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Any luck with hotel staff?


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Forgive me @takkt1 if I’m missing something. You copied and pasted a comment by @ontheroad. Did you mean to add a comment?




I believe that @ontheroad added the sentence "I think this makes you my hero, not a slut", into the quoted area of the posting which is quite possible. I've been adding a lot of "(below)

" to a few dozens of @marylander1940 's postings when cross posting them into the armpit appreciate thread lately (and he hasn't objected yet ...)
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I believe that @ontheroad added the sentence "I think this makes you my hero, not a slut", into the quoted area of the posting which is quite possible. I've been adding a lot of "(below)" to a few dozens of @marylander1940 's postings when cross posting them into the armpit appreciate thread lately (and he hasn't objected yet ...)


Why add them in the quote zone?:confused:



Edited by Gar1eth
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... " to a few dozens of @marylander1940 's postings when cross posting them into the armpit appreciate thread lately (and he hasn't objected yet ...)"

Why add them in the quote zone?:confused:




I got it wrong, @takkt1 was the person doing the quoting and will have to speak for himself, but my guess is that he didn't intentionally choose to add his supportive sentence in the quoted area.


I'm my case, I'm moving the pictures outside the quote to make them larger. If there's nothing left in the quoted area (because it consisted solely of the image), it won't show, so adding a "(below)" is a reference to the picture, and makes visible the information about who I stole it from. If you click on the little blue upwards-pointing-arrow, it will take you to the original post. That's the doing of the Forum software, not my invention.

Edited by honcho
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I got it wrong, @takkt1 was the person doing the quoting and will have to speak for himself, but my guess is that he didn't intentionally choose to add his supportive sentence in the quoted area.


I'm my case, I'm moving the pictures outside the quote to make them larger. If there's nothing left in the quoted area (because it consisted solely of the image), it won't show, so adding a "(below)" is a reference to the picture, and makes visible the information about who I stole it from. If you click on the little blue upwards-pointing-arrow, it will take you to the original post. That's the doing of the Forum software, not my invention.


I have to admit I’m not sure I exactly follow you. If you meant something about adding something to the quoted area and emphasizing part of the original quote-there are ways to make something in the quoted area bold/underlined/italicized which show that it is different from the original quoted material even though it remains in the quote box. And if the picture is the only thing -there’s no reason not to delete the rest of the quote box when you take the picture out.



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I have to admit I’m not sure I exactly follow you.

I'll try to be clearer.


If you meant something about adding something to the quoted area and emphasizing part of the original quote-there are ways to make something in the quoted area bold/underlined/italicized which show that it is different from the original quoted material even though it remains in the quote box.


I did not, but I find the method of showing who said what that I'm using in this reply is fairly

demonstrative to my way of thinking,



And if the picture is the only thing -there’s no reason not to delete the rest of the quote box when you take the picture out.




I quite disagree; because frequent users of the forum recognize the quote boxes instantly, it immediately brings to

attention that the material *is* being quoted, by whom, and which post if you care to follow the link with a minimum

of words, just one in fact - "(below)".

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Well I've also had a couple unexpected but welcome encounters / experiences with room service waiters....but the hottest / best - a planned role play with an escort who on arrival knocked on the door as the hotel manager to enquire if there was anything that he could do to make my hotel stay better.

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I got it wrong, @takkt1 was the person doing the quoting and will have to speak for himself, but my guess is that he didn't intentionally choose to add his supportive sentence in the quoted area.


I'm my case, I'm moving the pictures outside the quote to make them larger. If there's nothing left in the quoted area (because it consisted solely of the image), it won't show, so adding a "(below)" is a reference to the picture, and makes visible the information about who I stole it from. If you click on the little blue upwards-pointing-arrow, it will take you to the original post. That's the doing of the Forum software, not my invention.


Yes sorry, malfunction junction.

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  • 2 weeks later...
How about we get this thread back on the right track by sharing other fun experiences? I didn't expect to hear from so many other guys who are getting lucky like that out there when I started the thread. And I'm sure we would all love to hear more stories!



