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José Soplanucas

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Posts posted by José Soplanucas

  1. 5 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Have you really ?

    It's still an insult.

    So how did y'all "take ownership"?

    Both "f***ot" and "qu**r" are still pejorative and meant to make someone feel bad about themselves. I refuse to accept these words simply because I am not a mainstreamer. Pretending to embrace it doesn't make you have ownership. It makes you a sucker for punishment.


    "gay" is also used as an insult by many. Teens (at least in DC) use it as a pejorative adjective to describe anything and anyone they do not like.

  2. My coming out was a long process that started in 1983, when I embraced my homosexuality (I was 21 and had been playing with my cousins since our early teens). It was long because I was in many social circles and did not come out to all of them at once. Of course, the critical date is when I came out to my parents and family in 1985. 

    We should replicate the positive gay visibility effects and develop a Sex Work Coming Out campaign, with famous Joes and Whores looking at the camera and saying -I am into sex work. Guess on what side... (with mischievous smiles) 

  3. I think I do agree with @MikeBiDude, when he feels we are overreacting here. But I also agree with @coriolis888 and the sex workers that feel like Rentmen is taking advantage of its monopolistic position. The clients should go somewhere else, as @BOZO T CLOWNstates. 

    Unfortunately, they do not have anywhere to go because, again, RM is a de facto monopoly. Some monopolies in other industries were so strong that they had to be broken into smaller companies, because their power would not allow competition to develop. We are following Capitalism rules, and these rules have taught us that in cases like this the fight will be hard and long, if anyone is fighting and not just venting. 

    Meanwhile, the service the website is providing seems to be excellent, even compared to similar websites in other countries. The company established a monopoly by sweeping the competition with better service. Paying 240 annually does not seem to be too much for clients who pay 300 per one hour. I am unsure of the prices for the advertising escorts, but I would assume the company offers a scale with affordable options for everyone. You do not even need to pay the annual fee, but a monthly option.

  4. 6 hours ago, DrownedBoy said:

    I started working advocacy in my college gay group. Several mentors died with HIV.

    You do not make assumptions about my past. Period. Don't do it again. 

    LOL. And you think you can control that? You are adorable. Without making any assumptions about your R&C skills, I wrote "you have probably". I think that asserting a possibility is not making an assumption.

    Living through the HIV pandemic was a tough experience for all of us. If you did advocate for health services and support for the victims, you know how tough it was and how many times our efforts were defeated before we made any gains. If you had learned the lesson, Rentboy should be just a step back in the fight for decriminalization and normalization of sex work. 


  5. 8 hours ago, DrownedBoy said:

    RentBoy did a decent job of organizing.  Look what happened to it.

    That Homeland Security bust was so absurd. It was less an arrest than union busting. 


    You have probably never fought for anything. You cannot quite just because you failed once, or twice, or many times. Look at any significant gain any minority has achieved. How long did it take? How many defeats became lessons? 

  6. Suggestion for the sex workers. Venting may help release some pressure but it is not going to solve the issue. Are you trying to get organized? Are you fighting for decriminalization? Are you considering a non for profit to provide education, networking, health and social services, legal counseling, etc., to sex workers? Are you considering an association to open an advertising website as a public service and not a company based on greed? 

    Otherwise, you can continue venting. 

  7. Hello there!

    As always, thank you so much for everything you do to keep the site alive and working smoothly.

    I have recently started to have this issue, look at the screenshot below.


    I am using a Macbook Air and Safari, and my upgrades are up to date. This started to happen last week, I think.

    Can you tell me whether the issue is on my side?

    Thank you!

  8. 7 hours ago, CuriousArtist said:

    I've been lucky to meet some amazing people through RM. Many have become friends, others have become beloved regulars. 

    And I also feel the urge to sometimes try out somebody new. This has panned out for the most part but tonight I was robbed by 'CreamyJoel' from RentMen.

    When he arrived, I immediately noticed he did not match his photos AT ALL. I calmly asked him to leave and he started to press me for money immediately. I told him his photos didn't match and he became very angry and demanded money. 

    Despite my survival instincts, I refused on principle. I fled to my room and tried to close the door but he jammed his arm into the door and wouldn't allow my escape. I then called 911. To my surprise, he said he wasn't afraid of the police and that he would assault me if I didn't give in immediately.

    This went on for some time before he attempted to take my phone. After some time, he actually did swing and hit me in the face. I paid him $100 on Cashapp and he fled.

    I now completely understand the abundance of caution you all take here by consulting reviews and carefully vetted references. 

    I won't be doing that again, 

    Sorry, man!

  9. Beyond whether or not he is guilty, it is pretty easy to believe the accusations against him. He always acted like an entitled asshole. It is easy to picture him abusing women, especially so many years ago, before the rise of Me Too.

    I am moved by how passionate many friends here are about this issue. I wonder whether a sincere concern for the survival of the innocence presumption principle or something else triggers that passion. I am not considering the possibility of conspiracies but simpler human miseries—for instance, instant personality empathy. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Archangel said:

    Tangential remark –

    A lot of the “21-year-old guys” are actually much closer to 30 than they admit in their ads because youth sells. I know this for a fact. Two regulars of mine shave several years off their ages for their RM ads because they can pass for younger. Is that akin to saying you’re 9” when when you’re actually 7”? Maybe. I’m sure some here will disagree or justify such “fudging,” but the fact remains it happens. In more ways than one. The “product” is misrepresented in order to make the sale.

    This is not breaking news. 

  11. 52 minutes ago, Yorkynyc said:

    hi everyone.

    going with a friend to Salvador de Bahia and then Sao Paulo. Ive been in Bahia, but before i started hiring. the same with Sao paulo.

    i have read all the postings and have been a rollercoaster. I am a darkskin latino so i think i will be fine using taxis and my portuguese is ok enough to comunicate. At least is better than my English's 

    Does anyone knows if is any place in Salvador de Bahia with hot guys? I have investigate adn it seems like  Club 11 and Sauna Fox are places to check it out

    any info will be gladdy appreciate it. and for Sao Paulo i have more than enough information, so i will go to Lagoa, of course, and to the other one 55

    i am also curios about Glory holes and dark rooms so if anyone knows . Rent men doesnt look promising so i will stick to clubs and saunas.

    They are outdated, but these are my reports.


    It was not an easy decision to choose amongst so many garotos de programa stroking their hard big dicks, but...

    Sauna Fox is the fanciest gay sauna in Salvador to meet garotos de programa. Although I still feel the need to...

    The newest gay sauna in Salvador to hire garotos de programa, Thermas Club 13, opened its doors last...

    Club 11 (formerly Planetario) is the most popular gay sauna in Salvador to meet garotos de programa. Of...


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