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Everything posted by Jamie21

  1. The lack of communication is difficult I totally agree about that. So many times a client will contact me to check availability or ask questions. I reply….then tumbleweed. Nothing….not even I changed my mind. I’m left thinking “he wanted next Wednesday or whatever” so I’m left doubtful about whether to make plans. All I’d like is the client to reply and either book or say “no thanks “. Please don’t just leave it hanging!
  2. The more sex establishments are open the better. It’s good for business. In my experience the more sex guys get the more they want, so I’m happy. I notice an increase in clients once lockdowns ended and now that most are vaccinated. I think people are more confident to go out and start living again.
  3. What a lovely reply. And a good conclusion I think. It’s much better to raise your ideas with him in person because you can give context and gauge his reaction.
  4. Yes me too. I’ve no problem giving those details. Places that are loose on protocol are more likely to have loose practice on cleaning, drug use prevention and safety standards. Give me a professionally run establishment every time. Just because it’s a sex establishment shouldn’t be a reason to be rubbish.
  5. That’s a brilliant idea….I’ll steal it and use it. I often ask clients to describe what they’d like, some struggle to do that because they’re a bit shy to ask or because their English isn’t so good. A picture is worth a thousand words so a porn movie scene is worth even more.
  6. Often they hold a Portuguese passport and (pre Brexit) have the right to live and work in UK. London is a wealthy and big market for guys who want to live in UK (or Europe) and learn English. Escorting is easy to get into, pays well and can fit around other jobs. I think that’s at least part of the reason.
  7. No but I tell someone where I’m going and what time it’s expected to finish and if I don’t check in with them within an hour of the scheduled finish they’re to call me and check all ok. I’ve never been in a situation where I was concerned for my safety because I’m careful about what outcall bookings I take.
  8. My first observation is you didn’t book me 😂😂😂. But seriously if you’ve made your choice and your dates aren’t flexible then I think you should book him now. Tell him you’re visiting and want to be sure he’s available for your visit. He’ll understand that. I bet also that if you haven’t changed your number he will know that you booked previously. I keep notes of guys who’ve booked me before so that I know that they’re genuine and I know what they like etc. I bet he does same if he’s any good. I get clients booking up to two months ahead and they’re almost always people visiting London from abroad or far away and they’re planning their trip. It’s better than them turning up in London and contacting me on the day they want only to find I’m away on holiday myself or already booked up. It makes sense in your situation to book ahead and let your escort know why. If he’s a problem with that then he will tell you. I hope you picked a good guy and that you have a great birthday celebration.
  9. Yes I get the horny now thing…it’s like booking a few weeks ahead who knows if you’ll feel like a session then? I totally understand the horny now situations but to be honest those guys are not my type of client. I do massage, ok so it’s sensual massage…you’ll end up hard and cumming, you might get fucked, you might fuck me, but if you’re just looking for sex then that’s not my market. I’ve done a few sessions like that and I discovered I’m not very good at it. What I am good at is sensual massage, giving someone a sensory experience that at once relaxes and arouses them. So my client might not feel especially horny when they turn up…maybe they feel say 3 out of 10 horny, but they want a relaxing massage that goes to places normal massage doesn’t reach. They lay on the table, the massage starts and over the time they go from 3 out of 10 to 5, then 6…then 7… then by the end it’s 10 and they’re shooting cum everywhere :-). That’s my kind of service, and it can be booked in advance. I guess I like the challenge of turning someone on. It’s too easy if they walk through the door with a hard on! (Although that can be dealt with……and then we start the massage).
  10. Book in advance!! Please!! First of all I hate to disappoint and someone asking for a booking on the day or even in the next couple of hours is likely to be disappointed because I’m busy. Secondly I like to prepare properly. I prefer to spread out clients rather than see them close together so that I can make sure I’m able to give them my best. Last minute appointments don’t allow for that. Contrary to what I’m sure some people think about guys who do sex work I’m not sitting around all day naked and semi hard waiting for a client to call. I’ve got other work, personal things to do and of course clients who booked ahead to see. So if you ask “are you free this evening” the answer is usually “no, sorry I’m not”. And those 10pm requests “free now?” will always get a “no”. They’re usually from guys who aren’t my kind of client if you know what I mean. That said, if you’re a regular client and you ask for a same day booking I’ll do my best to accommodate you. Of course I will, you’re a regular and as I said, I like to please.
  11. Depends how many times they want to cum (or me to cum).
  12. Yes take it slow. All the goods are available but just not all at once. My favourite clients are those who kiss. And bottoms of course, especially those who respond well to rimming. Hey, I like all my clients…I always think I’ve an awesome job. Meeting people, having fun with them, leaving them happy and satisfied.
