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Everything posted by Jamie21

  1. Most of the time I don’t bottom but if I am going to then I use a shower attachment if it’s a filming session or I if know the top is big or I’m at a party. I then use a bulb about half hour before just to be confident really. Otherwise if he’s smaller or it’s a quick one then I just use the bulb. I agree with @Funguy it’s a problem if water goes too deep when using the shower. I insert and count to 5 to avoid using too much water. That usually works ok. Diet also helps. But even with a tried and tested routine sometimes things still go wrong!
  2. I hope I have the pleasure of meeting you @Vin_Marco… (spoken in a cut glass English accent 😉).
  3. Jamie21

    Neck chains

    I have no jewellery whatsoever. No rings, no chains, no watches, no ear rings, nose studs or PA. Since I carried a phone I’ve never seen the point of having a watch, unless it’s some kind of health device to measure physical performance. I used to have a gold chain with a gold cross. I’m not religious so I don’t know why I had the cross but it looked nice so I wore it on the chain. Many years ago I was at a sauna (yes, that kind of sauna). At that time I was very inexperienced (honest!) but on this occasion I hooked up with a very attractive older guy who shall we say introduced me to bottoming. Up to then I was always 100% top. Anyhow, this session with the guy happened in a fairly dark cabin. Normally I prefer to see (and be seen ha ha) but he was insistent we shut the door. I won’t describe the sex because that’s not the point but suffice to say I got introduced to taking it. After he had left I spent some minutes alone in the cabin. At this point I realised I no longer had the chain with the cross on. I felt around in the gloom in case it had fallen off but I didn’t find it. So I opened the door to let more light in: still couldn’t see any chain or cross. Outside I couldn’t find my suitor either. I assume that either I’d lost the chain before going in the cabin with him or he took more from me in that session than I had bargained for.
  4. Jamie21

