of grief following John's murder. Kiss Kiss Kiss is my favorite track from Double Fantasy, including the album side of John Lennon's songs. I love her screaming on early tracks like Why. Just because she doesn't have a "pretty" voice doesn't mean she isn't a worthy vocalist.
  8. I assume he meant "rain check," but I don't think that phrase really conveys what he intended. A rain check implies a transaction won't occur right now, for whatever reason, with the implication that it will occur at some point in the future. It sounds to me like the intention was to communicate a change of mind regarding hiring the guy, period.
  9. His Rentmen ad used to be under the name HardHungVersTop, but I couldn't find any discussion of him here under that name.
  10. I get that inflation affects everyone. I can tell you that I didn't get a 25-33% raise recently, though, so trying to rationalize an increase from $300 to $400 per hour or $400 to $500 per hour doesn't make sense. That being said, this is a market where providers can charge whatever they want and clients can decide to hire or not. Sadly, my recent salary increases haven't even kept pace with inflation.
  11. I'm not saying that bottoms cannot enjoy looking at, touching, or rimming a hot ass, but I'm amused that whenever Rafael Alencar is discussed the topic typically drifts to whether he's had butt implants. As a nearly-100% bottom, I can tell you that I don't care whether his ass is due to exercise or surgical enhancement. It's the rest of him that catches my interest -- the handsome face, the nice torso, the big dick, his ability to pound a bottom, and his seemingly "chill" attitude while still being dominant in bed.
  12. If staying at a hotel, insist on meeting in the lobby instead of giving the provider your room number. If you don't see the guy in the ad show up and some scammer starts texting you, there's your answer. I suppose that if it's a large lobby, maybe you just aren't seeing the guy so it would make sense to reply by text when you know you cannot be seen by anyone else to ask exactly where he is so you can identify him. At an apartment/condo building, meet outside. I hired over 100 guys when living in apartment buildings and for every visit from a first-time provider, I always waited outside for them. Typically I'd see the guy approaching before he'd even reach my building, so I could wave or nod so he'd know who I was. If no one ever shows up who matches the guy who advertised, there's your answer. As to someone threatening to post a video of him knocking on your door and then barging in and demanding money, how is that potentially damaging to you? Who cares what story he says he is going to post along with it. Unless the video includes a conversation before that where you are agreeing to pay him for sex, how is that video incriminating? Just because you opened your door to a stranger? Don't let some thief exploit your concern about being exposed -- unless you are so fearful for some reason (cheating on a spouse, would cause some professional problem if you are exposed) I wouldn't even give it a second thought. And if you have that much to lose, you really need to be more cautious about hiring anyway: Use a burner phone number, don't meet guys where you live, use a fake name, don't use an email address that you use for any other purpose, etc. And, of course, you can stick to well-reviewed guys. Even then, though, there have been some stories here of guys who had good public reputations who did terrible things to some clients so that isn't a 100% guarantee.
  13. I assume you mean KarlKang? If so, maybe you can edit your post or ask an admin to do it if you can't. I'd say that based on previous discussions here, Karl is certainly interactive but it also seemed to me that not everyone got the same level of interaction. That's probably true of the vast majority of masseurs, though. I know that I enjoyed my few times with him, even if I got the sense that some other clients received a bit more than I had.
  14. Actually, some nurses and physicians are counselors, but not those working in an ICU. At any rate, there are medical social workers working at health care facilities. I think the point of the presentation makes sense: It isn't that concern for the patient is wrong, it's that people should remember that family members/important friends might also need support.
  15. I was prepared to side with the escort, thinking that you were just wasting time asking about things that were already addressed in his profile. Then I clicked the link and saw that he doesn't list what he's into and only says he's available for "modeling." Maybe he's chosen to market himself that way to minimize legal risks, but he should be smart enough to know that not saying much in his ad is going to result in more random contacts from potential clients trying to figure out if they are a match.
  16. If I'm not mistaken, Burt wrote the music to all of those great songs, not the lyrics. The lyrics were mostly written by Hal David.
  17. Just remember that a butter face is, to a great extent, in the eye of the beholder. I've seen some guys gushed over here whose faces I don't find attractive. Conversely, there are some guys in porn whom I find hot whom others have described as unattractive facially. Being attracted to someone's face is important to me, but I find a wide range of guys attractive. Sometimes it's the little quirks about someone's looks that turns me on the most.
  18. I'm disappointed with you, Jamie. I was sure you'd have a funnier response than that, something along the lines of a fake advertisement for your face sitting school. 😉
  19. Nothing listed under "I am into..." always gives me pause.
  20. That's horrible that this hasn't received much media attention. I agree that one shouldn't accept pills or drinks from a stranger. Also one shouldn't leave one's drink unattended. And also, maybe difficult for some people, don't drink so much that your judgment is seriously impaired.
  21. I haven't hired much over the past few years, so most of the guys I used to like are no longer advertising. As for men who are still available, I can recommend: Billy Rhodes. He's definitely flexible with respect to massage types, but he definitely has good technique and knowledge of the human body. Karl Kang. Maybe he's too much of "the pretty muscle-y IG type" for you since he's definitely muscled and cute (not that Billy isn't cute, but he's more lean than muscle-y), but Karl definitely gave me a very good therapeutic massage the few times I saw him in 2019.
  22. I just read an article which should give us all some pause -- and might cause some to reconsider using something like a fingerprint or facial recognition to unlock their phones. Reportedly three men who visited the Eagle in New York on separate occasions were somehow incapacitated by the people who robbed them. The thieves used facial recognition on the men's phones to gain access to their devices and their funds. Scant details in any of the articles I've seen online, but I thought this story was nonetheless worth bringing to everyone's attention.
  23. I've only ever had extended appointments with one escort. We also developed a friendship. The boundaries were always clear: I typically hired him for overnight appointments, and a couple of times for a few days. During those occasions, most of the time we spent was obviously just "hanging out" time but I was paying him our agreed-upon rate for the appointment (not just an hourly rate with a bunch of no-cost time on either end of the session). When we hung out "off the clock," it was not connected with an appointment. We might go to dinner or a movie together, and then part ways. In other words, we didn't mix the business appointments with the purely friendly get togethers. I paid him for the former, not the latter. And it was clear that we weren't dating; we were just friends hanging out.
  24. You don't really have much information on which to base a conclusion at this point, so if you want to see him again I suggest you simply have an open conversation with him. You should state your perceptions (e.g., our last meeting wasn't as passionate) rather than attempting to draw conclusions (e.g., it's because you're straight, isn't it?). Who knows whether it's sexual orientation, covid, you said something that bothered him, or something else. But if you like the guy, just politely communicate your feelings and see what he has to say.
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