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Everything posted by maninsoma

  1. In honor of the Giants coming out strong (so far, 7 to 0 in the 7th inning of the first World Series game), here's my favorite again. Buster Posey all suited up.
  2. What I don't get is why someone who suddenly becomes famous and wealthy has a hard time being honest about his income. What was his annual income before he was cast in Jersey Shore? Probably well under $100,000. One would think someone in his position could simply be happy about his good fortunes and be honest when filing his taxes.
  3. My current favorite is still Buster Posey. His athletic yet still twinky good looks when he first started playing with the San Francisco Giants along with their winning the World Series reignited my interest in baseball. He also seems like a genuinely nice guy. http://peteryang.com/v02/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/130116_mh_posey_b.jpg
  4. Maybe, or maybe not. Could be the guy just knows that many customers will make a similar assumption and hire him, hoping for more, even if he isn't actually going to provide it. I've not only had masseurs go beyond my expectations in a sexual way, including a few who actually topped me, but I've also been duped by guys whose ads were carefully constructed to highlight their sexual qualities only to get a mediocre therapeutic massage with no extras.
  5. Does anyone else's gaydar go off at least a little bit during that underwear shopping video? I'm not suggesting that he isn't attracted to women at all, but there's a certain lilt in his voice and twinkle in his eye that just makes me doubt that he's 100% straight. Or is that just my wishful thinking?
  6. Cute. Brings back some vague memories of my first computer. I don't think it was quite as cryptic as this one, but the monochrome monitor and the need to put in different floppy disks depending on the task I needed to accomplish are still stuck in my brain. I remember eventually upgrading to a better computer that had a 20MB hard drive (what a relief to no longer have to swap floppies incessantly!) for $1,300!
  7. I'm going to submit a review on masseurfinder for Rainer since I don't think it's really appropriate to review masseurs here, but I thought I'd just chime in this thread to state that Rainer appears just as he does in his photos (very sexy in person), has a very sweet demeanor, and provided a very sensual massage.
  8. I just noticed that this guy is visiting my area now. Still no one in the LA area (or any other area he's visited) that has feedback on this guy? I've learned to be skeptical of reviews offered on the massage websites since sometimes masseurs with many glowing reviews end up being duds as far as I am concerned.
  9. Frequently it's even easier than your instructions indicate, Gar1eth. For example, in Chrome at least, if you click in the website address bar it automatically highlights the entire URL. Then you can do the right click, copy, and paste steps.
  10. Don't know anything about him, but here's a direct link to his ad in case anyone else wants to check him out: http://www.massagem4m.com/ca/san-francisco/16526/
  11. I don't like Kellie Pickler's singing, but she definitely has an endearing quality about her and I find her ignorance (whether real or faked, though I vote for the former) hysterical.
  12. No experience with him, but I have noticed his ads over the past year or two. Here are direct links to his other ads: Rentboy Men4RentNow
  13. I'm of two minds on this: If I hired someone from a source other than a gay focused website and nothing in his ad indicated sensual/erotic, I certainly wouldn't expect a release at the end. If I hire a guy who lists himself as a sensual or erotic masseur on a gay focused website, though, I do expect a release to be part of the session. Massagem4m has a therapeutic category and masseurs can choose to limit their ads to that category if that's the service they offer. The bottom line is that I don't think providing a manual release at the end of a massage in any way denigrates the masseur or cheapens the experience, so I wouldn't consider saying "no" to a release if offered unless I really didn't want one for whatever reason.
  14. I typically don't want the plot parts in any porn, but a film I fondly remember is Falcon's "Touch Me...It's Hot, It's Tender." The plot is roughly this: Boy stays at home while his man goes off to his construction job. As soon as man leaves, boy calls someone over for a tryst. Man finds out there's no work, returns home, finds boy with another man and goes off. The following is my favorite part: Boy, sobbing, calls a friend who comes over with a third friend and a 3-way ensues. (Guess boy isn't too distraught after all.) Meanwhile, man picks up someone outside and, while they're having sex, keeps seeing his boy's face. After everyone comes, man comes home to boy and they have make-up sex. I know my write-up is dry, but the story is told in such a ridiculous way that it's fun to watch. And the boy, played by Troy Mackenzie, is so bad he's good in terms of his acting.
  15. When I've seen this type of build on guys at my gym, it's usually guys who lift tremendously heavy weights but do absolutely no core work. I'm not quite sure why anyone would spend 90-120 minutes exercising and do no core or cardio, but some guys do.
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