    Grindr Rant

    It works better if you’re new in a small town. All the locals, bored of the same pictures coming up on their grid suddenly see ‘new meat’ 😂. When I used Grindr (before I was banned- thankfully) it was useful only when on holiday to somewhere new. Otherwise it’s definitely a time waster.
  5. If on an outcall to a hotel, walk in as if you own the place. Look like you’re absolutely meant to be there. Understand where the lifts are (elevator to those who don’t speak the King’s English 😉) so that you’re not wandering around looking lost. Also know where the most discreet place to sit is if you’re requested to wait in the lobby, and know where the toilets are so that you can freshen up before meeting the client. If it’s a new hotel to you then it’s useful to scout the place out beforehand should the opportunity arise.
  6. Thank you for educating me! I thought I was experienced in this industry but perhaps not… And I really appreciate the lack of a picture. The one in my mind is enough.
  7. I may be naive here but what is a bumpkin? (Asking myself do I really want to know?)
  8. Good question! I recall one time with a client who had just finished douching when I arrived. I half expected there to be a problem because of that…and indeed there was. So we just cleaned up and he said he’d do another douche. That didn’t help either! It has also happened to me when bottoming for a client so I’m totally understanding of the challenges. I think a good rule to have is to douche early enough because if you’re preparing just before the appointment it’s probably too late. There’s lots of advice on here about that kind of thing so I’m not going to repeat that here. What I will say is that ‘shit happens’ so no one should make a big deal about it. Usually if it’s just a little bit I clean off and carry on (but I’m not doing any rimming after that!).
  9. Oh…I have leg month. Is that enough?
  10. Keep records. Date, time, what the client liked (and didn’t like), what happened etc. Just brief notes, so that should the client book again, possibly years later, you know what gets them going. All GDPR compliant of course (for the non European’s that’s data protection rules 🙂). When you see lots of clients over time it’s easy to forget some or become muddled up with who is who, even to become a bit blasé about things. But to some clients, if they don’t hire very often or especially if it’s their first time, their experience with you is a milestone and they’ll remember it vividly. If they come back then you really want them to feel that you remember them. Usually the notes are enough to remind me….’ah yes, he really likes head massage and he was going to the theatre after our booking: I’ll include more head massage and ask him if he enjoyed the show’.
  11. Never initiate contact with a client. The first contact is always down to the client and any messages sent are in response to client questions or requests. I always assume that the client wants 100% discretion from me. Similarly if you see a client in public do not initiate contact, nor show any signs that you know them. Let them initiate any contact.
  12. Kenny Rogers! 👍….so while we’re on Kenny, you’ve also go to know when to walk away, and know when to run. That’s about knowing when to decline a potential client.
  13. I’ll chip in with mine. Treat each client as an individual, make it an intensely personal experience.
  14. No decent masseur should require a face pic. If he’s asking for one then it’s a sign he’s not going to be any good. Move on to a professional.
  15. I guess the divorce is usually more expensive than the wedding.
  16. Some clients like to watch. I’ve done sessions where the client watches me with another provider. The client tends to join in after a while, then we make sure he’s the focus. I only do these type of sessions with providers I’m comfortable working with. I’ve also done sessions for clients who are partners and they enjoy watching me with their partner (although occasionally I can sense one partner is much more into it than the other one). These kind of scenarios appeal to people’s exhibitionist or voyeuristic tendencies. Nothing wrong with that. It’s not for everyone but if it’s your thing then go for it. Personally I love the exhibitionist opportunities my work brings.
  17. Yes this happens to me too. Especially if I get really close, and then go all the way back to being semi, and start again. That kind of edging is a good thing to practice to be able to control when you cum. I make porn films so it helps me to cum at the right time in those. I agree. It seems to me to be a sine qua non of being a provider that one would provide oral. Obviously everyone is entitled to decide their limits but it’s like being a taxi driver and not turning left. I mean, why would you do sex work but rule out something like that? If you’re doing massage then it’s understandable to me to possibly draw the line there, but not if you’re doing escorting. Most of my work is massage and I find it hard to resist not to provide oral! I see it as an integral part of the massage, although I do have had clients who specifically request no oral (I think this because of concerns over catching something more than them not liking it). It’s always worth checking with him, either by explicitly asking or by positioning your lips on the head and seeing if he invites you to go further!.
  18. I’ve no problem with it. It’s quite an attractive thing to see, especially if you have been sucking and when you stop and lift your head there’s a string of pre cum connecting you to the cock. I understand the anxiety about a client cumming in your mouth when you didn’t expect it but that’s something that one can usually anticipate!
  19. I just say ‘I’m single’ if asked. I think you probably thought too much about his question. I mean isn’t a lot of what we do point a) in your post above? We create a fantasy and a fantasy is about suspending the truth or reality for a period. No harm in it. Perhaps by responding with “I’ll be whatever you want me to be” was a bit too much ‘letting of light in upon magic’? Maybe that’s why he got upset. I think you can be whoever he wants you to be to the limit of your willingness to do it (that is part of the job) but making it explicit like that ruins the fantasy.
  20. I don’t show my face on the Onlyfans, which does impact on the number of subscribers but that’s ok, I get plenty of subscribers and the revenue is welcome. I’ve got a back catalogue of over 100 films on there so it’s kind of a passive income to supplement my other work. I’ve never done any drugs, and I don’t see clients who are wanting to use drugs (they can use poppers).
  21. I don’t have much of a sex life outside of work! I agree with @Simon SuraciDoing sex work does indeed make your recreational sex life difficult. I recognise all those reasons he cites: The feeling of thinking “I could be being paid for this” is a strong one, as is trying to keep ‘fresh’ for client meetings. Sometimes I go to sex parties and that’s an opportunity for ‘off the clock’ sex which is nice but still there’s the feeling that it’s ‘work’. I almost said to one guy after a hookup at a party “how would you like to pay?” 😂. One of the motivations for going to sex parties is because of the opportunity to meet guys who are keen to be in porn films I make, so even that is motivated by work. Doing sex work definitely changes your sex life.
  22. He did! In the end it worked out ok and he apologised. We had a good session and he left happy (minus two loads 😂). In his case it was genuinely because he got caught out by demonstrations in London. I’m glad I gave him a chance. I think it’s impossible to work in a customer facing industry and completely avoid either inconsiderate clients or scheduling foul ups. For the many good clients who are great to see you’ll get a few who are trouble, and a fair share of time waste enquiries. That’s the way of life and whilst you do all you can to minimise the incidence of bad ones they only serve to put in contrast the majority who are great.
  23. That’s understandable. I know clients get nervous. It doesn’t excuse just not showing up and not letting me know you’ve changed your mind though! If he’s rude to you for saying you’re anxious so are cancelling then that’s a good sign that he wasn’t the right guy for you. If he responds with understanding then you’ll know he’s the right guy for you. Go ahead and see him. I know clients who got to the door, and almost turned around again because of the anxiety. But I see it is part of the job to recognise this and help them overcome it. There’s so much going on when you book a sensual massage or escort session: feelings of excitement, guilt, shame, anxiety, self consciousness, fear, anticipation, desire. All of these might be going on with the client. A good guy will understand and help their client deal with it, assuming the client actually tells him.
  24. Possibly. There’s a back story to how that happened which I didn’t tell. This late client had messaged me about a month earlier to enquire about my availability on the said day. I had confirmed that I was available (which at the time was correct). He said he’d confirm a booking with me the week before (his number was from abroad so I assume he’s planning a visit to London - this happens a lot. Some book, some I never hear from). In his case he doesn’t message me a week ahead to book but leaves it to the day and then messages asking for a booking. But he’s too late; I’m busy that day. He’s really disappointed etc. Desperately wants to meet…so I go against my usual process and book him in a window the next day. This is how I end up scheduling him half hour before another booking. Indeed I disrupted my other plans to find him this time….and then he’s turning up over 40 minutes late for an hour session. I didn’t error by timing the appointment as I did with half hour between, I errored by ignoring my instincts in the first place and feeling sympathy for him! Now I’ve made what could be an even bigger mistake by agreeing to see him today because he was upset at the appointment he couldn’t make. Will he be another no show…..
  25. I had a no show last weekend. Or to be precise he was very late. 10 minutes before start time he messaged me to say ‘I might be a bit late’. Turns out he’s tried to take a taxi, in central London on a Saturday. Even worse…on this Saturday there’s demonstrations on so roads are closed. He could have walked to me…. When I message him back to find out his ETA it appears he has no idea where he is, so I ask him to send his current location by WhatsApp. I can see that he’s at least half hour drive away and we should have started 15 minutes ago by now…. I’ve another client after his session was due to end (half hour gap between the two) so I tell him that it’s not worth him coming and I cancel his booking, which eventually he accepts (after some begging to be rescheduled etc). I understand if you’re in an unfamiliar city that it’s possible to get lost or caught up in expected situations but really is it so difficult these days to not work out how long it will take you to get somewhere and to build in a buffer, especially if you’re new to the place? If he was as desperate to see me as he claimed he was then he’d have checked his travel plans and timing better. I think some people are simply incapable of organising themselves and it usually shows by how they behave when they book. I’m sure that 95% of no shows are primarily because of the attitude and mindset of the client, in other words, they’re avoidable. Same applies with provider no shows: 95% avoidable with the right attitude.
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