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Any luck with hotel staff?


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I've stayed in hundreds of hotels all over the world....never once had a sexual encounter with the staff.


I was taught early on...."Don't fuck the help"


Just this last week I had a bellman in NYC linger in my room.

He asked me three or four times if there was anything else he could help me with.....

I just had flashbacks to Dominique Strauss-Kahn.....


"No thanks...I'm fine"


Don't fuck the help!

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Also, I learned a tip regarding Hotel Hookups from an escort recently. That is to always knock very lightly on the door so as not to draw any attention to yourself and not arouse any suspicion from any hotel employees or security. Of course most hotel employees have seen it all, but I guess it's good to play it safe.


Last escort I hired said he would leave the door ajar and I was to just walk in (no knocking).

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My partner and I were having dinner in a restaurant in Sonoma, a diner type place. Our server was a friendly chatty guy, enough so that I thought he might have potential. While my partner went to the restroom, he walked up, said he'd been watching me and could tell I was just made to be bad. I was astonished.

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Lol, too fun.

I just chatted up “Manny” who brought a chicken Caesar salad to my room.

Twenty-five’ish, tall, cute Latin room service guy. Really nice and chatty but no vibe whatsoever.

When the conversation was running into the ground I asked if he wanted me to call him to get the tray when I was finished: “Just put it in the hall and call the front desk and they will send someone.:p


Tomorrow night I’m opening the door in a bathrobe. :D

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Lol, too fun.

I just chatted up “Manny” who brought a chicken Caesar salad to my room.

Twenty-five’ish, tall, cute Latin room service guy. Really nice and chatty but no vibe whatsoever.

When the conversation was running into the ground I asked if he wanted me to call him to get the tray when I was finished: “Just put it in the hall and call the front desk and they will send someone.:p


Tomorrow night I’m opening the door in a bathrobe. :D

Call housekeeping and get a pair of scissors. Cut the bottom of the robe off so it's even with your balls. When "Manny" delivers your food answer the door in that and ask him if all the robes are so short.:D

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A friend invited me to tag along with him. He was at a conference in NOLA last week. We got to the Roosevelt in our room and the bellboy brought up our luggage. More like a man than a boy really and he was cute. He had a smile on his face and my friend said that he was trying to flirt with me. I was tired from the flight so I wasn’t picking up on it. My friend asked what the hell was wrong with me. My loss for sure.

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A friend invited me to tag along with him. He was at a conference in NOLA last week. We got to the Roosevelt in our room and the bellboy brought up our luggage. More like a man than a boy really and he was cute. He had a smile on his face and my friend said that he was trying to flirt with me. I was tired from the flight so I wasn’t picking up on it. My friend asked what the hell was wrong with me. My loss for sure.


One has to remember that, at the end of the day, bellhops/room service staff really want that big tip (no pun intended). So they have be nice. If you were the object of his supposedly flirtatious behavior but didn't pick up on it, maybe he was just being pleasant, not flirty. I wouldn't put stock in someone else's reading of a situation in this instance.

Edited by thedanNYC
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I just had flashbacks to Dominique Strauss-Kahn.....


One should be particularly careful if staying in a hotel in the City of Seattle. We have a new law, intended to address the problem of sexual harassment of hotel staff by guests, which requires hotels to create a “blacklist” of guests when hotel workers accuse them of sexual harassment. The law further requires hotels to share the names of guests so accused with the city and with other hotel workers and to deny them lodging for the next three years. One wouldn’t want to misperceive interest by the bellboy, make a pass, and end up on the blacklist. Also, no police report need be filed and there is no mechanism to challenge the allegations, so even if the bellboy is clearly coming onto you, it could just be a set-up for blackmail.


Incidentally, the law has been challenged in court, but so far, it has been upheld. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/hotel-trade-groups-sue-over-seattle-initiative-that-gives-new-rights-to-workers/

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  • 3 weeks later...
One should be particularly careful if staying in a hotel in the City of Seattle. We have a new law, intended to address the problem of sexual harassment of hotel staff by guests, which requires hotels to create a “blacklist” of guests when hotel workers accuse them of sexual harassment. The law further requires hotels to share the names of guests so accused with the city and with other hotel workers and to deny them lodging for the next three years. One wouldn’t want to misperceive interest by the bellboy, make a pass, and end up on the blacklist. Also, no police report need be filed and there is no mechanism to challenge the allegations, so even if the bellboy is clearly coming onto you, it could just be a set-up for blackmail.


