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How do you handle it when a client owes you, but refuses to reimburse?

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Though this can apply to different scenarios, I specifically speak of situations where you and the client discussed a booking, they said they would pay you an amount (even a deposit if mentioned), but then for whatever reason that only him and God knows: the booking falls thru. They may not have “confirmed” in their eyes, but to you: you expected to have a session go thru.

Even though there was no actual booking that took place, it still seems like it was expected to happen. What’s the best course of action to take? And this is not just someone who “flaked”: I’m talking about someone you either met before (risk destroying the return biz) or someone you talked to throughout the day: and they pull a ghost technique. Or, they cancel and suggest meeting next day (or you may say you’re aren’t available today but can be tomorrow, and they agree), only to go radio silent and not respond.  

This seems to be far too common lately on the Rent Man. Where is the integrity? 

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4 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

Though this can apply to different scenarios, I specifically speak of situations where you and the client discussed a booking, they said they would pay you an amount (even a deposit if mentioned), but then for whatever reason that only him and God knows: the booking falls thru. They may not have “confirmed” in their eyes, but to you: you expected to have a session go thru.

Even though there was no actual booking that took place, it still seems like it was expected to happen. What’s the best course of action to take? And this is not just someone who “flaked”: I’m talking about someone you either met before (risk destroying the return biz) or someone you talked to throughout the day: and they pull a ghost technique. Or, they cancel and suggest meeting next day (or you may say you’re aren’t available today but can be tomorrow, and they agree), only to go radio silent and not respond.  

This seems to be far too common lately on the Rent Man. Where is the integrity? 

You have no leverage.  Forget about it.

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14 hours ago, Rudynate said:

You have no leverage.  Forget about it.

Thats not always the case. There’s times when I have had clients follow thru when it’s been asked for. At least the genuine ones. 

I think the only leverage I do have, is to pretty much ask that they make an initial startup to set up the visit. Which I detail on my website, but for some reason people don’t read. If they read, they would know what to do. Even with doing just “deposits”, it’s not worth the “wait and see” if they don’t send it after spending x amount of time going over/discussing the visit. 


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41 minutes ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

Thats not always the case. There’s times when I have had clients follow thru when it’s been asked for. At least the genuine ones. 

I think the only leverage I do have, is to pretty much ask that they make an initial startup to set up the visit. Which I detail on my website, but for some reason people don’t read. If they read, they would know what to do. Even with doing just “deposits”, it’s not worth the “wait and see” if they don’t send it after spending x amount of time going over/discussing the visit. 




Right - If you have collected something from them, then you have some leverage.  If they dick you around, you're going to keep their money and they will lose their investment.   When I have trouble collecting from a client - I stop.  I tell them that I have stopped and I will not start until they've paid me what they owe me,  I remind them how much they already have invested in the matter and I make sure that they understand they are going to lose that investment if they don't pay in a timely manner.    I used to do all this nicely, but I don't anymore - I turn into a real bastard if they owe me money.

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Probably don’t enter into any detailed arrangements about a session until they have paid your deposit. Once they pay you something only then engage on discussion about arrangements etc. However, I feel that you can have the most sophisticated ‘time waster’ screening methods but somehow they still get through!

A few days ago I had a client book, for same day, with a few hours notice. He was new, and asked questions that were the usual red flags, so all the usual time waster signs were there. Regardless of these, foolishly I accepted the booking and a session was arranged. About 45 minutes before the scheduled start of the massage he texted and said he was ‘running late’ (is he a train?) and would arrive half an hour late. At that point I knew he would no show, and sure enough after I’d acknowledged his ‘running late’ message with an “ok” he ghosted me. That’s at least 2 hours of my time wasted. 

So now his number is on the naughty list. If he messages me again in future I’ll remind him of the no show and tell him where to go. I only hope that nothing bad happened to him that meant he couldn’t contact me. Most likely though is that he is indeed one of those ignorant rude people who have no regard for anyone else. There aren’t many but wow are they annoying when they do appear. 

