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Everything posted by soloyo215

  1. Just my view, and only my view. I dismiss some of the exaggerations and look at the overall information of the profile. That gives me a better picture of the provider. I have hired providers with cheesy phrases in their descriptions and other gimmicks and never had a reason to complain, but that's just me. I don't go to a bathhouse for the background music, so I don't visit a provider profile for his prose.
  2. Interesting. I believe that may be the case, and I also felt good chemistry between us right away, from the very initial contact, something that I have rarely experienced. I certainly don't see fisting as a regular practice in my sex life, but yes, maybe because it was him, and we were both very present LOL! You made me laugh. I'm certainly not joining the Future Farmers of America either. I feel the same about getting fisted. Also, I did worry about my fingernails being too long and causing damage (it didn't stop me, though). Thank you all for your thoughts. I'm glad I found this place where I can share about this.
  3. Just want to share this. Feel free to remove the post if not appropriate. Please know that in the Spanish-speaking world, the name Jesus is common. I know several people with that name, many parents name their children Jesus. So in my recent vacation to Puerto Vallarta, I met this massage provider named Jesus. It was in one of those places where masseurs stand at the entrance offering massages to any passersby (that they find suitable; some completely ignore me). Right from the initial contact I felt good chemistry between us, and about 5 minutes into the first massage we were already blwoing each other. He told me that he likes getting fisted, and although that's not my thing, I decided to say yes and went along with it. Now, that wasn't the first time that I incurred in the practice of fisting. My first ex, way, way back when (in the 80s) liked getting fisted, so I did it a few times for him. That was my introduction to that practice. After that, I've had a few encounters with some guys who wanted it, some I did fist, some I didn't. Never cared for that practice; I don't even think about it, and don't watch pornography that contains that practice, it's just not part of my sexual world. That is, until I met Jesus (why does that sound blasphemous?). So for some reason, I was very aroused and excited as I was in the process of doing the fisting. He was prepared (clean and with all the necessary materials for it). I don't know what was it about it this time that I could not get enough of him. We had an incredible session, and after the session we talked. He told me that he has a boyfriend who doesn't know what he does for a living (how on Earth?) and that he doesn't do what we did with everybody (not that I care one way or another), but he did say that he loved it from me. I left it at that, and then on another day I was zipping my coffee at a cafe, and he passed by, said hello, and we chatted a little. He invited me to another "massage session", which I accepted since, why not. Again, I was suprised by my level of arousal with him. Then there was a third session, and then a fourth session. At that last session, he gave me his number and we agreed to meet me later outside his workplace, so we got together and had an incredible time. We also learned a little about each other. Never in my life did I imagine that I'd be som much into anyone who likes a practive that I don't even think of. Back home, I loved my encounters with Jesus, but I still don't think about the practice of fisting as anything I want to integrate in my sex life. This experience feels like some kind of Christmas miracle (now I'm really being blasphemous), something that I enjoyed, was magical, but I don't think that I will be able to reproduce with anyone else. When I told my husband about my Jesus experiences, his body language (as I know him for decades) was telling me "don't even think about proposing doing that with me". I imagine that providers might step outside of their own preferences to cater some of their clients, but as a client, has anyone experienced something outside of their repretoire that turns out to be exciting? I'd like to know.
  4. That's why we have eyes and metacognitive skills. Yes, I see a lot of stretching things, but it's no different than any other advertising. Not a big deal to me. In fact, two of my favorite providers are much older than the pictures they have in their profiles. They still look good, and they certainly did good.
  5. I know little about brazilian waxing, but here's what I found from a Brazilian Waxibg studio website: After Your Wax Getting a Brazilian wax is a game-changer but bad aftercare will leave in more pain and discomfort than the wax itself ever could! It's best to be proactive against any potential side effects from waxing. So you'll want to avoid anything that can irritate the skin for at least 24-48 hours after your wax. More than the physical aspect, however, I'd suggest to wait anyway. You might not enjoy the massage as much if you are worried about it not being enjoyable due to the waxing. Also, maybe consider massage first and waxing after. Will that be OK? I imagine you wax to feel your body more presentable, but there might be the chance that the masseur may not care about not being waxed. Just my thoughts.
