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Asking all bottoms: Natural BM, or Enema?


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I gotta believe most bottoms, or prospective bottoms, have wondered about this question. What is the best way to prepare to bottom... Actually, no, let's NOT ask that question, because I suspect the answers will all tend towards enemas being "best". (Indeed, I already reviewed a recent topic here about if guys thought it too dirty to be a bottom, etc). 

Also, full disclosure, I enjoy a good enema, but that's a different discussion for a different thread.

The Question to the bottoms out there: Are you able to prepare naturally, without the need of an enema? Or, can you only get ready with the use of one? 

Now my story... I don't get to enjoy a hookup with another man very often. When I do, it's 50% random hookup, 50% hired escort. I think I maybe had 20-30 encounters in the 30 years since first exploring gay sex.

In all those times, I have prepared myself naturally. Indeed, one escort complimented on how clean I was... if he only knew... 😁

Natural, all times... but one... an escort who insisted on a cleaning first, who handed me a Fleet enema, and sent me to the bathroom. Well, I knew better than to get those chemicals churning inside me, but wanted to do as he said. So I dumped the contents, rinsed, and used plain water to clean out. Well, my body still took that hint of water as a signal to do more,  and 15 minutes later it became the most messy sex I've ever had with a guy. Should've kept to my natural emptiness. 

So, what works best for you?

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I am sure you're going to get loads of answers for this question, from A to Z. Me? The best preparation is a regular good diet with lots of fibre, so the stool is solid. Period. The last four times I've been fucked have been when I didn't expect it at all, and had done no special preparation. And no complaints. A little history. When I was 20something, my first boyfriend demanded I become a better bottom and not be squeamish about  pain, by stretching myself out. He was much more experienced than I, but in those days neither of us knew about dildos or enemas. He took me to the neighborhood greengrocer, we picked out two cucumbers, medium and large, and he spread newspapers out on the kitchen floor, gave me a bottle of cooking oil, and left for a couple of hours. When he came back, I was ready to be fucked silly. No enema, no shit. Over the years, both topping and bottoming, there has seldom been an issue. Sometimes a little brown on the cock, but hey, that's just part of being gay. Twice in my lifetime there have been disasters of massive diarrhea during the deed (once when I was topping, once when I was bottoming). Definitely ended the session and in both cases we were too embarrassed to see each other again. That kind of diarrhea I think is mostly caused by emotional not physical reasons, at least for me. (I used to have a boyfriend with whom I would have rows, and invariably I would end up on the toilet with massive diarrhea.) It is only in the last decade or so that I see a lot of talk about enemas and I have become apprehensive and started doing an enema when I have a date where I expect to get fucked. I have a "Du" brand enema bulb. It uniquely has a long tip inside the bulb that draws water from the bottom of the bulb, rather than also filling you with air from the top of the bulb (leading to ongoing farts). So today, I of course always watch my diet. Shit first. Get in the tub, fill the Du with warm water, go into the doggy style bottom position, squirt in as much water as I can, wait a few minutes. Evacuate into the tub drain. Repeat all. Stick your fingers in and be sure they and the water comes out clean. Good to go. All this being said, a good diet is the best way to have a solid stool and a clean fuck. I suspect what happened to you with the Fleets enema disaster was that you squirted water in beyond the rectum and into the sigmoid colon. That then liquifies the contents of the colon, which then flow into the rectum, and disaster. Been there, done that, but fortunately when I was alone.   

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For me it depends how big he is and whether there’s going to be lots of positions. A small one (5 inch or less) is usually ok with a few goes with a bulb douche. 

If he’s big and it’s going to be extended multiple position sex or if I’m  doing porn filming or a sex party then I’ll use a shower attachment and make sure everything is clean at least 2 hours before. I’ll also time my eating and avoid certain foods the day before. Probably also reassure myself with a bulb half hour before the session. 

Sometimes it’s not possible to anticipate so on those occasions it’s just bend over and hope everything is ok. 

I saw a client recently and wasn’t expecting to bottom so hadn’t prepared apart from superficially (in case a finger went in lol). During the session he wanted to top so I flipped him over and sat on it hoping that it would be a quick one (time was nearly up). Fortunately it was and when I got off I had a quick look to check everything was ok and it looked fine. I’ve no problem if things get messy, just stop and clean up, but some guys do freak out about it. 



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7 minutes ago, Jamie21 said:

I’ve no problem if things get messy, just stop and clean up, but some guys do freak out about it. 




Reacting well when someone leaks or outright poops helps keep the other person's embarrassment down. Then again, if they had cleaned well, there would be no problem to get embarrassed over.