Fortunately I had a regular client book with me for immediately after the time wasters planned session so my time wasn’t completely wasted. 


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52 minutes ago, Jamie21 said:

Probably don’t enter into any detailed arrangements about a session until they have paid your deposit. Once they pay you something only then engage on discussion about arrangements etc. However, I feel that you can have the most sophisticated ‘time waster’ screening methods but somehow they still get through!



Right. And they definitely do slip thru. Case in point: This guy said he was going to let me know a day, and send the deposit. And nothing. Nothing until after the fact when I ASKED. 




This is why I don’t even want to do deposits to “confirm” because confirm may never happen, and time/hopes/desires still gets wasted. 

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2 hours ago, Jamie21 said:

The word ‘probably’ in his message is the clue. Phrases and words like  ‘Probably’, ‘Looking to’, ‘Considering’ and ‘Will definitely’ all actually mean ‘I have no intention of proceeding but I am just enjoying the thought of it’.



Well after arguing for almost an hour or so and me having to escalate the situation: I finally got him to agree to pay half of what was “probably” going to happen. I think one thing that should be added to our list of “wish I would have known” is, “must have prior debt collection experience”. Because these mother foers be almost adamant that they don’t owe anything. Like, they just ordered a whole entree+appetizers and never came by to pay for it. 

And funny thing is, since he seen me before  (over a year ago) he claims he never read my profile. Which includes very pertinent info to book the session. It’s good that he understood why there was an expectation, but I just don’t be having time for the BS. 

If I’m going to leave my number up on any of these sites, I’m just going to have to send one text explaining everything and what to do, and see who follows thru. I’ve already done it like 2-3 times today. A professional written response with simple instructions: many don’t reply. For all I know, they’re probably contacting everybody.

Half the time they don’t even offer any details or info off the top. Like this message:


That says absolutely nothing. I have no idea a name, city (I advertise in more than 1). And once again that word: “probably”. Travel to me where??? You don’t even know where I am at, nor do I know where he is at 🤦🏽‍♂️  

Then they wonder why they get a pre-written template response. I had to send those out like 3 times today, and they don’t bother to respond. If they can’t even get the first step handled, how can I trust and believe they can get any further than that? 

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12 hours ago, Thomas_Belgium said:

In my opinion, it's time to get that phone number where you have to pay for if you text or call it.

I think I need to make the step too.

Even previously met clients are turning out to be assholes and time wasters. 

Like just today: a client I met last year in June contacts me asking if I have availability today (sometimes I wonder if they do that to be ignorant because it said I’m “available now”). I was available, but I ask if he can host. He’s like, no I can’t host this time. I tell him what I need in order to confirm hosting sessions. Then he’s like, oh I can’t do it today. Can I do it Monday. I’m like, yea I can. No response 


I reply back again, it’ll just need to be confirmed the day before because it’s a holiday. Then he’s like, oh I can’t do that day I forgot it was a holiday. All the while not offering any alternative.

It’s that type of stupidity I can’t be bothered with. I gave him a brief lecture and put a report under his number. Why the fuck someone ask me for a session today, if he can’t do it today? Then they aren’t flexible, ask on the day of out the blue after having not contacted me in over a year, and then can’t be bothered to follow the most basic instructions. If they can’t host, then they need to be willing to work around what that person requires to be allowed into their space. You don’t just assume you can barge into my space after not having spoken to me in a year.  Fool. 

Some of these people are idiots. 

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2 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

I think I need to make the step too.

Even previously met clients are turning out to be assholes and time wasters. 

Like just today: a client I met last year in June contacts me asking if I have availability today (sometimes I wonder if they do that to be ignorant because it said I’m “available now”). 

As a client, I know for a fact that the “available now” is never 100% accurate.  I have hit up escorts with that status and there have been many times that they aren’t actually available. I don’t think him asking you if you were available is ignorant.  