Incidentally, the law has been challenged in court, but so far, it has been upheld. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/hotel-trade-groups-sue-over-seattle-initiative-that-gives-new-rights-to-workers/


Chicago just recently passed an ordinance that employees be given panic buttons for use when being sexually harassed.



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I’ve begun seeing a young guy from Seekingarrangement who works at the front desk of a luxury property here and I asked him about this. He said that he’s never heard of anything actually happening between a staff member and guest and the employees are told that any sort of engagement with guest beyond professional courtesy would lead to immediate termination. Apparently F & B managers keep an eye out for anyone gone for an unusually long time or being on property after the end of their shift. He also told me that, as someone else posted, they do keep records on guests and make that available to other properties under their brand. He said that it’s mainly to help deal with guest complaints- if you’ve had a room A/C problem in the past, for example, they really want to make sure it never happens again - but also guests who are problematic are noted and flagged.

(I was also surprised at the level of compensation that front line employees are pre-authorized to give for guest problems.)


Still, maybe being in the right place at the right time could yield a surprise. Who knows.

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  • 2 months later...

Maybe I'm just uber-lucky...I was recently staying at a 5-star hotel and decided to check out the spa. I happened to be about to put on my robe in the locker room when the attendant came in with fresh towels. I said "hi", grabbed a towel from him and went to shower. There were two showers with completely clear glass doors opposite each other, but one of them had an "out of order" sign on it. I obviously hopped into the other shower and started to soap myself down. Low and behold...the attendant comes over to pretend to make sure that the "out of order" sign on the opposite shower was properly posted (you know, pushing along the edges on the adhesive, smoothing it out). I caught him looking a few times, so I continued showering facing him. He continued to watch me. After a while, he moved back to continue laying out the towels but kept looking at me from the locker room mirrors. So I stepped out and started to towel off with a hard on in full view of him. And he came over and gave me a fast and furious hand job...while looking at the locker room door nervously every so often.


I'm starting to think that what might get them comfortable (aside from attraction and opportunity) is my attitude. I'm pretty chill and don't act desperate, you know? I let them take the lead and come to me, and I come off as someone who is not going to freak out and will recover quickly if someone walks in on the action.

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Last year, I was in DC for two nights every week, and I would stay at the same hotel. I had coffee delivered from room service early every morning. After the first few weeks, I noticed that it was often the same guy bringing it — Latino, 20s, shy. He was good-looking enough, but he wasn’t drop-dead gorgeous, and I didn’t think much of him the first couple of times I saw him.


I often stroke and edge a little in the morning. A couple of times, he saw that I was hard in my PJ bottoms, which I wore when I answered the door. And a couple of times, he seemed to linger for just a minute longer than he needed to.


About a month after the first time I saw him, he brought the coffee, headed to the door to leave, and paused. I was hard, with a visible wet spot from edging, which I had held my hands over to cover. I moved my hands, and he was staring at my bulge. I grabbed my bulge and rubbed it, and that was all it took. He came back into the middle of the room, dropped to his knees, and sucked my cock. I came in his mouth. He quickly stood up, I thanked him, and he left.


For the next few weeks, someone else brought coffee in the morning, and I thought he was embarrassed or something — until he showed up one morning at the door. Nothing happened that first time back, but every few weeks he’d deliver a BJ with my coffee. Part of what made it hot was not knowing if he was going to deliver the coffee, or if anything would happen.

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Maybe I'm just uber-lucky...I was recently staying at a 5-star hotel and decided to check out the spa. I happened to be about to put on my robe in the locker room when the attendant came in with fresh towels. I said "hi", grabbed a towel from him and went to shower. There were two showers with completely clear glass doors opposite each other, but one of them had an "out of order" sign on it. I obviously hopped into the other shower and started to soap myself down. Low and behold...the attendant comes over to pretend to make sure that the "out of order" sign on the opposite shower was properly posted (you know, pushing along the edges on the adhesive, smoothing it out). I caught him looking a few times, so I continued showering facing him. He continued to watch me. After a while, he moved back to continue laying out the towels but kept looking at me from the locker room mirrors. So I stepped out and started to towel off with a hard on in full view of him. And he came over and gave me a fast and furious hand job...while looking at the locker room door nervously every so often.


I'm starting to think that what might get them comfortable (aside from attraction and opportunity) is my attitude. I'm pretty chill and don't act desperate, you know? I let them take the lead and come to me, and I come off as someone who is not going to freak out and will recover quickly if someone walks in on the action.


It's you're young and attractive. When I was younger and traveling I got flirted with by staff much more, I was just too chickenshit to do stuff about it until the end of that particular era...

