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Any luck with hotel staff?


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Last week I stayed in a large Hilton in Dallas. My grindr was burning with hotel employees!! Got blown by a hot 24 yr old Venezuelan who just couldn't get enough of my hairy chest. Another guy came over, blew me in my room, and later was serving me a drink at the bar!!!

I think I’ve stayed there too. Lol

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A couple years ago, I stayed at a gay inn and the owner offered me some oral. I declined but I appreciated the level of service. For what it's worth. Oh, and last year in Spain, a good looking young man on Grindr asked me to leave my hotel room door unlocked and to stay in bed naked in the morning so he could come in, suck me off, and then leave. He did everything except he didn't leave immediately. We hung and and visited a bit after.

Vegas hotel elevators now often require you to use your room key and will only let you press the button for your own floor. That's hindering the Grindr action there lately...

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Even if you are not hot, despite all the hair, you have a creative side. I do not know what you are doing professionally but you could be a writer, or a film director. Specially for porn.

Gee thanks, not in the creative fields! In healthcare, actually. But I have written on nifty, a few years ago.

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I've watched some of those videos where a guy is "innocently" jerking off in his hotel room when room service comes. I found them interesting from a voyeuristic perspective (wondering how the waiter reacts) but mostly creepy. However, I recently had two unexpected experiences with *willing* staff at two different hotels!


Room Service


I ordered room service, and heard a knock on my door right after I got out of the shower. I looked through the peephole and saw that a guy was making the delivery, so I figured it'd be okay to open the door in my towel. The guy was very friendly, and I thought I noticed him checking me out a few times during our brief chat. But I didn't make any moves because I didn't want to offend him/get into trouble if I was misinterpreting the situation. But when I signed the check, he asked whether I would like for him to pick up the cart in about an hour. I'm thinking "Hmm, they typically say nothing at all about that or to call room service at any time/leave the cart in the hallway, right? Interesting." So I said that'd be great. He opened the door to leave but exited somewhat slowly...all the while looking at me...so I knew it was on.


I spent the next hour eating and wondering was I was hallucinating his interest? Should just leave the cart in the hallway just in case I'm wrong? If I keep the cart, do I open the door again with only my towel on or should I get dressed? In the end, I figured...if he's going to be bold then so am I. So when he came back as promised, I opened the door naked. He came in, turned on the "do not disturb" sign (it was turn-down service time) and got naked. We jerked each other off, and he left.


During the typical brief "how are you this afternoon, sir?" conversation we had when he first came into my room, I mentioned that I thought I might be getting a cold. And wouldn't you know...after milking me dry, he came back with a bowl of oranges so I could get some vitamin C. Bonus!


The Club Room


I have top-tier status with SPG, so I get club room access when staying at some hotels. You know, that special room where they serve free breakfast, lunch and dinner to fancy people (read: moochers)? Well, as soon as I walked into this club room (different hotel from above), I saw this cute attendant. He immediately came over to say hello and ask my room number (that's his job). But then, like the room service guy, he lingered and made small talk as I went through the buffet line. Then he came over to my table and kept chatting me up and making eyes at me while I ate (this is not his job). When I asked him where the bathroom was, he said he would show me... He actually walked in with me and said he had to use it quickly too. And surprise, surprise, we ended up jerking each other off at the urinals...right there out in the open (definitely not his job, but I wasn't mad)! It was a thrill for both of us.


Have any of you had any experiences like those?


Wow. I was all ready to pooh pooh both of them and say you were projecting. I had thought that asking about pick up was just a way to stop people from putting trays outside and that hotel staff often make small talk. Plus it’s risky business. But your gut feeling was right.


Makes me wonder if my own gut was right about such matters too...

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  • 3 weeks later...

This was back in the early 1990s when I was working for a real estate trade association. We were holding an event for real estate developers during pre-opening of a historic restoration of a property in New Orleans. The property was the former DH Holmes Department Store that had been converted to a Chateau Sonesta hotel. Today that property is the Hyatt French Quarter.


I arrived late in the evening during a thunderstorm. There was some flooding issues on Canal Street and the hotel lobby was partly under water. The hotel was in pre-opening mode just getting ramped up and had only a skeleton crew that time of night.


The front desk manager was a tall, dark haired guy about my age, late twenties. It was practically kismet. We connected quickly and were seriously cruising each other. Meanwhile the lone bellman was busy mopping up the lobby and trying to keep the rain at bay. Front Desk Guy offers to take me up to my room and tells the bellman to continue dealing with the flooding and not to worry no other guests were expected to Check-In.


Cut to the room, which was actually a suite, and no sooner had the door shut that we then grabbed each other and stated making out. We then proceeded to do what two horny gay 20 somethings do and tore up the sheets like the dickens. It was intense. It was dangerous, we both could have gotten fired if caught. It was a blast.