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41 minutes ago, kaboom35 said:

As a client, I know for a fact that the “available now” is never 100% accurate.  I have hit up escorts with that status and there have been many times that they aren’t actually available. I don’t think him asking you if you were available is ignorant.  

You’re correct, and I’ll clarify: I generally do state that it means I’m available TODAY, not necessarily “now”.

However, if someone sees “available now” it’s no reason to be redundant and ask if I’m available. That is ignorant. At least have common sense to form an actual conversation that doesn’t start with asking if I’m available. Like, “hey it’s so and so and we met last year, I see you’re available and I can be as well. Can we arrange to meet again?”

All this sloppy lazy shit lately in certain cities, I’m so fed up with. I’m cancelling my line and switching to just a number with bare minimum texts or call features to it. No point in paying all this money a month just to have my time wasted on the weekly  😤  


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1 hour ago, Thomas_Belgium said:

In my opinion, this "instant addicting" thing or whatever it is seems to become the new pandemic.

It’s ridiculous. Some days it’s nothing but people jumping at the idea of an appointment, but non actually going thru with anything. I’m especially tired of these last minute, can’t host MoFos who have to meet by 3 p.m.

That’s why I know guys who are working regular gigs aren’t seeing many clients because, if you can’t see clients before 5 p.m. in many areas: you pretty much won’t even get anything at all.

It seems like the evening business men at the hotel crowd is non existent in many markets. All it is, are just guys who have 1 hour to sneak away, and they never know or plan ahead:

Fortunently, some people learn to get it. I had to lecture 1 client multiple times: I don’t care if you live 1 block from me:  You can’t just hit me up out the blue, when you feel like coming over and then only give me 45 minutes beforehand. EVERY TIME. Send deposit, and arrange a day or 2 ahead. Last week I was in a different area and had no problem doing that. 

(Most) Escorts are not stores. We are individual people just like family and friends who have lives too. Some of these people either have no common sense, or do it out of spite. It’s one or the other. 

Would they be ready if I just called them up and asked to come over? I already know the answer: never. So don’t EVER expect me to lol.

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4 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

It’s ridiculous. Some days it’s nothing but people jumping at the idea of an appointment, but non actually going thru with anything. I’m especially tired of these last minute, can’t host MoFos who have to meet by 3 p.m.

That’s why I know guys who are working regular gigs aren’t seeing many clients because, if you can’t see clients before 5 p.m. in many areas: you pretty much won’t even get anything at all.

It seems like the evening business men at the hotel crowd is non existent in many markets. All it is, are just guys who have 1 hour to sneak away, and they never know or plan ahead:

Fortunently, some people learn to get it. I had to lecture 1 client multiple times: I don’t care if you live 1 block from me:  You can’t just hit me up out the blue, when you feel like coming over and then only give me 45 minutes beforehand. EVERY TIME. Send deposit, and arrange a day or 2 ahead. Last week I was in a different area and had no problem doing that. 

(Most) Escorts are not stores. We are individual people just like family and friends who have lives too. Some of these people either have no common sense, or do it out of spite. It’s one or the other. 

Would they be ready if I just called them up and asked to come over? I already know the answer: never. So don’t EVER expect me to lol.

I can speak from an experience with a "fuck buddy" I had a couple of decades ago, one of the hottest men I've ever had sex with.  I'm pretty sure he was married to a woman and closeted because he disclosed very little personal information to me but I did pick up some clues here and there.  This was pre-cell phone days.  At any rate, if I happened to be home when he called and he asked to come over within the half hour, my answer was never no.  Why would it be when he was so damned hot?  I would do a quick prep and shower if I wasn't ready, and then he'd arrive.  I know he called sometimes when I wasn't home to answer the phone because the very last time we met I returned his call via *69.  He answered but seemed angry that I had found out where he worked by returning his call, and even though he came over that afternoon and we had fun I never saw him again.  I think it freaked him out that I now knew his full name and where he worked (it was a small firm with his name in the title).