  13. I make massage porn which I post on my justforfans profile. I keep it separate from my sensual massage work though. I only film with guys who volunteer to be in a movie or with other Justforfans or Onlyfans porn models. However I keep my face covered and I require that the volunteer models also cover their face (or I blur out their face). There’s a lot of guys who want to be in a massage porno so I’m not short of volunteer models. They have to sign a release form which puts some off. If my massage clients ask me to film their session I decline because filming is quite disruptive to the flow of a good sensual massage but I do suggest to them that they volunteer for a filming session for the Justforfans site. That way it’s all done properly with good angles, lighting and professional editing (plus masks and release forms!). Then they’re confident it’s not going to cause a problem later on.
  14. It’s tempting sometimes to send a dismisssal message to a flake or no show. I’ve almost done it in the past when someone hasn’t showed up. But I didn’t press ‘send’ and then thought again and amended the message to say “hi xxx I was expecting you for your xx appointment today but you didn’t show up. I hope everything is ok. Cheers Jamie”. It happened again this week, a client booked a 2 hour session. I prepared and was ready for him but he didn’t show up. I always send a reminder message the day before their booking (if they booked days in advance) and he hadn’t responded to that so I suspected he wouldn’t show. it’s his loss. There’s all sorts of reasons someone might not show, some excusable some not. For all I know he could have had an accident and be unable to reply. So I just send the “I hope you’re ok” message. If he’s had an accident or disaster then he’ll appreciate the message when he sees it and I hope he comes back another time. If he’s just not bothered to turn up or cancel then my message will I hope prick his conscience. Next time he tries to book I’ll require full payment up front. It may temporarily feel good to send the dismissal message but I think it’s not worth the bother and is better to keep the moral high ground.
  15. I get clients wanting to recreate massage scenes they’ve seen. The type of thing when someone goes for a “normal” massage and ends up getting fucked by the masseur. Sometimes they like me to pretend I’m a salon masseur and to keep my shorts on then they touch me and remove them and we progress to fucking. I think it’s quite a common fantasy for clients to hope that their ‘straight, professional’ masseur will get so turned on by them that the session develops into sex. I play along with it, no problem.
  16. The more specific or detailed your requirements the better it is to speak to the provider. I’m fine if clients call me to talk through what they want if they have specific circumstances. Plus some clients don’t like to type everything out…..it’s too clinical. It’s easier for them to talk it through. I do ask that they arrange a time to call though because I can then make sure I’m somewhere quiet to talk. I have one client who called me because he’s disabled and wanted to check I was ok with his disability before he booked. When I met him for the session he said he likes to hear the providers reaction because they’ll sometimes say “yes ok” if he tells them his disabled when booking by text only to find they cancel on him subsequently. If he talks to them he has a better idea of their attitude to him. There’s all sorts of reasons why clients might want to call me so I’m very happy to chat. It starts things off nicely.
  17. Grindr banned me too. I never used it for hookups (ok maybe once I did when visiting Paris) but was just on there because it was a thing to do. The approaches were tiresome “hi”, “how’s you?” or just a dick pic of an ugly cock surrounded by untrimmed hair or worse, just a hole (frequently used by the looks of things). Who will respond to that kind of approach? Have some originality and intrigue when contacting me and you’ll get a reply. Anyway my profile on Grindr was obviously a masseur for hire. The more intelligent user of the site recognised this - fine, that’s my kind of client - and then would ask about details so I could direct them to my website. Discussion would continue elsewhere via the contact details on website if they were genuinely interested. Someone must have complained though, probably couldn’t afford my rates, and so Grindr banned me. I’m not sorry because the time waster to genuine client ratio on there was enormous. They should have a section for classified ads though. They’re missing an opportunity.
  18. I include sex with the massage if my client wants it; it’s a natural progression from a sensual massage (although it doesn’t have to progress to sex, but it can happen). For me the massage is like foreplay (I hate that word but there’s no better description). The massage is to build up the sexual tension so that if it comes to it the sex is a great way to bring the session to a climax. Alternatively the climax is by hand job or blowjob. It just depends what my client wants. However I feel that to miss out the massage and go straight to sex is like missing out the starter in a 3 course meal, or it’s even like going straight to dessert. You’re missing out on an important element. You’re the client though, so if you want good hot sex then that’s what you should ask for, and get. I’ve a regular client who started out with massage but after a few sessions he said he wanted just the sex, no massage. So now he books just a sex session. For me it’s less interesting because I see myself as a masseur and I prefer the build up but he likes to go straight to penetration so that’s what happens. It’s his session.
  19. I’ve had clients do both; set it up themselves and have me set it up. It worked fine either way. I had a client book me with another guy for him to watch us perform. The client booked us both separately but said that he didn’t want to be involved in the session, just watch and give instructions. I’d have preferred to book the other guy myself because I know there’d be a good connection between us to put on a great show, but I went with it because the client said he knew who he wanted. He also gave us both instructions about what he wanted to see. It worked out fine and the client was happy with the show. I guess he’d put a lot of thought into selecting the right guys.