Edited by Lucky
made same sp twice
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25 minutes ago, Lucky said:

Reacting well when someone leaks or outright poops helps keep the other person's embarrassment down. Then again, if they had cleaned well, there would be no problem to get embarrassed over.

That's not actually true unless you do very intrusive cleaning of your entire sigmoid as others have pointed out. I guess fisters go to this extreme.

When I douche I always do the rectum. That is usually adequate for a 6 or 7 inch top. If bigger, I try to get up further and sometimes the top provides a hose attachment at their place. That gets rid of most but not always all that might be lurking way up. As others have also noted.

I've had little stains appear on a top's cock the odd time and most just clean up without making a fuss. Two I remember got all twisted out of shape and I never hired them again.

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I am quite self conscious about being very clean when I know I am going to bottom. I have been a bottom 90% of the times I had gay sex in my life since my first time 45 years ago in my late teens. Funny, back them I would only be sure I was clean down there with soap and water. Yes, shit happened (pun intended) sometimes but nothing major. 
In recent years it happened only twice that I had no idea I would be fucked (went for a massage and both times the masseurs ended up topping me...) and I didn't douche (luckily no accidents), but if I do I always clean up a few times with a bulb douche of warm water until everything turns out as clean as possible, but of course it depends also from the day before diet...

Rarely little accidents have happened, only once a "major" one, of course I don't like it if it does happen, but I never found a top who made me feel uncomfortable about it.

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I have to say I was very naive with anal sex. I didn't know there was a technology called douche for many years. I dated with guys and I went to escorts. I don't know how many accidents happened, but most of guys didn't want to meet me again after we had sex. Until an escort told me about douche.

I regret I didn't know it earlier. 

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A good high fiber diet (and supplements) helps a lot, but a quick enema an hour or so before can help be sure when bottoming for most guys.  Bottoming for guys with longer cocks takes a bit more preparation (give it more time so that you have a chance to clean out deeply, with maybe a second less deep one one about an hour before).  And, sometimes you just have to know how your body feels and if it's just not happening.

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Know your body. Learn your natural elimination cycle. Pay attention to what foods speed it up, slow it down, and alter your diet and add fiber supplements to add predictability. Input affects output. 

Douche as needed, well ahead. Check before showering by inserting a slender dildo a little longer than the size of whatever you plan to encounter. It will act as Last Call to dalliers and lurkers. 

It’s kinda like housekeeping. If you have one person stopping by, you won’t bother cleaning the entire house. If you’re having a party or an overnight guest, a full-house/deeper cleaning might be in order, should they wander into seldom-used places. 🤣

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I am _very_ concerned about been squeaky clean; I had a minor accident with escort once: although he was very friendly and totally calm about that, I  was terribly confused and had to leave.

So with time I develop my 'standard' procedure, taking 1.5 quart enema 2 times at least 3 hrs before the event; and then rinsing it again with shower nozzle 30 minutes before the beginning.

It is about finding experimentally  your personal optimal volume - when it is too small it does not guarantee a good and deep cleaning, and when it is too big - it might be painful and, what's more important, it might take a really long time (up to an hour) to fully evacuate all the liquid.

For the enema I am using so called "higginson syringe", since it allows to take a really big amount of liquid without major cramps.

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I agree that a high fiber diet is very helpful in cleaning out.  It's also important to understand the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber.  Soluble actually may slow down your digestion but will ultimately produce a good clean result.  Insoluble will move through you more quickly.  I think it's best to have a balance between them. 


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I don't get the opportunity too often but I do use an enema.  I have never had the pleasure of a prolonged bottom session.  I will use a suppository to initially clean out and then a few shallow enemas to get the rectum clean.  I try to do this a few hours before and also take an Imodium to prevent residual water leaking out.  Lots of water way up high, I never seem to get fully clean.  

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Know your body and your shit. Fiber and diet help regularity and consistency. 
Fleet enemas aren't a good idea because they later invite shit from further up and leave your insides upset making sex harder to enjoy sex. Empty it out and fill it with water.
When bottoming for less than an hour with an average sized top, I clean the rectum, wait 15 minutes, then use a dildo to reach my sigmoid colon in a effort to coax anything from the descending colon down.
When expecting a longer session and/or a larger cock, I use a long hose and put it straight into my sigmoid colon several times - using a dildo aggressively to make sure I'm ready.
When preparing for heavier ass play like fisting or large toys, I use a lot of water, wear a butt plug around the house, and repeat.