So, yes, sometimes people can be available at a moment's notice.  Note that I'm not saying you should run your business this way.  You do what works for you.  But it is true that sex hook ups happen without planning, and unless one is a bottom and needs time to prep then I'd say that if an escort doesn't have other plans then I don't see the reason to get upset that someone wants something near term.  Just satisfy the demand and give up the notion that people "should" behave in a certain way.

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12 hours ago, maninsoma said:

I can speak from an experience with a "fuck buddy" I had a couple of decades ago, one of the hottest men I've ever had sex with.  I'm pretty sure he was married to a woman and closeted because he disclosed very little personal information to me but I did pick up some clues here and there.  This was pre-cell phone days.  At any rate, if I happened to be home when he called and he asked to come over within the half hour, my answer was never no.  Why would it be when he was so damned hot?  I would do a quick prep and shower if I wasn't ready, and then he'd arrive.  I know he called sometimes when I wasn't home to answer the phone because the very last time we met I returned his call via *69.  He answered but seemed angry that I had found out where he worked by returning his call, and even though he came over that afternoon and we had fun I never saw him again.  I think it freaked him out that I now knew his full name and where he worked (it was a small firm with his name in the title).

So, yes, sometimes people can be available at a moment's notice.  Note that I'm not saying you should run your business this way.  You do what works for you.  But it is true that sex hook ups happen without planning, and unless one is a bottom and needs time to prep then I'd say that if an escort doesn't have other plans then I don't see the reason to get upset that someone wants something near term.  Just satisfy the demand and give up the notion that people "should" behave in a certain way.

I hear what you’re saying, but here’s the thing: y’all were fuck buddies. Meaning you guys had a regular thing going and probably had a bit of a conditioning that it was okay to hookup on short notice. In quote:

“if I happened to be home when he called and he asked to come over within the half hour, my answer was never no.  Why would it be when he was so damned hot?” 

I’ll tell you why (in fact I’m think you said it):

because the very last time we met I returned his call via *69.  He answered but seemed angry that I had found out where he worked by returning his call, and even though he came over that afternoon and we had fun I never saw him again.

See the disrespect? He was all fine and dandy long as he had the say in when to connect. Once you attempted the terms, suddenly it wasn’t okay…and he cut the connection. That’s why you should have said no. That’s why I say no. It can’t be just all about them just because it’s a paid session. It has to be a mutual thing. Idk why some people don’t get it.

I understand sex can be spontaneous. That’s not the problem. In fact, with this client mentioned, I gave him a same day/last minute apppintment the 1st time we met. 

The problem comes when I give a person 1 chance to do something unplanned: then they do it again, and again. And have no respect for my time if I can’t do it in that moment. And when I try to schedule them any later/sooner than NOW, they can’t do it. Well too bad. Should of planned better. Why is it suddenly my problem that they horny 14 months after the last time we met, but you can’t host and/or travel and can’t meet past 3 pm? 

It’s that type of stuff, I just don’t get. I want things to go smoothly, and have a good time and enjoy: but I can’t do it if I’m being stressed and pressured by people to do things that are simply inconvenient. I’m not a huge planner myself, I get it. But at least allude to the provider (without making no show bookings) that you intend to see them in the future. 

Idk why it’s so hard to say: “hey Jarrod, I can’t book you now but I am eyeing your ad and will be in contact with you one of these days. It might not be much notice, but I will shoot you a text the day before/morning of if I think I can swing it. Hope to meet soon!”

Then that alone will help avoid unnecessary false starts or “ignorant” surprises. 

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2 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

It can’t be just all about them just because it’s a paid session. It has to be a mutual thing. Idk why some people don’t get it.

I know why. It’s because they’re paying. If it’s inconvenient for you or you find their approach is inconsiderate then it’s your choice to say just ‘no’ or ignore them. Of course in saying ‘no’ you forego the earning opportunity, which is probably what is annoying. 

