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Posts posted by nate_sf

  1. Don't beat yourself up over this, it was your first experience hiring. You've learned what you like and the next experience should be better.

    You had mentioned that you had told him that you wanted to face fuck him, then fuck him, so he may have thought you wanted him to be relatively passive. That doesn't explain his lousy post-coital bedside manner however. But for what it's worth, with some clients after they've come, they're getting dressed and heading out the door, so maybe he'd expected that until you indicated otherwise. Or on the other hand, he could have just been a lousy lay.

    I wouldn't get hung up on the racial angle, as I'd expect this has more to do with expectations (which changed during the session), and chemistry. But also if you're in the midst of a session and then you think to yourself of something you'd enjoy more, definitely let the escort know. Like, "hmmm, this isn't really doing what I had thought it would... let's just make out instead." But if you're worried, look for statements like "I welcome the full range of ages, races, ethnicities, and body types" (which is in my profile).

    You might also want to suggest a 90-minute session. For me, that's a great amount of time since it's less rushed than 60 minutes, but can still be kind to the budget and schedule. Let it be known you want to talk and get to know each other first, even for just 15 or 20 minutes. I've had some clients say they want to chat beforehand, and even ask if they can bring along a beverage, or meet in the hotel bar.

    Live and learn... it may have been an expensive lesson, but consider it an investment towards enjoying future sessions!

  2. I sleep naked, whether with someone or alone.

    However a few years ago I wanted to get a pair of traditional pajamas. I wanted to have a pair just for the sake of it, and also thought it would be fun to have for a photoshoot... going for that dad look. I got a pair of plaid flannel pjs at Target, which it turns out I never wear.

    If it gets really cold, I'll just put on a pair of gray sweatpants or sweatshorts and either a t-shirt or sweatshirt.

  3. 2 hours ago, Vegas_nw1982 said:

    To protect themselves from these Asian scammers, I'm seeing more men add "No Asians" to their profiles.  I'm considering doing the same to cut down on these types of scam messages.

    I’m not sure that would scare away the scammers. I’d think they’d just change their approach, if they bother to pay attention to that kind of detail at all. Meanwhile you’ll offend or hurt legit Asian Grindr guys who are just wanting to meet up for real and have nothing to do with the scam. 

    Your choice of course, and I’m not trying to be PC, just I find those race filters to be pretty mean regardless of which races they target. That’s a whole other discussion of course! 

  4. 7 hours ago, Summerson said:

    She had a copy of the old 1970's Joy Of Sex book...

    Oh yes, how could I forget? My parents had that book in their bedside table too. My older sisters and I discovered it, and went through the pictures. "Look, they're making a baby!" we'd exclaim. Somehow the gist of the book escaped us, but it also hinted that adults did things behind closed doors that we didn't totally understand.

    The other thing we noticed in the Joy of Sex was the styling of the models. They were drawings, but realistic. The man had long hair and a beard, and the women had hairy armpits. "Ew, they look like hippies!" Of course now I find men with long hair and beards attractive, so go figure.

  5. I recall my dad sitting me down for "the talk" but can't remember anything about what he said. By then we'd already had sex education at school, so I told him that and our talk was very short.

    The sex ed was in 6th grade and was the typical things of boys in one room, girls in the other. We boys were shown a dated film that went over the various things that would be changing. I remember a diagram of a man that mentioned that hair would be sprouting in various places, and then little circles popped up around the pubes and arm pits. Afterwards, we talked about it on the playground. The part about nighttime emissions sort of scared me, and I remembered telling a friend I hope it just comes out when I'm peeing instead. Clearly the film didn't do a 100% job of explaining things!

    As a teen, one day I was with mom walking our dog, and we saw a couple of duck mating. The male duck jumped on the female, bang bang bang and then it was over in probably ten seconds. My mom said to me, "you'll want to take more time than that."

  6. I agree with you, an appointment is not booked until a date, time and place have been confirmed.

    Recently I was traveling and there were a couple of clients in your position of not having full control of their schedules. Both told me they'd understand if I would be making other arrangements given their inability to commit to a date and time. I thought that was fine. In the end I was able to accommodate one once his schedule stabilized, but not the other.

