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What do you think happened to my friend?


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My friend had an awkward experience recently and he asked me to tell him what was it about because he still can't understand. I cannot neither but I hope you guys help me find out. 

He met this older hot porn actor and after having sex with him, my friend mistakenly gently slapped the man in the face while kissing like you would do in gay foreplay. The lover turned into a whole different person basically like the hulk. He was very upset at this and asked my homie to leave the aparment in an very nasty way. My friend felt threatened as hell and proceed. He couldn't believe what was happenning. The man ended up slamming the door behind him telling him to not come back. What do you think it happened? 

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1 hour ago, nycboi said:

my friend mistakenly gently slapped the man in the face while kissing like you would do in gay foreplay.

Wait….How is slapping someone in the face while kissing considered foreplay, gay or otherwise? I would’ve been done at that point too. And how does one mistakenly slap another in the face?

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Added second question
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1 hour ago, nycboi said:

...my friend mistakenly gently slapped the man in the face while kissing like you would do in gay foreplay...

No, I wouldn't. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened. What's the non-obvious part?

A Figure Still Hidden | FYI

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Even though your friend thought it was acceptable behaviour, for whatever reason the slap seemed to have triggered something in the other guy.  I imagine slapping someone in the face could be considered quite offensive, especially if it came unexpectedly.  We have the information you have provided about the context from your friend's perspective, but the perspective of the other guy is something we can only guess at.  I'm not sure that the other guy necessarily over-reacted.  If he was used to that sort of foreplay, then I could see it as an over-reaction, but we don't know if that is the case.  He may have been acting quite reasonably if the slap had triggered something particularly upsetting or disturbing to him.   The mixture of lust and violence (even in the form of a slap) is not going to be received positively by a lot of people - especially if they don't know each other super well.  Perhaps your friend can reach out to this person, apologize for the slap, and hopefully the other guy will let him know why he reacted so strongly?

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40 minutes ago, nycboi said:


A gently slap in the face while looking into the eyes and kissing is indeed a universal macho gay foreplay. If you say otherwise then you belong to a different tribe and that's not too bad. Or maybe you are likely a lesbian. Or maybe I just suck at elaborating well. No... 

No, I'm a Lesbian. That's it! 😄

The Defiant, Tender Faces of NYC's Dyke March

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I've seen porn scenes where the top slaps the bottom's face during sex.  I know I wouldn't like that, but obviously some guys do.

I've never seen a scene where there is post-orgasm cuddling where someone slap's the other guy's face.  Now, maybe that happens frequently and I just don't know about it because most porn scenes end quickly after the cum shots.  It still seems like an odd thing to do post-orgasm, when most people are more in relaxed mode, not hyper aggressive mode.

I'd say its a mistake in general to slap someone unless you know they enjoy that.  Not everyone wants to be treated that way.  There is no "universal" behavior in this regard.  I had a wannabe macho gay coworker in the 1980s who liked to greet me by punching me lightly on my shoulder.  After the second time he did that (the first time I simply told him I did not want to be hit), I told him that I didn't want to get him in trouble but that I would file a complaint if he kept punching me.  As a victim of childhood violence, I don't want to be hit by someone because he thinks it's a "bro" behavior or some other such nonsense.

Edited by maninsoma
correct typos
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A slap in the face in Western culture -except maybe people knowingly engaging in S&M -is a sign of contempt, not something playful. The only time I slapped someone in the face while getting it on was when he without warning bit hard on my nipple, and I was decidedly not being affectionate.

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Consent is sexy. In my view, certain things require at least a brief discussion before you assume your partner is ok with them. A list of things that I talk about first is: 

Hitting of any kind including spanking, hair pulling, hard nipple biting, and choking. 
Spitting in the face. 
Degrading talk.

With the right partner, I can enjoy almost all these things and will ask for the ones I’m feeling depending on who I’m with.

Under no circumstances will I ever agree to be tickled or have my load spit back in my mouth.  I communicate that clearly with every partner I’m about to engage with whether I anticipate them going there or not. I remind partners and escorts that I’m about to go in for seconds and thirds with to make sure the space is safe enough for me to enjoy them. I don’t wait for someone to tickle me to stop them because then I’m waiting for it go wrong instead of enjoying what feels good. 

Once I had a much older man I was playing with refuse to honor these limits after agreeing to them. I threw him out after the second violation. 

In my opinion porn isn’t a blueprint for how sex with another human actually goes, so my advice is not to assume your partner will be comfortable with something you’ve seen on screen. 

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Before I engage in anything the might even come close to
aggressive behavior, I have a very frank discussion with my
partner about safe words and acceptable behaviors.

The more naive ones laugh at me, and I have to explain that
even though my “rough” play is generally “mild” by gay
standards, you never know when you’re going to
accidentally trigger someone.

If you’re not adult enough to engage in that simple conversation
with me, then your not old enough to ride this ride. 

I want a safe sexual space where we both can recover from 
such an accidental event. As you’ve experienced, it can be very
unsettling for the aggressor as well. 

I’m sorry this happened to you…errr…your “friend”.
Chalk it up to a lesson learned and move on. 

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2 hours ago, nycboi said:

It was NOTHING like that at all (very likely that I'm not even using the right choice word). It was a light, sexy and playful "touch". Omg my English... 

How do you know? You weren't there. I'm assuming you're being truthful in your story. 😁

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4 minutes ago, Unicorn said:

I'm assuming you're being truthful in your story. 😁

We are?  Ok. My friend thinks that all of us should take responsibility for our own stuff, whether it’s good or bad.  When my friend took responsibility for his own actions he had better sexual interactions with everyone. My friend. 

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@nycboi I empathize that your friend's actions led to a big reaction from the other guy, whether rightly or wrongly.  But the consensus amongst posters seems to be that your friend shouldn't have assumed that even a gentle slap would be okay with everyone.  Perhaps this will be a learning experience for him, and one that did not end up being too costly in the long run.  It may be that he just has to admit to himself that it was an unfortunate choice to have made, and then move on to better future experiences.

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1 hour ago, Vegas_nw1982 said:

Is your friend or his escort of Western culture?  Some cultures may tolerate physical abuse more than others.  What might be acceptable in other parts of the world might not be acceptable in Western culture.

No, no escort. It was a hookup with someone that does porn and escorts. You can DM for more.



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