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3 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

I hear what you’re saying, but here’s the thing: y’all were fuck buddies. Meaning you guys had a regular thing going and probably had a bit of a conditioning that it was okay to hookup on short notice. In quote:

“if I happened to be home when he called and he asked to come over within the half hour, my answer was never no.  Why would it be when he was so damned hot?” 

I’ll tell you why (in fact I’m think you said it):

because the very last time we met I returned his call via *69.  He answered but seemed angry that I had found out where he worked by returning his call, and even though he came over that afternoon and we had fun I never saw him again.

See the disrespect? He was all fine and dandy long as he had the say in when to connect. Once you attempted the terms, suddenly it wasn’t okay…and he cut the connection. That’s why you should have said no. That’s why I say no. It can’t be just all about them just because it’s a paid session. It has to be a mutual thing. Idk why some people don’t get it.

I understand sex can be spontaneous. That’s not the problem. In fact, with this client mentioned, I gave him a same day/last minute apppintment the 1st time we met. 

The problem comes when I give a person 1 chance to do something unplanned: then they do it again, and again. And have no respect for my time if I can’t do it in that moment. And when I try to schedule them any later/sooner than NOW, they can’t do it. Well too bad. Should of planned better. Why is it suddenly my problem that they horny 14 months after the last time we met, but you can’t host and/or travel and can’t meet past 3 pm? 

It’s that type of stuff, I just don’t get. I want things to go smoothly, and have a good time and enjoy: but I can’t do it if I’m being stressed and pressured by people to do things that are simply inconvenient. I’m not a huge planner myself, I get it. But at least allude to the provider (without making no show bookings) that you intend to see them in the future. 

Idk why it’s so hard to say: “hey Jarrod, I can’t book you now but I am eyeing your ad and will be in contact with you one of these days. It might not be much notice, but I will shoot you a text the day before/morning of if I think I can swing it. Hope to meet soon!”

Then that alone will help avoid unnecessary false starts or “ignorant” surprises. 

I immediately returned his call via *69, so the timing of our hookup was still basically at his whim.  If I hadn't walked into my apartment while the phone was ringing I would not even have known that someone had just tried to call me, and without the *69 feature I would never have been able to identify who had just called.  I think it really was his identity being exposed that caused him to cut off ties, particularly because when I returned the call it was initially answered by a receptionist saying his name and the type of business.  I asked for him, said I was "a friend," and she transferred the call to him.  Nothing scandalous, but for someone who is hiding I can see how it might create an uncomfortable reality and raise questions.  It really is too bad that he couldn't have talked with me about his concerns because maybe I could have assuaged his anxiety and he could have continued his assault on my hole (sorry, couldn't resist the silliness after using the word ASSuaged). 

I really don't think his behavior was a sign of disrespect.  We weren't dating, we were just fucking.  If I was dating someone, that would be a different story.  Would I have preferred to have his phone and be able to call him sometimes to see if he wanted to come over?  Sure.  But I didn't interpret his hiding his name or phone number as having anything to do with me personally.

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20 hours ago, maninsoma said:

I immediately returned his call via *69, so the timing of our hookup was still basically at his whim.  If I hadn't walked into my apartment while the phone was ringing I would not even have known that someone had just tried to call me, and without the *69 feature I would never have been able to identify who had just called.  I think it really was his identity being exposed that caused him to cut off ties, particularly because when I returned the call it was initially answered by a receptionist saying his name and the type of business.  I asked for him, said I was "a friend," and she transferred the call to him.  Nothing scandalous, but for someone who is hiding I can see how it might create an uncomfortable reality and raise questions.  It really is too bad that he couldn't have talked with me about his concerns because maybe I could have assuaged his anxiety and he could have continued his assault on my hole (sorry, couldn't resist the silliness after using the word ASSuaged). 

I really don't think his behavior was a sign of disrespect.  We weren't dating, we were just fucking.  If I was dating someone, that would be a different story.  Would I have preferred to have his phone and be able to call him sometimes to see if he wanted to come over?  Sure.  But I didn't interpret his hiding his name or phone number as having anything to do with me personally.