I highly recommend taking ibuprofen after cleaning out, putting hemorrhoid cream and/or suppositories in your butt before and after playing. It will relax your hole and let you go longer and further - and be ready to do it again tomorrow. Cleaning out can disrupt your innards. You might not know it at first, or you might not realize it when getting fucked, but it can make sex uncomfortable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

See, this is where eating high fiber diet helps clean you out. Let it happen naturally. I even take Metamucil for added fiber especially leading up to the meeting. It's easier to clean out afterwards. I use the bulb when traveling but nothing beats the hose attachments. After the number 2, I do an initial douching. Not too  worried whether being all cleaned out yet. Usually, by my 4 or 5 pass I'm basically clear anyway.  Then take a break, about 30 minutes to an hour. Then have at it again until I'm all clear. Once the water runs clear and no more smell,  I follow it with a dildo to check for any potential remnants lol. It's all fun afterwards. So far I haven't had any embarrassing incidents. Know your routine and really know your body. But I know that I'm clean so I can focus on enjoying the time together instead of worrying about anything else. 

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On 2/5/2023 at 1:35 PM, SometimesBi said:

I gotta believe most bottoms, or prospective bottoms, have wondered about this question. What is the best way to prepare to bottom... Actually, no, let's NOT ask that question, because I suspect the answers will all tend towards enemas being "best". (Indeed, I already reviewed a recent topic here about if guys thought it too dirty to be a bottom, etc). 

Also, full disclosure, I enjoy a good enema, but that's a different discussion for a different thread.

The Question to the bottoms out there: Are you able to prepare naturally, without the need of an enema? Or, can you only get ready with the use of one? 

Now my story... I don't get to enjoy a hookup with another man very often. When I do, it's 50% random hookup, 50% hired escort. I think I maybe had 20-30 encounters in the 30 years since first exploring gay sex.

In all those times, I have prepared myself naturally. Indeed, one escort complimented on how clean I was... if he only knew... 😁

Natural, all times... but one... an escort who insisted on a cleaning first, who handed me a Fleet enema, and sent me to the bathroom. Well, I knew better than to get those chemicals churning inside me, but wanted to do as he said. So I dumped the contents, rinsed, and used plain water to clean out. Well, my body still took that hint of water as a signal to do more,  and 15 minutes later it became the most messy sex I've ever had with a guy. Should've kept to my natural emptiness. 

So, what works best for you?

Erotic enemas… they can be hot~ Also enjoy them and the feeling of lightness and cleanliness afterwards~ 

 I douche prior to every appointment despite rarely ever bottoming~ I travel with and use something like a shower shot that I assemble to the shower head at my accommodations~    
  Again: I like feeling light during sex and also, in my personal experience douching reduces the chances of gas occurring during play~ 

  If I am doing porn, FFO, a sex show, a sex party, that sort of thing that requires greater attendance hygiene to avoid unnecessary bathroom time, I have a regime:  
  A). Day Prior: “Selective diet”, at least 45 mins of any aerobic exercise to make stools more firm, a deep cleanse in the evening using shower attachment, no food after 21:00, one Imodium. Drink water.
 B). Morning of: another rinse using the shower attachment, one Imodium and tea or juice….  Drink water.
 C). Prior to play: light rinse, two emergen-C’s and a cup of green tea~ With all the water play that comes with enemas, I up my potassium to avoid going into play dehydrated~ (Staying hydrate is important: I’ve had a number of guys do deep rinses, not eat or drink enough guilds to maintain proper electrolytes and then take viagra and have marathon hot, sweaty sex with me only to pass out… even more possible when hot tubbing or saunas are involved). Drink water.

 I do intermittent fasting. So, I just incorporate that into my cleansing procedure but, as I just mentioned, I always remain hydrated~ Drink water~ 

 “Selective diet can mean a number of things:   
  1). Binding foods. (Still drink water…)
  2). Super high fiber meal like salad. 
  3). No foods out of my usual diet at that time~ Introducing new foods into my diet randomly can leave softer then wanted stool that takes longer to rinse~    
  4). I follow an annual workout program that dictates what kind of food I eat and when~   
 On my off season, I eat a specific group of foods and my body processes them well~ If I randomly one day throw in moo shoo chicken, that can interfere with my normally easy ass hygiene~  Then I may need to rely on a series of deep cleanings and Imodium~ 
 When I eat a regular diet consistently, my body takes care of things naturally and I have three perfect shits at the same time daily~    
   Very predictable~    
   If I suddenly change my diet, I can confidently predict that I will need to adjust.  
  So, I anticipate my needs and act accordingly~ 
  5). During my workout season I boost with Dextrin fiber~ Water soluble and mixes easily with anything~ 
 Regardless of planning: we are talking about bodies… soft machines that are in constant flux and change~ So, in that knowledge I bring back up: a bulb, my shower attachment or red bag enema~ 

