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Posts posted by nate_sf

  1. You can still write a review, but first click on the button to contact the masseur. Be sure you’re logged in so they’ll have record of that. They won’t know whether or not you actually called the masseur, but that’s enough for them to accept a review. You may need to fib on the date of the session so it’s at least the same day or later from when you initially contacted. 

  2. On 4/20/2024 at 11:56 AM, hwic04 said:

    Any thoughts from you or others on Descanso? I’m looking at this resort and other somewhat (I guess) high end resorts.

    I've stayed at Descanso, as well as its sister resorts Santiago and Twin Palms. They're all owned by the same people, and they're all really good. Each has a bit of a different vibe. All very good quality and excellent service. All are clothing-optional. My favorite would be Santiago, followed by Twin Palms and then Descanso, but you can't go wrong with any of them. Sometimes it comes down to which has availability.

    Hacienda is the gold standard for sure. I haven't stayed as a regular guest, but I've stayed as a guest of a guest and it's a really nice place. It's quieter, and I'm guessing less social than the other resorts. That may be to your liking, or not, depending on what you're looking for. Others who have spent more time there may be able to provide more insight.

  3. I think everything you've outlined is fine, just to have on hand. The only thing you need to mention when he arrives is the offer of beverages. Everything else can just be there in the background. If either of you get hungry, the food can be out on the counter as though it was gonna be there anyway. I like @Vegas_Millennial's suggestion of having the condoms and lube in sight, which is the same thing I do when hosting in a hotel. No need to say anything about it, he'll understand what they're there for.

    My only concern is you mention the house will be well scented. I'm not sure what that would involve, but I'd suggest against any artificial "room fresheners" like Febreze, Carpet Fresh, etc. since they can be disagreeable to some people (like me - they give me a headache). Scented candles should be OK though, particularly if they're subtle.

    Lastly, a gift is nice but not necessary. Depends on what it is, but as others have suggested, it might be a bit over the top in trying to impress. Just be freshly showered, welcoming, and respectful of boundaries... that's really all a provider is looking for (and of course to get paid).

  4. By all means do the favor of providing a link to the guy's listing if he has one. Providers need business in order to stay in business, and referrals from this site are especially valuable. If the phone stops ringing (or nowadays, if the texts stop coming), the provider will eventually hang it up for retirement, and that will be the end of that!

  5. I do webcam shows from time to time. For me, it's more for kicks than money. The money doesn't compare to escort income, at least for me. But I like the interaction, and a little extra cash doesn't hurt. I'm not a muscle stud, so someone with a real solid physique might do better.

    Interaction with the viewers seems to be important, as does being fully naked. People will drop off pretty quickly if the model is not engaging. I don't know how well or not it would work if you're not showing your face, but you could give it a try.

    Each show can go in a different direction. In one show the viewers will all be about cock, the next one they're all about ass. Recently I tried my first show with a Lovense toy, and that brought in a lot of tips and was really fun.

    I'm mostly on Stripchat now. Tips on Chaturbate just weren't coming in as much as they used to, but Stripchat does pretty well. I also like the user interface of Stripchat better, and there are a lot of features. They have an option where you can be in "Flirting Mode" which means no nudity, but it can lead to private shows which is where the money can be made. Apparently there are also ways to broadcast on multiple platforms simultaneously, but I haven't figured that one out.

    There's a forum for webcam models at https://www.ambercutie.com/forums/. It's mostly oriented towards women performers, though there are a few guys there too. Lots of good information there and it can be pretty amusing. But those gals don't suffer fools, that's for sure! They'll give you straight answers.

    Seems like to make good money, you have to be broadcasting for a long time in each show, and on a regular basis. Check some of the guys who are doing well with tips, then see how long they have been online to get a sense of what it would take.

    With all that said, I'd say just give it a go and see if you like it.

  6. On 4/30/2024 at 7:16 AM, chitownguy said:

    It looks like they are planning on using the Berlin site for the Chicago club.  However there is opposition from the community.



    More than 1,000 people have signed an online petition protesting the business and hiring practices of Johnson’s Chicago and its owner Matt Colunga.


    Interesting that the guys organizing the petition are dancers themselves. 

  7. 2 hours ago, BuffaloKyle said:

    I was just going by the breakdown of older guys that I talk to and that the majority of them are bottoms. I shouldn't have assumed from such a small sample size that most older guys are bottoms.

    I think you've both got a point in different respects.

    In my escorting career, when I first started I was more of a twink, and more often than not clients wanted me to bottom. Now that I'm older, most clients want me to top. So some of it comes down to what an individual might want, versus what his partner is looking for or expecting. I'm truly versatile, so honestly happy either way.

  8. 9 hours ago, Simon Suraci said:

    Makes me think about Six Feet Under, where every episode you have a death at the beginning and it plays into the ongoing story. How entertaining would it be to have a show about hookers where you start each episode with a scene involving a new John? HBO style with gratuitous nudity (or not, entertaining either way). It would be fictional of course, just like writing a book, if not for the legal and privacy reasons, then for narrative cohesiveness and creative reasons. All you need are a few well developed characters, some story arc trajectories and the script practically writes itself. 

