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Any luck with hotel staff?


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I've watched some of those videos where a guy is "innocently" jerking off in his hotel room when room service comes. I found them interesting from a voyeuristic perspective (wondering how the waiter reacts) but mostly creepy. However, I recently had two unexpected experiences with *willing* staff at two different hotels!


Room Service


I ordered room service, and heard a knock on my door right after I got out of the shower. I looked through the peephole and saw that a guy was making the delivery, so I figured it'd be okay to open the door in my towel. The guy was very friendly, and I thought I noticed him checking me out a few times during our brief chat. But I didn't make any moves because I didn't want to offend him/get into trouble if I was misinterpreting the situation. But when I signed the check, he asked whether I would like for him to pick up the cart in about an hour. I'm thinking "Hmm, they typically say nothing at all about that or to call room service at any time/leave the cart in the hallway, right? Interesting." So I said that'd be great. He opened the door to leave but exited somewhat slowly...all the while looking at me...so I knew it was on.


I spent the next hour eating and wondering was I was hallucinating his interest? Should just leave the cart in the hallway just in case I'm wrong? If I keep the cart, do I open the door again with only my towel on or should I get dressed? In the end, I figured...if he's going to be bold then so am I. So when he came back as promised, I opened the door naked. He came in, turned on the "do not disturb" sign (it was turn-down service time) and got naked. We jerked each other off, and he left.


During the typical brief "how are you this afternoon, sir?" conversation we had when he first came into my room, I mentioned that I thought I might be getting a cold. And wouldn't you know...after milking me dry, he came back with a bowl of oranges so I could get some vitamin C. Bonus!


The Club Room


I have top-tier status with SPG, so I get club room access when staying at some hotels. You know, that special room where they serve free breakfast, lunch and dinner to fancy people (read: moochers)? Well, as soon as I walked into this club room (different hotel from above), I saw this cute attendant. He immediately came over to say hello and ask my room number (that's his job). But then, like the room service guy, he lingered and made small talk as I went through the buffet line. Then he came over to my table and kept chatting me up and making eyes at me while I ate (this is not his job). When I asked him where the bathroom was, he said he would show me... He actually walked in with me and said he had to use it quickly too. And surprise, surprise, we ended up jerking each other off at the urinals...right there out in the open (definitely not his job, but I wasn't mad)! It was a thrill for both of us.


Have any of you had any experiences like those?

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Well... I was was in the Club lounge earlier this week at a Sheraton and the attendant with whom I am friendly and is gay, was checking out a hot guy who had obviously just come from the gym and was wearing shorts and a tank top! WOOF! However, I jokingly said that he was jail bait, even though he was not. Incidentally, when the guy left I was no fool and managed to get in the elevator with him, but unfortunately we were immediately joined by two women who started to flirt with him. Regarding the club attendent, as far as I know he only gave the hot guy some personalized service in the lounge but who knows what happened subsequently as I checked out the next day. Perhaps I should text him to find out!


The only other experience I had with hotel employees was when the maid pranced in not knowing I had a late check out and I was tied to the bed. Somehow we got carried away and forgot the first commandment of Hotel Sex 101: Always hang them Do Not Disturb sign on the door knob! Of course if instead of the maid it was the guy from @thedanNYC's scenario we probably would have ended up doing a threesome!!!


Also, I learned a tip regarding Hotel Hookups from an escort recently. That is to always knock very lightly on the door so as not to draw any attention to yourself and not arouse any suspicion from any hotel employees or security. Of course most hotel employees have seen it all, but I guess it's good to play it safe.


Oh, and I just checked out @thedanNYC's profile... and I'm guessing he's hot as hell!!! Plus thanks to thedanNYC for sharing his experiences! A great read!


EDIT: Regarding the Club Lounge, I am NOT a "fancy person" or "moocher". Far from it! I actually have developed nice personal relationships with the attendants and always treat them with respect. I am considered a family member. Of course if I wanted to I could get some action from one guy, but not my style given our great relationship.

Edited by whipped guy
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I’m staying in the wrong places.


Ironically I’ve met two front desk guys of different SPG props on Seekingarrangement (platonically)... but never a room service/exec lounge guy.


I must give off a cheap bastard vibe.

Next time you stay in a hotel order room service and answer the door naked with a hard on. You'll either have fun or end up in police custody. Either way it will be an experience you can share with your friends.:D

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Just remembered this story. A year or so ago a fellow poster and I were staying at the SPG Hotel where the friend who is an employee in the Club lounge who I mentioned above works. We were in the lounge and the fellow poster was on one of those apps that tells you how far away someone is and we were all in the same freaking room! LOL! Of course the app almost exploded as there were tons of other guys within the very close proximity as well. What we were not sure of was if they were hotel employees or guests. Probably a bit of both... and perhaps even the OP was one of them!!!


So it is possible to hook up at any time at any hotel!

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Next time you stay in a hotel order room service and answer the door naked with a hard on. You'll either have fun or end up in police custody. Either way it will be an experience you can share with your friends.:D

Well I guess that I blew it (or rather didn't get to blow it or be blown) as the hotel sent a bottle of wine to my room and I was stark naked in the shower when the guy delivered it. I never saw what he looked like as I yelled to him to place it on the table but I should have at least taken a peak.


Of course if I answered the door I would have been wet, naked, and without a hard on. But who knows if the guy were hot what could have transpired... water sports in the shower?!?!? My luck I would have ended up in police custody... but then again I've also had a fantasy about what might happen in that situation! ;)

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I’m staying in the wrong places.


Ironically I’ve met two front desk guys of different SPG props on Seekingarrangement (platonically)... but never a room service/exec lounge guy.


I must give off a cheap bastard vibe.


