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Furnace Thermostat Setting


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With the widespread wintry weather I'm curious what temperature everyone sets their furnace thermostat.

I have a gas furnace.  With rates going up in recent years I have dialed down the temperature and made sure to dress appropriately.

This winter I've set my thermostat at 67 when at home, 61 overnight, and 56 when out of the house.  My housemate is fine with that.

I live on the West Coast.  It's fair to say my house is not nearly as well insulated as homes in the Midwest so keeping the air toasty warm would be quite costly.

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I live in Eastern Ontario, a relatively cold place in winter. This year I am trying 70 and 67 day and night settings on my gas furnace which just got installed in November as my old one went kaput. Last year and years before I set it at 72 day and 69 night. But gas prices skyrocketed last winter and my gas bill almost doubled. 

I would have to go back and look but the most expensive month was over $600 for an 8 room very old house built in 1866. For the season it cost just under $2000.  Electricity is more heavily regulated and government owned partially and now subsidized by the Ontario government. Natural gas is regulated but much closer to market rates as there is no government ownership. 

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I am obviously an outlier here: I have my thermostat set at 80 in the winter--we are a couple of old men who are uncomfortable at lower temperatures. Luckily, we live in a place where it rarely gets really cold outside, so we are not radically boosting the inside temperature. However, in recent days it has been as low as 35 outside when I get up in the early morning, though it gets into the mid-60s to 70s once the sun is up.

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10 hours ago, EZEtoGRU said:

72 during the day and 70 at night during the colder months.  Different settings during the summer.

Further to my earlier post, it's supposed to go down to 11 tonight where I live in Michigan.  Low Sunday night is supposed to be 3.  Let's see how my nighttime setting of 70 works in these frigid temps.

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I'm in RI.

66 when I'm at work (and my dog is home). When I get home around 5, I like to turn it up to about 68 and 'get the chill out'.  When I got to bed around 10, I'll set it to 67. When I get up during the night and the air feels cool, I may bump it back up to 68 - especially closer to when I have to get up in the morning (6:30 am). 

On the weekends, if it's sunny and the sun is warming up the house, I leave it at 66. If it's cloudy and cold out, I keep it at 68 while I'm home. 

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I love winter because I get to sleep in the cold, ~50°, huddled under the thickest down comforter I could find on the Internet.  I love breathing in the cold air while I'm toasty warm under the covers.  While awake, I set the thermostat at 55° and wear a long-sleeve T + sweatshirt.

Because winters are relatively mild in Las Vegas, I can get almost all my heat from my downstairs neighbor (I wonder what his heating bill is).  The big exception is when I take a shower.  I turn on a space heater to make the bathroom nice & toasty so that I don't turn into an icicle upon exiting the shower.

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On 1/13/2024 at 12:46 AM, FreshFluff said:

Like most fluffy coated creatures, I sleep better in the cold (55 degrees ideally). As a result, my heat is never turned on. I use a space heater instead.

It was 50 degrees indoors last night. 

The idea came from a poster here. His handle escapes me but he’s a doctor with a clown avatar. He said that the best he ever slept was outside on a porch in winter. So I try to simulate that, covered by a fleece blanket and two comforters.


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In southern Kansas here.    Generally I'm set at 62 overnight and while gone to work during the day.   I like it warmer while active,  like upper 60's.    

My Dad made a big deal about cost savings during the time I was a teenager,  so I got used to 61 myself when I had my first home built.    These days I like it a little warmer and I use my space heater  (which is going on me as  write this)  and the 2 fireplaces in my new home.   It really helps.

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18 hours ago, Ali Gator said:

I should add I have oil heat. I'm getting a delivery tomorrow - $3.40 a gallon (100 gallons). It's the lowest its been in a while. 

How long does a tankful last and how many times do you have to refill in one heating season?

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