  6. soloyo215


    When talking to the younger generation, I try to be more specific, both because they might not have heard of people from the past, and because they have the attention span of a gold fish. I'd say something like "in the XX decade, then senator XXX..." Also a new generation thing is assumming that every older person is some kind of pervert predator (in my case they got only the first part right).
  7. That's strange. Not a great strategy for the provider. Well, you got two others.
  8. I actually remember I read a book about the cases that the Espisodes of Law and Order are based on. Many episodes are inspired by true cases. My surprise is how many men have fathered children that way.
  9. This might help Travel Gay Gay Passport Haven't been to London in a long time, but for what I remember, there wasn't really a "gayborhood" there, places are scattered. I'm sure things might have changed since 1999.
  10. If that's child pornography, I'm the reencarnation of the Mother Theresa. He's either looking for attention, money, both, or needs some therapy. Just signs of the times we're living.
  11. Not in my area. Not sure why my town has so few travelers, never great and their stay is too brief. However, I myself travel and have treated me from an entire harem of provides (within reason). Not sure if it's the novelty of a new place or if my town is just that lame. I'd say don't go broke, but that's the kind of problems you might want to have.
  12. I wouldn't necessarily state it the way Lucky has, but I share the same sentiment. Why is that news? If you don't have job readiness skills, if you resent having a 9-5 job (like most-to-all of us do), but refuse to shut up and do it anyway, you'll go broke unless there are priviledges in place. What makes her so special or news worthy? Does she think that we working people love going to work? I had to learn to work the hard way since I'm first generation college graduate, and the only career advice my parents could give me was "Learn" (excellent advice, but nothing else). Was wonderful advice, but I did have to learn to work and behave properly in the workplace, sometimes the hard way. I did it, but prefer not having to do the 9-5 thing, however, I shut up and do it because the alternatives to the 9-5 thing are not suitable for me. How come I'm not in the news for it? In fact, I think that a success story like mine has more relevance than some stupid little brat complaining that she's broke. Grow the fuck up, that's my advice to her.
  13. I haven't thought of any of my providers for holiday gifts, but it's not weird, IMO. It's a good gesture. Of course, goes without saying that it's a good gesture for as long as you're not creepy about it. I mean, there aren't any restraining orders in place, right? Joke aside, if it's coming from a good place, just because you want to shower him with a gift, by all means. On the other hand, if you are expecting something in return (other than his gratitude), be graceful if that doesn't work and all you get is his gratitude.
  14. I don't see the need to tell my second, or anyone who's not my first choice that they are not my first choice. It has happened that I have gone with second or third choices at different times, but I don't see why I have to tell the provider anything about that. In fact, when I see choices, I don't necessarily think that the first provider I contact is a first choice; any of them could be the one I call first. Sometimes the first call is based on location, not necessarily based on what the provider offers. Also, it is my belief that if I decide to tell any provider that they weren't the first I called, I'm not sure that they will care much, for as long as service is provided and the entire event is properly managed. And yes, I've had very pleasant surprises when going to the provider that I didn't call first, actually, not really a surprise since them being in the list is because I believe that they can deliver the service I want. That's why they are in the list in the first place. But again, in my case most of the order of contacting is based on location. Side note: I imagine when you say "...you're on page 6 listed 145th", you're exaggerating, right?
  15. That's what real clients should do. I know that there are some who are first timers, struggling with accepting their sexuality, insanely busy, working erratic schedules, and things alike, but all those things can be communicated. First time I reached out to a provider I mentioned that I am new to all this and I am interested in their service. However, I was clear and decided to go with it. I didn't reach out until I knew that I mean business. A time waster is like a window shopper, only that he's taking the provider's time. My rule is complete clarity about scheduling, availability and the service I am interested in. When that's been discussed, it's not wasting time, even if the provider of I decide not to book after the initial contact. So far there has been only one provider who I'd say was a time waster to me, due to unclear communication on his part and cancellation at the last minute without wanting to reschedule. I just moved on and didn't bother him again.