    It can be difficult for the providers when prospective clients are not able to confirm, but it also goes with the territory. This is true of any service trade, or sales for that matter - the deal isn't sealed until it's fully confirmed. If someone can't deal with that, they should find another line of work that offers a predictable salary.

    Your policy for paying for canceled appointments is very respectable btw.

  7. 22 hours ago, Coolwave35 said:

    I had always worn fruit of the loom tighty whiteys all through college. After I graduated I decided I just had to have nicer underwear. I went to Bloomingdale’s in nyc and looked for the cutest salesman to ask about the different fits, colors and brands. We went through all the major labels and he gave me a bunch to check out. He then said something along the lines of “I’ll mark them all down to $10.00 if you want, and if you take those pants to the fitting room, I’ll be in right after to make sure they fit.”  I replied with “that’s nice but I don’t mind paying sticker price, I don’t want you to get in trouble.”  He looked at me funny and said “well are you gunna try on the pants?” And I said “oh no, I already have enough pants.”  I hadn’t been sexually active at that point and I too was clueless as to the innuendo. 

    Lol I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to be clueless! Perhaps there needs to be an instructional manual for newbies. Or in modern practice, instructional videos. 

  8. I could have been that salesman if only I'd had my wits about me...

    When I was in high school I had an after-school job in a local department store. I was deeply closeted, hence not having my wits about me. One afternoon a youngish guy is shopping for trousers. Nice looking but seems kinds of nervous. Asks lots of questions.

    He takes a few pairs of trousers into the dressing room. He doesn’t come out. A long period of time elapses.

    “Are you OK in there? Do you need me to get you another size?” I ask.

    He tells me he needs help, that he can’t figure out how to fasten the trousers.

    Weird I think to myself. How hard is it to figure out how to put on a pair of trousers?

    He opens the door and is standing there, with the trousers on but unzipped. He has a strange look on his face.

    “What’s the trouble?” I ask. I’m confused, I don’t get it. I’m clueless.

    “I need you to do it for me,” he says.

    Well this feels really creepy I think to myself. I’m not really sure why, but it just doesn’t seem right to be touching a customer like that. But I dutifully comply. I zip up the trousers and fasten the top button. He just stands there, staring, like he’s waiting for something. “There,” I say to him. I close the door and walk back out onto the sales floor, perplexed.

    A few years later I thought back to that experience, and just thought "oh, duh...!"

  9. I think you’re thinking of the old A Different Light bookstore. It’s had a few incarnations since then and is now called Fabulosa Books. 

    The Midnight Sun is a bar. I used to go there a lot as a young buck. It was remodeled a decade or so ago but I haven’t been there. Maybe they’d have gogo dancers? I’m not sure, but it would be worth checking out. Perhaps a gogo dancer scouting night is in order!

  10. 6 hours ago, RadioRob said:

    I was just talking to @nate_sf about this over lunch yesterday...  sadly SF does not have anything like that any longer.

    Agreed, for whatever reason there are no strip clubs in SF and nowhere with private dances. The best you’ll get are gogo dancers in some of the bars. Beaux, 440, and Powerhouse each have gogo dancers on various nights. There are probably other bars too. But no lap dances to be had. 

  11. 20 hours ago, 12is12 said:

    ML, not sure how to take ur comment. Isn't soliciting advice / info the main function of this this community?

    In a sense, this site is sort of like Yelp for gay escorts and other things we’re interested in. It’s just missing the star ratings. 😉

  12. I take a 50MG trazodone each night. I’m told it’s a relatively mild medication, and has been around for a long time. It does the job and I don’t feel groggy in the morning. I tried some of the newer prescription sleep aids but felt I didn’t get good sleep, it felt more like hypnosis. For me, trazodone seems just right and I feel I’m getting good sleep. Could be worth asking your doc about it. 

  13. On 9/18/2022 at 2:38 PM, m_writer said:

    Let me know if you suffer any side effects from getting both at the same time; I was warned not to and to wait four weeks after the second one.

    No side effects to speak of, other than a bit of soreness in my arm from where the covid shot went in, and a bit of redness where the mpx shot went in.

    I had not planned to have both at the same time, but when I signed up for the mpx shot they asked if I also wanted the covid booster. I asked them if it was OK to do both at the same time, and they said yes. But they said don't do them at the same time as the flu shot.

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