A thread got hijacked or went off into a couple of (related) tangents - quelle horreur !!!!.....lighten up, Danny boy or we'll enforce the rarely invoked rule - the OP pays a $1k reward to the poster of the best off-topic post ;).

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Lucas many of us second the idea of keeping it on track. So please STFU


Well if you want to play hardcore, I fail to fully understand the OP's initial placement of this thread in the "Fetish" forum as it maybe would have properly belonged perhaps in the "Lounge" instead.....

in trying to keep this thread with some connection to Fetish.....if I'm wrong, I'll accept my punishment of 10, errrr 20 lashes on my butt with a heavy leather belt.

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  • 2 months later...

Earlier this summer I was traveling thru Duluth, MN and stayed at a hotel in downtown just for one night. The next morning I was down in the lobby coming back from breakfast and noticed the super cute, most likely only in his teens, bell boy helping some guests with their luggage. He also definitely noticed me and we exchange several long looks.


Once back up in my room, I went on Grindr and the first profile was one without a pic but said was 120' away. I started chatting and quickly found out it was him and mentioned that I had seen him in the lobby and thought he was cute. I suggested he come up for a minute to say hi. He was incredibly nervous (turns out he was 19) and hesitant and said he couldn't risk being caught.


Finally after chatting for awhile and it seeming like he wasn't going for it, I told him I had to get on the road (which was true) and I needed help with my bags (all I had was a small duffel bag lol), and he surely couldn't turn that down since it was his job. He arrived at my door a few minutes later with the luggage cart and I immediately leaned in and whispered how cute I thought he was. We start making out but it doesn't take long before I have him bent over the side of the bed railing him hard.


Definitely one of the hottest encounters I've had in awhile. I wish I had stayed there more then one night.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Earlier this summer I was traveling thru Duluth, MN and stayed at a hotel in downtown just for one night. The next morning I was down in the lobby coming back from breakfast and noticed the super cute, most likely only in his teens, bell boy helping some guests with their luggage. He also definitely noticed me and we exchange several long looks.


Once back up in my room, I went on Grindr and the first profile was one without a pic but said was 120' away. I started chatting and quickly found out it was him and mentioned that I had seen him in the lobby and thought he was cute. I suggested he come up for a minute to say hi. He was incredibly nervous (turns out he was 19) and hesitant and said he couldn't risk being caught.


Finally after chatting for awhile and it seeming like he wasn't going for it, I told him I had to get on the road (which was true) and I needed help with my bags (all I had was a small duffel bag lol), and he surely couldn't turn that down since it was his job. He arrived at my door a few minutes later with the luggage cart and I immediately leaned in and whispered how cute I thought he was. We start making out but it doesn't take long before I have him bent over the side of the bed railing him hard.


Definitely one of the hottest encounters I've had in awhile. I wish I had stayed there more then one night.


MY HERO!!!!!!

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Maybe I'm just uber-lucky...I was recently staying at a 5-star hotel and decided to check out the spa. I happened to be about to put on my robe in the locker room when the attendant came in with fresh towels. I said "hi", grabbed a towel from him and went to shower. There were two showers with completely clear glass doors opposite each other, but one of them had an "out of order" sign on it. I obviously hopped into the other shower and started to soap myself down. Low and behold...the attendant comes over to pretend to make sure that the "out of order" sign on the opposite shower was properly posted (you know, pushing along the edges on the adhesive, smoothing it out). I caught him looking a few times, so I continued showering facing him. He continued to watch me. After a while, he moved back to continue laying out the towels but kept looking at me from the locker room mirrors. So I stepped out and started to towel off with a hard on in full view of him. And he came over and gave me a fast and furious hand job...while looking at the locker room door nervously every so often.


I'm starting to think that what might get them comfortable (aside from attraction and opportunity) is my attitude. I'm pretty chill and don't act desperate, you know? I let them take the lead and come to me, and I come off as someone who is not going to freak out and will recover quickly if someone walks in on the action.


can we see a picture of you Dan ? lol

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Guest Lonlyboy

I am envious if you guys .I manage hotels and saldy I can't risk my job to hook up with a guest. I have seen some hot guest and would love to do it.