 I top consistently 99.9% of the time~ I have no expectation of perfect hygiene for others or myself~ We have bodies~ Our butts are part of our digestive tracks~ Poo is not the exception… it’s part of the daily process there~ Butt and mouth hygiene, (tending to it or not), are part of Sex~ No shame or embarrassment there… When things get unexpectedly and /or unwantingly dirty, take a break and clean up~ For me, (since I have a large number of straight identifying Clients with little experience of knowledge of anal sex and preparation), it’s the perfect opportunity to show them how to douche~ I do an instructional douching lesson  with them since my shower attachment is set up~ We talk openly and just go thru the process together and that works~ It also lowers embarrassment factor~ We just worn together with the reality and move forward~ People catch on easily if someone is overly understanding or pretending nothing is happening etc~ We all shit~ It’s okay~  

 There’s also types of play that change the degree of expected hygiene: Some guys are into man scent and dirty play… Some guys want days worth of butt hole manscent but, a clean inner butt… (tricky but, you can get that done: deep cleanse days in advance, modify diet, use Imodium, stay hydrated and then exercise).  
 Some guys love “everything” Au Natural~ No deodorant, scented soaps, cologne or douching~ (no need to judge people for their preferences… Scat, gunge, grunge, scent play, puss play, spit play etc., might be offensive to some but, gay sex of any kind might initiate the same judgement and discriminatory behavior in someone anti gay…”
 So, despite what expectations one might have about what is expectable and desired, communication with your partner can reduce awkward moments when expectations are different, (interns of hygiene or types of play where hygiene is a component of the play). 
  A Hyper clean guy might feel completely embarrassed by passing gas during rimming~     Other guys will just let them rip and not think twice~ 
  Guys who love raunchy sex might specifically want you dirty AF~ (like days or a week unshowered). Super easy situation: don’t shower or clean~  

 Pre and Post play care: pro and prebiotics~ 
 …and drink water~

Fisting Prep: longer topic for separate thread… 

Edited by Tygerscent
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On 2/12/2023 at 10:28 AM, Rudynate said:

I'm a versatile fister, so I need to be squeaky clean and ready for anything.  My principal is "If it seemed like it was too easy, it was."  Sometimes, you can hose out a couple times and it seems like you're done.  You're not.  That's an "incident" waiting to happen.

Yes… fisting is a different process than fucking prep~ Toy prep as well~ Different types of play may mean different types and degrees of hygiene/play prep~ Sometimes involves ass stretching or fasting~ Sometimes the cleansing involves depth toys~ 

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On 2/13/2023 at 2:06 AM, IronMaus said:

Know your body and your shit. Fiber and diet help regularity and consistency. 
Fleet enemas aren't a good idea because they later invite shit from further up and leave your insides upset making sex harder to enjoy sex. Empty it out and fill it with water.
When bottoming for less than an hour with an average sized top, I clean the rectum, wait 15 minutes, then use a dildo to reach my sigmoid colon in a effort to coax anything from the descending colon down.
When expecting a longer session and/or a larger cock, I use a long hose and put it straight into my sigmoid colon several times - using a dildo aggressively to make sure I'm ready.
When preparing for heavier ass play like fisting or large toys, I use a lot of water, wear a butt plug around the house, and repeat.

I highly recommend taking ibuprofen after cleaning out, putting hemorrhoid cream and/or suppositories in your butt before and after playing. It will relax your hole and let you go longer and further - and be ready to do it again tomorrow. Cleaning out can disrupt your innards. You might not know it at first, or you might not realize it when getting fucked, but it can make sex uncomfortable.

I’ve also found a peeled cold cucumber is really soothing after deep cleaning, prior and after toy use, fisting or hard core aggressive fucking~ You can carve it into the shape of a dick with a little creative effort~ Also slightly green peeled banana~ Both are super soothing to irritated anal and rectal tissues~ 

  Insert, lay back and relax~ Bananas can go in all the way… The cukes I leave a few inches I inserted: they eventually warm up and soften but, don’t actually break down~ The bananas break down over time~ 

  You can’t really “lose” bananas up your butt~ The cukes: maybe~ So, don’t fully insert them~ But long ones with a comfy thickness~ (remember you are peeling both the bananas and cukes). You can carve the base of the cuke so it has a slight groove that your anal sphincter can lock around comfortably~ 

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