  16. I don't understand it, but I guess there isn't any harm in asking. To me (emphasis in this bein solely my interpretation), that says about it being the type of provider who expects clients to be some kind of ATM, money suckers. Probably the type of providers that expect payments in what I call "modular ways": looking at me - $, touching - $$, playing - $$$, playing deeper with extras - $$$$, and so on.
  17. I don't think that those providers who travel together but don't work together do so for the same reasons. It could be agreements between them, setting boundaries in whatever kind of relationship that they have, or they just travel together for other conveniences and don't really get along. I think about times when I've been sent to conferences with coworkers that I cannot stand, and we are polite and professional throughout the entire time, but there's no way I'm sharing anything social (leave alone sensual or sexual - ILK!!!) with any of them. I imagine that some providers treat each other as coworkers, with some level of detachment, maybe to avoid possible conflicts. I don't think the reasons are the same for all of those who travel with a partner. 4-hand massages don't do it for me, but there are providers who offer them, and some who are willing to partner with others. In a conversation I had with one of my providers, he mentioned that he's willing to work with another provider for a 4-hand massage. I have no interest so I didn't follow up on that conversation. If the issue is that they like each other too much to the point that they start getting it on and neglect the client, then I think it's on your best interest to not have it (unless you get off by seeing that). Neither scenario is good if it forces the provider to work with a partner that they rather not, or a partner that they can't get enough of. Just my thoughts.
  18. I don't wear a watch now, and I cannot imagine me becoming wealthy enough to afford the luxury of a watch at that price. So, no.
  19. I am aware of how within his rights the owner is in building a statue in his property. I have a now former friend who lives in Brooklyn, and he became a born-again weirdo. He went through the same opposition from his neighbors about building a giant cross in front of his home, and the neighbors lost the battle. He is entitled to place any religious image, figure, sulpture or structure, for as long as it doesn't violate codes, ordinances or laws. I think that the larger issue is the reaction to those religious things from some people. Some people are going to look at that and feel threatened for being non-believers, and having an uneasy feeling of being judged, oppressed, mistreated, proselitized on, and who knows what else. Those concerns are real, as there is a history of people who are that kind of religious (I mean the ones who always seem to need to be vocal and public about it) being self-righteous, always wanting to have the last word, not listening to anything else, preaching and proselitizing in every conversation that they have, not understanding that being nice doesn't mean an invitation for their religious recruiting, and wanting to be right about every single thing that they say. Placing religious objects representative of their faith normally also involves other activities, such as prayers, ceremonies, merchandise and or literature that invite people to join their faith. It's not just about placing an object; there are many other things attached to them. I find it distasteful, but they are in their right to do as they please for as long as they are not violating the law.
  20. Good for gay catholics. In my experience, having grown up a non-catholic in a catholic-dominated society, I can see the importance and relevance of it, even from people who are no longer religious or religious but not catholic. In my observation I have seen the influence of the catholic religion in many gay men, them not even noticing how it impacts the way they think, act, behave and decide, especially around sex. It's very evident to those who can see it from the outside because we grew up out of that faith, but it's very ingrained in many people and don't even realize it. I know this is relevant to catholic LGBT people, so I'm glad to hear that there is at least a minor step in the right direction in reconciling some people's faith and who they are. My own beliefs are not relevant in this conversation, as it is about those who follow the catholic faith.
  21. I don't think so. I grew up with computers (first PC I had was in 1985, first mobiule phone I had was in 1987). Been using electronic devices for over four decades. Those differences are just cultural. This presenting an issue that all people have regardless of age. Indecision and anxiety about reading a menu is not a generation problem.
  22. According to who? So far the complains that I hear are reasonable, by the way, that's a word that the younger generation seem to have taken out of their vocabulary.
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