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Everything posted by KensingtonHomo

  1. It's too much. It would be super uncomfortable.
  2. I'm bumping because he lives close to me and I'm wondering if anyone has had any recent experiences.
  3. He has findom in his profile, which is a huge red flag for me.
  4. This is true. And those people - like you and I - aren't trans. I grew up with a trans woman. And by the time we were teenagers she had a desire to live as a woman and I was gay. And she came from a relatively conservative family, whereas I had a very liberal mother. She has since transitioned in her early 20s and I did not.
  5. I read the guidelines. They don't mention the age of fifteen anywhere. Rather, they mention that the patient should be "age of majority in their country" or have parental consent. That is the standard for surgery of any kind. Stop believing and perpetuating anti-trans propaganda. Standards of Care - WPATH World Professional Association for Transgender Health WWW.WPATH.ORG The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), is a 501(c)(3) non-profit...
  6. JFC, this reads like a Tucker Carlson monologue. MINORS do not get gender confirmation surgeries. This is just bullshit. Perhaps some 16 or 17 year old with parental consent are getting top surgery or orchiectomies but that's it. And those are very likely kids who have been through extensive therapy and are very clear on their gender identity. I knew I was gay when I was 4 or 5; many trans people report the same.
  7. You're transphobic, we get it. Maybe it makes you feel less secure in your own gender. Regardless, it's no more your business than if a teenager gets a nose job.
  8. It’s not separate for reasons stated above. And when gender and sexuality get policed; people of all genders and orientations are harmed bc people think they “can tell.” Cis women are being harassed and assaulted in bathrooms bc people think they’re trans.
  9. This is so disingenuous. ONE state has a provision for minors estranged from their parents, which you turned into "states where teens can get surgeries." This is the medical equivalent of claiming trans women are destroying women's sports without mentioning how often cis women beat trans women at nearly every high school and college sport (it's the majority of the time).
  10. Absolutely. If Americans had any idea how we're being fucked over, there'd be riots.
  11. It would be so nice to read a book about social justice movements before spouting off complete nonsense. Legislation to end gay marriage has been introduced in more than one state. Look at the "Don't Say Gay" bills, "freedom of conscience" bills and book bans. TRans folks are the easy target for a much larger movement to reverse our rights. If you don't think it can happen, look at abortion; look at unionization; look at countless other rights that have been reverse in our lifetimes. Gender and sexuality are intrinsically linked, though neither are immutable. Most gay men and lesbians are bullied, discriminated and attacked for being gender nonconforming, not because they have sex with the same gender in their homes.
  12. There is no state in this country where a minor can get gender-affirming surgery without parental consent. That's a lie being spread by the anti-trans movement, which is in league with fascists, homophobes and white supremacists. So let's try to do better than perpetuate their propaganda.
  13. Homelessness exists because of unrestrained capitalism. At various points, we've had better social programs that minimize the number of people who are homeless, but neoliberal economics have more or less destroyed them. So we have rampant homelessness - not just people battling mental illness and substance abuse but also families and children - because our government has chosen to spend 50% of our tax money enriching weapons contractors and letting Elon Musk hoard wealth. Everything else is just talking around the issue.
  14. LOL, do you assume everyone who hires has an "old dried up cock?" Mine is very youthful and moist. I mean, it's pretty great. It's so weird to me when clients assume that other clients are all old dried-up geezers, who can't score sex. I hire primarily for convenience. I'm too busy to spend hours on apps looking for a hook-up. Then you get flakey guys. So hiring - whether its for an erotic massage or escort session - just simplifies my life, and I'm willing to pay for the convenience. On the initial topic, I do not care for upsells. I find it manipulative. I'd rather everything be stated clearly in advance. If I'm offered an upsell, I tend to turn it down. And if the provider goes beyond on HE, I may stop them to clarify.
  15. What's interesting to me is most of these pairings continue to play on the young (twink or twunk) as a smooth, lanky, or skinny buy, primarily clean-shaven, and the bottom is older, hairy, and bearded. Where are the hairy tops with the 40+ femme bottoms? Like women, we're being erased after a certain age. Yet, we're out here having lots of sex.
  16. Yeah... I just don't hire guys with no reviews either on RM or on here.
  17. Why would he want a deposit if he's already there???
  18. This. In my experience, the $400/hour crew tends to be younger, ripped OF types who are generally not worth the money. Older (30s), more experienced, and generally more skilled providers tend to charge in the $250-$300 range. It seems to me that a lot of clients prize youth, beauty and abs over actually skilled providers, so that drives up the price of the younger guys.
  19. In keeping with @maninsoma I think the best way to approach this is to be direct. You can ask "what does your erotic massage include?" Or if they offer both "would you tell me the difference between your sensual and erotic massage?" When I am with a new provider, I will ask "what are your boundaries?" And then describe mine.
  20. I'm older than Kai and I've never grown a beard, stopped shaving my chest, though I have changed haircuts. What I mean is that his new look is more of a marketing move than some essential personal change.
  21. Not really. There isn't yet evidence that vaping is harmful, aside from people buying crazy shit on the Internet. I'm not saying it's 100% but a) humans have been using mind and body-altering substances since before agriculture and b) unless someone's substance use interferes with their ability to function, I don't see it as harmful. The most recent research on addiction suggests is largely due to stress and trauma, not physical addiction as previously thought.
  22. We saw him once. The experience was kind of mechanical. His new look is an interesting switch from the all-American jock thing he had going on. It's probably because I've been with him but the new look reads as very phony to me.
  23. So, I like various types of body hair on men from naturally smooth to moderately hairy to super-hairy. I like manscaped or at least trimmed pubes. However, I really dislike shaved bodies (because the stubble irritates my skin) and I'm turned off by men with no pubic hair. Some providers kind of put this information out there but some have pics with a lot of variation. I'm curious if there is a good way to broach this topic and ask about the status of the provider's body hair. 😛
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