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Posts posted by italianboyph

  1. I get people are busy and get stuff happens and for me I believe in second chances, but I don’t believe in games. For example I’ve had clients who set dates and time, and then when it comes to that day won’t answer at all or even give a heads up that they aren’t coming. Then I’ll get an apology weeks later, then to say let’s set something up and I say ok. Then the day comes and the same thing happens again. So for me that’s when I strike cause I don’t have time for the games. I also think some guys get off on the phone sex aspect of it and like talking about meeting up,but not actually meeting. I think if clients have no intention on meeting they shouldn’t contact you, because changing your schedule around for someone not to show up or meet can be exhausting. I do think if someone couldn’t meet because of work, I’d understand. 

  2. 10 hours ago, FreshFluff said:

    Fair enough. I was trying to understand your distinction between “live and let live” and not ok/unattractive. Are you saying that it’s ok not to be attracted to men with nail polish?

    Oh not at all... you like what you like. I think the issue tho is more the toxic masculinity with saying “ it’s getting out of hand”.    “ men should be men” 

    Nail Polish doesn’t define whether someone is masculine or feminine. That’s all

  3. 11 hours ago, Gymowner said:

    you sir appear to be doing the same thing in reverse. many say "well its ok to put down and judge intolerance". yet thats the same thing that was said in the early part of the last century and those in society felt perfectly fine with their bigotry. you are being bigoted as well. if we are all to truly desire equality and getting along then we ALL have to desire equality and allow differing opinions to stay put.

    I think you missed the point tho.... people are making a big fuss about PAINT! My point was if people are gonna say men should be men and women should be women, I think you should have the same energy for women then. Cause pants were originally made for men but women now wear them because they were told they shouldn’t. Live and let live... if you don’t like nail polish that’s ok, but when people saying men should be this way and that way... well 

  4. 29 minutes ago, FreshFluff said:

    What do you mean by it not being ok? Something can be ok but not necessarily generate sexual interest from you or most others. 

    BTW, man buns seem more prevalent among cis straight men than gays. Those of us who like str8 men may have to get used to it.

    Exactly! once a straight man does something that gay men get ridiculed for, that’s when people accept it. Straight men have worn polish too and no one questions their masculinity.  

  5. 45 minutes ago, lonely_john said:

    No, no, and no. This is all wrong. Sorry but it's NOT Ok. One thing is live and let live, and another thing is promoting the ridicule.

    Simple example: 2 guys walk into a gay bar. One is the masculine prototype and the other one wears flamboyant clothes, colourful make up/hair, earrings, etc.

    Which one is going to generate more sexual interest and get more looks from the crowd? Stop the BS, this is very simple.


    I know plenty of masculine men who have worn nail polish. That’s my point is nail polish doesn’t define whether someone is masculine or not. Look at me. Every gay man Masc or not has feminine qualities. Also you’d be surprised with who’s gonna get hit on fem vs Masc, you assuming that the Masc will be the one to get the attention over the fem says it all.  And there’s the straight dudes who are into the punk scene who wear the polish. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Just a thought 

  6. On 6/5/2021 at 1:24 PM, Milo Farnsworth said:

    Because it is getting out of control.  To quote Archie Bunker, " Guys like us we had it made,  Those were the days,  And you know where you were then, girls were girls and men were men . . ."  That's what we need.  And yes, I am very old fashioned.  I think women should wear skirts and dresses at all times, except if working in the garden or doing some manual housework.  Personally, I don't like women wearing pants.  But, since I'm not attracted to women I've learned to accept it.  I get wearing pants is more comfortable for them.

    Men need to be men and leave the nail polish and lipstick and feminine shtick alone . . . 

    Well make sure you tell women not to wear pants since originally they were made for men. There’s nothing wrong with liking masculinity, but your toxic masculinity that you were taught is out of line.  Nobody has a problem with girls being tomboys but once a man does anything outside of the norm “ oh no. Feminine things don’t define whether someone is a man or not. Can’t tell you how many times I was told what a man should do and what makes a man when I was a kid. But if you’re gonna talk with your toxic masculinity at least make sure you’re informed about history, men have been wearing make up, skirts, heels, wigs, since the beginning of time. So don’t judge, live and let live. 🤷🏻‍♂️   

  7. On 6/6/2021 at 11:25 PM, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    Interesting story you gave. I’ve always said, many clients don’t always realize what goes on behind the scenes and what all we put into to create an experience.

    However, in the case of this guy...I don’t really see how it emphasizes what an escort has to do. Non of what you mentioned, that he mentioned...is exclusive or necessary to being a sex worker. Gay guys who aren’t escorts go to the gym, do roids, get cosmetic and gym stuff too. Non of it is really a requirement or “background” to being an escort. When I started in the game back in 2008, I was a skinny kid with a chipped tooth...but still managed to attract a following. 

