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Everything posted by KensingtonHomo

  1. I am incredibly pro-sex worker, but you do not understand antibiotic resistance. We have a massive overuse of antibiotics in this country (and globally), 20-60 percent of which are not medically necessary. Resistance does not happen in our bodies. It happens to the bacteria as they are exposed to drugs and evolve to survive them. All antibiotic use contributes to resistance. I generally support sex workers using them, but all sexually active gay men going on DoxyPrep is a terrible idea for public health. As people who have lived through three plagues in our lifetimes - two of which disproportionately impacted us - we need to be community-minded in approaching our individual and collective health. "On an individual and population level, drug resistance will likely occur with the increased use of Doxy PEP, especially with the amount of doxycycline that will be indicated for many users. The extent to which this happens, and the impact, are still open questions, and must be carefully monitored." Drug resistance and Doxy PEP: Should we worry? - San Francisco AIDS Foundation WWW.SFAF.ORG In late 2022, the San Francisco Department of Public Health and San Francisco AIDS Foundation began...
  2. It will contribute to antibiotic resistance. PreP for HIV makes sense to me, and I use it. But this is dangerous and, frankly, unnecessary. All the STIs are treatable, and if you're on Doxyprep, you're 99% likely to be on PreP. So why contribute to antibiotic resistance? We're not making new antibiotics and treatment-resistant gonorrhea is on the rise.
  3. I'm a former smoker who vapes now. From what we know, vaping is far safer than smoking. For myself, when I quit smoking I had a permanent wheeze and struggled with my cardio. Since switching, I have no wheezing, have started running and vaping doesn't stink or risk passing on second hand smoke to people. Overall, I'm for harm reduction. If people can get their nicotine from vaping, we should encourage that over smoking. The hard press against vaping (which is funded by cigarette manufacturers) is counter-productive.
  4. He's great. Seen him many times and his technique is excellent. He's a really nice guy, and the sensual elements are great.
  5. I wouldn't say nuts. But I had a massage in Orlando this weekend and the guy was weird. First, I specified an erotic massage. At the beginning, I asked what his boundaries were and he said, "no sucking, I'm not one of those escorts who pretend to be giving a massage." Clearly, not a sex-positive guy. That's a bummer for me because I like blowing a guy when I cum. But, I respect people's boundaries so no problem. But there was nothing remotely erotic about the. Nothing even sensual. He never took his boxers off. Second, when I said I was from NYC, he went on for 10 minutes about how he could never live in NYC again (he was from Staten Island). How the city was disgusting and too crowded and expensive and he needs his space. And it was said in an aggressive tone. He was pretty chatty throughout and also went on about grad school being a ripoff. Now, I don't mind some conversation Then, as we came to the conclusion he said "do you want me to help you release?" I declined. Lastly, he seemed to have no idea how he came off during the message. He gave me a hug and said he hoped to see me next time I was in Orlando.
  6. Compared to darker-complected people, blonds and redheads (like me) don't age well. I've been moisturizing since I'm 12. That's probably shaved 10-15 years off my face compared to everyone else in my family. I also never go in the sun without sunblock, even in the winter. But all things being equal: sun exposure, lifestyle, diet, hydration, fairer skinned people will wrinkle sooner.
  7. While I agree with and defer to the providers on here that asking for a photo is bad form, I do tend to be similar to @NYXboy in my approach as a client. I don't send a photo until we've more or less agreed to the deal but I do think I prefer they know what I look like before we meet. I describe myself in my initial text (Irish-American, 40s, white collar professional, 5'11", chubby but fit - yes, you can be both - with a great ass). And then once we've agreed to meet, I'll send them G-rated pic. I've never had someone cancel on me after I've sent the pic. I also think there's a wide variety of providers - some who do it FOR the money, some who absolutely love sex in all of its forms with a broad palette (my personal favorite kind), some who do it as an extension of their sex life (I avoid at all costs). Two of my favorite providers are in their late 20s, they're both lean and fit but not hugely muscular, and, being the "broad palette, love sex" types, always seem genuinely to be having fun. Ideally, a provider enjoys their time with me, as I would want for any fellow human performing a service. And because I get off on being desired (or fooled into believing I am despite the bullshit detector of a native NYer), if at any point a provider signals that being with me is a chore, I'm turned off and won't see them again. Thankfully, there are enough of the "love sex/broad palette" guys out there, that I mostly enjoy those I meet. I think it also helps that I'm not really into ripped, model types.
  8. No, that's a bit much for me. Where did you see that rate? Because many other porn stars who are much more famous charge less.
  9. Ugh, if he came to NYC, I'd love to hire him.
  10. I'm curious how the Palm Springs weekend works. Would you mind DMing me?
  11. I used to go see him. My first few appointments were excellent but then he seemed to grow more distant over time. Admittedly, I am hard to get off so maybe I was a chore. 🤣
  12. In my experience most do. Men are simple creatures.
  13. Do you play like other kinds of butt play? Getting rimmed? Toys?
  14. I have a couple of recommendations but also a few general notes from a lifelong bottom. Older guys (35 and up) tend to be more experienced and more patient If you don't have toys, get them and start playing. Start small and use all the lube. Bottoms always need more lube than most tops think we do, and creamier lube, whether silicone or water-based, will feel better With an escort, it's your time. Be very open about your experience and what you want, and do your best to relax. If you're going to douche, finish that up at least 2 hours before you plan to play. If I do it closer than that, I find that I'm more sensitive. Okay, here are my guys: Jonah Wheeler - He's more average-sized in the dick department but is amazing in bed. He's vers, so I think he appreciates what bottoming is like. He's also a fun, sensual, and all-around great lay. Nick Halden - He does a massage, fucking combo that is really sensual, relaxing and very pleasurable. Also, more of an average penis size and also vers. NYWolfman - He's a bit older and has a big thick dick. But he is there to please the bottom. I suspect he's similar to Mike Austin in that way. He knows what he's doing, and your pleasure is his priority. Happy bottoming!
  15. The people at the Swedish Institute will be stunned to learned they're not teaching massage. 🤣
  16. It would be amazing if people without knowledge of public health stopped spreading misinformation.
  17. I understood the reference but - given the femme phobia I see from a lot of clients on here - I think it's a bit risky.
  18. Escorts aren't trying to "build a following." They're working. It's one thing if they're working on OnlyFans or Porn where having a following will help. If they're just escorts, they're trying to build a client base.
  19. I'm pretty confident his post was completely fabricated.
  20. He's American but did live for a time in Japan. We've seen him once and had a great time. We've tried a couple of other times but the timing hasn't worked out yet.
  21. We're going to MC in May. He's on our list. Did he send you a menu @Wanderoz?
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