Next day was business as usual as we both went about our respective jobs. We didn’t hook up again as I was leaving later in the day as this was a short trip.


Upon my return to the office I wrote a letter to the General Manager praising Front Desk Guy for his outstanding customer service and going beyond expectations to welcome a guest to this new hotel. Ah,,,memories. ?

Edited by ArVaGuy
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Vegas hotel elevators now often require you to use your room key and will only let you press the button for your own floor. That's hindering the Grindr action there lately...

No not really. It’s actually safer. You ask the guy for his description and you meet him downstairs so you can check him out first. If he seems wacko or drunk/high you return back upstairs to your room and save yourself a potentially hazardous hookup.

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No not really. It’s actually safer. You ask the guy for his description and you meet him downstairs so you can check him out first. If he seems wacko or drunk/high you return back upstairs to your room and save yourself a potentially hazardous hookup.


I don't deny it's safer for the participants. I maintain it cuts back on what actually happens because it requires TWO people to leave their room instead of one. People are surprisingly lazy about hooking up....

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  • 2 months later...

Met a guy on Grindr a few years ago at a Marriott in White Plains, NY and arranged for him to come by for a quick BJ but I didn't know he actually worked at the hotel thought he was just another guest. Anyway He showed up at my door in uniform pretty quickly and said "I have that toothbrush you asked for " while holding a toothbrush/paste combo packet in his hand. I let him in and he immediately got on his knees and milked every drop out of me. He got up wiped his mouth with his forearm said thank you and left. I made a point to book that hotel a few times but never came across him again.

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Met a guy on Grindr a few years ago at a Marriott in White Plains, NY and arranged for him to come by for a quick BJ but I didn't know he actually worked at the hotel thought he was just another guest. Anyway He showed up at my door in uniform pretty quickly and said "I have that toothbrush you asked for " while holding a toothbrush/paste combo packet in his hand. I let him in and he immediately got on his knees and milked every drop out of me. He got up wiped his mouth with his forearm said thank you and left. I made a point to book that hotel a few times but never came across him again.

Did you use the toothbrush?

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I've stayed in hundreds of hotels all over the world....never once had a sexual encounter with the staff.


I was taught early on...."Don't fuck the help"


Just this last week I had a bellman in NYC linger in my room.

He asked me three or four times if there was anything else he could help me with.....

I just had flashbacks to Dominique Strauss-Kahn.....


"No thanks...I'm fine"


Don't fuck the help!

But what if the help really wants to HELP? ?



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That's so hot! Of course, it's only hot if it doesn't traumatize the unsuspecting worker. In this case, it didn't, and it's hot.

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Not hotel staff - but sort of the same thing, give or take I guess. I was in Florida and, on a totally unplanned whim, went to view a top floor PH in a very tall, prominent, still-being-constructed building. Was about 95% complete. The real estate guy giving me the tour was very hot and instantly got my juices going. We made eye contact and it was very obvious to both of us that something totally random was about to happen between us. Given this was a top floor penthouse, he was in no rush to get me in and out of the place in 5 minutes - he basically let me wonder around at my leisure for as long as I wanted. The place was large so there was a lot of "leisure wondering" to do - and, of course, I kept coming up with question after question so as to prolong the process and draw it out as much as possible, all the while trying to figure a way to get my hands on him - or, at the very least, to "innocently" brush up against him and see where it went. I am not the sort of guy to do something like this at all but, for some reason figured why not!! The closets were massive. I've seen living/dining rooms combined that were smaller however the closet doorways were actually quite a tight fit, or at least I thought so. I stood on the near inside of one closet doorway and called out to him saying I had some questions about the closet. When he came through the tight doorway, I was standing right there and we (very purposefully on my part!) bumped into each other face to face - and, of course, I made much more of the being bumped into than what would be realistic and made as if I was going to fall backwards. As I was pretending to fall I reached out and grabbed his belt and the waist of his pants. This caused us to then really start falling (not part of the plan in my head at all!) and I landed, thankfully, on some cardboard boxes and he landed on top of me. We scrambled to our feet but not before my hands went roaming all over his crotch and area in my "fall". He very obviously noticed what I was doing and was very willing and then proceeded to stand perfectly still directly in front of me as I asked my question (which he proceeded to answer) all the while as I was undoing his belt and pants and getting his cock into my mouth. The "tour" lasted over an hour and we blew each other and jerked each other off and swallowed each other's loads. He took me back to the ground floor for further discussions and eventually out of the building but not before giving me his card which I keep in a very safe place. Once I saw him I was no more interested in the PH than the man in the moon!!

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