    I’m not saying that providers don’t (or shouldn’t) put a lot of work into their appearance or biz, but not all of us are hell bent on the superficial/expensive aspects of vanity. Escorting is not a beauty contest or bodybuilding competition. You can really just be a regular guy who takes good care of himself, knows how to tap into a base, and have a genuine like for the type of clients who come to you.

    So in the case of the provider: I don’t really see it as being “doing all that to be an escort”, but more of “I’m being an escort so I can also maintain all of that”. And that’s not me trying to be a bitch: but I hear guys think about coming into escorting so they can support a lavish lifestyle...and I’m like, don’t get your hopes up. It ain’t that easy lol.

    I introduced one friend of mine who is an “aspiring” escort to a client buddy of mine, over dinner. He had all the beauty and glitz, but not even 2 minutes went by, my client got up and left the table. My friend was being an obnoxious queen, and my client was not for it.


    That part!

  8. It’s always been a thing. I like it I also think nail polish doesn’t define someone’s masculinity. I think more people are becoming more comfortable with feminine/masulinity, because neither define you. 

  9. On 6/7/2021 at 4:12 PM, jtmick said:

    First time posting here so apologies if this is a repeated topic. I did some searching but didn’t find a lot.

    Some background, used to be super obese (over 400 lbs) and now into the obese territory, (250 lbs). Still losing but I’ll probably never be thin or buff...

    I’m looking at some escorts and obviously I’d disclose all of this before, just wondering if I should be prepared for rejection. 

    Honest feedback please, I can take it!


    Anybody who’d reject you based off physical looks shouldn’t be in the biz. Any provider would be lucky to have you and the ones who reject you again shouldn’t be providing. I’ve never rejected anybody for anything, it’s also not my place to do that. The truth is that I’m here to provide, not judge. I understand the rejection for size because I’ve been there. Just keep your head up cause we’re not all AHoles🥰

  10. 1 hour ago, Jamie21 said:

    I get some no shows too but I’ve learned to see the patterns that indicate they’re likely to flake.....the endless questions, sending dick pics, the “definitely up for it” assurances. Most times I can tell and in those instances I don’t make any commitments to spend to facilitate the session. It’s worse when I arrange a 4 hands and we both turn up but the client doesn’t show. So now I only take a 4 hands booking from regular clients or I take a deposit. 
    Recently I’d arranged a 4 hands for me and a masseuse with a new client and I asked him for a deposit because the masseuse was travelling some distance to the session. Sure enough on the day he messaged to say he couldn’t make it. Unfortunately the masseuse had already travelled. At least I was able to give her some compensation to cover the cost of her travel but it’s annoying because we’d both put a lot of planning and time into the session for the client. Sometimes I think clients don’t appreciate the effort that goes into setting up a session; the venue booking and preparation, preparing yourself and all that goes into that, travel time if it’s outcall, getting any supplies needed. I reckon some think I’m just sitting around all day waiting for them to call. 
    I generally don’t take deposits because most clients don’t want to bother with them (usually because they want to remain discreet) but if I get a no show then they’re blocked for ever and I tell other masseurs (yes, we share info like that) so that others can be aware. 

    Yeah I notice the patterns too... they’ll ask the rate then ask me to unlock pics.... then when the times comes no show.

  11. On 5/23/2021 at 3:08 AM, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    For a brief period of time, I had eased up on my requirement for deposits for incall sessions where the client comes to me. It had seemed like people were showing up a little bit more.

    But after yesterday, I’ve decided to permanently require all clients asking to come to me, to make a deposit. I’m putting it across all of my ads and upfront. I will absolutely not be hosting anyone if they don’t make a deposit. You would think it’s more risky to go to a client’s place and be stood up, but more often than not: it’s the ones who claim to want to come to me, which end up not showing up.

    Just yesterday I had 2 clients fail to show up for their appointment request. I didn’t get a deposit from either, because I was in a hurry and needed to book a room to host an “incall day” (I have a place already, but I don’t host appointments from right now). Unfortunately I had went ahead and booked the non refundable rate for the hotel. So far it’s been hell and high water to change the date or get a refund, and I literally had no use for the hotel otherwise.

    To add insult to injury, one of the clients became very disrespectful, even calling me names and saying I was silly to get a hotel for him. And the same idiot booked an appointment previously where he hosted, and I didn’t go because he wouldn’t pay the deposit. This time, I try to trust him to show up without paying the deposit, and he STILL doesn’t show up.

    So for the remainder of my escort career: I won’t be accepting anymore excuses or reasons why a client can’t pay a deposit to come to me. It’s just too many times where people want me to host, and they don’t show up. And I either end up out of money, or out of time setting aside time for them and they don’t show up. 