However there is no real reason for me to be in a guest room so long and I am out gay guy so it would just cause suspicion.


Also now most of my hotels have cameras in the hallways so we can clearly see who goes in and out of guest rooms.


Years ago I worked rooms service when I was 21 sadly I was not out even to myself so I never got to act on my hideen desire.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am envious if you guys .I manage hotels and saldy I can't risk my job to hook up with a guest. I have seen some hot guest and would love to do it.

However there is no real reason for me to be in a guest room so long and I am out gay guy so it would just cause suspicion.


Also now most of my hotels have cameras in the hallways so we can clearly see who goes in and out of guest rooms.


Years ago I worked rooms service when I was 21 sadly I was not out even to myself so I never got to act on my hideen desire.


Sorry to hear you're missing out! Now you know what your room service and spa staff are getting up to where there aren't any cameras ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
I am envious if you guys .I manage hotels and saldy I can't risk my job to hook up with a guest. I have seen some hot guest and would love to do it.

However there is no real reason for me to be in a guest room so long and I am out gay guy so it would just cause suspicion.


Also now most of my hotels have cameras in the hallways so we can clearly see who goes in and out of guest rooms.


Years ago I worked rooms service when I was 21 sadly I was not out even to myself so I never got to act on my hideen desire.


I understand. Well over 30 years ago, I worked in hotel management too. Back then, I too, was not admitting my attraction to men. I remember one time, at a very small luxury hotel I worked at, a guest checked in, and I happened to be at the desk at the time. About 20 minutes later, the phone rang, and it was him, and he asked if a magazine could be brought to his room. I said I would bring it up. He answered the door in nothing more than the hotel robe that barley came together at his waist. I just handed him the magazine and left.


At the same hotel, another manager was discovered to be hooking up with a bellman in unoccupied rooms. Lost his job very quickly.


All in all, I enjoyed the hotel business.

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  • 2 months later...

I have a story that happened about 6 months ago. This is the kind of thing that you think only happens in fantasies and I probably will never experience anything like this again. I was on a work trip to Charlotte, NC. I went to check in and there was three people in line ahead of me and two desk clerks (whatever they are called). One was a woman and one was a gorgeous guy looking hot in his hotel uniform. Darker skin with light grey eyes, dark curly hair...I mean gorgeous. Of course all I was hoping now was that I would get the guy and not the woman. The stars aligned and I was next in line and the dude was available to check me in. He was extremely nice, friendly, and professional. I definitely was subtly flirting but he just smiled a lot. I went to my room but purposely left my drivers license on the counter. To my surprise my plan worked and the guy phoned my hotel room to let me know I left my license. I told him (which was untrue) that I just undress for the shower and will come down later. To my surprise, He OFFERED to bring it up. So I rush to undress and put the hotel robe on. He knocked on the door and gave me my license. I told him he didn’t have to do that and he said he just got off the clock so just ran up to my room to give me my license. I said thank you and looked at his crotch and definitely was a bulge forming. I got brave and asked him if he wanted to hang out. He said “sure” and closed the door. What happened next was 4 hours of the sweatiest and stickiest and passionate session I ever had with a random dude. We both came 3 times with barely no breaks. I still can’t believe that situation happened. When he left I didn’t see him again until I checked out two days later and he winked at me when I turned in my key card. I’m sure I’ll never be that lucky again with hotel staff.

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Wow hot!

Would love to know more details ;-)

Was he the top? Or both vers? Was it BB? Did you shower together?

Was he cut/uncut? Any interesting positions or fetishes?




Oh you want details? Lol. Believe it or not we did not get into anal mainly because we didn’t have condoms and we agreed we can have fun without anal sex. So lots and lots of sweaty makeout. I turned up the heat in my room just so we can perspire during play. Lots of oral, sucking, nipple play, cum facials galore. He was uncut. He had about 7.5-8 inch cock if I had to guesstimate. This is the exact play I like with escorts so I was in heaven. We did shower so he can go home clean since we both 6 loads of our cum all over each other. ?

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