  20. Yes this resonates with me too. I’ve some good friends in the business who I can talk to candidly about sex work and know that they will completely understand what I’m talking about. It’s good to have that kind of support. Most people working for any length of time in the industry (as in professionals not dilettante sex workers) are kind and decent people who are good to associate with and some have become great friends but I do avoid any that don’t enhance my life. I think if you keep coming across people who are not positive for you then you need to change where you spend your time or reframe your mindset.
  21. Service providers do share notes so to speak. I’m on a forum for masseurs/escorts to share information and support each other. The discussion on clients is limited to whether they are time wasters (endless chat, regular last minute cancellations or just don’t pay) rather than the ease or otherwise of handling their session. Those things stay with the provider, but yes notes are shared on time wasters or trouble makers. The main purpose of the forum is to share tips, industry knowledge and provide support.
  22. I’m seeing clients, kissing them (if they want that) and doing everything as I used to. I don’t require them to be vaccinated. I’m double vaccinated so feel fairly confident and to be frank I think there’s risks of catching all sorts of infections anyway by doing this work. Obviously I take reasonable precautions (regular testing for Covid and other things, using prep etc) because I see Covid as just another risk that comes with close contact with other people. The main issue is that I’m having some clients cancel because of having to change plans due to having to isolate. It’s just part of how things are these days and I go with it.
  23. First of all, you write beautifully. It’s rare to read such descriptive and engaging prose. I love it. Thank you. What you should say at the point the cameras start to whirr is “cut!” …and then negotiate your fee for performing and ask to sign your model release form. It will break the spell unfortunately but you might as well take a commercial view of your performance. I have had clients request to be filmed. If they genuinely want their encounter to be immortalised on screen that’s fine. I tell them about the porn filming I do and that it gets published on my justforfans site (MassageForHim). See massageforhim.com for info. Your story makes the situation sound erotic and sexy but the unfortunate truth about filming porn is that the set and the process isn’t sexy atall. The lights are harsh, the cameras need to be kept in mind (is my arm obscuring the entry of my cock to his hole for camera A?. Does my bum look sufficiently pert when I lean back in his embrace?) and the regular stops to change positions, piss, deal with cramp arising from a visually pleasing but athletically challenging position can make the whole thing quite cock softeningly tedious. It is fun though if, like me, you are exhibitionist. So yes my clients can appear in a massage porn shoot and watch themselves later if they want to. It’s quite popular such that I have a long list of volunteers for future filming sessions. However I do counsel clients who want to be in a film about the drawbacks and that their massage won’t be especially relaxing (and of course the mask hinders good kissing) and this is mainly why I don’t charge them my normal rate. I just make a small charge to contribute to the cost of the studio. My compensation comes from the fans site subscribers. My ‘client’ gets the thrill of being a porn star and watching back their performance. Maybe they can show their grandchildren one day…such is the preponderance of porn and naked selfies in youth today I expect that in 50 years time everyone will have some action of themselves on the net and it will be normalised…. “Hi kids let’s watch the time your grandmother and I went to the beach at Southend, it’s on my Facebook feed…oh and yes there’s the video of that masseur fucking me in London. Was that really 40 years ago. I couldn’t get my leg in that position now” “I can grandad Tom..look!”. Hmmm maybe not. But I do think (hope) it will be much more accepted to have appeared in porn. It’s just sex. Occasionally in a proper massage session a client has booked (non porn filming) they will ask me if they can film a bit on their phone. This is fine and I’m happy to film a bit of POV for them using their phone. Usually they just want a minute or two of my cock in their hole(s) as a memento of the visit. I think many people are quite visual and do like to watch what’s happening in a mirror so filming a close up of bits they can’t see live is a nice thing to be able to look back at. See you all on set….
  24. I’ve done a couple of collaborations with TJ, he’s great fun. We did a massage and dp session in one of them. We’re planning to do another collaboration soon. Both the shoots with him are on my justforfans alongside over 50 other full length massage movies. I film with volunteer models or other Onlyfans/justforfans porn actors. Here’s the link https://justfor.fans/MassageForHim Jamie
  25. The use of a la carte pricing is a warning sign. Tells me he’s only doing the work for the money and not also because he intrinsically enjoys it. Hence the mechanical massage style and indifference to timing. I’m sorry you experienced this. If my client cums early in the session I carry on. Sometimes they cum again, sometimes not but there’s still lots of feel good work you can do on him to make the session memorable. Before you give a bad review contact him and tell him you were not satisfied and see what he does. You can mention his response, if any, in the review.
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