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Seeking arrangements success!


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How unfortunate! Almost a totally contrary experience to mine.


Of course I receive the overseas requests for relocation, invest in a business, "Fly me to you". There is a delete conversation control. Surely @Oaktown you aren't surprised by these and ready to reject those messsages? Do you reply to Nigerian Prince emails?


How did someone with "NO prior contact" have your text #? Do you put your number in your online profile??

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- Hey I want to start my own business and I have an idea but I have too much credit card debt to even get a loan! Any interest in funding a hot bois company:)?!


And the hits keep going, they are entertaining.


No prior contact via celtel. We exchanged numbers, this was his opening text.

Ah, Got it, thanks! Yes often entertaining messaging there.


I've found that 90% of the guys that "favorite" my profile are overseas? They usually don't even message me, just bookmark my profile. Whats with that? Do they keep a virtual Rolodex of suitors that perchance they will call on in the future?

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I've found that 90% of the guys that "favorite" my profile are overseas? They usually don't even message me, just bookmark my profile. Whats with that? Do they keep a virtual Rolodex of suitors that perchance they will call on in the future?

They're probably hoping you will then contact them. And then the game playing starts. :)

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I had a guy ask me to buy him airfare and tickets for Cochella - before we even met or spoke on the Phone. And he meant for HIM, not for me to go with him!

I've gotten several of these sorts of requests. Of course my first question is the name and address to which I should send the ticket.


Seriously, I encounter about equal numbers of guys with realistic versus unrealistic expectations. Some guys are astoundingly clueless but some are touchingly sincere and modest. There's all kinds and it's an exercise in finding the hidden gems. They are definitely out there.

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I had a guy ask me to buy him airfare and tickets for Cochella - before we even met or spoke on the Phone. And he meant for HIM, not for me to go with him!

Maybe he doesn't want everyone knowing his business like being seen with you. I remember one the members here telling me about a kid he was going on cruise with. Paid for the cruise along with the hefty price tag to have the company of this guy. Kiddo found out some people he knew were going to be there so the deal was stay on opposite sides of the ship till bedtime.

Edited by caliguy
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I've gotten several of these sorts of requests. Of course my first question is the name and address to which I should send the ticket.


Seriously, I encounter about equal numbers of guys with realistic versus unrealistic expectations. Some guys are astoundingly clueless but some are touchingly sincere and modest. There's all kinds and it's an exercise in finding the hidden gems. They are definitely out there.


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Boi: I am here for seeking an arrangement that also can help me with financial problems... what do you think about it???


Me: What kind of financial problems? Please tell me, i might be able to help.


Boi: Help to paying my last semester fee in university...


Boi: Or you can make it as a lone and i will pay you back later...


Me: OK. How much is it, and how do I get it to you?


Boi: Its quite a lot and kinda urgent too... its about $3,000. And i have to enrol before 10feb... and you can send it by western union, i think.


($3,000USD = 105,000 Thai Baht, must be a really good school...)

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I certainly hope they gave your pubics assistance!

Got a live one for you today @Oaktown


Something like 42 messages back/forth with a very attractive young man, then:

Him: But I do have one little request...

Me: What's that?

Him :I'm in a bit of a rut and need a little help and in turn I'd be a regular for you whenever you want

Him a minute later : Basically what I'm wanting is a loan

Me: Ummmm, sorry - no. Good luck with that. Good bye


And now his messages deleted and he's blocked....that's how you handle those.


EDIT: couple minutes later Him: "you..." expletive deleted.....

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Got a live one for you today @Oaktown


Something like 42 messages back/forth with a very attractive young man, then:

Him: But I do have one little request...

Me: What's that?

Him :I'm in a bit of a rut and need a little help and in turn I'd be a regular for you whenever you want

Him a minute later : Basically what I'm wanting is a loan

Me: Ummmm, sorry - no. Good luck with that. Good bye


And now his messages deleted and he's blocked....that's how you handle those.


EDIT: couple minutes later Him: "you..." expletive deleted.....

42? I limit them to like FOUR before saying we meet in person or we're done. Too many online fakers.

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Hi there! You're a sharp dresser! :)

Our of curiosity, would you possibly be open to allowing me to put some looks together for you?? If you shop thru me to help my store increase it's sales, I can ship right to your door free.

Unlike most people on here, I'm a hard worker and not asking for a handout. I'm asking for assistance in boosting my career. And in return, you get an awesome new look.


I would love for you too see me naked


Him: dont be shy, text me id love to meet you 570-517-xxxx

Me: Uhm, Philly is a little far.


Can you send me money to my PayPal pleassssee I'm in need ?? paypal.me/Treyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Miami guy (first and last msg): Keith my man!!!! Fly me up

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There are some serious gold digging charlatans out there...

Yes, but flip side - second date tomorrow night with a young man I've been communicating with for 6 weeks.

42? I limit them to like FOUR before saying we meet in person or we're done. Too many online fakers.

well in fairness it was a balanced "get to know you " conversation before he asked for an advance/loan. It surprised me, maybe I exaggerated saying 42 messages lol? Believe me I usually vett them in/out if just a few lines, IF I EVEN open their message, more often lately I'm deleting a message without even replying.

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