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Interesting think just happened. Caveat: I am admittedly not young nor a looker. However, I just checked into a hotel here in the middle of nowhere Ohio. Guy who checked me in was very nice and welcoming. He wrote his name on the envelope with my room card and told me to call him directly if I had any issues with my room or during my stay. I called the front desk to inquire about where the ice machine was located. He volunteered to bring me some to my room. I had just changed into my PJ's and had taken a much needed and raging piss when he knocks at the door. I go to answer, and have a noticeable wet stain that garners his attention. He brought in the ice and a couple bottles of water. I thanked him and turned to pull a couple bucks from my wallet for a tip. When I turn back around, he drops to his knees, pulls out my cock, and nose dives all the way to my pubes. He had serious skills and I didn't last long. After taking my load in short order, he stands, says have a good evening, and walks out the door. Great end to the day!

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"Dear Penthouse Forum......I never thought anything like this would happen to me, but.........."



no personal stories, but, back in college days, I was a bellman at a very nice small resort near the university and we worked with a tall-dark-handsome (t-d-h) guy.....one evening, an attractive woman checked in and t-d-h guy jumped on the chance to walk her to her room......didn't hear much about it the rest of the day, but I arrived early the next morning to stories from the gossipy night front desk guy about t-d-h spending the night with the woman.....while walking around the grounds that morning, I caught him trying to slink out a back gate....he feigned ignorance, but I told him I already knew and he begged me not to tell anybody.....but word was already out (the night guy and night security) and, by midday, all employees knew about t-d-h and his adventure....he was fired the next day, but became a gigolo of sorts for a while, visiting the attractive woman at her place a few states away a couple times......

Edited by azdr0710
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Many years ago, I did a brief stint as a room service waiter at the Brown Palace in Denver. When I first got the job, I was hoping I would see a little action. Just once, the entire time I worked there, an opportunity presented itself. I served a meal to a guy who was getting ready for a dressy event- he was getting into a tuxedo. He asked me for help with his cummerbund, which I gave. While i was helping him, he mentioned what time he would be back, in case I wanted to drop back by. I didn't find him interesting so it never went any farther.

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Otherwise known as 'The room that cheap people attempt to make crappy cheese, cheap wine and appetizers' into a full-fledged meal


Club Level rooms are a brilliant way for hotels to upcharge for practically nothing.


When you have elite status they charge the same.

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I had a spontaneous, surprise encounter which a thick dicked bellhop in Greece once. While I was waiting for my room to be ready, he led me to an empty room, where he pushed me to my knees, pulled out his fat, dark

hooded cock, that had a faint smell of "cheese" and said "SUCK IT". Since it was Dairy day.... I did as he said !


I’m guessing most likely feta.



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When you have elite status they charge the same.


Yep, and at almost all 'Club Levels' the lounge is packed, loud and not relaxing in the least.


Just got back from a week in Rio and skipped the lounge at the hotel I was at altogether. A glass of free wine is not worth having to put up with loud children and people who are putting their feet on the furniture.

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Yep, and at almost all 'Club Levels' the lounge is packed, loud and not relaxing in the least.


Just got back from a week in Rio and skipped the lounge at the hotel I was at altogether. A glass of free wine is not worth having to put up with loud children and people who are putting their feet on the furniture.

I lust stay at nicer hotels than you .

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Maybe I'm just uber-lucky...I was recently staying at a 5-star hotel and decided to check out the spa. I happened to be about to put on my robe in the locker room when the attendant came in with fresh towels. I said "hi", grabbed a towel from him and went to shower. There were two showers with completely clear glass doors opposite each other, but one of them had an "out of order" sign on it. I obviously hopped into the other shower and started to soap myself down. Low and behold...the attendant comes over to pretend to make sure that the "out of order" sign on the opposite shower was properly posted (you know, pushing along the edges on the adhesive, smoothing it out). I caught him looking a few times, so I continued showering facing him. He continued to watch me. After a while, he moved back to continue laying out the towels but kept looking at me from the locker room mirrors. So I stepped out and started to towel off with a hard on in full view of him. And he came over and gave me a fast and furious hand job...while looking at the locker room door nervously every so often.


I'm starting to think that what might get them comfortable (aside from attraction and opportunity) is my attitude. I'm pretty chill and don't act desperate, you know? I let them take the lead and come to me, and I come off as someone who is not going to freak out and will recover quickly if someone walks in on the action.


I’m betting it’s more that you’re very attractive, probably nicely hung, and young.



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