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Epigonos has left us.


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It is with a very heavy heart that I must tell you that my very dear friend, Epigonos, is no longer with us.  I was informed this evening by a close friend that it occured apparently last night in his sleep.  Ironically yesterday was his birthday.

Please help me through this.  Thank you.

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My heart goes out to those who were close to him.  I've experienced my share, and then some,of loss.  Thankfully, most of my family died peacefully, but three had tough endings.  Dying in one's sleep is a mercy for which to be thankful.  I've also been present when my mom died, and spoke to my grandfather and cousin hours before they died.  Take comfort in knowing that among his last conversations were ones who cared. 

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Oliver, this is terrible news. My heartfelt condolences to you and everyone he was closest to. He was such a good friend to you but also a friend to all of us and an institution in the forum. I'm so happy that he was able to undertake his recent trip to the UK, and to continue to be able to enjoy life to the fullest, still planning his 'dinners and fun' with his chosen companions. His passing will cast a pall over next April's meeting but by then I hope we will have had time to grieve and to then make the gathering a celebration of his life.

Vale. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

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Oh, my heart! That is such sad news. I had just spoken with him to let him know that I had moved to the Long Beach area and to wish him a happy birthday and he'd insisted we make plans for dinner soon. Epigonos was one of the people I like most out of everyone I've ever met in my 56 years on this planet. He'd grumble at me for saying this and call it nonsense, but I feel like the world is a little less bright without him in it. What a terrible, tremendous loss! 

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Oh God, I remember how warm and outgoing and personable he was last year in the Palm Springs pool party, and how he made everyone laugh and feel like a close friend.  I am saddened.

Can you let us know if and when a funeral and wake will be held? Since I also live in Orange County, I would like to pay my respects.

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I only knew him through the Palm Springs gatherings and by his posts here.  When I was in his company, he was gracious, welcoming and he generated a real sense of personal warmth.  He spoke in a way that assured me that he had enjoyed his life in his younger years working in education and in retirement, living the life of a man of leisure and embracing each minute.   

I find myself moved beyond that which I would expect under these circumstances and I think that reflects his ability to make a large impact even in short encounters.  

I know he will be missed and remembered.  

Oliver, stay strong.  I believe he would only want you to celebrate his life and not grieve his passing.   


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Sad news @Oliver. My heart goes out to you. 

The death of old friends is one of the tough aspects of ageing. At the moment, I’m dealing with the sudden deaths of 2 of my oldest friends. I had known each of them for more than 50 years. FWIW I find that it helps to remember the many good times, happy events and vacations we shared. 

Edited by MscleLovr
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Epigonos and I both go back to the HooBoy era but we have never met in person. Still, from his entertaining posts I felt I had come to know him as he was so open about talking about his life. 

I knew he was older than myself and admired how he still led an adventursome life right up to the end. Oliver, I know you and he were close friends so this must be a terrible shock, coming as it has so suddenly. 

Take care of yourself, talk to friends and please stay engaged on this forum. I was so looking forward to meeting Epigonos next April in PS. And sampling his devilled eggs, which he despised but loved to make. 


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10 hours ago, Oliver said:

It is with a very heavy heart that I must tell you that my very dear friend, Epigonos, is no longer with us.  I was informed this evening by a close friend that it occured apparently last night in his sleep.  Ironically yesterday was his birthday.

Please help me through this.  Thank you.

I'm stunned, grieved and in the same place with you, Oliver. Through this forum, Epigonos became one of my best friends ever in this life. Not just the PS events. He regularly invited me to stay at his home; shared countless meals, took vacations together. We were planning another 10 day trip in the spring. We were always calling each other talking about life inside and outside of the hobby. I can hear his laugh right now, along with peppering me with a bazillion questions about everything. But what I especially loved about our phone calls is, when the call was over, it was over, time to hang up and move along with the day. I could always count on him to get to the point!

Despite the gruff, funny persona PS attendees got to know, Epigonos was a loving and generous man. I experienced it and saw it in so many private interactions, involving his family, friends, and neighbors. Epigonos was completely satisfied with his life, and I assure you he had no regrets about his major life decisions. He lived, and he died in full satisfaction with who he was, who he loved, and how he lived. To him, I say, "well done, my friend"!

I will miss him for the rest of my life, and hope that my life decisions will leave me just as satisfied when my departure date arrives. I will have a good cry today, and will raise a glass and toast him tomorrow. He would have it no other way.

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