I think those unexpected experiences are just pretty rare because they require not only perfect timing, but also two eager participants (one of which is willing to risk his job).

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I think those unexpected experiences are just pretty rare because they require not only perfect timing, but also two eager participants (one of which is willing to risk his job).

From my experience the rooms are often attended by hot guys, but the problem is that most customers are like me at 45 yo, are not as hot as 29 yo @thedanNYC


So the willingness is one sided.


In some places like hotel Movenpick in Cebu, they make sure they only hire attrative people. Unfortunately my hints that I very much “would like some company “ after their shift is over fell into dead ears, even though they must know that they can benefit financially (the massages parlors around there are basically HE centers, these services are rampant).


So the staff are either too straight or I am really not interesting at all because too many years and not enough muscle.

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Only hotel staff involvement I remember is having luggage stolen. A hidden camera investigation on a major network a couple of months later proved what I already knew that they were crooks. My experience with room service has been the guys were average to not-so-good looking, and most carry the phony friendly tone to their voice (but talk normal to their co-workers when out of sight).


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Only hotel staff involvement I remember is having luggage stolen. A hidden camera investigation on a major network a couple of months later proved what I already knew that they were crooks. My experience with room service has been the guys were average to not-so-good looking, and most carry the phony friendly tone to their voice (but talk normal to their co-workers when out of sight).




Well I'm not @Smurof, but I almost had things stolen from my hotel room many years ago in Nice, France. We were leaving the hotel and I decided to return to the room to use the bathroom. While I was in the 'facility' a hotel employee made his was into the room and started to go through the luggage. I was watching him as the door was slightly ajar. I then made my presence known and he ran out of there as quickly as possible... I notified the front desk, but I am not sure that it did any good as I could not identify the person.

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When I was in Bogota this year, all the male staff at my hotel were very good looking; but my game is severely lacking to pull something like this off. Maybe next time work sends me down south.


I don't know that I would try anything unless they make the first move/send strong signals...particularly in a Latin American country given the generally macho-type culture. That could be unpleasant and embarrassing for you, if not outright dangerous.

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I've made one Freudian slip which had a surprising ending. Ordered room service at a Marriott in LA late in the evening, literally 5 minutes before they were to close service. I had just checked in, ordered, and then hopped into the shower. I ordered way too much food and a bottle of wine. My computer was up and on the desk, my bottle of lube sitting out on the nightstand in anticipation of a post dinner wank session. My screensaver was of a sexy half naked guy. I had just stepped out of the shower in a bathrobe when food arrived, I open the door, and tell this handsome young latino man to put the tray on the desk, of which my computer with said screensaver is taking up space. He moves the computer out of the way, turns to hand me the bill to sign, and I catch sight of what he saw. I was a tad embarrassed at my foolishness. He comments that I "just got in under the wire for room service, as the kitchen was closing and his shift was over." I decide to give him an additional tip and thanked him for squeezing my order in, mentioning I ordered too much food. He offered to open the bottle of wine which I then offer him a glass of as well as to stay and share in my meal. He was initially hesitant and comments that it looks like I was settling in for the night. In what was a very bold move for me, I told him the company would be welcomed. We shared the meal and the wine with conversation friendly and a bit playful. After we finished he thanks me for saving him from grabbing take out on the way home and helping him "unwind" after a long day. In it to win it at this point, I offered him the chance to take a shower also. He agrees, shyly removes his clothes and hops in while I clean up from dinner. I pop my head in to the bathroom and offer to wash his backside. He grins and tells me he appreciates me being so kind. Well, one long shower led to one long romp in the hay. After two orgasms on my part and working up a sweat requiring another shower for us both, we parted ways just after 3 in the morning. I slept with a smile on my face and missed my morning meeting the next day which was oh so worth it.

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I had a spontaneous, surprise encounter which a thick dicked bellhop in Greece once. While I was waiting for my room to be ready, he led me to an empty room, where he pushed me to my knees, pulled out his fat, dark

hooded cock, that had a faint smell of "cheese" and said "SUCK IT". Since it was Dairy day.... I did as he said !

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I had a spontaneous, surprise encounter which a thick dicked bellhop in Greece once. While I was waiting for my room to be ready, he led me to an empty room, where he pushed me to my knees, pulled out his fat, dark

hooded cock, that had a faint smell of "cheese" and said "SUCK IT". Since it was Dairy day.... I did as he said !


Sounds like a porno movie!

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One time at Syracuse at the Ramanda 3 years ago I went to get food and a cocktail for my night cap, the bartender gave me this weird look and acted very shy. I get back to my room (I had just joined rentmen) and it starts barking at me email, email, email, email then a text.


It was the bartender! He seen me on rentmen, adam4adam AND Grindr I was scared he was gonna snitch on me! But guess what! He hired me instead ;)

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You dont need to say anything. Let your eyes (and boner) do the talking !


I agree that your eyes are the key to picking up strangers. The scenario, from my experience, usually goes like this: your eyes to other guy's eyes; your eyes to other guy's crotch; your eyes to other guy's eyes. Maybe a smile. If he's in the game he will usually make a quick and somewhat ambiguous touch to his package. If he gives no sign or looks away, move on. Has worked for me since LBJ was president though, since George Bush Original, the "ambiguous touches" are getting less frequent.

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I agree that your eyes are the key to picking up strangers. The scenario, from my experience, usually goes like this: your eyes to other guy's eyes; your eyes to other guy's crotch; your eyes to other guy's eyes. Maybe a smile. If he's in the game he will usually make a quick and somewhat ambiguous touch to his package. If he gives no sign or looks away, move on. Has worked for me since LBJ was president though, since George Bush Original, the "ambiguous touches" are getting less frequent.


We are in Trumps America now, so maybe that only works with the closeted Republicans... ? :p

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