    If they can’t make the deposit, they either need to host or I won’t see them. No exceptions. 


    if I had a dollar for every-time Ive had multiple clients flake on me, id be One rich man. The worst is when you set and time and date, then they don’t even text back the day you’re supposed to meet. Just this past weekend 3 alone, and it sucks. I think people should a least have the decency to text back instead of just ghosting. The worst is on the chat, and it says they read the messages. I’ve had guys say they’re on their way and no even show up. I’ve even gone to them, they block while I was in elevators, and not even answer the door. The games are unreal

  12. Hi everyone,


    I wanted to know what are some tips you can share about hygiene.


    I need some solid advice about backne (back acne), any products that are worth mention? Also, I wanted to know some shaving tips! Is hair removal cream better than shaving, or is waxing the way to go? Also, my fellow escorts who do bottom, what are some good ways to prep other than douching?


    Feel free to share your skincare or hygiene routine; I'd thought to make a new thread if anyone else is wondering.


    Also, clients feel free to chime in; I'd love to hear what you prefer or just have to say in general :)


    Kind regards,




    I personally don’t shave and trim any of my body hairy other then my neck. If you’re gonna do it use an electric razor cause you won’t get razor bumps

  13. Hey there,


    This is my first post, but I'm really considering escorting to get through post-secondary school. I was wondering if the "twink" body type is preferred or wanted by clients? I know super the "Greek God" body type is SUPER popular. Can twinks even compete with these muscle-y men?


    I'm more of a masculine twink, if that adds anything, lol.


    Also, how is the market in Toronto, moving there in a couple of months :)






    It just depends on the market you’re in. I know that in a place like Miam I’m a sore thumb compared to all the pretty manicured smooth muscle Boys, because I’m beefy and hairy vs a place like Texas I have more of an a vantage with a rugged look. Everyone has different tastes at the end of the day, just be yourself. Most clients do look for tops tho, just putting it out there. Again though everyone’s different and all looking for different things so just be open. Also some advice, always perform as if you’re performing for the first time with each client. They’re taking their time to see you, so give it your all. Cause a pretty face won’t get you far if you’re not putting in the work. Good luck... and welcome. ?

  14. I really want to tip appropriately but I realized I have no clue what a decent tip looks like.


    Let's just say it was a standard one hour rate of 300. As a provider, what amount of tip would make you feel like your client enjoyed himself?


    Thank you in advance, I just want to have a clear idea of what a solid tip looks in the escorting world.


    I’d say 20-50 is the norm for most clients, then again not all clients tip for the service either.

  15. I try to keep a level head when it comes down to it, but some days (or weeks) I just really feel like it makes no damn sense.


    I can go thru my phone on texts and just see so many responses that just have gone nowhere. Either they just flat out stop responding, or don’t reply to a request to confirm a time, or when trying to arrange something they can’t make it happen outside of the immediate time they want to do it. Or they contact me booking a session, when they clearly are in a position to not be able to (at work, etc etc reason)


    After a daily dosing of this type of communication, I just end up fatigued of the whole thing because then I start to feel like I’m in a rat race.


    So I been using the freeze mode of my ad fairly regularly...simply because it’s like a week of break seems a good idea considering the amount of time wasted, adds up to a lot of time that could be expended toward other things.


    And today I feel like freezing my ad again ??‍♂️



    id be here all day if I counted how many times I’ve had my time wasted. I’ve gone to hotels to them not answering the door or text, I’ve waited for guys to come and never show up, or guys block after they get to see your pics. I always say if you have no intention to meet don’t say anything or waste people’s time. Not to mention I’ve had guys try not to give me a donation. Were all adults leave the games elsewhere.

  16. Apologies at the outset if this is the wrong place for this discussion…


    Who here has had a positive experience on an Atlantis cruise? Who here has had a disappointing experience on an Atlantis cruise? Is it worth it? Is there any way to get around paying the kings ransom that the website shows it costs?


    I’ve thought about engaging an escort to accompany me for an Atlantis cruise, but the cost is so very expensive, particularly given that I would also have to compensate the provider and cover everything for him. Of course there’s the option of any run-of-the-mill cruise, but the Atlantis cruise has always held a certain appeal to me for obvious reasons.


    What say you?



    I had a Blast.... I went in 2019... it’s a floating circuit party, but you can make it whatever you wanna make it.

  17. Hi. I'm wondering what people think are the best places in the US to make money? Curious to hear both the client and escort perspective.


    I've been in South America for a month and coming back to my car in Miami soon. I'm thinking of best direction to drive from there. I'm leaning towards hitting the Northeast.



    it honestly depends.... for me I’ve noticed in places like Texas I get more business because I’m a hairy type guy, vers Miami I wouldn’t get anything at all because of the type smooth ab guys that are there.

  18. So I really enjoy kissing but I'm not really into kissing guys with a bunch of facial hair, especially mustaches. Is it appropriate to ask an escort to come to an appointment clean shaven? Especially if they have facial hair in their pics on RM?


    I think if you see someone with a beard and you’re looking clean shaven, you should prob look for someone who’s hairless. It’s different if they do a switch up with their facial hair to a stache/scruff, but if they don’t shave and you’re asking them to shave that’s a whole another story.

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