Hmm…meh 🫤 I mean, it is what it is. I don’t think it’s much point in resurfacing a situation with someone that never received proper closure. At the end of the day: sorry that it happened regardless, but who knows what the actual reason could have been. Of course, it sounds like a different time.

We weren't dating, we were just fucking. 

But at the same time, that’s the whole point I’m addressing. It doesn’t have to be dating to get respect. I’m “just fucking” people all the time, but it doesn’t mean I can’t set some level of boundaries. And that includes: no private calls, no appointments without exchanging numbers, no (new or me having to host) appointments without deposits. And not too much showing up at the last minute without informing me.

I understand that sounds like being an insufferable bitch 😆 But it’s really not. It’s simply that I’ve done all that in the past, on more than 1 occasion, and concluded that settling for those situations don’t lead to healthy boundaries. I already have to settle with A LOT of shit already, but I do have my limits. 

I used to f**k a (bi-discreet) married guy years ago. I still used to come over to his place, know where he worked, and had his number. All basic things to ensure either of us wouldn’t be untraceable had we been missing lol. We just made it work. 

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22 hours ago, Jamie21 said:

I know why. It’s because they’re paying. If it’s inconvenient for you or you find their approach is inconsiderate then it’s your choice to say just ‘no’ or ignore them. Of course in saying ‘no’ you forego the earning opportunity, which is probably what is annoying. 

Well that is true…because as I said above, it’s all about those boundaries (which I say for lack of better word). I don’t like the word boundaries in hookup situations because it sounds like a power game…which I’m not trying to do. But I say boundaries in terms of “I want to accommodate you, but I can’t simply accommodate you on YOUR terms. You have to be willing to FIND OUT what I can and can’t accommodate, and then work and adjust to that.

If a dude wants to be stubborn and pigheaded and only want to do things his way, it’s not going to work. I think that’s the most annoying part of living in one of the cities I’m in regularly. So many of the clients didn’t want to give me any options, when I could see them: they didn’t want to. When they hit me up, it was always super short notice “are you available NOW” types. When I would be like, yes I can meet at such and such time, they would say it’s too late or not respond. Then I would end up having to drop them as a client.

So now I had to find a new city to live because a whole city of clients couldn’t be bothered to show much consideration for my time and schedule. Which they think is, sitting around in bed waiting for them Day and night.

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2 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

Which they think is, sitting around in bed waiting for them Day and night.

Yes, I get that impression too. “Hey Jamie are you free today?” I reply “no sorry I’m busy today” because I planned things given there was no work. Then the client says “oh I was hoping to get a massage today, it’s my last day in London” or something similar. It’s definitely as if they think I’m just sitting around waiting for clients to call. I think people don’t see you as having other commitments or needing to do ‘life’ tasks. You’re just always doing your work in their view and it comes as a big surprise and disappointment when you’re not available!

I tell them it’s usually best to book in advance but I think for many people they like to do things impulsively, especially if they’re horny, so you get a lot of last minute requests. I’m preferring not to see those type of clients anyway; they don’t really want a massage they want quick relief, often they’re drunk or high.

I prefer to see clients who appreciate a good massage and enjoy the intimacy a sensual massage can deliver. Those clients usually book and come for an experience that is more than just a quick release. 

I’m sorry you have to move city @Jarrod_Uncut. Maybe it will be a better situation. 

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On 8/30/2022 at 4:56 PM, Jarrod_Uncut said:

Right. And they definitely do slip thru. Case in point: This guy said he was going to let me know a day, and send the deposit. And nothing. Nothing until after the fact when I ASKED. 




This is why I don’t even want to do deposits to “confirm” because confirm may never happen, and time/hopes/desires still gets wasted. 

In my view, there was no commitment on the part of the client. Based on the communication you posted, he just expressed an interest in the two packages he was interested in but did not commit. Period. You have no basis to ask for a payment. 

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