    I love this! Someone find a scriptwriter and we can all be executive producers 🥳

  9. I've only been stiffed once. It was a forum member, during one of the DC meetups. Both clients and providers warned me ahead of time that he was known to pull stunts, so I wasn't surprised when at the end of the session he claimed to have lost his wallet. He put on quite the act, trying to look panicked and all. "Where is my wallet? OMG, I've lost my wallet!!!" I just sat and watched his performance for a couple of minutes, then showed him the door. (For what it's worth, I don't believe he posts on this forum anymore, let alone attend any of the events)

  10. If the guy is charging $200 for a massage on a bed, I'm thinking this is less therapeutic/skilled massage, and more likely something more erotic. There's some more of that wiggle room! 😛

    If there's a charge for parking, presumably it's a good hotel and that comes with some expense for the provider as well. I know that when I travel, I think about the setting, and also how it will be perceived by the client. I don't want to invite a client to meet me at the Red Roof Inn, even if the parking is free.

    @Simon Suraci had a good suggestion, that the provider find a rental that's well-located with street parking. That can work really well, though the last time I did that on a trip, a client came in and said it was too bad there wasn't a hotel bar to have a drink at first. (Note to self: next time find an Airbnb down the street from a bar...)

  11. 13 hours ago, APPLE1 said:

    I've always taken the stellar reviews on rentmen, especially in a huge volume, with a grain of salt. I say that mainly because there are established providers who I continue to see (some in Denver) who have been on the site for 15-20 years and have only 15-20 reviews. At best, that's an avg of 1.3 per year.

    As a provider, I never ask for or solicit reviews, and my numbers are in that same range. My RM profile has been active since December 2015 and I've received a total of 15 reviews, which works out to about 1.8 reviews per year. I greatly value these reviews, but they've come on their own, and I appreciate it when clients want to share their experience with others. However my business model does not rely on them.

    That begs the question, would I have more business if I solicited reviews? I can't answer that. But at least from the perspective of a provider who does not solicit or rely on reviews, the changes to RM's policies don't appear to have had any impacts on my business.

    My sense for new guys would be that their newness would overcome any issues with having few if any reviews. Presumably they'll attract clients who don't care about reviews. But I'm just guessing.

  12. On 3/27/2024 at 8:05 AM, viewing ownly said:

    Consistently, whenever someone I hire who I have a great time with reaches out on a return trip to my area and I say no, I'm put on the "no re-hire" list.

    Just curious, but how do you know if you’ve been put on a “no re-hire” list? Did the provider tell you not to contact him again, or give some other indication that he won’t see you again? 

    I’m just asking in case you might be reading more into this than intended. Hopefully that’s the case! 

  13. 18 hours ago, Johnny West said:

    I work as a dancer and don't discriminate between groups of people or single individuals. I prefer those that show an interest in me as an entertainer. Show your dancer some love and it won't matter who is with you or not.

    Welcome to the forum Johnny! It’s great to get the perspective of a dancer here. 

  14. On 3/5/2024 at 4:02 AM, Km411 said:

    That got me thinking: given the smorgasbord of options, why just one? I’m not sure. I think it’s because I want to work with someone who knows me, my likes and dislikes, is compatible, and enjoys the time together. Not a relationship—professional with boundaries, but not entirely disinterested. A professional friendship.

    What you are describing is "a regular." I agree with everything others have said on this. I'll add that another advantage of having a regular thing is it allows a continuation of exploration. Like, "next time I'd like to try ______" or "next time could you bring ______?"

    Having a regular thing going with an escort is not unlike having a regular business relationship in other trades. Yes, you're friendly, and you sincerely enjoy seeing each other when business brings you together. Maybe it even drifts towards a friendship, but otherwise it's the "professional relationship" you mention. Just this week for my day job I had a Zoom with a vendor whose contract was up for renewal, and when we got on screen we were both truly pleased to see each other after nearly a year of only being in touch occasionally by email. Then there are the baristas, barbers, trainers, etc etc... people who we know well enough to be greeted by name, and while not friends in the conventional sense there is still a friendly relationship.

    Of course it's in the interest of business to have regular clients, escorts included, so I'll say I'm biased! But I see the advantage to both parties. Most of my clients are regulars, and it's nice to just get a text that says "come on over" and we pick up where we left off last time.

  15. I’d suggest finding a guy you like who says he’s vers, then when you contact him tell him you’d like him to bottom for you. Be direct. That should do the trick. 

    I’m vers, and it’s not unusual for a client to mention whether they want me to bottom, top, or flip. I love all of it, but if he says he wants me to bottom, then that’s what he’ll get, with enthusiasm. I’m sure you can find a sexy guy who will be up for what you have in mind. 

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